STOP IT!... please. Draco ff

By SpamEmails

38.6K 482 183

Draco X reader in a Voldemort free world, where Draco is still a cold jerk sometimes, he gets that from his f... More

1: arrival
2: new start
3: suspicions
4: corrections
5: meet the family... sort of
6: exposed
7: Damon
8: Ill
9: breakdown
10: quidditch drama
11: Mondays
12: honest recovery
14: two steps forward one step back
15: last time, I promise
16: game
17: court

13: going so well

1.1K 14 2
By SpamEmails

Saturday morning, waking up in my room, getting dressed, ignoring Pansy, meeting in the common room.
Draco: "do you feel pretty today darling?"
Y/n: "not really, and I have a hangover, my head hurts"
Draco: "I would've thought so, I don't think your friends expected you to be such a confident drunk."
Y/n: "that makes sense I had three shots and two beers... 5 drink y/n is weirdly confident"
Draco: "ohh yeah, I remember when you were like 4.5 half perv half confident it was an intimidating mix not going to lie"
Y/n: "Haha I kinda remember that"
Draco: "anyway, let's go to breakfast, my pretty little lady"
Y/n: "okie!"

Monday morning, wake up naked next to Draco ;-), burying myself in his hoodie.
Draco: "do you feel pretty today love?"
Y/n: "kinda"
Draco: "why"
Y/n: "that thing you said last night" I smirked "and I guess my stomach looks nicer"
Draco: "you are gorgeous, your body is getting healthy soon you'll have abs like mine"
Y/n: "it will take years to get your 8pack hahaha"
Draco: "hahaha alright that's true"

Thursday morning... waking up on the floor? Realising I was passed out like everyone else after yesterday drinking, Draco: "morning beautiful Beaux, feel pretty today?"
Y/n: "morning marvelous Malfoy, I feel quite pretty"
Draco: "is it your silky hair, delicious lips, doe eyes, sexy body, sunshine smile or all of the above"
Y/n: "hehe stop teasing me... all of the above, plus my tight *****" I whispered quoting him making him just as flushed as me but quickly recovering
Draco: "damn right baby girl"

Tuesday morning, waking up in Draco's bed.
Y/n: "morn-"
Draco: "nope. Not awake. More cuddles"
Y/n: "we need to get up"
Draco: "only if you answer on-"
Y/n: "I feel pretty today... I feel healthy, my skin is clear, I'm actually getting a bit of muscle back from exercising with you, and I want to eat some pancakes so let's go"
Draco: "so true, amazing"
Y/n: "thanks"
Draco: "I was talking about the pancakes..." I hit his stomach at my increasing strength made it actually hurt him a bit
Y/n: "take you hands out my hoodie and off my tits and let's go"
Draco: "first it's my hoodie, second... They're my boobs" he squeezed them possessively making me yelp quietly.

Thursday, wake up lazily, get dressed, go to breakfast
Draco: "darling how are you today"
Y/n: "that's different, and I am hungry hehe"
Draco: "good, let's have some bacon!" Then several owls entered the great hall and one  dark brown owl came towards me and dropped a letter. "Ugh my mother is obsessing over you again, I regret telling her I have a girlfriend now. When you meet her I think she might try adopt you" I involuntarily replied as I read my letter from my parents
Y/n: "I wouldn't mind that"

Y/n y/m/n Beaux,
Come home this half term or I will pull you out that school and send you to a dirty Muggle one, it will suit you, you undeserving bitch.

