Little Bird (Ziall Horlik) M...

By BriannaLynnC98

109K 5.9K 2.1K

(Sequel to Small Bump) Niall Horan just met the father of his twin babies, but that's not exactly a good thin... More

Small Bump
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 21

4K 196 100
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

"Do I have to go? I don't know anyone but Greg and Gemma." Niall asked me as we laid in bed the night before school started for him. The last three weeks of summer went quickly for him, and now we're here. Aliyah's hay fever didn't act up at all for these past three weeks either and it seemed like Christopher didn't have it, so we only had one twin to really watch over.

Niall rolled over so he was flat on his back, giving me a lovely veiw of his bare torso and chest. I guess he has been working out of some sort because I saw some of his abs starting to form prominatly. I picked my hand up and ran it over his stomach to feel the small bumps of muscle, making me feel a but flustered.

"Y-yeah, you have to go because if not, you'll never have the experience if being teenager. You need friends your own age, you need to put your smart mind to work and mostly you need to make sure there is a future for you. School is important, you need to do this." I told him while running my fingers over his nipples. He shuddered and took a deep breath. For some reason, I was fascinated with the way his body looked and the way it reacted to my touch.

"Zayn, I'm too nervous to do that tonight..." He told me shyly, while biting his lip. I moved my hand to bring him closer to me, then kissed his lips gently.

"You'll do fine tomorrow. Just get some sleep now." I told him, hiding my disappointment in not being able to make love to Niall. I knew tomorrow was important for him and understood why he didn't want to do that though.

I felt Niall nuzzle his head into my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I kissed the top of his head, causing him to look up at me. I kissed his lips slowly and slipped my hands through his freshly cut and freshly dyed hair. He kissed me back just as slowly and gently. We kept the kiss clean and sweet, no tongue, just simple kissing but it was really good.

Our kissing was interrupted by my phone ringing on the night stand. I pecked Niall's sweet lips, then his forehead before rolling over to answer it. It was Louis, which confused me because Liam told me they were going to go out to celebrate their one month of unofficially being together. He seemed so happy to even say that about Louis that I knew Louis was doing a good job of taking care of my Li Li.

"Louis! How's it going?" I asked as I laid back in bed. Niall closed his eyes and cuddled close to me, his hand playing with the band of my boxers. If he wants to tease me by saying no sex, then I don't really like this at all. I slapped his hand away gently so instead his fingers lazily drew patterns on my stomach.

"Not good. Liam just ran out and I don't know where to find him!" Louis said frantically. I sat up and tried to think if I heard that right.

"What do you 'mean ran out'? You two were supposed to be on a date." I asked confused. Niall sat up too, but I motioned for him to lay down to go to sleep. He listened, but didn't close his eyes.

"We went out to a restaurant then he offered to go back to his place, so we did. We, um, started to snog a bit and he tied moving it up to the next level and I let him, but he stopped in the middle of it and started crying. He went completely crazy! He locked himself in his bathroom for thirty minutes, then just ran out of his house. You have to help me!" After hearing what happened I was out of bed, hung up the phone and got some sweats on and a shirt. Niall sat up and pouted at me.

"Babe, I have to go make sure Liam's alright. Something happened and Louis needs my help. I'll be back really soon, just get some sleep for tomorrow." I told him and kissed his pouted lips. He nodded and threw himself back on the bed, making me laugh at his childish antics.

I left the house and called Louis back as I drove away. He answered, but now he was full on sobbing.

"He has blood on some of his shirts, Zayn!" He cried to me. I tried thinking of what that could mean, but came up with nothing that Liam would do.

"Tell me about it later. I'm driving to the bridge, then to my museum and I'm also going to try giving him a call. Where are you if I don't find him there?" I asked him, turning onto a major road to get me to the bridge. I hated to think that's where he would go, but he once told me he wanted to jump off it so I decided that's a good place to start the search.

"I'm at his house. I just want to know if he's okay!" Louis cried, making my heart hurt for him. Louis loves Liam, and Liam loves Louis even if neither of them want to admit it. I don't want either of them getting hurt right now, physically or emotionally.

