Supergirl's brother. A cat gr...

By unknown6741

59.6K 1.9K 122

Cat grant x male reader Supercorp Sanvers More

Just the beginning
New boss
First day
Dinner invitation
Sick day
Heroes don't break
Red K Kara
Fight with hope
Meet the family
New beginnings
Love sick
The Ex
A new problem
Secrets don't last 
Trouble in paradise
The return
A cold luthor and a stubborn Danvers.
Come back to me
The invitation
Fallen god
Three's a crowd.
Woman down
Disturbed dinner

Heartbreak central

1K 35 1
By unknown6741

Lena scans the room, empty but someone's been here. The alarm dies out and she spins to spot the superhero she was looking for. You eyes seem to burn for a moment as she throws her words out to stop you. "Hey y/n!"

"Not now Lena I'm busy" you huff walking right past her, your cape following quickly behind. You didn't know what came over you but it wasnt the time for Lena Luthor of all people to start pushing buttons.

"I heard, is Kara okay?" The question makes you stop in your tracks and laugh, well scoff at her.

"Oh yeah she's brilliant." You exclaimed spinning on your heel to face her placing your hands on your hips.

Lena steps back for a moment confused to your rage placed against her. "I'm sensing she's not." Lena trails out, her face morphing until it's settled on her disturbed thoughts. Kara could die and Lena had royally fucked up, if only she was brave enough to face her feelings, brave enough to step up to what the girl had offered her. Her love, isn't that all Lena wanted?

"Really. Wow Lena that so insightful." You rolled your eyes looking carefully at the CEO. Her eyes barely awake, bags below them, bloodshot. Her cheeks covered by makeup but still puffy. She wasn't sporting her normal attire but now she was baggy, her frame hardly holding onto the oversized college shirt.

"Why are you being like this?" Lena almost whispered as you picked up your bowstaff giving it a quick spin.

"Oh I don't know, it takes kara to lay in her deathbed for you to come crawling back" you point the weapons directly at her although you knew that it hadn't phased the Luthor.

"That's not it." Lena pleaded.

"Isn't it. What you don't trust us? I think the only people we shouldn't be trusting is a Luthor like yourself." You spat placing the bow staff securely under your cape.

Lena seems taken away by the statement in all her time knowing her, you had always understood that Lena was nothing like her family like you were nothing like yours "..."

You put a hand out to dismiss her. "Save it! I'm busy"

Cat hoovers by her door watching the poor Luthor in confusion. "Lena. What was that about?" Cats face matches disgust as her eyes trail the mess stood before her. Lena gulps edging to breaking down there.

"Nothing." Lena struggles to stay sane and shoves her feelings way down something she was accustomed to. "You don't look so good" Lena switched the conversation before Cat could press on.

Cat opens her door and lets the poor woman step in behind her. "Reign was here, it's got him all riled up." Cat explained looking over to the small smoke cloud collecting around her desk. She mentally noted to get someone in.

"Noted but it's too late now." Lena huffed settling down on the sofa. Cat however strutted over to her whiskey and poured them both a glass before offering it to the brunette who took it happily downing it with a swing.

"He's going to do something stupid." Cat mumbled sipping at her own glass and settled down beside the Luthor.

"What makes you say that?" Lena asks with a raised brow as she places the glass down on the table to turn to the reporter.

Cat frowns slightly scared that her own facial expression would further disturb the broken woman. "Karas in a coma. I suppose you know that she's supergirl you two are awfully close."

"Yeah something like that." Lena offered, although it was the first she had heard about Karas condition no one had said a thing and that why she was hunting down the one who knew everything just to have her mistake thrown back in her face.

"Ah you haven't told her." Cat chuckled.


A sly smile placed on her lips as she watches the confusion engulf the CEO. "That you love her." Cat expressed. Like everyone knew already; Cat Grant was an awfully good detective and an even better matchmaker but love for herself? Didn't stand a chance.

"Ms Gran-."

Cat dismissed her. "Cut the formality Lena and the crap, you brought her a whole company if that isn't love I don't know what is." Cat explained.

(Do you want a view in her mind?)

(Of course;))

Cat Grant couldn't help but think back to her own super. She left the city for one thing; you. Seeing you everyday was conflict for the blonde. Cat had her fair share of love but nothing got her heart beating faster than the thought of you, something she was sure to cover before she blew it. She couldn't, could she? Being with a superhero wasn't something that excited her but her mind had been left and right about being whisked away in your strong arms. She was falling, not for CaptainSuper but for Y/n Danvers or both? She was confused but luckily for her both were the same body, same face- well to her they were.