Wow, it isn't even signed, could be from my mum or dad but definitely a mutual feeling between them. I dreaded what might happen when I go home, they'll probably best me for not returning at all yet, but I would rather that than be kicked out of here so I'll tolerate them. And I have my owl now so hopefully I won't completely combust in that toxic household without Draco and my friends.
Draco: "... Y/n!"
Y/n: "huh what yeah"
Draco: "hahaha what's got you so spaced out, you've been putting an empty spoon in and out your mouth"
Y/n: "whoops, hehe just grief from my parents"
Draco: "I'm sure you are strong enough to overcome it. Are they arguing? Are they pressuring you about grades?"
Y/n: "no just, well, you know how they are"
Draco: "actually not really, you never really talk about them"
Y/n: "meh, just normal, annoying parent stuff" I think I was lying to myself more than Draco, I felt like since I was escaped from them for six weeks each half term it was easier to be in denial and forget about them during that time.
Draco: "well my mum's said you must come to dinner at our house on Friday, I think I'll end up dinner if I don't persuade you, so please spare me and make the noble sacrifice of meeting my parents"
Y/n: "I guess I'm just so selfless and heroic I have no other choice" I said continuing our little act. Then we burst out into laughter noticing everyone around us faces. I don't quite know when it happened but Faith, Nat, Rosa and their friendship group of quidditch girls migrated next to us on the Slytherin table so I was always sat between them and my other group, flicking between the two during conversations.

Saturday morning, the train leaves back today and I'm dreading it, no point in even trying to conceal it. I packed with Avery last night talking about the dinner with Draco's parents, I haven't been in the Hogwarts loop for long, but I got the vibe Draco's father was even more intimidating than Draco, and when Avery told me stories she'd heard I was suddenly worrying if I should buy myself a new outfit so I can look Malfoy family appropriate. Once on the train Draco and I walked down to the end compartments where the 'superior students' go. I think it's just because it's closer to the kitchen, but here there is definitely a spot the other students don't dare to use knowing it's for our group. I imagined Draco being so intimidating at the younger years and when I put myself in those shoes I couldn't help but feel a little turned on and it quickly developed into a erotic daydream. I snapped myself out just as fast however not wanting to get horny on the train. After chocolate frogs, gossip and fatigued gazing, we finally arrived at platform 9 3/4. Disembarking from the train was more stressful than anticipated. As I went to go into the main walk way in the train a surge of students knocked me about and I got bumped on to the floor in 5 seconds. I tried getting up but everyone else was rushing to get off and my fingers got stepped on. Suddenly the busting stopped and I was picked onto my feet. I saw Draco, Avery, Blaise and Theo standing there, like they had parted the red sea. Students stepped aside for us as we went to the door.

Separating from everyone else I grabbed a taxi home from the station to my parents manor 45 minutes away. As we pulled in both me and the driver looked a little shocked, he was probably shocked because I looked very disheveled and down to earth not suiting the stuck up aura of this house. And I was shocked because it looked a lot cleaner than when we moved and there were weeds everywhere.

Forcing a deep breath through my lungs I walked out with my trunk towards the door. I only brought a few clothes since it was a week break and I don't want anything worthwhile being broken. That's why I brought myself. God self destructive jokes already and I haven't even knocked on the door. I knocked gingerly and thank goodness it was a maid who opened the door of either of my parents. Unfortunately however she decided to announce my arrival immediately.
Maid: "ms y/n has arrived" I stood there still hearing heavy footsteps descending towards me. And a clip clop of heels from my left. Soon both my DNA doners were in front of me
Y/n: "hello"
Mum: "you got fat." Welp half a minute and that's 20% of my self esteem gone.
Dad: "go do something useful, like cleaning or cooking, we'll be having a talk tonight.
Y/n: "yes father" I walked away with my head down so they'd know I was not being offensive. Then I went downstairs and began prepping vegetables for dinner.

Over mealtime I received vindictive verbal abuse and a lengthy explanation why I wasn't worthy as their daughter, I only got slapped and only like 6 times too so I consider thant a win even if I was down to 40% mental energy again. Luckily though I received a letter from a pretty owl and recognised Avery's handwriting. She invited me, non optionally, to go shopping on Wednesday for 'meeting the parents'. Imagine that in a evil sadistic voice. The week wasn't as awful as expected, I received the occasional slap with the excuse of laziness or low grades and let much constant insults but I got used to that. Thursday rolled around and I pulled my usual card, sneaking out my window and climbing down the lattice. My parents would never have let me out but if they didn't see me they forget my existence.

