Finally Together (Lee Jordan)

By ellerosie2332

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DISCONTINUED FOR NOW Evangeline Weasley is the sixth born of the Weasley children. After the war she is livin... More

Before I Begin
Introduction | 1994-1999
1 | May 1999
2 | July 1999
4 | September 1999
5 | October 1999

3 | August 1999

25 1 3
By ellerosie2332

Evie's Pov:

After my first shift at the shop, Nathan was even more controlling of where I went. I had an idea why and I had confronted Fred and George about it but they both played innocent.

Lee came into the shop frequently after our drink at the Three Broomsticks. The Twins had given me the afternoon off a couple of times so I could go out with Lee. I knew what they were doing. I may not be their twin, but I still know them very well.

They were hoping by me spending time with Lee that I would leave Nathan. I hated to admit it, but it was working a little. I had to remember Nathan though. I told Lee that I was still dating Nathan and as much as he hated it he agreed to respect my relationship. I was forced to talk to him about it after Fred made a joke about us going on a date.

Everything was going really well. My old feelings were still present for Lee, but I never made a move because of Nathan. No matter how much George told me that I shouldn't care about him. For the first time since the aftermath of the war I felt free. Even though every night I had to go home to Nathan I was spending less and less time at the flat during the day.

Nathan noticed my lack of presence and as a result I had to cancel meeting up with Katie, Leanne and Cho. We agreed to meet up at least once a month to catch up with each other. I hadn't seen them since April. Originally I just didn't have time with Ron and Ginny sitting their final exams as well as my other students, the girls understood. Now however Nathan would kick off if I even mentioned their names and I was so tired from work I simply didn't want to argue.

It was the second week of August and I had planned with the twins to meet up with Lee at the Three Broomsticks. He didn't mind organising meetups through the twins as he knew what Nathan was like. Me and Lee were sitting, drinking our butterbeers and talking when I saw a familiar face enter the pub. I immediately ducked my head which confused Lee until we heard the booming voice through the pub.

"Evangeline! What the fucking hell are you doing in here with him. I thought I told you not to speak to him." I flinched at his voice.

"Nathan how pleasant to see you again." Lee said through gritted teeth. "Sorry for borrowing your girlfriend from work but as I haven't seen her in so long I thought we would have a catch up."

Nathan ignored Lee. "I come to see you at work Evangeline and instead I see you with big-mouth Jordan? This is so embarrassing even for you. As you are not at work you can come back home with me. Now! God damnit Evangeline do you ever do as you are told?" Nathan was interrupted by Tom the barman.

"Excuse me but you are disrupting this pub. Evie has no obligation to come with you despite you being her boyfriend. Either lower your voice or get out of my pub!"

Nathan huffed and grabbed my wrist. I sent an apologetic smile to Lee as I reluctantly followed Nathan out of the pub. He apparated us quickly back to our flat and he started yelling again.

"Are you sleeping with him Evangeline? Do you think that one bloke is not enough? Do you like acting like a whore?"

"Nathan please calm down. I haven't seen Lee since the end of the war, and he came into the shop. I was just catching up with him. I haven't slept with anyone but you I promise." I said shakily.

"Why are you lying Evangeline? Why must you make me so angry all the time. It's like you want us to fight and argue." He shouted.

"Please Nathan I am telling you the truth." I pleaded with him. But he wasn't having any of it. I would be lying if I said that he didn't scare me.

"How many times have I told you not to speak to him. It is bad enough that he is best friends with your brothers, but you also went to the damn Yule Ball with him back in fifth year. It's like you can't keep away from him." He roared.

"Nathan I told you I just went for a butterbeer with him. Nothing happened I promise you." I told him. I was trying to calm him down. What happened next shocked me. Nathan did something I never thought he would.

I felt a sharp stinging pain across my face. I held my hand up to my cheek and stared back at Nathan in fear. We had had many arguments but the one thing he had never done was hit me. I had a tear trickle down my face from the shock and the sting.

"See now look what you made me do. Evie I don't want to hurt you, but you make me so angry. I just wish that you would listen to me." Nathan said giving me a faux pout. I was scared now. I never thought he would hit me. Any love that I had left for Nathan went in that moment.

"I-I am g-going to get re-ready for b-bed." I stuttered as I was still in shock. I discreetly grabbed my wand and went to the bedroom. I quickly apparated away to Fred and George's flat.

"Evie? What are you doing here?" Fred questioned. I just broke down in tears and nearly collapsed. George was quick to catch me before I hit the ground.

"Hey E, calm down you're okay. Shh." George tried to calm me down.

