I DARE you!!! try to make a M...

By ChithraAntony

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Two lovely birds married and leading a heavenly life. But.. urgh!!! Why greed, obsession, revenge exists in... More

Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 4
Chap 5
Chap 6

Chap 1

760 47 8
By ChithraAntony

It was a fine morning !!! The table clock displayed the time as 9.13 AM. Too late to start a day, but there Wang Yibo laid on the bed thinking about the talk he had with his brother yesterday.


"Yibo, we planned to adopt a child" Haikuan eyes twinkled while saying this to Yibo. Yibo was so happy seeing his brother's happiness.

"I am happy for you Ge" though his face was stoic, he hugged his brother lightly, expressing his happiness. Hugging his brother, a new habit developed in the last few years.

Hai Kuan tightened his hug "Thanks Yibo, Cheng really wanted a child. We thought of surrogating, but he was so attached to this one kid when we visited that orphanage"


He could clearly remember that day when they all visited the orphanage, his brother-in-law got so emotional seeing all those young kids. That day, Yibo knew this would happen one day and he is very very happy for them.

But what about him???? did he need a kid in his life??? is he ready to take care of a kid??? will it be fine to tak____

His train of thoughts got interrupted when he heard a murmuring sound. He lowered his eyes towards his chest only to find an angelic creature with pouty lips, drooling face, wrapping both hands and legs over him like a koala, murmuring continuously as "Bobo.. i-ceem, give bunny i-ceem".

Wang Yibo POV

I chuckled. How can I be so stupid, how can I think about having a kid when I already have my baby in my arms. My bunny baby, who is currently dreaming about ice cream now. I lowered my head to peck that pouty lip, "Zhannie... come on babie.. wake up"

And my cute fluffball whined saying the same thing for the fourth time "Bobo... pwease pwease 5 mins, onwy 5 mins bunny so sweepy" Ahhhhh... he is soooo cute... my cutie pie... I really don't wanna wake him up. I can watch him sleep like this for the whole day without blinking my eyes. But today is an important day for us. If I don't wake my baby now, he will kill me afterward.

So to wake my baby up, I used my trick which always works "Okay babie, then you sleep. I am hungry, so let me eat all your ice cre___" that's it.

Do you know where my baby is now??? on top of me, sitting on my stomach squishing my face like it's kind of dough.

"Baby Booooo, how can you do this to me?? don't you feel pity for your bunny. Tell me.. tell me now that you will not eat it.. promise me....pinky pinky now "

I couldn't restrict myself from grinning like a stupid seeing my cutie baby whining like a kid showing his pinky finger towards me.

He only released my face with a huge smile when I locked my pinky with his, promising him in a muffled tone due to my squishy face. Ahhhh.. how I love this sight !!! that bunny smile with his eyes crinkling, true happiness. Well, he is my happiness.

And if he is happy then it's kissy time. Holding my face again, he started kissing all over my face and if I say kissing, it also includes biting. Now he is busy biting my nose and cheeks and I laid down there like a whole damn meal for my baby. Why so? coz, in the morning, I am his meal but at night, he is my meal (Ahem cough.. cough).

When he released my face, he was panting. Oh, my poor baby exerted all his energy after having his daily dosage, a very long kiss. That's how my every day starts but today is a very special day. Because of which my baby is now jumping on the bed cheering "Happy anniversary Baby Booo... I love you... I love you... I love you"

Hahaha, yes it's our first wedding anniversary. This naughty kid jumping up and down on the mattress is my husband Wang Xiao Zhan, my world, my everything.

He is my first love, my one and only love, and will be my last love too, I am cent percent sure about it. We dated for 5 years and after our college graduation, we got married.

LOVE !!! a simple feeling which rules the whole world. I learned it from my mother. I missed that feeling when I lost my mother. When I lost her love. After her loss, I found no one pure other than my brother, specifically my half brother.

My father is a bastard. Oh, I mean it. He is a monster. He married my mother without her consent only for business benefits. When she died, I found her diary where she mentioned about her love and her pathetic life. I already knew about her love, she told me many things about her love to me and my brother. My mom loved her friend, a girl. Wow... her first love and forever love. When my father approached my mother, she directly rejected him, she not even hesitated to tell him about her love. She thought he would stay away from her when he comes to know about her love life. But she didn't expect that monster would ruin her love's life. He showed how cruel he would be and to prove that he raped her love's life that too in front of her eyes. Oh... I still remember the pain those words held in that diary, I couldn't even read it properly because that whole page was drenched with my mom's tears.