Avery: "y/n!"
Y/n: "Avery!" We collided in a hug and she pulled me into a massive shopping centre with big and little stores of assorted purpose. Taking us into all the clothes shops she compiled an outfit she'd apparently already imagined in her mind that would be appropriate for meeting Draco's parents.
Avery: "okay! That's it! Perfect! There's no way they'll dislike you in this outfit, you look like the perfect pure blood princess"
Y/n: "thanks Avery what would I do without you" I reply rhetoricly
Avery: "never get laid and be single forever"
Y/n: "oh that reminds me, how is you and Blaise" I ask suggestively
Avery: "oh my he is so funny and nice and amazing in bed"
Y/n: "I bet" I wink and she elbowed me
Avery: "come on let's go when are you parents expecting you back"
Y/n: "errm depends if they noticed I snuck out"
Avery: "oooh a bad girl we got here"
Y/n: "just skipping formalities, they probably haven't noticed anyway, they're workaholics"
Avery: "oh well here you go" she passed me the outfit "I better go now" she walked towards the bus stop "owl me!" I peeked into the back and checked out my outfit one more time before going.

Climbing back up the lattice into my bedroom I was met with a nerve-racking scene. My father, sitting on my bed, facing me. I had two options: first, come inside and face whatever beating is coming my way, or two, jump back out the window and make a run for it. Given the probability of success for the second option I opted for the first, leaving my shopping bags on the roof so he didn't see them I stepped inside and stood straight facing him. I waited, neither of us spoke and I had my head down until a powerful blow knocked me onto the floor. It was his first colliding with my cheek.
Mr Beaux: "ungrateful, impertinent, whorish, bitch" were the last words said as his belt buckle descended on my skin over and over again. Then he dragged me by my hair into another room and my mother joined us two with a baseball bat. Neither of them spoke and I couldn't. I went into a comatose state as their hits rained down on me. My surrounding blurred away and I felt like I was in a dark void only feeling the pain with marked the shell of my body. I had been curled up in a ball protecting my head until I was thrown like a rag doll forcing me to use my hands to cushion my fall. They kept beating me for an hour and by then I was almost numb until a searing pain exploded from my side. Trying to become more coherent, I recognised the afflictor as a baseball bat and the affliction as a broken rib. Maybe multiple. I didn't realise I was screaming until my father kicked my head, demanding me to shut up. And I did but by way of unconsciousness.

I woke up in the exact same place and position I passed out in the sun was still setting so either I passed out for only a couple minutes or for 24 hours. I believed the latter. I was about to try push myself up so I could go back to my room and get my wand to heal myself, but an excruciating shrieking of pain from my whole body particularly my right side prevented me decisively. So instead I just laid there praying for sleep so I could be free of the aching and stinging engulfing me. Around another 24 hours later I re-awoke and as the pain faded back in, I found it bearable. Still unable to stand, I quite embarrassingly, crawled back to my room. sliding my hand under my pillow to retrieve my wand I found it missing. I should've expected this, it's be so long since I was home I forgot they always take my wand after so I can't heal myself. I suppose they enjoy the thought of me sinking in the pain of untreated wounds. I decided I had to get out of here.

Ignoring the pain with the best of my ability, I stood upright and silently screamed for ten seconds and my shattered rib or ribs moved inside me. Once they were relocated I stepped towards the window and was more than relieved to find my bag exactly as I left it. Taking everything out the bags and shoving them in my hoodie pocket I had on from yester- two days ago, I painfully crept out my bedroom door towards the front door, knowing I'd create more attention attempting to climb out my window in my condition. I'd made it right up to the door without being seen, but when I turned around to close the door behind me on of the house elves was standing there staring at me. With my eyes I begged her not to do anything, she looked pitifully at me then turned around pretending she hadn't seen me. I can't imagine what state my face is in right now, and I'm grateful she turned her head the other way, that's all they can do really. Every house elf knows what happens to me but they have no choice but to obey my parents word so I don't care they don't help me. In fact I'm grateful every once in a while one will have the courage to sneak me a meal or water when I'm locked in my room.

Putting my hood up I flagged a taxi and spoke the address of Malfoy manor. I don't know why I even said it but I realized I don't actually know where to go and that was the first thing that came out my mouth. 45 minutes later the taxi screeched to stop outside a grand set of gates.

