By MyDarlingEvenlyn

70.5K 1K 228


(chapter 2)dinner with the uzumakis
chapter 3 (training on a sunday?)
chapter 4 (HE HAS A SHARINGAN?)
chapter 5 (just a bit of training.)
chapter 6 (first mission.)
chapter 7 [Barbacue]
chapter 8 (sarada!)
chapter 9 (well what the fuck is even happening?)
chapter 10 (Iwa just had to fuck it up.)
(chapter 11)It's a rescue.
chapter 12 (Slow goes the recovery)
chapter 13 (Its A Child!!)

(chapter 1)the offer

9.9K 137 34
By MyDarlingEvenlyn

-3rd person pov-

The 7th hokage of Konohagakure naruto uzumaki,wanted to meet him.
He was skeptical ofcourse of what he was hearing he was sat in a bar and the konoha anbu next to him was relaying the request.
he wasn't a rogue nin so he wasn't too worried about seeing the hokage.
what was his goal?
He was skilled of that he had no doubt.
Hitokori would never doubt his own skill but it wasn't somthing truly out of the ordinary.
Too intriguided to pass this opportunity up he agree to meet the hokage at 13:00 ten days from now.
He sighed,he would damn well take his sweet time getting to konoha without being explicitly late.

(In wave country)

He was close to a nearby town and stopped for a night of comfort in an actual bed, he was after all three days from konoha.

He woke up at the crack of dawn his body used to having to wake up at this ungodly hour due to years of conditioning.
He stood up and practiced kata he slipped into the forms as quick and unthinking as water takes to the shape of its container.
He finished his kata feeling grounded his mind clear and focused.

He packed the belongings he had taken out swiftly and he set off to konoha.
Making it there with fifteen minutes to spare he got directions to the hokage tower managing to get there not only on time but one minute before the alloted time.
He straightened his spine and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A cheery yet authoritative voice called.

He open the door to reveal a blonde haired, blue eyed man.
He wore his hokage robe standing to his right and cutting an imposing figure was a black haired, black eyed man he studied both men critically.

"Hello." His voice was devoid of emotion

"Ah Hello you must be hitokori." He said his voice filled with a fake fondness? Of a sort.

"That I am how may I help you hokage-sama."

"Come In and sit down and i will explain." He said

He could feel alot of eyes on him it must be the anbu stationed to protect the hokage.

"Alright so heres what i called you here for we need nin that are strong and have varied skill sets as there is a danger coming and it is closer than ever here is the propositio would you serve konoha." He explained flatly and without preamble.

"I accept." Judging by the deadpan look on the mans face he wasn't expecting it to be so easy.

"Alright then we will get your jonin vest ready and forehead protector you start monday and thank you for accepting."
he said he had a warm smile.
Hitokori smiled slightly and left the office after bowing.
He walked around the village.
It was lively.
He heard then a whimper in a side alleyway he out of curiosity checked it out.
He walked upon a boy hugging his obviously broken ankle to his chest the boy resembled the 7th.
He walked up to him and asked him what happened to him that his ankle was in such a predicament.

"I was pulling a prank and fell from the hokage monument but I landed on my feet and felt one of my ankles snapping it's hurting dattebasa!"
He swore a fall from that high was bad really bad.
He let the familiar green chakra pool around his fists and got to work setting the bone back in place it was a clean snap so he had to literally glue his bones together with chakra.
It was hard but after stitching up the skin his ankle no longer looked like it was broken or on the verge of becoming fatal whichever came first he supposed.
He said his fairwells to boruto the boys name was and went about exploring the village
it was saturday he had to wait till monday to go do missions.
Or really whatever the hokage wanted him to do he guessed he wasn't really debriefed on what his role was.
out of the corner of his eye he saw a Tea Shop he was exited he loved tea he walked in there and took up a seat at a free table, perusing the menue.


▪︎green tea
▪︎lemon tea
▪︎mint tea
▪︎white tea
▪︎strawberry tea
▪︎cinnomen tea
▪︎ginger tea
▪︎pink tea

His favourite was pink tea
He imperiously declared it the best tea at five and that belief was still strong even now.
He ordered a cup and sat quitley.

He heard a familiar voice.

"hey you i was wondering if you wanted to come to my house for dinner my mom wanted me to ask you." It was the boy boruto from before.

"Sure but my name is hitokori blondy." He mocked playfully

"Hey take that back!you.. you spinach head." He says sticking his tongue out.
Hirokori almost deadpanned key word almost.
He followed the boy to his house.

He walked in.
The boys mother greeted him and he smiled back at the woman.

"Your cooking smells amazing miss..?"

"Uzumaki. thank you. what is your name?"


He sat at the table and talked with boruto and then the door opens.
Revealing none other than the hokage himself.

"Oh hitokori what you doing here." He said a curious glint in his eyes.

"We invited him over for dinner, he healed borutos snapped ankle bone." Hinata said

"I am grateful hitokori." He says with a true smile so tender.

"It's what I do no problem at all" he replied with a sincerity he shockingly felt.

Me- hello my little mochi this is my first story so tell me my mistakes and all that dont be shy to comment ideas either

Word count:984

Bye bye

(Edited 30/12/2022)

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