Y/n Stark

By MGbXo3

132K 3.7K 926

The story of Y/n Stark who goes to a party and meets two beautiful women 😌 (+18, mature content) Wanda x Nat... More

Wild night
The Meeting
Almost Caught
Twin Brother
A guest
The feelings
The parking
A Red Lollipop
The Metal Chamber
Lots of Promises
A Bad Joke
The Way She Looks at Me
Something New
A Big New
The Birthday
Different Pain
Always and Forever
Lost in thoughts
The Gravestone
A Fairy Tale
I'd do Anything for Them
Uh-oh, it's happening
From Heaven
A Woman
"I Missed this"
"I'm sorry"
The Truth

Cute times

2.9K 104 16
By MGbXo3

You open your eyes

You are sitting on the couch, you had your head on Nat's shoulder

You look at the girls, Wanda sleep in the blanket against Nat and Nat is awake.

Y/n- Hey baby, how was your night ?

N- I didn't sleep much last night because I think I slept enough like this

She laugh lightly

Y/n- Shhh, don't wake Wanda up... she needs to sleep...

A doctor walks in with 2 nurses.

The doctor look at Wanda and whispers

Doc- Good morning, you have to come with us in this wheelchair Miss Romanoff, for some exams.

Nat gets out of bed without waking Wanda but she fidgets, she searches for Nat with her hand.

Y/n- Wait, wait...

You say to Wanda softly

You get into bed where Nat was

Wanda holds on to you

Y/n- Alright... I guess she really didn't want to be alone

You say to Nat

Nat kisses Wanda's forehead and your lips, she sits on the chair and the doctor leaves with her.

There are no more noises in the room. You hear Wanda's breathing and yours. You hear her heartbeat, even Nat's.

You bury your face in Wanda's hair and you smell her, you smile, her hair smells like caramel, You take her hand and you stroke her hair. You keep smelling her caramel hair while smiling.

You hear her heart beating slowly, she's calm, asleep, for the first time in a month...

Y/n- You can sleep peacefully, no one will stop you from resting now that Nat is healthy and that i'm with you...

You whisper lightly closing your eyes

Y/n- I won't leave you like I did...

20 minutes later

Wanda wakes up screaming and throwing you out of bed with an unseen red force

You fall on your back and you hear a bone break when you catch yourself on your arm

W- Oh... oh my god Y/n !

She gets off the bed, she falls and walks towards you, she kneels in front of you and puts a lock of hair behind her ear looking at you worried

You give her your hand and she helps you get up.

Y/n- Wha- what just happened, are you okay ??

W- Yeah it... it was just a nightmare i'm sorry

You take your arm and put it back in a moan of pain

Y/n- It's okay I'm alright now ! Wait...

You smell blood. You look at Wanda who makes a face of pain.

Y/n- Show me your hand Wanda !

You reach out your hand to her, she gives you her hand and there's a big gash

Y/n- How did you do that ?

W- As I got off the bed I fell and the scissors were on the floor... I don't why they are there !

She makes a faint moan of pain

You put your other hand on hers, you close your eyes and concentrate. You take a deep breath and you take her pain, you open your eyes and you see black blood in your veins going up to your neck

After a few seconds Wanda no longer feels anything

W- Ho- how ?

Y/n- It's a little trick that Scott taught me

You smile at her looking at her with your yellow eyes

W- Oh my god so sexy...

Your face starts to blush, you weren't expecting this

W- Did I really said this ?

She says surprised

Y/n- I am not complaining...

You smile at her and you get closer to her. She pulls back until her back is against the wall.

Y/n- So... my wolf side is really turning you on baby...

W- Yeah, totally, you can't imagine

She stares at your lips biting her lip

You smirk and you kiss her

You deepen the kiss until Nat and the doctor come into the room

Wanda wipes her mouth and you lick your lips.

Y/n- Umh... hey

N- Don't be mean, wait for me at least !

You both laugh while the doctor looks lost.

You take Nat in your arms and you lay her down on the bed

You look at the doctor and she smiles

Doc- There are no problems at the moment, she should be out as soon as possible.

W- Thank you so much Doc, really

Y/n- Yeah, thank you for everything

Doc- You're welcome, it's normal it's my job

You shake her hand and she goes out.

Y/n- Anyway

You turn around and you see Wanda kissing Nat softly, you laugh lightly and you approach Nat to kiss her forehead.

Y/n- Wanda, you still need to sleep, come here

She gets up and comes to you, she lays down on the couch and puts her head on your legs.

You stroke her cheek and her hair gently until she falls asleep again

N- She falls asleep quickly

Y/n- Yeah I know, when she is in need of sleep it shows a lot.

You whisper

N- She's still beautiful when she sleeps...

Y/n- You are too

You look up at her and she smiles at you.

N- Tell me, everything was fine with you two when I was in a coma ?

Y/n- Well... not a lot, we had a fight the day you entered the hospital, I did not speak to her for 2 weeks... I was angry with her because she pushed me away when I wanted to be there to console her...

N- But did you forgive her ?

Y/n- Of course, I had no choice, I wouldn't be able to live without one of you... That was also why I was very afraid that something bad happens to you...

N- And you reconciled

Y/n- She called me well... she left a message on my voicemail where she said she wanted to marry the two of us if it was possible, that she wanted children with us, she just wanted me to be with her...

N- Children ?

You look at her

Y/n- Yeah do... do you want children ?

N- I... I don't know if I would be able to do that...

Y/n- Why ?

N- I will never be able to have a child, it's mechanically impossible

Y/n- You are not the only one that can have a uterus my beautiful

She laugh

N- You're right

You look at Wanda again while continuing to stroke her face with your fingertips.

2 hours later

You get up leaving Wanda to sleep with your jacket that has your scent

You go to Nat and you take her hand

Y/n- Come on baby, you gotta go take a shower

N- Ughhh whyyy

Y/n- Because you start to stink

N- Very elegant, thank you !

Y/n- You're welcome

You kiss her forehead, you help her walk to the bathroom.

It's a fairly large room, with a normal shower and toilet.

You get behind Nat, you untie the string from her hospital shirt

You drop the shirt lightly on her arms and you softly kiss her shoulder

She us now naked, you kiss her neck softly, your hands on her arms, she got chills to your touch.

You keep kissing her neck taking off your shirt

You take off the rest of your clothes and you step into the shower.

You close the curtains and you turn on the hot water

You stick to her back, you wrap your arms around her body and you put your head on her shoulder. She put her head on yours, her hands on your hands.


Cute moment 🥰

(1266 words)

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