He threatened her to marry him so that he will spare her love's life. To save her, she married him. She thought, by doing that she can save her hun, oh that's how she calls her love,' hun' so sweet!!! But he hid her lover somewhere making no way for my mother to reach her. But she didn't stop there. She used all her resources to find her only after 10 months in an abandoned building on her last days of pregnancy. Yes, she carried that monster's child, my brother Hai Kuan.

When my mom admitted her hun to the hospital, before the operation, her hun kissed my mother and the last word she said to my mother was "I love you always". It's love, so pure.

That's the last word my mom heard from her hun, coz she died while giving birth to my brother due to excessive loss of blood. It was such a miracle my brother made out alive at that time. Because she was given no food for days and tortured continuously which made her so weak.

I still remember how my mother cries every night seeing a women's picture saying sorry often. My mom's hun, Liu Yifei, her true love!!!

She lived all her life with guilt, that she couldn't save her love on time, that she couldn't join her hun in heaven coz she has the responsibility to take care of my brother at that time.

When my mother brought my brother home, that monster asked her to throw my brother away. But she threatened him that she will file a case requesting a DNA test which will prove that my brother is his blood and also withdrawing her share from the company, Yes, my mom holds 60% of share in our company.

Afraid of losing his name in society, he allowed her to have the baby, but he strictly told her that my brother will not have Wang as his first name. So my mom named my brother with her hun's first name, Liu Haikuan. A pure soul who loved me next to my mother.

From that day on, she raised my brother showering him with all her love. My mom always admires how my brother's eye looks exactly like her hun's eye, indeed undying love!

Everything went well for the next three years. My mom lived her life only for my brother. On the other hand, that man lived his life with his various flings. My mother didn't care a single bit about that coz she never considered him as her husband and she didn't care about him.

But one night, another nightmare in her life happened. That monster came home completely wasted and raped my mother too, that f******g bastard. Even at that time, she didn't think about her own pain, she only thought about how this monster caused this same pain to her hun. How her hun endured it??? oh, selfless love!!!

Even after committing such a sin to his own wife, he had no remorse. He told her that he couldn't find anyone to share the bed so he approached her just for his desire. It's a mistake and Yes, I am the result of that mistake, I am Wang Yibo.

Though it's a mistake, that doesn't make her love me less. I and my brother were her whole world. If you ask me, ever I longed for my father's love? Nope, really a big NO. He never held me in his arms and I never longed for it.

When I grew up, eventually the hatred towards my father too grew along, too strong. Seeing your own father coming home with various women, making out in front of her wife, his children is enough to hold such hatred, right!

I never called him endearingly like 'dad', 'papa'. He never earned that place in both my and my brother's hearts. He is a man who addressed himself as my father to the outside world. That man is Wang Lee Seung

But for me and my brother, my mom is everything, she was our dad, mom, friend, mentor. She never showed her sorrow in front of us. Always smiling, and energetic woman, precisely a mischievous woman. A strong woman who day and night fought with that monster to save us from him.

I still remember when I was 11 years and my brother was 15 years we were playing in the living room. That monster came home around 10 at night. He was completely drunk. He straight away walked towards my brother and started dragging him towards the bedroom. I don't know what to do, I ran fast to our room to find my mother crying seeing her Hun picture. When she saw me without my brother, she sensed something was wrong and when I explained what happened, the first time I saw the pure rage in her eyes. She dashed out and went straight to that monster room followed by me.

When she entered his room, I found my brother lower half-naked, crying and struggling to get out of that monster's grip. At that time, I couldn't comprehend what was happening. But one thing I was so sure of, he was hurting my brother. We both ran towards the bed, my mom dragged that monster away from my brother and I covered my brother with a blanket and held him tight. But when I saw that monster trying to do the same what he did to my brother with my mother, my blood boiled and the next thing, I took the vase near the table and broke it on his head. That's how we escaped from that monster that day.

You may ask, why my mom or my brother hasn't filed any complaint regarding his monstrous act. This monster is a well-renowned business icon who has many connections with higher levels. No cases, police complaints work in front of him. That's why I said earlier, he is a bastard.. a monster... a f*******g heartless beast.

