
By lovee_xplr

193 7 6

Killig (n.) The rush or the inexplicable joy one feels after seeing or experiencing something romantic. Start... More

C. Diggory
D. Malfoy
J. Potter, R. Lupin
L. Evans

H. Granger

56 1 5
By lovee_xplr

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝙴𝚡𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

y/n P.O.V.:

"This is mad," Ron muttered, "At this rate, we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."

Snape then came and pushed Ron's head down, causing you to bite back a laugh as he groaned.

"Well, except Neville," Ron smirked, you kicked his shin gaining a glare.

"Yeah," Harry smiled, "But then again, he can take himself."

"Harry," You scolded, shooting him a glare.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone," Hermione remarked, leaning towards the boys.

Ron sighed, "Now I'm really depressed."

Fred wrote something on a piece of paper and threw it towards Ron, 'Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone.'

"Who you goin' with then?" Ron muttered, eyeing the boy beside you.

Fred picked up a crumpled paper and threw it at Angelina, gesturing to ask her to the ball. After she nodded, he smirked and winked at Ron.

"Hey Hermione," Ron started.

"Oh god," You muttered, knowing exactly that he's going to mess up.

"You're a girl," He stated the obvious.

"Well spotted," Hermione sneered as Harry started to hit Ron's shoulder.

The two boys both got whacked in the head with a book by Snape, forcing them to look at the table.

"It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone," Ron spoke, "For a girl it's just sad."

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not, someone's asked me," She snapped, gathering her things.

She rushed to the front and handed her work back to Snape and rushed back to the table.

"And I said yes," She growled before rushing out of the room.

"Bloody hell," Ron muttered, "She's lying, right?"

"If you say so," Harry mumbles.

"Look," Ron stated, "We've just got to grit our teeth and do it. Tonight when we get back to the common room, we'll both have partners, agreed?"

Just as Harry mumbled an 'agreed', Snape pushed their heads down.

After Snape left, I glared at the boys.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron muttered.

"First of all," You muttered, keeping an eye out for Snape, "That was incredibly rude what you said about Neville. Second of all, how dare you speak to Hermione like that and accuse her of lying. And third of all, am I just invisible or something?!"

"What's she on about?" Ron whispers, looking around.

"Fred," You muttered, getting his attention, "I beg of you, prank Ronald at your next given opportunity."

"I'd love that," He smirks, "But why?"

"I'll explain to you and the two boys then," You muttered, "Ron, I know I've told you that I don't believe in love, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like an invitation to the ball by my best friend."

"You don't believe in love?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Merlin, Harry, have you not heard me talking bout my hate of couples snogging in every corner?" You mentally face palmed.

"I thought," He paused, "You were just disgusted."

"Wait a second," Ron calls, "Why did you ask Fred to only prank me? What about Harry?"

"He's already got a lot going on, what with the triwizard tournament and nearly being killed each year," You answered.

"One of you just ask her already," Fred muttered, "Poor girl can't exactly take the one she wants to take. That one's already got a date."

"How did you-" You mutter, looking at Fred.

"I'm not as oblivious as these two, y/n," He smiled, "Also, don't dwell on it too much. You'll find that lucky g-"

You quickly held a hand to his mouth to stop him, and whispered, "I'm not out to anyone."

He nodded, understanding.

"y/n," Ron smiled sheepishly, "Wanna go to the ball with me?"

"Sure Ron," You nodded, "Also, Harry, ask one of the Patil twins. They've been eyeing you this whole time."

"Thanks y/n," Harry smiled.


You were standing next to one of the Patil twins, waiting for Harry and Ron. As they started to come down the stairs, you started walking towards them.

"Bloody hell," You stated after seeing Ron, "Those dress robes are ghastly. I wish I'd gone alone instead."

Harry chuckled while Ron grumbled in return.

"There you are Potter," McGonagall said, "Are you and Miss Patil ready?"

"Ready Professor?" Harry asked.

"To dance," She answered, "It's traditional that the three champions - well, in this case four - are the first to dance. Surely I told you that."

