The Unlikely Hero!

By Logan-Kenway

264K 5.5K 2.2K

My 1st MCU Story! Enjoy! More

Chapter - 1 (Thor)
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3 (Avengers Assemble)
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter 12 (Iron Man 3)
Chapter - 13 (Carnage)
Update #2
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter - 24
Updated Bio
Chapter 25 (Captain America - Civil War)
Chapter 26
Update #3 (New Story)
Update #4
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Infinity War)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Endgame)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Final Chapter!

Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)

4.4K 94 63
By Logan-Kenway

(Y/N), Rebecca, Clint and Nat are driving throw the snow towards the location of Loki's sceptre, Nat's driving as Rebecca is sat in the front passenger seat waiting for her and Toxin's que to go and wreck shit, Clint is sat in the back checking his arrows as (Y/N) sat opposite him checking his assault rifle wearing his Agent Venom gear.

Clint: So, Venom's Okay now?

(Y/N): Not really, I got his strength and speed back, but him protecting me from the heat hurt him pretty badly.

Nat: But he's okay, right?

(Y/N): I hope so...

Nat keeps on driving till Cap pulls up next to them on his bike.

Cap: Get ready, were nearly there...

(Y/N): Aye Aye, Captain.

Iron Man then flies above them as shit starts, Steve drives off to separate themselves, you know the whole divided and conquer thing... Rebecca takes this as her que and let's Toxin go nuts on the guards now shooting at them, (Y/N) puts his helmet on and loads his gun and starts to shoot as Clint does the same, Nat keeps on driving through explosions and past bullets as one of Strucker's guards with a jetpack on fly's to her side of the car and Nat kicks it into the guard destroying the jet pack and taking him out the fight, then another one lands on the back of the car only to receive a powerful kick from (Y/N).

For a second it dies down as Clint, Nat and (Y/N) all share a look and Clint smiles.

Clint: Just like old times...

Their share a quick laugh till a vehicle with a massive pulse cannon pulls up alongside them and is about to fire, (Y/N) get's ready to jump onto the vehicle and rip the cannon off, but Thor beats him to it, as Thor pulls the guy out the seat and throws him in to air, (Y/N) shoot's the guy killing him, the two share a nod as Thor jumps from the truck onto a nearby guard tower and easily takes it out, Thor then get's ambushed by two guards with jet packs but he easily deals with them as he spartan kicks the first then just simply throws the other a long way away, he then lands and starts to go hand to hand with a few of the guards, but before he can get overwhelmed Cap speeds past as he takes one out and drags another with him.

Cap throws the guard into two other guards taking them out the fight, Cap grabs his shield and throws it at another guard which then ricochets off another 5 guards before returning to him, Cap then joins the road once again and is about to be crushed by a tank, but Thor intercepts and send it's nose into the ground making the underside visible to a strike for Iron Man, Iron Man shots a rocket into it making it fly into Hulks grasp, Hulk throws it and takes out two guards as Nat drive past him.

(Y/N): Show off.

Clint: What?

(Y/N): Nothing.

Nat then drives into a barrier making the trio fly out the car and into awaiting guards as Thor joins them along with, Cap on his bike, Iron Man and Hulk as soon as they land Nat and (Y/N) work together in unison to take out the other guards as Clint shots them with his arrows.

(Y/N): Where's Bex?

The three of them look around and don't see her anywhere, this kinda worried (Y/N) but he did train her for this sort of thing so she should be okay... right?...

Iron Man flies to the main fortress on top of the mountain, only to hit into the force field surrounding the base.

Iron Man: Shit!

Cap: Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?

Steve asks making his way to the main fort,

Jarvis: The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond and other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor then lands on a small group of Strucker's men and easily takes care of them.

Thor: Loki's sceptre must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last.

(Y/N): I agree with twinkle toes.

Strucker's soldiers kept on coming as (Y/N) and Nat took out a small machine guns nest, Nat throw a grenade into the back of a jeep taking to out as (Y/N) kicked the asses of everyone trying to shot them. 

Nat: 'At long last' is lasting a little long, boys.

Nat says as (Y/N) brakes a guards neck.

(Y/N): I like it... it's like family bonding.

He says standing next to Nat.

Nat: Oh, please explain.

Nat asks smiling.

(Y/N): Well, Steve's the Grandpa that served in the war, Thor the cool uncle everyone loves but you don't get to see him often, Tony's the rich uncle everyone only likes 'cause he gives you cool shit for Christmas, Hulk is the one that people put up with as he's useful for handy work, I'm the roguishly handsome Son that has two kick ass girlfriends...

