Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

458K 18.1K 5.2K

Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

🚨New Story Alert🚨


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By JiminBeJammin

Luna, JK, Jin, and Tae sat at a table in the cafe eating while the others were still getting their hair done.

JK was going on and on at the prospect of possibly having a new friend while Jin, Tae, and Luna suppressed the urge to roll their eyes. They understood his excitement. They really did, but it was blatantly obvious to them that Chae-Yeong was not going to be that for him. It made Luna sad in a way because they worked so hard and they deserve to have more friends that aren't idols but they can't because of shit like this.

"Ok, tell me honestly. How do you really feel about her because I'm getting mixed vibes off you three," JK says, looking between them with his eyes squinted in suspicion.

Noticing that the other two stayed quiet, Luna sighed before taking a sip of her drink and dusting her mouth and hands free of crumbs.

"Being completely honest here, I don't hate her but I don't like her either. The way she looks at you and goes out of her way to only speak to you rubbed me the wrong way. She gave me bad vibes. Now considering how shitty this day has been, maybe I misread things...but I'm pretty sure I didn't," Luna shrugs, making eye contact with him across the table.

"Maybe she's just starstruck or I'm her bias or something. A lot of our new staff act like that at first but then the novelty wears off and they become more casual," he shrugs as if it wasn't a big deal.

"If you say so," she raises her hands before crossing them across her chest.

JK was stubborn and she really didn't feel like dissecting the situation with him. She saw what she saw and had spoken her peace about it. There was nothing else to talk about as far as she was concerned, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be keeping an eye on the woman.

"Someone's jealous," he teases, making her scoff.

Knowing she wasn't in the mood to play, she just ignored him and went back to her food while Jin rubbed her knee under the table. Jin kicked JK, making him jump and grab his knee.

"Ouch hyung. What? It's okay to be jealous. All of us have been there KK," he says, making Tae facepalm.

"JK I'm not jealous. I just made an observation. That's all," she sighs.

"A jealous one," he snickers, earning an elbow to the ribs from Tae.

"Okay JK. Since you think I'm so jealous, help me understand why because I'm not seeing the reason. What does she have that I need to be so jealous over? Hm? What does she have that I don't besides fitting all these ridiculous fucking beauty standards? Because that's literally the only thing I can think of right now," Luna says lowly, fixing him with an irate stare.

He freezes like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to say. He definitely hadn't meant for things to get that deep. He internally scolded himself for not heeding what he now knew was a warning from Jin. He should have taken the time to read the signs considering she'd already had a hard day. Luckily for him, Luna's watch started to beep and she turned her attention to it, breaking her intense stare.

"I've got a meeting in five. Someone can have the rest of this," she says, pushing her food to the middle of the table and grabbing her bag.

She strutted off without another word and JK released the breath he'd been holding—both Jin and Tae scolding him for not being more attentive. He sank down in his seat, feeling like a complete asshole. How was he supposed to fix this?


Luna left the meeting just as irked as she was when she'd gone. She appreciated being included in things because she was an executive, but that meeting was just a long ass sit in for her.

All she could think about during the meeting was what happened between herself and JK. Part of her felt bad. She felt like she'd pushed her insecurities onto him and made the situation bigger than it needed to be but at the same time she said exactly what she felt. She couldn't make up her mind on if she was in the wrong or not and she really didn't want to think of it at the moment.

She wished she could just throw the whole day away and start fresh tomorrow. Unfortunately, she couldn't do that but she knew exactly what she could do to take her mind off things...or who to be exact. She whips out her phone and sends a message, looking out the window a the darkening sky as she waits for a reply.

Luna 🌙

Kitten Lover😻

I need u 💦
Are u done with your hair?

Kitten Lover 😻
Aw feeling needy baby?
I'm in my studio 😉

Luna made her way to the elevator, releasing her hair from its ponytail on the way. She presses the button to his floor and fluffs her hair with her hands while she waits. Thankfully, no one else joined her in the elevator and she got up to his floor quickly, typing in the code once she got to his door.