"No," Harry stated.

"Oh," She gasped, "Well, now you know."

As she glanced at Ron, her expression changed, tugging slightly on his dress robes collar, "Oh. As for you, Mister Weasley, you may proceed into the Great Hall with Miss l/n."

As she walked off, you reluctantly followed along beside him.

"I really wish Harry had asked me instead, now," You whined.

"Shut up, y/n. You don't believe in love anyway," He grumbled.

"Shh," You rushed, "I don't need everyone to know."

You started clapping as the champions entered the hall.

"Is that Hermione Granger? With Viktor Krum?" You heard someone asked beside you.

You looked up and noticed that it was indeed her, looking as beautiful as ever.

"No," Ron shook his head, "Absolutely not."

After the champions had dance a little, some teachers and students started to join in.

As you sat with Ron, Harry and one of the Patil twins, you watched as Hermione happily danced with Viktor.

"Ruddy pumkinhead, isn't he?" Ron asked.

"I don't think it was the books that had him going to the library," Harry stated.

One of the Durmstrang boys walked over and adressed Parvati, "May I have your arm?"

"Arm. Leg. I'm yours," She stated quickly, walking off with him.

Hermione and Viktor walked past, the latter kissing the formers hand. As Hermione twirled happily, hands going to her head with a smile on her face, she walked over and sat next to Harry.

"Hot, isn't it?" She asked, smile bright, "Viktor's gone to get drinks. Would you care to join us?"

"No, we'd not care to join you and Viktor," Ron spat.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" She asked, looking at Ron.

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternizing with the enemy," Ron explained.

"The enemy?" She scoffed, "Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends."

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind," Ron chuckled.

"Ronald!" You scolded, slapping his arm.

She stood up, walking away before turning around and going to say something before deciding against it and walking away.


"He's using you," You heard Ron tell Hermione.

"How dare you?!" She exclaimed, "Besides, I can take care of myself."

"I doubt it," Ron scoffs, "He's way too old."

"What?! What?" She huffs, "That's what you think?"

"Yeah, that's what I think," Ron answers.

"You know the solution then, don't you?" She asks.

"Go on," He guides.

"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does," She gasps, her tears gathering in her eyes, "And not as a last resort."

"Well, that's-" He starts, stuttering, "I mean, that's just completely off the point."

"Harry," Ron spoke after seeing him.

Hermione whipped around, "Where have you been?"

As Harry goes to answer, she interrupts him, "Never mind! Off to bed, both of you."

"They get scary when they get older," Ron says as he and Harry walk up the stairs.

"Ron," She yelled, "You spoiled everything."

As Hermione collapsed on the stairs and started taking off her shoes, you sat beside her and pulled her into your embrace. She sobbed softly as you whispered assurances in her ear.

"You like Ron," You muttered, holding back tears, "Don't you?"

When her sobs just increased, you already knew the answer.


You were stood next to Harry, just before the second task.

"Where are Ron and Hermione?" You muttered, looking around.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them since last night. Ron didn't come back to the dorm," Harry spoke.

"'Mione didn't either," You mumbled, "Why did they disappear for the whole night?"

After a few more seconds of looking around for the two, you shook your head and turned to Harry.

"That's not important right now!" You exclaimed, grasping Harry's arms, "Don't do anything that can get you killed, alright? I'm not losing any of my best friends! You hear me?"

"I'll do my best," He chuckled, squeezing your shoulder slightly, "Can't leave you alone with the two bickering like that, can I?"

"No, you can't," You smiled, "Cause if you do, one of the three of us will die, whether it's them killing each other or me killing them, it'll happen."


You were kneeled on the edge of the Plattform, looking over the water for sign of the champions.

Just then, Cedric came up with Cho Chang, they were both wrapped in a towel once they arrived on land.

'So the treasure was a person?' You wondered, keeping a look out for the others.

After another few minutes, you noticed another person surface; Viktor with Hermione. Immediately you went over and kneeled in front of her as a towel was wrapped around her.