Nat lifts his helmet and gives him a quick kiss, but the moments ruined by Clint.

Clint: What about me?

(Y/N): Oh... your the adopted one, but he doesn't know it yet.

They then get shot at and go in different directions as Clint hides behind a tree and shot an arrow at the bunker that's giving them all the trouble.

Clint: Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.

Iron Man: Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said 'Language;?

Cap: I know.

Cap then goes head on with a jeep and jumps off and throws it at the jeep making the jeep flip and take out the soldiers on it,

Cap: Just slipped out.

(Y/N) looks at Nat, but Nat stops him.

Nat: I swear, if you say 'That's what she said' I will hit you.

Toxin: I second that.

The two then turned around to see Toxin land next to them.

(Y/N): Where you been?

Toxin: ... I don't really know... that direction.

Toxin said pointing to her left and their right.

Nat: Doesn't matter, let's go.

Iron Man then flies over the fort trying to take most of the attention of the big guns.

Jarvis: Sir, the city is taking fire.

Tony: Well, we know Strucker's not gonna worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion.

5 suits of armour similar to Iron Man's flies down to the city, they land in different spots of the city and try to get everyone to safety.

Iron Legion 1: This quadrant is unsafe. Please back away. We are here to help.

They all repeat the message in different parts of the city and one of them gets an acid bomb thrown at it making it's face mask melt a little.

Clint is now running through a secluded spot trying to get a good shot on another bunker that's giving them all trouble. Clint hides behind a tree and waits, then he pulls out an explosive arrow and aim's, then shots... but what he didn't see was a blue blur catch the arrow.

Clint goes back behind the tree and waits for the explosion that never comes. Clint is obviously confused and goes for a second shot only to get knocked down by the same blue blur that caught his arrow, Clint falls to the snow and looks up to see someone approaching him.

Pietro: You didn't see that coming?

He then takes off before Clint can get up, but Clint does and aims his arrow at him, the bunker then gets a shot off on Clint maiking him groan, drawing the attention of (Y/N), Toxin and Nat.

Nat: Clint!

Nat runs to Clint as (Y/N) looks at Toxin.

(Y/N): Go help the others.

Toxins nods and takes off to help the others as (Y/N) makes his way to Clint and Nat.

Cap: We have Enhanced in the field.

Nat: Clint's hit.

Nat makes it to Clint, as she starts to help him, she notices the bunker still going.

Nat: Somebody want to deal with that bunker

(Y/N) then loads a grenade in to his grenade attachment on the bottom of his assault rifle and fires it at the bunker taking it and the soldiers in the area out.

Nat: Thanks you

(Y/N): No problem.

Hulk then lands where the bunker used to be as he looks at (Y/N) with annoyance as (Y/N)just flips him off and Hulk jumps away again, (Y/N) then get's to Nat and Clint just as Nat finished patching Clint up.

Cap: Stark, we really need to get inside.

He said taking a few of the soldiers out again.

Iron Man: I'm closing in.

Iron Man lands on a walkway and takes out the two guards shooting at him.

Tony: Jarvis, am I closing in?

Iron Man takes out another guard.

Tony: Do you see a power source for that shield?

Jarvis: There's a particle wave below the north tower.

Iron Man: Great, I want to poke it with something.

Iron Man flies up and aimes a rocket at the location Jarvis told him about and fired making the rocket go straight through the mountain and destroying the particle wave shutting down the shield.

Iron Man: The drawbridge is down, people.

Cap calls back his shield with the magnets in his arm as Thor lands nearby, Cap jogs up to him.

Thor: The Enhanced?

Cap: He's a blur. All the new player's we've faced, I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't.

The two then heard Nat over the comms

Nat: Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac.

Thor: I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better. You and Stark secure the sceptre.

Cap: Copy that.

They both then look to see a small army making their way towards them.

Thor: Looks like they're lining up.

He said spinning his hammer in his hand.

Cap: Well, they're excited.

Cap lifts his shield and steady's himself as Thor hits his shield sending a small shockwave towards the group taking out the soldiers and the tank approaching them.

Thor: Find the sceptre.

Thor then takes off to go and help Clint, but Tony has one more joke.

Iron Man: And for gosh sake, watch your language!

Cap: That's not going away any time soon.

(Y/N): Wait did Cap actually say that, I thought I was hearing things...

Steve sighed as he just ignored Tony and (Y/N) making jokes about it as he continued with the mission, (Y/N) left Nat and Thor to help Clint so (Y/N) went off to kick some more ass as he got bored sat around waiting.

