Arknights x malereader

By Samoil747

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So in this sh*t will contain Malereader x arknights also yaoi or non yaoi means Arknights story lines Ark... More

Another world
The Energie


114 3 0
By Samoil747

V.C=Village Chef

Well after you meet Eno and Sasha you got to the Village Chef and asked him if you could get a job.

Y/n:Sir could I get a job perhaps?

V.C:First of what kind of job?

Y/n:.........Dosen't  matter as long I get a good pay.

V.C:Well in this Village  we need someone  who can fight real  good .
Can you fight?

Y/n:Not to  much but I can do self protection!

V.C:Well you could try it.if it works your are hired.

Y/n:How much do I get payed ?

V.C:Hmmmmmm.......How about 25k Lugmend dollors?This Village  is also not in the best shape.This is how much I can offer.

Y/n's mind : A/n is it good ?

A/n:Its ok considered we only stay here for Faust and Mephisto so it's ok.

Y/n's mind:Ok I aceapt(Is it right ?)

Y/n:I take the offer.

V.C:Good then go infront of the the Village gates and protect the Village.Also forgot to say you get your own little room where you sleep.

Y/n:Ok and thank you Chef!

As Y/n walked out two little children had their eyes on him.

Eno:What does he do?

Sasha:No idea Eno.

They follow him almost everywhere he go.

As y/n  was infront of the Village  gate he stand in the middle with a f/w

He is waiting and waiting and..........

Till noon he keeped Guard.

What about eno and sasha?

Well they sleept on theyre hideout till Y/n  came and toke them to his room and set them on the bed .

(Imagine them in a bed )

Y/n's mind:I wish I would be there for them when they needed someone.

A/n:Were are gonna be there for them.
Don't worry were are gonna prevent their deaths.

(Sorry for small chpt.I had to much work and also thanks for the reads!!!
Bye and see you later~)

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