"Merlin, 'Mione," You gasped, hugging her, "Harry and I were so worried. You and Ron didn't come back last night!"

"Has Harry come back up yet?" She asked, hugging back.

"No," You answered shaking your head, "Fleur came up without anyone, Cedric came with Cho and then you and Viktor came. Harry is still in there, and I think Ron may be his treasure."

You both separated from the hug and watched over the water. The time was inching closer to the end. Just when everyone started to lose hope, two figures appeared.

You'd recognise the red hair anywhere as Ron swam to the Dock with a younger blonde girl in his arms, probably Fleur's sister. When the clock chimed and Harry wasn't back, you became worried.

When Ron arrived, you hugged him quickly before checking if he was alright.

"I'm alright!" He laughed, "Geez, you're like a mother."

"I'm just checking if you're alright so I can hit you!" You said, lightly hitting his arm, "You can't just worry me and Harry like that!"

"Didn't exactly have a choice, y/n," He grumbled.

Just then, there was a loud thump which caused you to turn.

"Harry!" You exclaimed as you ran over.

Seamus wrapped a towel around him as Fleur thanked him and kissed both his cheeks before turning to Ron.

"And you helped," Came her French accent before she kissed both his cheeks, too.

You rolled your eyes before running to Harry with Hermione kneeled in front of him.

"I didn't die," He laughed when he saw your glare.

"First 'Mione and Ron go missing, then you take longer than an hour," You complained, "I'm gonna have a heart attack before I even become an adult!"

"You're acting like a worried mother," Harry smirked.

"That's what I just said!" Ron exclaimed, "See, y/n? You're like a mother!"

You rolled your eyes as you folded your hands in front of your chest.


(skip to Fleur and Bill's wedding)

You were inside the burrow, sitting with Harry, Hermione and Ron, opposite the minister of Magic.

He was giving out the items from Dumbledore's Will. Ron was given a Deluminator. Hermione was given a book: 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard'. Harry was given the snitch that he caught in his first game, as well as the sword of godric Gryffindor, which was missing and wasn't Dumbledore's to give away in any case.

"And to y/n m/n l/n," The Minister read, "I give my diary. With this I hope to help her journey of self-discovery and telling the loved ones. Especially the person who she desires most."

"How did he-" You started, "Never mind, Dumbledore always knew everything."


(skip to after escaping from the ministry)

(you and Hermione both have bags with extension charms)

You landed next to Ron, immediately turning when you heard his grunts of pain.

"It's okay, it's okay," You whispered slightly, looking for your bag, "Harry! My bag! Essence of dittany!"

After a few seconds, he walks forward with it in his hand while Hermione tried calming him.

"Unstopper it!" You yelled at Harry, causing him to jump.

"y/n, his arm," He spoke.

"I know!" You snapped, "Just do it."

(you know what happens, I'd prefer to skip writing it)

You and Hermione stood up, starting to use protective enchantments to secure the area.

"Get started on the tent," You told Harry.


You woke the next morning, and all left the tent and stood outside. You stood next to Ron while the other two stood further forward, trying spells on the locket.

As you walked forwards, following the others, you readjusted Ron's sling. When he looked at you, you simply smiled and shrugged.

"My dad always hurt himself," You explained, "I know the best position for your arm to heal."

He nodded, "In the six years we've known each other, you've only mentioned your father."

"My mother," You paused, "Ran out on us when I was younger. My parents were both muggles, so she became scared when I started to show magical abilities. She didn't want me."

"I'm sorry," Ron muttered, looking down.

"Don't be. It didn't affect me, I was five, so I barely remember it," You smiled, "My father was affected deeply by it, though. Those were the days that I promised I'd never speak of love if it did not exist."

"What are you doing?" Hermione asked, stepping towards Harry.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it," He answers.

"Seems strange, mate," Ron pipes up, "Dumbledore sends you off to find all these Horcruxes, but doesn't tell you how to destroy them. Doesn't that bother you?"