Iron Man crashed into the window of the main control room only to be greeted with a massive amounts of bullets being shot at him.

Iron Man: Guy, stop. We gotta talk this through.

Iron Man then locked onto all of them with non lethal rounds and sent them all to the ground groaning in pain.

Iron Man: It was a good talk.

Soldier: No, it wasn't.

Tony then makes his way through to the next room to see a scientist trying to get rid of all the evidence, Tony shoots a blast at him knocking him away form the computer, Tony then steps out the suit and looks to it.

Tony: Sentry mode.

The suit then keeps his posture and hand up ready to take out anyone that tries to get to Tony, Tony then makes his way to the computers.

Tony: Okay, Jarvis, you know. I want it all. Make sure you copy Hill at HQ.

(Y/N) makes his way back to see Nat looking at a group of Strucker's soldiers surrendering.

Nat: We're locked down out here.

(Y/N) then pressed a button on his suit making it go into a bag on his back, he instantly started to shiver from the cold, but Nat reassured him.

Nat: Don't worry, we'll warm you up later...

She said kissing his cheek, (Y/N) was about to respond but there moment was interrupted by Steve.

Steve: Then get to Banner. Time for a lullaby.

Nat sighed as she has to do this again, but it pissed (Y/N) off.

(Y/N): You know, I don't like the way he only listens to you... 

(Y/N) said as he punched a tree out of frustration, the only really bad thing is that he destroyed the tree, Nat decided to tease him a little.

Nat: Are you jealous?

Obviously the answer was 'Yes' but (Y/N)isn't going to tell her that.

(Y/N): What? No, why would I be jealous of a big green boggy... We could snap him in half if we wanted to...

Nat calmed him down by holding his cheeks and kissing him.

Rebecca: Am I interrupting something?

They stopped kissing and turned to see Rebecca leaning against the destroyed tree (Y/N) just put his hand through.

Nat: Yes, but can you stay with him, I got to sing to the big guy.

(Y/N): Why you say it like that?

Nat grinned and kissed him once more then took off in the direction of Hulk as Rebecca hugged (Y/N) happy that he's okay, from the battle they just had, but the thing is she could tell that (Y/N)was still pissed about this whole Natasha and Banner thing so Rebecca pulled (Y/N)into a destroyed bunker that still had a lot of cover and no dead bodies, and the two helped each other relieve stress...

Tony is tapping away at the main console as Jarvis gets everything from the console, but Tony's mind get's the best of him.

Tony: I know you're hiding more than files. Hey, J, give me an IR scan of the room, real quick.

Tony asks Jarvis whilst making his way into the middle of the room. Jarvis scans the room and instantly finds something out the ordinary.

Jarvis: The wall to your left. I'm reading steel reinforcement and a n air current.

Tony walks up to the wall.

Tony: Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door. Please be a secret door.

Tony then pushes the door lightly and cheers like a little child.

Tony: Yay.

Tony then walks through the door and makes his way through a sketchy looking corridor, Tony makes his was down the corridor and down a flight of stairs... meanwhile (Y/N) and Rebecca finished their... time together and followed Nat and watched as Hulk calmed down around her, this infuriated (Y/N) as it was really making him the jealous boyfriend, what didn't help was the smile Nat gave once Bruce started to take back control.

(Y/N) looked pissed as a voice came in his head.

???: We can do it you know... kill him and we take out the Hulk and keep Nat, simple.

(Y/N) shook his head, he didn't know who's voice that was, it was much deeper then Venoms and Venom hasn't spoke to him in a few weeks and the last time he did he just told (Y/N) he need to rest, to restore himself but (Y/N) would get a small percentage of his powers, (Y/N) saw enough as he and Rebecca left the scene, Rebecca knew he was pissed at this and he could easily beat her in a fight, even if she used Toxin and he only have 3% of Venom's help, she's still no match, so she did her best to calm him down as Steve encountered Strucker.

Steve: Baron Strucker. Hydra's number one thug.

Strucker: Technically, I'm a thug for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Steve: Well, then technically you're unemployed. Where's Loki's sceptre?

Steve said as he stood with his back to the stairs and his face to the door.

Strucker: Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope.

As he said this Wanda made her way towards them from a dark corridor in the back of the room that Steve couldn't see.

Steve: I'll put it right under 'Illegal human experimentation.' How many are there.

Wanda then came up beside Steve and pushed him down the stairs with her abilities, Steve rolls down the steps and manages to catch himself and run back up them, only to watch her leave the room but still see Stucker near him, Steve noticed his shield on the floor.