He was reclining in his computer chair with his hands folded in his lap, a large pair of headphones around his neck. His newly dyed dirty blonde hair was the next thing she noticed, loving the color on him.

"Your hair looks nice. Love the color," she compliments, slipping out of her shoes.

He barely gets a thank you out of his mouth before she starts to strip, leaving his mouth watering at the sight of her lacy, white lingerie.

It was a matter of minutes before she found herself bent over his desk, the sound of her throwing her ass back into his pelvis echoing throughout the space. Yoongi groaned, keeping a tight grip on her hips as he started to fuck her harder—keeping up with her wild pace.

"Just like that daddy. Please don't stop," she chanted, reaching between her legs to rub her clit.

She allowed herself to get lost in the pleasure—her body so tight and tense that it begged for release.

Picking up on this, Yoongi grabs her right leg behind the knee and propped it on his desk so he could get an even deeper angle. She started to shake immediately, his cock now fully stimulating her spot with every powerful thrust of his hips. She continued to meet him thrust for thrust, her fingers slipping back and forth over her clit until she finally burst at the seams—her mouth forming an "O" as she came apart around him. He thrust a few more times, her pulsating grip sending him over the edge.

He sat down heavily, pulling her down onto his lap, both waiting for their breathing to even out.

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, you want to tell me what's wrong?" he asks, leaning over to grab a blanket off his sofa to wrap around them.

"I was just annoyed," she says, grabbing a nearby bottle of water to quench her throat.

"Kitten, I know when I'm being used. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind one bit but the way you just fucked me tells me you're a lot more than annoyed," he says, nipping at her neck.

"I'm just not feeling my best today. The Maxim situation, the meetings, and the thing with JK and his beloved hairstylist just made for a shitty day. I just want to forget it. I knew you me. Fuck, I've missed your touch," she stutters out when he slides his hand between her legs and slowly circles her clit.

"The best way to forget it is to talk it out and come to terms with it. Why don't you climb on daddy's cock and tell me all about it hm?" he asks, pushing his hardening cock into the flesh of her hip.

It seems that he'd missed her body just as much as she'd missed his. Unable to resist the offer, she gets up and straddles his lap, putting her legs through the space underneath the arm rests. His cum had just started to drip out of her, the perfect lubricant. She moaned as she slid down on his cock, her body now flush with his.

"Just take it slow baby. I want you to get it all out before you come okay. Start with the Maxim situation," he says and she nods.

"Okay...the situation itself pisses me off because they mentioned both you guys and Bighit. I hate that your names are being linked to mine in a negative way—even though we know it's not true," she says, moving her hips slowly.

"Unfortunately, that's going to happen a lot. You shouldn't feel guilty about it though. It's not our first rodeo and won't be the last. Keep going baby," he replies.

At this point, she didn't know if he meant her hip movements or her venting so she kept doing both.

"It also irritates me that some of the PR employees dislike me because of the project. It's like they ask me shit in these meeting just to try and...uh...discredit my answers or say that I'm biased. Like just then," she groans, slowly rolling her hips with every pause.

"Fuck...they're just mad that they have to do more work. You let us know if they step out of line though and we'll handle it," he says, kneading her breasts in his hands.

Her walls squeeze his cock in response and he leans forward to circle each peak with his tongue, making them harden.

"Ooh that feels so good...I searched my name on Naver today and immediately regretted it. There were some pretty disturbing things," she says, making him look up at her in concern.

She explains the news articles she'd seen that were blowing up her pictures and pointing out all her flaws, claiming that it proved she'd never sell that many magazines on her own in Korea.

"They are fucking idiots. Do you hear me? This face is one of the most beautiful faces in the world and if they can't see that, they're either blind or haters," he says, caressing the sides of her face with both his hands before placing a tender kiss on her lips.

"Thank you daddy. I know I'm pretty but I can't help but be a little insecure when all people do here is dissect my features for the masses," she says, biting her lip.

"I know it's easier said than done, but don't be baby. They can pick you apart all they want but at the end of the day, they'd kill to be right here, right now inside you. As for the females, their husbands and fathers most certainly would," he says, lightly running his hands up her thighs.