"I know, Lou. Just wait patiently while I call him and look for him. Stay calm and pray that he's alright." I told him them hung up to call Liam. The phone rang a few times until it sent me to voice mail. That made me feel a bit relieved that Liam was still alive to use his phone, but it made me feel on edge of why he wouldn't answer my call. I dialed him again and got the same response.

I arrived at London Bridge and saw that no one was even walking on it. I got out of my car and looked for any signs of Liam being here, but found nothing. I called his phone one more time to shut up my scared brain that was saying he jumped and when it rang and got hung up, I knew he didn't.

I got back in my car and drove down to my art museum in case he went there looking for me for some reason, but there was nothing. This was becoming terrifying for me and making me feel anxious, so decided to go to his house to get more information out of Louis.

The second I drove up, Louis came rushing out holding one of Liam's sweatshirts with fat tears rolling down his sharp cheek bones. He looked at the car for Liam as I got out and when he didn't see him, he fell to the grass in tears.

"Where is he!?" He screamed at me, then buried his face into the sweatshirt. I went over to him, picking him up off the ground and carried him back inside. He was weakly punching me and crying for me to put him down, but I ignored him at set him on the couch.

"Louis Tomlinson! Calm the fuck down and maybe we'll find him better that way! I'm going to go make you some goddamm tea and when I come back you better have your pretty ass calmed down!" I yelled at him, making him shut up and listen to me. I wasn't angry, I just need him to listen and sometimes yelling is the only way of getting that to happen. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen.

I heard Louis sniffle and let a few more sobs out, then by the time I had his tea, finished he had pulled himself together and was sitting on the couch smelling Liam's sweatshirt. I gave him the tea and he took a few sips of it before I sat next to him and put and arm around his shoulders.

"Sorry for yelling. You just needed to calm down." I told him, making him nod and look at me with those blue eyes that held so much fear.

"Look at the left sleeve of this jacket. There are lines of blood on it. I only know one way of those getting there, and I wish all of me that I'm wrong but I know I'm right." Louis told me and flipped the sleeve inside out so I could see the blood stains. I looked away and bit my lip to hide the things I'm feeling. I need to be strong for Louis, my emotions can wait.

"Lou, I know this will be a hard decision for you and it will mean allot of time not seeing him, but when we find him we both need to get him help at a mental health facility. He's obviously self-harming and he's not stable enough to be apart of everyday life. Would you help sign him into a facility to get him help? I'll pay for the best one out there, I'll do whatever it takes but Liam needs to get better." I told him, making his blue eyes look so sad I felt some of my own tears threaten to spill. He nodded at me and looked down at the blood stained sleeve.

"If that's what he needs, that's what I'll help him get. He's everything to me, I don't ever want to loose him." He told me, then wrapped his arms around me for a hug. We only hugged for a few minutes before my phone rang making me answer immediately.

"Liam?" I akeed through the phone, but instead heard crying in the background and a shaky breath.

"Not really the name I go by now a days..." Niall's Irish voice came through the phone, making me roll my eyes.

"Liam just showed up here. He's, um, bleeding badly and he's crying really hard. He keeps apologizing to me and it's actually scaring me. Can you come home now?" I pulled Lou off the couch and ran with him to the car.

"Where is he bleeding? Can you tell?" I asked Niall and heard him shuffled around a bit.

"His arms and legs. He's only wearing boxers and a long sleeved shirt." I thanked Niall, then hung up to focus on getting home faster.

"So, Liam is only in boxers and a shirt..." I started, making Louis blush and look out the window.

"We almost did something... Not the actual thing, but something just as good. He was the one that made the first move, so I followed his lead. When I got his jeans off, he flipped out. He kept apologizing for forcing me into doing this, ignoring the fact I kept telling him I wanted it just as much as he did. When he ran out of the bathroom, he was still only in boxers and a long sleeved shirt." Louis finished as we drove up to my house. We got out and went inside where a very calm Liam was holing two sleeping babies. Niall was sitting nervously close by him, but once we walked in relief filled his face as well as mine and Louis'.

