The Bad Boy

By johanniefanfic

27K 425 10

Annie is the new girl at school. She finds out about the 5 Golden boys of the school 1) Johnny Orlando- The l... More

Its just a parking space
Five Golden Boys
Kidnapping is Illegal!
Ride of Your Life
Hot! Hot! Coffee!
Just Fucking Apologize!
Milk and Cookies
Don't Mess With The Bad Boy
Lets Hangout This Weekend
The Maze
A Night To Remember
Laser Tag
I'm Warning You
Sweet Juicy Revenge
Revenge is Best Served Cold
Be My Partner?
Bloody Hell
Look Outside
Dinner With The Orlandos
Look What You Did!
Hung Over With An Orlando
Guy Talk
Studying and French Toast
You Bet on Who I Liked??!!!
Ditching With The Bad Boy
Say It!
It's Over
He Likes You!!
Cut The Awkwardness
Halloween Drama
Are You Drunk?
What Just Happened?
Give Her a Chance
The Past
Dinner With The Enemy
I Trusted You!
Get Out Of My Sight
Keep Telling Yourself That
I'm Right Here
How Do I Feel?
Look What Happened
I Want Out
Rumors and Revenge
Execute Plan Suspension
It Was My Idea
The End

An Apology Gift?

683 11 0
By johanniefanfic

Annie: ~I got home and tried pushing the accident out of my mind by eating edible cookie dough and watching friends. It worked for half an episode but then I was on that episode where Rachel and Ross were breaking up after Ross slept with the chick from the copying place. I don't know why but it made me feel guilty and Johnny was all I could think about. I need to apologize *grabs her backpack heading to her door. Stops* Actually? Why? *sets her backpack on the desk* Doesn't he deserve this? He slashed your tires, kidnapped you, and teased you *walking back to her bed, about to sit down* Okay but you already slapped him for the tire, he got you home, and he teases everyone it can't be helped. *walking back to the door and picking up her backpack* he didn't hurt you physically like you did him the least you can do is give him a face to face apology~ Fuck it. ~I grabbed my backpack and went to the store borrowing my dad's car, I got him an apology gift. I got to his house, only after driving 15 minutes to see his car in a drive way. After I knocked on the door I began to panic. A gift really?! This makes you look so desperate! Go get out of here *turns around ready to leave*
Johnny: Hello?
Annie: *whispers her eyes closed* Shit.. *turns around, hiding the gift behind her* H..Hey
Johnny: Look who came around *smirks leaning on the threshold board* Annie LeBlanc
Annie: Yep its me *tightly smiles* Well can Um I uh come in?
Johnny: Oh be my guest *moves in and holds the the door open for her*
Annie: ~I followed him into a livingroom where we sat on a black couch. His house was modern with blacks, whites, and silver.~
Johnny: So sweetheart why ya here?
Annie: Icametoapologize
Johnny: *smiles in amusement* Come again?
Annie: *blushes* I came to apologize.. I really didn't mean to burn you. *holds out the gift* ~He looked at me surprised and then burst into a fit of laughter. See I knew this would happen~ *rolls her eyes and stands up ready to leave*
Johnny: *grabs her hand pulling her back to sit down. Laughing*
Annie: I'm leaving if you want to continue laughing *pulls her arm away*
Johnny: *smiles* I'm done. Look Annie I just didn't think you would buy me a gift
Annie: So you aren't mad?
Johnny: I was annoyed but I wasn't really mad *chuckles* Especially not after this cute peace offering. *takes the gift and smiles* Shit. *shakes his head* I knew you had a crush on me!
Annie: A.. A crush? *blushing, rolls her eyes* No this is a gift to get you off my back!
Johnny: Sure it is! So sweetheart what did you get me? *starts pulling the tissue paper out then pulled out a black t shirt*
Annie: I spilled coffee on you what did you expect a brand new car?
Johnny: Oh yes how obvious *sarcastically*
Annie: Right, I should have gotten you a book on being grateful! ~I said that in an annoyed tone but he just chuckled~
Johnny: *reaches back into the bag and pulls out a handful of kisses* Oh look hugs and kisses chocolates.
Annie: Yeah so? I couldn't just get you a shirt.
Johnny: So you wanted to give me hugs and KISSES *smirks*
Annie: Yeah *blushes* Wait no! Not. Not that way! ~I hated double meaning jokes just as much as the next guy. I watched as he laughed as if he just heard the funniest thing in the world~ Its not funny! Hulk.
Johnny: *stops laughing* Hulk?
Annie: Cause you got so mad when I spilled the coffee, I'm surprised you hadn't turned green! ~He looked at me then lunged at me and started to tickle me. I busted out laughing as he did so~ S..Stop.. St.. Stahhp!! ~I managed to get through the laughs~
Johnny: Say Johnny is the hottest guy in the whole world and I'm sorry for pissing him off so much!
Annie: N.No! ~He shrugged and continued to tickle me~ Okay Okay.. Johnny is the hottest guy in the whole world and I'm sorry for pissing him off! So much! Now please stop! ~He did stop with that fucking smirk back on his lips. It was only then that I had noticed our current position. He was above me our faces only inches apart and his hands were on my waist pinning me down~
Lauren: Anybody home?!
Annie: ~Johnny and I both got up sitting next to each other. A girl with blonde hair walked in, she was wearing a uniform and looked a bit younger, probably 15 or 16~
Lauren: *smiles* Hi I'm Lauren. *makes her way over and sits next to Annie* Johnny's sister.
Annie: Uh hi! *smiles* I'm Annie, Johnny's *glances at Johnny* ~He had a stupid grin on his face waiting for me to say what he was to me~ His acquaintance.
Lauren: Acquaintance?
Annie: I would lie and say friend but I can't stand him!
Johnny: *smirks* Not what you said a few minutes ago.
Annie: *rolls her eyes* I'm gonna go now. Nice meeting you Lauren. *gets up*
Lauren: You too Annie *waves and goes upstairs*
Johnny: *walks Annie to the door* See you tomorrow Anns, Try to not miss me to much.
Annie: Won't be a problem Hulk. ~I got in my car and drove away~

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