But the good news was that her return was also down to the certain super. Cat didn't like the dullness in her body when she left, everything didn't excite her anymore, everything was boring, utterly and completely boring. But with you? Well that's another story.

"I don't really know what to say." Lena spoke aloud Ingoring the daydreaming blonde who was miles away, drooling away at the thought of you.

Cat drags herself from her own thoughts and coughs. "Well whatever it is you've got to say it's not to me. Now shoo, go help the girl and her idiotic brother before he gets himself killed." Cat offered pushing Lena from her office so she could resume her daydreaming.

" okay bye then." Lena shouted over her shoulder as the door came to a shut.

You marched though the DEO. "You have news about Reign?" You stop suddenly looking up through your sore orbs towards the superhero stood before you. "Wait kara. Why didn't you tell me? When did you wake up no how did you wake up. Are you okay?" You rambled rushing over to check over her, your eyes fixated on the bare skin, everything had been reset.

Kara smiles a nudges you away playfully. "I'm fine okay I promise, I was a little sidetracked." She offered but your face only drops at the comment. Is she serious right now? You thought.

You scoffed crossing your arms. "Sidetracked huh? Well I've been thinking all day about you dying but no just keep me in the dark." You sarcastically added, you weren't one for showing feelings but hurt was plastered all over your face.

"I'm sorry it was important" Kara stayed stubborn, pushing away her own problems and focusing on what mattered to her.

"Kara! You nearly died." You yelled turning the room to look at you. Alex sighs and comes to your side, resting a hand on your shoulder that you decide to keep there. It seemed like you weren't the only one thinking that Kara had gone to far in pretending she was always okay.

"Well I didn't" Kara sighed rubbing her temples. This isn't what she wanted, she wanted this over. She wanted reign gone.

"I'm glad and all but you could have said something. Any of you could've." You trailed looking over to there expressions. Alex looks away in shame and Winn gulps hiding behind his ipad.

"We've been working on something." Kara expressed.

"A little text or-." You added softly.

Kara sighed. "Y/n were closer to bringing down reign I need you to just - please." She huffed trying to stay on topic.

"Fine." You huffed.

Kara smiled well forced it. She knew you weren't entirely on board with her whole lets forget what happened scenario but pressed on. "Coville told me he met a dying priestess who escaped from Fort Rozz. She told him everything about Reign."

"So he knows you were alive." You whispered pushing the hand from your shoulder and sliding away from their lingering gaze, sitting down at the desk before them.

"Well, we combed the manifests of Fort Rozz and found there are exactly two priestesses on board. One being... Jindah Kol Rozz." Winn added the screen turning to his thoughts.

"She's a bit loopy not gunnu lie." You chuckled dryly. You hadn't seen much of the priestess on board she like to stick to herself but her stories werent much to dwell on.

"and on the manifest, she actually has the exact same glyph - as Reign." J'onn added.

"Do we know where she is?" You piped up wanting to end this so you could have a go at your sister for being so—- annoying.

"We believe that in all the time Fort Rozz was marooned here on earth, she never got out did she?" He questioned all eyes on you. You didn't seem to recall a lot from that day mostly because it was hell. Well a party that was to all that were stuck there. Astra had dragged you out faster than most of the other intimates, your eyes resting on the planet that would now become your home. But that day you changed, you snapped from the normal and left Astra and non to find your own way to find your own calling, something less angry.

"I don't remember seeing her about but there's a small problem. I kind of threw Fort Rozz into space, remember?" You offered although it wasn't much.

J'onn sighed gesturing Winn to follow his lead. Winn picks up his iPad and changes the screen. "That's what we thought. But, then we found it, orbiting a little star called AZ XB"

"It blew up- Did you say AZ XB ?" You rolled your eyes. This was already a bad plan but no you could have no involvement whats so ever.

"Problem?" Winn pipes up noticing your expression straight away.

Supergirl sighs. "Yeah, that's a blue star. I won't have my powers there. There's no yellow sun"

You stood up. "Blue stars also emit omicron radiation which means it's fatal for any life-form with a Y chromosome."

Alex chuckles. "It's poisonous to men?"

Kara doesn't spend anytime thinking. "Well, I guess I have to go alone."

"Absolutely not." J'onn expressed.