When Harry just huffs and walks away, you shake your head slightly.


Hermione was in the woods, looking for plants while Harry sat outside the tent, looking at the piece of mirror. You and Ron sat inside, listening to the radio as you also read Dumbledore's diary.

When you heard Harry shout, you jumped slightly. He could only be yelling at Hermione since you and Ron were in the tent. Hermione walked in and you looked at her.

"You have the locket?" You asked as she held it in her hand.


You were sat outside with Hermione as the boys slept. When a twig snapped, you looked up and followed Hermione.

You watched as a group of men walked past, a person in the arms of the larger men as one of them stopped.

"What's that?" He asked, pausing.

You and Hermione took a deep breath as they stood in front of you.

"What's that smell?" The same man questioned, when the large man dropped the body, "What you doing?"

"It's heavy," The man answered.

As they started to walk away, Harry walked up.

"Snatchers," He stated, "Good to know your enchantments work."

"He could smell it," Hermione paused, "My perfume."

As you walked back to the tent, you kept looking back slightly.

"I've told you," Hermione stated, "Ron isn't strong enough to apparate."

"Well, then," Harry spoke, "We'll go on foot."


As you continued your path on foot, you continued to listen to the radio, walking beside Ron while Hermione and Harry walked in the front.

"You love her," Ron stated.

"What?" You asked as you turned to him.

"You love her. I can see it in your eyes," Ron smirks.

You sighed, "I don't believe in love."

"It didn't stop you from falling in love with her," Ron laughed.

"How did you even know I liked girls?" You muttered, looking away.

"I'm sorry for taking your ability to come out to me, but this way, you can have someone to talk to about it," He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, "Because, now I've got someone to talk about girls with, that isn't talking bout my sister."

"How do you know I won't?" You smirked.

He laughed, "Because you're completely in love with that gi-"

You slapped a hand on his mouth, since he was speaking loudly, the other two turned around.

"Who's y/n in love with?" Harry smirked.

"It's getting dark," You stated, "We should set up the tent and the enchantments here."

You looked over to the water nearby and avoided their gazes.

"Come on y/n, who you in love with?" Harry pestered.

You turned to him with a sigh, "I'm really not ready to talk about this topic."

"You told Ronald," Hermione pointed out.

"Unlike you two, Ronald figured it out. I didn't tell him any bloody thing!" You snapped.

"Give me the locket," Ron commanded as you took it off and handed it to him.

You handed it to him and he placed it around his neck, hiding it under his sweater.


The next evening, you were sat next to Ron who was laying down, listening to the sound of Hermione cutting Harry's hair.

As they were talking and realising the way to destroy the Horcrux, Ron stood and you followed him. He used his deluminator to take away the light and walked into the room before relighting it.

"The sword was stolen," He spoke, "Yeah, I'm still here. But you two carry on. Don't let me spoil the fun."

Harry closed the book in front of him and turned his body to face you two, "What's wrong?"

"Wrong?" Ron scoffs, "Nothings wrong. Not according to you, anyway."

"Look," Harry starts, "If you've got something to say, don't be shy. Spit it out."

"Alright, I'll spit it out," Ron snaps, "But don't expect me to be grateful just because there's another damn thing we've gotta find."

"I thought you knew what you signed up for," Harry retaliates.

"Yeah," Ron sighs, "I thought I did too."

"Well," Harry spoke, "Then im sorry, but I don't quite understand. What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we were gonna be staying in a five star hotel? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Thought you'd be back by Christmas?"

"I just thought, after all this time, we would have achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing. I thought Dumbledore told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan," Ron spat.

"I told you everything Dumbledore told me!" Harry exclaimed, "And in case you haven't noticed, we found a Horcrux."

"Yeah, and we're about as close to getting rid of it as we are to finding the rest of them," Ron uttered, "Aren't we?"

"Ron," You whispered, trying to tug the locket off from around his neck, "Take it off. Please. You wouldn't be saying this if you hadn't been wearing it all day."