Cabbie: "here we are miss, that's £21.74 please" I handed him a £50 note I grabbed of a side table in the hall and got out walking until he shouted me back and dumped some notes and coins in my black and blue hand.
Cabbie: "you alright miss"
Y/n: "yeah." I spoke simply and walked away. The front doors were tall and made of dark wood contrasting, newer looking metal hinges. I knocked on the door and within 3 seconds it was opened and I looked down to see a house elf.
Dobby: "good morning miss, how may I help you on behalf of the Malfoy family"
Y/n: "i- er... Draco I'm here t-to see d-draco"
Dobby: "I will inform young master" he walked off and I kept looking down scared of what Draco will think when he sees me.
Draco: "what!?" Came an irritated reply and I almost chuckled hearing Draco's voice in so long and remembering his cold demeanor.
Dobby: "a young girl is here to see you master"
Draco: "what? Is it y/n"
Dobby: "I'm sorry Dobby never saw here face or considered it to be young master's girl since she is arriving tomorrow"
Draco: "urghh fine I'm going" I heard loud footsteps and quiet patters coming back toward me. "...y/n, what are you doing here" he pulled me in by my hand and went to kiss me but I pushed myself into his chest, not wanting him to see me, even though it was inevitable. "Darling...?"
Y/n: "I'm sorry I-i didn't know where t-to go and I w-was in the c-cab and it just came out I-i didn't know where else to g-go"
Draco: "what? Darling look at me, tell me what happened" I shook my head "sweetheart" he warned but I just shook my head again. He wasn't patient anymore and easily moved my away from him and lifted my hooded head up to meet his eyes. I still looked to the side though denying eye contact. I could almost feel Draco gasp even though he didn't make a noise.

Tears began trickling down my cheeks again as he stood there staring at me.
Y/n: "I'm so-"
Draco: "don't... Please just don't baby, it's so obvious you didn't deserve this" he embraced me again and then scooped me up and carried me bridal style up the stairs and along a corridor for a short while before entering a room - which I presume is his - and placed me on his bed.
Draco: "are their anymore?" I just nodded suddenly realising that if his reaction to whatever black and blue marks were on his face got him tongue tied, he was going to freak when he saw the rest of my body.
Draco: "can you show me?"
Y/n: "I- it hurts"
Draco: "where"
Y/n: "everywhere, it hurts to move"
Draco: "can I then?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead and a few tender spots on my face before lifting up my hoodie and signaling to put my arms up. I did and he traced his fingers over my bruised arms for a short while before pulling off my best top. This time the gasp couldn't be contained as we both for the first time saw the horrifying giant purple, red, and bloody mark on my right side.
Draco: "god baby, I'm not letting not tell me everything you know that right, I can't. I looks like at least two of your ribs are broken, not to mention the rest of you body. Why are you so hurt, didn't your parents protect you?" I looked up into his eyes involuntarily laced with pain and sorrowful confession.
Draco: "... This... This was your parents" I nodded and my inner and physical strength finally collapsed I cried onto Draco's lap as he hugged back and stroked my hair. Soothing himself almost as much as me. After a few minutes of breathless crying Draco caught onto my anxiety attack and lifted me up but maintaining proximity not wanting to let go of me as much as I.
Draco: "shhh, darling your safe now. You're right here in my arms and I'm not letting go so I need you to breath for me alright baby. Copy me look at me and do what I do and I'll never let you go" he inhaled then exhaled and I tried my best to copy even though it was shaky and a hiccup interrupted occasionally. "Good job darling I'm so proud" he brought me back into his arms and we laid down, I was sideways lying on him gripping and fiddling with his shirt and he was on his back slightly proper up against the headboard with a pillow.