Niall walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I kissed his forehead and nuzzled his head so he would get the message to look at me. Once he did, I leaned into his ear.

"You need to go to bed, you have school tomorrow. We've got this now, just go to bed. I'll be up in a bit." I whispered making him nod and go up the stairs. Louis and I both went to sit beside Liam, but he didn't look up at either of us. His empty brown eyes stayed focused on the two sleeping babies.

"Liam, can I have the babies to put them back to bed?" I asked him gently. He nodded and gave them to me. I saw that the wrist on his gray shirt was soaked with blood and felt like crying and throwing up.

"Lou, the medical supplies are in the kitchen. Can you get that and help Liam, or do you want to take babies back to bed?" I asked calmly, like Liam wasn't dripping blood down his legs and arms. Louis chose to take the babies and I got the first aid kit, then got started on cleaning up the deep self inflicted cuts on my best friend.

His legs were horrible to look at as I fixed them, but not as bad as his arms. No wonder why he wears long sleeves all the time, his skin is cut from the wrist all the way to his shoulder. I had him take off his shirt to clean them and I looked at his body I used to envy. What used to be a six pack of abs and other rippling muscles, was now skin and bones. He shivered with his shirt off for too long because the man had no fat on his body anymore. I finished the job quickly and got one of my jumpers from the laundry room for him to wear as well as some of my sweats. He curled up silently and the couch and closed his eyes. I didn't want to ask him questions, I didn't want to lecture him about how he was playing with fire by cutting. I had all the answers I needed, so I just let him close his eyes to sleep.

Louis came back down and looked at Liam with his eyes full of a pain I've never seen in my life. I picked Liam up and carried him to a guest room so they could both sleep there for the night. Louis and I only exchanged head nods, knowing tonight was the last night Liam would be with us for a while because he was getting help in the morning.

I went upstairs to my dark bedroom and climbed in bed with the love of my life, just wanting someone to comfort me, because what I just saw what my best friend did to his own body was enough to put me in a state of shock and fear. Niall wrapped his body with mine and kissed my chest. Just the small gesture was enough to push all my worries and fears aside and be thankful I have someone that I can lean on when I need them.

Niall's POV

I woke up a bit earlier than I expected, but noticed I was alone in bed. I got up and started to get ready for my first day of school, but my hands couldn't stop shaking with nerves.

I got my uniform on, after styling my hair, and looked in the mirror. I was so nervous, this wasn't even right. I wanted to go back to school, but not if this is how I feel on the first day. All the what if's and thoughts of how I could embarrass myself today ran through my mind as I tightened my tie. God, I look really bad in this uniform. It makes me looked fat and short, or it makes me look like a preppy jack ass. I'm not sure which, but I think it's a mixture of both.

The nerves must have really started to get to me because my stomach turned and I ran to the bathroom to go throw up all the nothing I had in my stomach. I held on to the toilet seat until the feeling left, then flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out. I looked in the mirror and splashed water on my face, then left to go find Zayn.

I walked into the kitchen, and smelt toast and eggs being cooked. Louis was sitting on one of the bar stools looking sadly into his cup of tea, while Zayn gave both the twins some toast to try and munch on while in their highchairs. Zayn turned to me and his jaw hit the ground, his brown eyes widening as they raked over my body.

"Fuck, you look hot." He gasped out, making Louis look up at me and smile a bit. I just blushed and walked to Zayn. I kissed him sweetly then pinched his bum, snapping him out of looking at me like I was breakfast. I didn't mind it, but there were other people around us. Including our children.

I ate some toast, afraid my nervous stomach would make me throw up again. Zayn held my hand through breakfast and when I was done, he took my plate. Louis smiled a me, but I saw how fake it was and motioned for me to go to him.

"Good luck today, kiddo. Go meet some friends, you need them. Zayn is quite a boring lad to always be with." Louis joked sadly. I smiled and gave him a hug, rubbing his back to make sure he knew I was really sorry about the way things turned out with Liam.