"Want to know why I listen to the radio every night?" Ron asked, "To make sure I don't hear Ginny's name, or Fred, or George or Mum."

"You think I'm not listening too?" Harry yelled, "You think I don't know how this feels?"

"No you don't know how this feels!" Ron shouts, causing you to jump, "Your parents are dead. You have no family."

As they started to physically fight, you and Hermione tried to stop them.

"Stop!" You cried, pulling at Ron's arm.

"Fine," Harry snaps, "Then go! Go then!"

After a pause of heavy breathing, Ron starts to take the locket off, throwing it on the floor, "Fine."

"Ron," Hermione tries.

"And you?" Ron asks, looking between you and Hermione, "Are you coming or you staying?"

Hermione looked between him and Harry, mouth opening and closing. You grabbed your bag from beside you and looked at Harry and Hermione, trying to show how sorry you are.

"I'm sorry," You whispered, "I can't leave him alone."

You ran with Ron as Hermione tried to call you back. You grabbed his arm just before he apparated the two of you away.


You were walking along a frozen over river, beside Ron.

"How are we going to find them?" You whispered, following the doe patronus.

"I have a good feeling we're going the right way," Ron muttered, looking around.

You squinted your eyes towards a hole in the ice. You noticed movement underneath it.

"Ron," You pulled at his arm, "Ron, there's someone under the ice. They're struggling to get out."

Ron jumped into the ice and started to get the person out just as you noticed the sword. You jumped in and got it before swimming out. Just then, you noticed Ron place Harry against a tree stump and walk beside him.

"Are you mental?" Ron asked when Harry looked over.

"It was you?" Harry asked.

"Well, yeah," Ron laughed softly, "Bit obvious, I think."

"And you cast the doe as well, did you?" Harry asked.

"No," Ron stated, "I thought that was you."

"No," Harry shivered, putting on his clothes, "My patrons is a stag."

"Right, yeah," Ron spoke, lifting his hands to his head, "Antlers."

As Harry placed the locket on a fallen tree, you looked nervously between the two.

"Okay, y/n," Harry spoke, "Do it."

"I can't handle it. That thing affects me more than it affects you two and Hermione," You whispered.

"All the more reason," Harry spoke.

"No," You whimpered, "I can't."

"Then why are you here?" He asked, looking between you and Ron, "Why did you come back?"

There was a brief silence.

"Now, I'll have to speak to it in order for it to open. When it does," He looks up, "Don't hesitate. I don't know what's in there, but it'll put up a fight. The bit of Riddle that was in that diary tried to kill me."

Harry waited a few more seconds before he spoke again, "Alright, one... Two..."

You lift the sword, holding it tightly in both hands above your head.

"Three," Harry said before continuing in Parseltongue.

When it opens, there's a quick roar before you're all thrown back. The shadowy figure comes closer, speaking in the voice of Voldemort.

"I have seen your heart, and it is mine," The voice pauses, "I have seen your dreams, y/n l/n, and I have seen your fears. Least loved by your mother, who left you because you were a freak. Least loved by the girl who prefers your friend."

The shadows distorted into an image, they were saying nasty things. 'Ron' and 'Hermione' started to walk forwards.

"We will be happy. Without you, everything is better," The illusion version of Ron said.

"I'll never love a girl," The illusion of Hermione stated, "Especially not you."

"We would have been better off if we'd never even met," An illusion of Harry appeared, too.

"y/n!" Harry's voice called, "It's lying!"

Suddenly, after a few more seconds, you stood and ran, throwing the sword down on the locket, tears gathered in your eyes.

Your knees crumpled beneath you as Ron and Harry sat beside you.

"Just think," You mumbled, "Only three to go."


You were following Harry in the direction of their tent, Ron beside you.

"Hermione?" Harry called, "Hermione?"

Just as Harry stood in front of the tent, it opened, revealing Hermione.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"It's fine," Harry answered, "Actually, you know, it's more than fine."

As Hermione walks up the small hill, Harry points over to the two of you. She stops as you and Ron smile.