A long period of calming down later, he eventually asked me something and by the slight tone in his voice I guessed he'd been dying to ask for a while.
Draco: "exactly what happened"
Y/n: "I was out with Avery, I know they'd never let me leave the house so I snuck out and when I came back my dad was waiting for me. He hit me with his belt and the dragged me to another room where my mother joined in. She had a bat and..." I paused to calm my breathing and try not cry again "they hit me for hours and I was going numb until I felt my ribs breaking, I screamed and screamed and they finally stopped then I passed out. I couldn't move when I woke up so I passed out again and the next time I went to my room but they took my wand so I grabbed my clothes and came here"
Draco: "my father can take care of this. He's powerful in the ministry of magic and, if I ask him will make it handled quietly and quickly so you never have to see them again"
Y/n: "hehe thank you Draco"
Draco: "what's funny"
Y/n: "it reminds me of when you say 'my father will hear about this' to potter and the others"
Draco: "god that scrawny need gets on my nerves"
Y/n: "you're kind of a nerd too you know, you literally get A+ in every single class"
Draco: "yes but I don't try I'm just naturally amazing, unlike potter and his freaks"
Y/n: "that reminds me you know he warned me to stay away from you the other day"
Draco: "he what!?"
Y/n: "yeah hahaha at quidditch game, you should've seen how I went off on him, his dumb shocked face was hilarious, you would've been so proud of me"
Draco: "just hearing about it makes me imagine it and I'm definitely proud of you... I'm still going to hex him for it, prick" he muttered bitterly
Y/n "hahahhahahaha aaah ah no ow ooowww no laughing no laughing"
Draco: "oh shit yeah I don't know how to heal this, let me get a house elf"
Y/n: "no it-"
Draco: "if your about to say it's fine I'll..."
Y/n: "you'll what"
Draco: "I'll kiss you in front of my parents"
Y/n: "what no! Fine you can get a house elf, you seem perfectly good and healing me before though"
Draco: "I learnt that spell for you, the second I found out, I did a protective freak out and memorized a load of stuff"
Y/n: "awww your so whipped for me"
Draco: "says the one who screams out my name"
Y/n: "whatever you say, just get a house elf" he turned to go "see whipped"
Draco: "once your healed I'm going to remind you who you belong to just you wait" I giggled as he shut the door behind him.

Narcissa's pov

One of our house elves came up to me and my husband in the study and reported a young girl had arrived and Draco had taken her up to his room.
Narcissa: "could it be his girlfriend Lucius"
Lucius: "how she is arriving tomorrow and he wouldn't have snuck her in if it was her"
Narcissa: "oh my is he cheating on her then"
Lucius: "also unlikely, I taught him how to treat a lady" he smiled at me slightly making my heart flutter just like the old days.
Dobby: "actually masters Dobby would like to add something"
Narcissa: "yes?"
Dobby: "this girl is in fact young master's girlfriend, he addressed her so, and well..."
Lucius: "hurry up with it!" I glared at him a little for his rudeness
Dobby: "the young miss appeared quite injured, master carried her away crying"
Narcissa: "oh poor girl I wonder what happened, I'll find Draco"
Lucius: "good idea, but don't intrude dear, I know how worry can make you act"
Narcissa: "oh I won't pry too much don't worry" I walked out the study with Dobby behind and as I came up the stairs I ran into Draco immediately
Draco: "oh hello mother"
Narcissa: "where's the girl, is she hurt"
Draco: "what there no-... Yeah alright y/n got hurt and came here for refuge, so please don't descend on her like a overwhelming mother right now"
Narcissa: "and who are you to say that's not just what she needs"
Draco: "the one that knows what happened"
Narcissa: "and that would be...?"
Draco: "I won't be the one to tell you, I'm just getting a house elf to help heal her then let her rest"
Narcissa: "I can do that, I'm not letting my daughter in law settle with mediocre care"
Draco: "but mother"
Narcissa: "no buts, you know I'm the best in this house anyway"
Draco: "fine but let me warn her first so she can dress, I undressed her to asses her injuries"
Narcissa: "if you won't let me see, you have to tell me so I cal heal the right areas"
Draco: "I'm afraid there isn't an area you don't need to heal"
Narcissa: "my my, poor child" as Draco disappeared into his room I recalled my nursing training and when he opened the door for me I was met with a heart wrenching sight.

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