"Shit, that's probably why they're mad. They spend their whole lives trying to meet those standards and here you are, one of the most beautiful women in the world and you didn't even have to try," he continues, kissing all over her face.

Luna giggles, her mood already improving a lot. Yoongi always said that he sucks at comforting people but she thought he was wonderful at it. His logic driven, matter of fact nature coupled with the fact that she knew he wouldn't lie just to appease her always made her feel better.

"Okay what's going on with the hairdresser? She already causing trouble?" he asks, setting his hands on her waist.

"Yes and no. He introduced us and I noticed that when we'd talk, she was only really acknowledging JK. I thought it was just me but she ignored Jin and Tae too when they tried to talk to her," Luna starts, leaning forward to place a kiss on his neck.

"Already a red flag," he breathes, closing his eyes and tilting his head so she had more access to his neck.

"Mhm. I was talking about the project and the only time she addressed me directly was to interject and say she didn't know that was my idea," she continues, lightly kissing his neck.

"How did she even know about it anyways?" he asks, making her pause and furrow her brows.

"That's a good question. I don't know for sure, but Jin and Tae talked freely about it so my guess was from them or the other stylists," she replies.

"Makes sense," he says, his hand sliding into her hair as she continues her trail down his neck.

"So JK praised the idea and she did too but her smile was weird and she stuttered so I did a little something to see how she'd react," Luna chuckles against his skin, making him shiver.

"Uh oh what did you do kitten?" he asks, looking down at her with raised brows.

"Nothing too bad. His hands were on my shoulders so I just kissed his finger—like this," she says, grabbing his hand a placing a kiss on his pointer finger.

"And what did she do?" he asks, now invested in the story.

"Oh she was mad as hell. Her expression dropped and she started throwing stuff in her bag and when she left she only said bye to JK," she replies, making him scoff.

"I want her fired already," he says, making her nod in agreement.

"I know right? But JK was so excited about her that he kept talking about her when we went to lunch and he asked what was up when we weren't responding much..."she trails off, leaning forward to kiss his pouty bottom lip.

At this point, she was finding it hard not to move much. She could tell he felt the same judging by the way his cock was twitching inside her.

"And what happened after that?" he asks, his hands rubbing her ass.

"I told him my observations and he had the nerve to keep calling me jealous despite me saying I wasn't. I was already in a bad mood so I think I may have blown things out of proportion a little," she says, pulling back to look at him, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout.

"A little?" he asks suspiciously.

"Just a little. I asked him what he thought she had that I didn't since I was so jealous—besides her meeting all the beauty standards here and all. Honestly, that part just slipped and it's the only think I felt bad about saying. I feel like I let my insecurities run away with me there," she says, making him shake his head.

"That part could've been left out but you didn't mention it to hurt him so it's fine. He shouldn't have kept insisting, especially not today. I could feel your tension on and off all day so he should've definitely been more attentive," he says, leaning forward to kiss her pouty lips.

"I still feel bad. It came out really mean," she says softly.

"I know baby. I think you two should talk it out and you'll feel better. We all say and do things we don't mean under pressure and stress. You're no exception, okay?" he asks.

"Okay," she replies, feeling lighter.

"Good, now you can use daddy's cock as much as you want," he coos teasingly, bucking his hips up.

Luna gasps at the sensation, throwing her arms around his neck. She places her feet onto the bar at the bottom of the chair and uses her leg strength to bounce herself up and down on his cock. He controls the angle, his hands guiding her hips to the perfect angle every time. Her orgasm crashed over her like a wave,seeming to go on forever as she fucked her through it. She rested her forehead against his as he came deep inside her. He gave a whole new meaning to sex therapy and she already couldn't wait to have another session.

A/N: A little trouble in paradise.

Team JK or Team Luna?

Sex Therapy with Yoongi

Big s/o to FarCryFourth for inspiring the sex therapy session. If you haven't checked out her books, go do it now! She has an ot7 book that I adore called Bo$$.

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