Steve: We have a second Enhanced. Female. Do not engage.

Steve looked at Strucker.

Strucker: You'll have to be fast than...

Strucker didn't get to finish as Steve stepped on his shield bringing it into the air and kicking it into Strucker knocking him into the wall and making him fall to the floor unconscious.

Tony then finally comes to the end of the tunnel and looks up to see one of the giant chitauri Leviathan's from New York.

Steve: Guys, I got Strucker.

Tony: Yeah, I got something bigger.

Tony then looks around the room to see a lot of robot parts and other mechanical objects that's making Tony question what they are really trying to do here... Tony makes his way around the... factory... till he spots what the Avengers are here for, Loki's sceptre.

Tony: Thor. I got eyes on the prize.

Wanda then comes up from behind and uses her abilities on Tony, Tony's eyes go weird for a second then go back to normal, Tony slightly shakes his head thinking he was just getting tired, but then a blue light coming from behind him caught his attention, Tony turned around only to see the Leviathan coming at him, Tony moves out the way as the Leviathan flies above him, Tony's eyes follow it as Tony turns around to see all of the Avengers laying on a big pile of rubble dead, first is Steve with his Shield broken in half and suit ripped slightly, near him was Thor and Clint, Thor is laying on his back dead as Clint is sat upright also deceased.

On the top of the pile is Hulk with multiple spears and other weapons in him, but the one that got his interest was Natasha and Rebecca laying next to each other with someone standing above them, the being looked at Tony to reveal it was (Y/N).

Tony: What happened here.

(Y/N): This is the future.

Tony: What?

(Y/N) took one last look at Natasha and Rebecca then looked back at Tony who stayed at the base of the pile.

(Y/N): Let me introduce myself, I am a power beyond your imagination... I managed to insert myself in your subconscious, and I noticed you cared much about this being...

He said holding his arms out presenting himself to Tony.

Tony: He's my Son.

The being imitating (Y/N) smiled at him.

(Y/N): That's nice it really is... but look around, there will come a time where it will come down to one choice... the wrong one will lead to all of this as the other may very well save everyone around me.

Tony: What are you talking about?!

(Y/N) then started to make his way down to Tony.

(Y/N): One choice is what the fate of humanity will depend on... but what will you do to make this not happen.

Tony: I'll make the right choice...

(Y/N): No you won't.

(Y/N) said slowly walking around Tony.

Tony: What? Why not?

(Y/N): Well, your bodies over there.

(Y/N) said pointing to Tony's body that's stuck under the Hulk's bod, this confused Tony.

Tony: So if we all died, then who can make the right decision. 

(Y/N): For a smart man you are seriously stupid...

(Y/N) grabbed the top of Tony's head and made him look at all of his dead friends.

(Y/N): Who's missing... 

Tony looked carefully and checked them all off the list one by one then came to one last name and Tony couldn't spot his body.

(Y/N): You cannot stop what is coming... but you can save it once it's come... don't stop the boy from what he was made to do...

(Y/N) said as he slowly made his way up the pile

Tony: What? That's my son!

(Y/N): Is he?... did you actually see witness the birth of this child... any baby pictures.

(Y/N) turned around to see Tony looking rather confused.

Tony: But I remember his Mother, she was beautiful, blonde blue eyes...

(Y/N): Do you remember her... or is that just what people want you to think... the boy was nothing more than a science experiment with your DNA and many others that failed and they throw him away to let him rot on the streets... he was obviously supposed to die, but then he was saved by his pure will power to fight and the one you all call Venom...

Tony was about to say something but could only choke on his words, there's now way this is true... right... 

Tony: Look, I don't care what you think (Y/N)'s my Son...

(Y/N): Time's up... let it happen Mr. Stark.

Tony then came out of the vision and looked around the room to see he's back in the factory, Tony can't get what he just seen out of his mind, Is (Y/N) his son, or just a failed experiment like whoever that was said.

Tony shook of the thoughts and looked at the Sceptre as Wanda watches from nearby shocked at what she just saw, Pietro comes up behind his Sister to see Tony standing near the sceptre, Pietro was about to stop him, till Wanda stopped him.

Tony held his arm out calling for his Iron Man gauntlet to help him pull the sceptre out of whatever it was secured in.

Pietro: We're just gonna let him take it?

Wanda didn't answer him as they watched as Tony received his gauntlet and grabbed the sceptre in to his grip, as Wanda watched on with a smile...


(To Be Continued)

Quick Question, after this book or maybe along side it, would you rather I did a F&F, GOF or a Walking Dead story? Let me know.

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