From that incident, our mom made sure that we both stayed away from that monster's eyes always. Everything again became normal in our life. It took some months for my brother to recover from that trauma but because of mom, he came out of it. But everything came to a halt one day, that DAY!!

Somehow the truth that my brother is the biological son of that filthy animal leaked and it made that animal loses his sanity whole. That time my brother was on a school trip without any knowledge of what's happening here. That monster planned to kill my brother in order to save his family's so-called name and status in society. Honor killing... he calls that...

When my mom came to know about his plan, she was devastated and when she confronted that monster about all his madness, the words he spoke, I still remember it vividly, I was 13 at that time.

"Oh look who is here to save her sweetheart's son??? Still, love her so much that you dare to oppose my decision huh??? or maybe did that b***h's son satisfying you in bed as to how her mother satisfied you that you don't want me to kill your toy???"

I couldn't decipher many things what he spoke that day but when I saw my mom visibly shaking due to crying hysterically after what he spoke, I know one thing, he is evil pure evil who broke my mom's heart into million pieces.

But she composed herself and dragged me to her room. She searched for some documents and once she collected them, she took me out without that monster's knowledge. She straight away drove to uncle Lan Quiren's office, my mom's college mate, a lawyer.

She made me sit in the reception and went inside his office only to come after an hour. She then took me to the place where my brother having his school trip. He was beyond surprised to see our faces. He sensed something was wrong but my mom gave us no time. She took us to the nearby mall, we played all games in the arcade, even she joined us. Then we went to a small restaurant where she requested the owner that she will cook for us. When he permitted her to do, she made our favorite ramen and Xiaolongbao.

That was the best day we had in our lifetime, but we didn't know that time that the same day will become the worst day. Then finally we went to our favorite place, her hun's memorial place where she was buried.

We all three spent the whole day and night happily. At night, our mom cooked our favorites again, then she sang a beautiful song lulling us to sleep.

Oh, that's how we slept in the warmth of our mother that night only to be replaced with a harsh cold wind the next morning. We both searched our mom on every nook and corner of the house but couldn't find her.

But when we went backyard, my whole body felt limp when I saw her lying on the grave of her hun, with blood oozing out from her hand, a little smile still pasted on her hand. She was dead, she left us. I being a little boy, ran and shook her frantically asking her to wake up. How pathetic I was? my brother held me tight and then we saw that she wrote above the grave of her hun in the blood that "We love you always"

When I explained about our visit to uncle Quiren's office, my brother immediately called him. When he came along with the police and ambulance he looked like he was not even surprised about our mother's death, but we can say that he was sad, too sad.

And that bastard too came with no pinch of emotion. Even at that time, when he saw my brother he came straight and dragged him towards his car. But before he could move, uncle stopped him.

That's when he told everything. Our mom sacrificed her own life for our safety, for our future. She was the major shareholder of 60% in our company and she passed 30% to my brother and 30% to me, that when we turn 18, we can access those shares, till that uncle would remain as our attorney. And also, she mentioned in her will that she wants her two sons to be safe and if something happens, then her husband Mr.Wang Lee Seung would be the reason for it.

That monster couldn't do anything because the document was already with the law firm. So, he spared my brother's life. At that time, I was so so angry with my mother that why did she leave us all alone with that monster, but when time passed and I got mature, I clearly understood her sacrifice and I am somehow happy that she is with her Hun now. In the same will, she asked us to bury her next to her Hun and we did it.

Anyhow, due to my young age, her loss brought a drastic change in my life, I turned cold, cold means so cold. I even stopped talking to my brother. I refused all who approached me to be my friend. And about that monster, after her death, till this date, I never once called him even father.

He only wanted to use me to carry his family name 'Wang'. He compelled me, threatened me several times that I must take over the company after him.

I never wanted to take over that company, I never wanted to be under him. But when I almost gave up my will due to his pressure, my Love brought me back my will. My love... one and only my bubbly bubbly bunny.. my husband

Mr. Wang Xiao Zhan...


Words: 3088

Date: 13/06/2021

Hi all,

This is a new ff. What do you think??? what's your first opinion about this ff, please share...

I thought of publishing this ff on BTS Festa... and I made it. Love you BTS...

Love you always.. Sarangheeeee...

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