"I will not allow you to go up there by yourself. Not without your powers." Alex huffs standing next to her sister who's too stubborn to think any different.

"Me neither." Winn agrees.

"That's a no from me too." You whispered and Kara looks over to your distant gaze. It wasn't like you were somewhere else but rather still dwelling on the whole reigns going to kill you sooner or later vibes going on and Kara being Kara you had no one to talk to.

"Well I need to do something."


You weren't up for this but it was needed for supergirls suicide mission and there wasn't anymore people you could trust. Like they say keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

"I'm not hungry" psi hissed her back facing you as she sits crisscross on the floor looking at absolutely nothing. A feeling that wasn't lost to your own pain on that ship. But again psi mind was somewhere. Somewhere further than this dank prison cell, it's how you pass the time.

You cleared your throat. "I'm not here for that." You announced causing her eyes to snap open.

She smirks although it's unseen by you. "Y/n. Paying a visit that's overdue so what do you want?" She questioned playfully turning in her positional face you.

Your heart stopped merely for a second looking at her dark shadowed bags hanging under her eyes. Her eyes seeming to find your instantly. You shuffled on your feet looking away before her gaze could capture you. "I need your help." You ordered rather than asked.

"Oh? Well can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment." She playfully throws a grin your way as she jumps to her feet looking through the partition between you both.

"Psi" you offered although it felt ancient on your tongue.

She pouts at the name. She couldn't let you know that she quite liked to hear her real name rolling of your tongue. " Ooh formal this is serious."

You ran a hand through your hair. A fine line between you and a breakdown. "I need you do go with supergirl, long story but I can't go so they thought you would be a suitable choice." You explained.

"And you don't?" She raised a brow stepping closer to the shield between you both her hand hoovering over it.

"You tired to hurt my sister." You groaned stepping back as if she could reach out.

Psi drops her hand. "I gave myself in remember.. for you. Look at me" she ordered watching your curiously as you stepped over to the control panel deciding whether or not to open the god damn thing.

"I don't have time for this." You huffed hitting down the red button. The shield evaporating before her eyes.

"Did you ever love Me?" She asked in a whisper like tone although she knew full well you would capture it.

You were caught of guard and span around only for her to be inches closer than you thought. Her eyes find your own. "I-...."

"I'll do it." She offered dropping her gaze away hurt.

"Gayle" you whispered. Her heart picked up but she kept her sight glued to the floor making herself over to the door.

She shook her head. "Don't I don't need to be psychic to know, just get me the hell out of here."

You stepped over to her with a sigh, your hands hoovering over the hand scanner before it drops back down to your side. You lift you hand up towards her chin using two fingers to gently push her head up to face your own gaze. "I did. I did love you I mean. Whatever that ship did to us it doesn't mean what we had was a lie. I was so in love with you Gayle but maybe it wasn't meant to last." You offered, watching the sadness wash over her features although hope seems to join it and she grasps your hand pulling it into her own.

You give her a small smile before leading her back to the others waiting. "Here." You gestured over to gayle as she trails along.

"Still charming as ever." She chuckled hitting your shoulder and walking over to J'onn who explains the mission although by the look of it he doesn't seem that all on board with putting her in a mission with the girl of steel.

"Livewire, I get. You two have a history." Alex points out to Kara as you join her by her side. "But Psi..."

"I know, I know."

You chuckled looking back at psi only to have her eyes find your own in a instance. "But you know how powerful she is. I mean, she beat you in a psychic duel." You smiled pulling away from her to look back at your sisters.

Supergirl groaned crossing her arms in defence. "She overpowered me more than once."

"That's exactly what I'm worried about" Alex sighed.

Kara reads the worried expression and lightens up, unfolding her arms and reaching towards Alex's hand. "I am a little worried too, to be honest. But If we're gonna win this thing, we have to take risks, and this feels like a risk worth taking." Alex hums in response and Kara gives her a small squeeze before heading over to J'onn who's waiting.

"All right. This should unlock the psychic dampener." He offered her a small device key and Gayle glares at it.

"All right."

You reach out before she could rush away. "Be safe." You said to Kara turning her attention back to you. Livewire and psi already making their way into the ship. You watch psi carefully with worry before she's gone from your sight completely.

"I will. I'll protect her you know" Kara offers watching the small exchange of looks to your ex.

"Thank you." You smiled pulling her into a bone crushing hug before she left on a dangerous mission with the help of people that may have tried to kill her once or twice.

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