"I'll go to get Katie and see if she can help." Fred suggested as I was curled in George's arms. I felt George shift and then a whoosh noise. George helped me up on the couch and summoned a glass of water. It took me a while to calm down and eventually Fred got back with Katie and Angelina.

"Hey Evie, what's wrong? Talk to us Honey." Katie spoke to me. She was stroking my hair and helping George calm me down.

"He hit me." I whispered. Katie and Angelina both heard me and gasped.

"What was that Evie?" Fred asked. I could tell from his tone that he had heard me too but was double checking to make sure he heard correctly.

"He hit me." I said louder. I was shaking violently as tears streamed down my face. I looked up at my brothers who were red in the face.

"I'm gonna kill him." Fred growled.

"Me too." George mimicked Fred's tone.

"We will all kill him later but boys right now your sister needs you." Angelina said sternly. Both guys agreed and hugged me around Katie and Angelina. I just melted into their hug.

"I need help guys. I can't stay with him. I need you to help me." I whimpered. I felt all their arms tighten around me.

"Of course, sis. We are getting you out of there. You are living with us now." I heard Fred say. I smiled slightly and soon my smile turned back into tears. My shoulders shaking as I cried.

George's Pov:

As I held my sister who was shaking with tears, I could feel to anger rise up in me. Angelina was right but I was so angry I wanted to really hurt Nathan. More than I have ever wanted to hurt anyone before in my life. Nathan hurt my little sister and that was not alright with me.

I looked my brother and he looked back. The same look of fury was in his eyes. I knew we had to do something to help Evie. How did this happen. What happened to my confident, funny little sister. The girl who would put a smile on anyone's face just by being herself. Nathan broke her.

"I'm just going to quickly find someone who can help. I'll be right back Evie. Do you guys have a camera?" Katie asked softly. Fred nodded and grabbed the muggle camera Dad gave us that we used for work.

"Right, I need you to take a picture of her face. Make sure you can see the red handprint. I'm going to the Ministry. I know someone who works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement there. I am going to ask them for help. She cannot go back to him." She whispered to us. Fred nodded and went back over to Evie.

"Evie love can you look up so I can take a picture of your face please?" Fred asked softly. Evie sat up in Angelina's arms and turned her head slightly so Fred could take the picture. I rubbed her arms sympathetically and tried to comfort her. She was calming down slightly but still very worked up.

A little while later Katie returned with another woman. She had brown hair and a tall figure. She was dressed formally and wore a warm smile. She looked at Evie and sighed slightly, almost knowingly and crouched down next to her.

"Hi Evie, My name is Andrea, and I am from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Katie tells me that your partner hit you. Is that correct?" The woman we now know to be Andrea spoke.

Evie just nodded in return.

"Before I continue is there anyone in this room that you don't want to be involved in the conversation we are about to have?" Evie looked at me.

"Can you and Fred stay?"

"Of course, Darling." Katie and Angelina got the hint and excused themselves to the kitchen. Evie just stared at the wall.

This has been a defence mechanism that Evie has had all her life. Whenever she is scared or intimidated she just shuts down.

Evie's Pov:

I felt so overwhelmed. I appreciated everyone wanting to help me, but I was still in shock. He hit me. I still couldn't believe it. He actually hit me. I felt myself freeze like I was disconnected from the world around me. I looked up to George. I wanted to know that I was safe now.

Something I had always done since I was little. I would shut down away from the outside world, only acknowledging the people I trust. In this case I was using George to ground myself. In my head he was my safe place.

"Evie I'm going to ask you some questions alright?" Andrea asked I nodded again.

"How long have you been dating Nathan?" She asked.

"About four years."

"Has he ever hit you before"


"Do you argue frequently?"


"What are your arguments about?"

"He doesn't like me seeing my family."

"Okay Evie I can tell this is very stressful on you, so I am going to leave you with your brothers." Andrea then turned to my brothers. "Normally I don't come out to homes, but Katie told me how shaken Evie was, I didn't want to freak her out anymore. At some point in the next few days when she is feeling better can you bring her to the Ministry for a few more questions. In the mean time I will file this, and we will start an investigation."

"Can you offer Evie any protection? If Nathan catches wind of this then I don't want him near Evie. Fred stated. I hated this. I could hear them talking about me and I couldn't say anything. I know they want to help me but still.

"All we can do is keep an eye on things at this stage. The best thing is to make sure she is rarely alone."

"Alright. Thank you." George said.

Andrea nodded and used the floo to leave. I was still sat on the floor when Fred and George both came over to me. Katie and Angelina exited the kitchen and made their way to the three of us. I finally felt safe.

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