"He'll get better. He just needs professional help now." I whispered to him before letting go. After I left the kitchen, I went to the guest room that the door was still shut and crept in to go say bye to the broken man in the bed. He was still asleep, but when I placed my hand on his shoulder he woke up just a bit.

"Get better for the twins, alright? For Louis too." I whispered to him. He looked at me, then closed his eyes to go back to sleep. At least I told him what I thought would help him, right? Did my words even make a difference? I hope they did, I want to see happy Liam again. Like the one I met when I walked into the bakery and his smile was contagious. I missed that Liam, I really did.

After I brushed my teeth and got my new backpack from where I put it the night before, I went downstairs to say bye to my babies and to their daddy. Zayn told me to use whatever car I wanted that he had until we had time to go pick any car I wanted off the lot. It's still crazy to think he has that much money to just go buy brand new cars whenever he wants.

"Drive safe and text me when you get there. Have a good day, little bird. Love you, so so much." Zayn said after he opened my car door for me and kissed me.

"Love you too so, so much." I told him then got in the car. As I drove off, I looked in my rear view mirror to see Zayn standing at the front door waving at me. I honked at him and smiled when he flipped me the bird. We really have a strange relationship.

I got to the school car park and really started freaking out with nerves. That toast I ate wasn't really agreeing with me at this moment. There were so many kids my age parking their cars and walking in, greeting their friends or just looking like they were literally going into hell. Those people need to not take this for granted, I know what it's like to not be able to go to school and it's awful. Now I'm behind a year in school, but I have a meeting today with my education counselor to get me up to pace and even graduate early. I'm a dad and I really don't want to have to miss that much of my children growing up because I selfishly decided that being in school was very important.

I parked my car and soon someone else parked next to me. I got my backpack out of the passenger seat and looked up at the rich looking building that I was feeling sick to my stomach to go into.

"First day, yeah." A different sounding accent asked me from behind, making me turn around. I was met with a guy that had a lip ring, spiked up blonde hair and blueish green eyes. I nodded at him and he walked around his car and reached his hand out to me.

"Luke Hemmings. I was new last year, it's a great school in accepting new students though. I'm an exchange student from Australia, if you're wondering about my accent." He said friendly as I shook his hand.

"Niall Horan. I'm obviously not from here either, I'm from Ireland. Do they let you keep that lip ring in?" I asked him, making him laugh and drop my hand. I smiled as we both started walking to the school.

"No one has ever said anything. You know, Niall, if you keep that cheeky attitude up you might get punched." He told me in a playfully threatening voice. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes.

"People would be stupid to punch me if they knew-"

"Who your boyfriend was? He's frightening, no matter how sweet you two looked kissing on the red carpet at the opening of his museum." Luck finished for me, making me stop in place and pale a little. He stopped and looked at me like he was nervous he said something wrong.

"You know about...?" I asked, more scared of the fact those magazines all showed how pregnant I was and all those pictures on the computer did too. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Who am I to judge? I think it's the most brave, courageous thing for you to be a dad this young and still be able to pull your life back together. I'm studying art, and Zayn Malik is who I get allot of inspiration from so that's why I kind of kind of recognized you from when I was at the opening of his museum. Sorry if this is weird now..." Luke said looking at the ground and bitting his lip ring nervously. I actually felt relieved that he didn't judge or treat me differently. He seems pretty genuine and cool actually.

"It's fine. I'm just a little nervous about other people finding out that aren't so accepting." I told him truthfully. He looked up and smiled at me, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Then I'll be here to beat them up with my guitar and paint brushes, yeah? I got your back and you've got mine?" He asked making me smile, and feel like maybe I just gained a friend.

"Definitely. You play guitar?" I asked as we started to walk into school, after he took his arm off me. We got into a pretty nice conversation about what we can both play on our guitars and I actually felt allot more relaxed walking into the new school building.

When, really I should have been feeling far from relaxed and kept an eye out over my shoulder for what was slowly starting to unfold...

A/N: sorry this is so long, I have to get to much in in only four more chapters. Get ready for this to end with a bang! How do yall feel about Luke? Comment / Vote!
                              - Bri;)

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