"Hey," Ron laughs slightly.

She stomps forward, taking the bag off Ron's shoulder, "You complete arse, Ronald Weasley!"

She then pushed him and throws leaves at him. Then she picked up his bag, hitting him with it, "You show up here after weeks, and you say 'hey'?"

She turns to you, pushing you as well, softly, "And you! You followed and didn't try to get him to come back?!"

She turned around, facing Harry, "Where's my Wand, Harry? Where's my Wand?"

"I don't know," He mutters quickly, stumbling back as Hermione walks towards him.

"Harry Potter, you give me my Wand!" Hermione demanded.

"I don't have it," Harry stutters.

"How come he's got your wand?" Ron asks, stepping forward.

She whipped back around, "Never mind why he's got my wand."

She steps forward, looking towards the broken locket in your hand, "What is that? You destroyed it. And how is it that you just happen to have the sword of Gryffindor?"

"It's a long story," Harry pipes up.

"Don't think this changes anything," Hermione says, turning away.

"Oh, of course not," You mumbled, "I only just destroyed a bloody Horcrux. Why would that change anything? Look, we both wanted to come back as soon as we left. We just didn't know how to find you."

"Yeah, how did you find us?" Harry asks.

"With this," Ron spoke, taking out his deluminator, "It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it works, but Christmas morning we were sleeping in this little pub, keeping away from some snatchers and y/n heard it."

"It?" Harry questioned.

"A voice," Ron answered for you, "Your voice, Hermione, coming out of it."

"And what exactly did I say, May I ask?" She questioned, arms crossed.

"My name," You muttered, "Just my name. Like a whisper. So I took it from Ron, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared. And I knew. And sure enough, it floated toward me, the ball of light, went right to my chest, straight through me. Right here."

You pointed to where your heart would be, "And I knew it was gonna take me where I need to go, so I disapparated with Ron and came to this hillside. It was dark, we had no idea where we were. We just hoped that one of you would show yourself. And you did."


You were sat inside, beside Ron and Harry.

"I've always liked these flames Hermione makes," You stated, "How long do you reckon she'll stay mad at us?"

"Well, just keep talking about that little ball of light touching your heart," Harry snickered quietly, "And she'll come around."

"It was true," You laughed, "Every word."

After Ron gave Harry a new wand you had taken off a snatcher, he tried a spell.

"Engorgio," He muttered, causing the flame to expand a lot, "Reducio!"

"What's going on in there?" Hermione asked, coming in.

"Nothing," Harry replied.


You had just apparated out of the Lovegood's home, into a forest. Ron walked aside to start doing the enchantments when you noticed them. Snatchers.

"Hello beautiful," One stated, stood in front of you and Hermione, "Well don't hang about. Snatch them."

You all started running, evading spells they were throwing, panting heavily. As Ron was chained by a spell, you tried your best to help him before you were captured too.

"Don't touch her!" You shout as one of the snatchers packs Hermione arm and stops her movement.

"Leave her!" Hermione calls as one of them punches you in the stomach.

"Your friend will get much worse than that," One of them calls.

"Get off me," She struggles in the man's grip.

"If she doesn't learn to behave herself," The snatcher continues.

"What happened to you, ugly? No, not you. You, what's your name?" The main man asked.

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley," Harry answered.

"Check it," The snatcher in charge demands.

"And you, my lovely," He says, approaching Hermione, "What do they call you?"

"Penelope Clearwater, half-blood," She answers.

As the man starts to get close and smell Hermione, another snatcher speaks up, "There's no Vernon Dudley on here. Did you hear that, ugly? The list says you're lying. How come you don't want us to know who you are?"

"The list's wrong," Harry spoke, "I told you who I am.

"Change of plan," The main snatcher calls, "We're not taking this lot to the ministry."


You were in Malfoy Manor, being held by Snatchers as Draco inspected Harry's face. When Bellatrix walked over to one of the snatchers and saw the sword of Gryffindor, she grew angry.

"Where'd you get that from?" She asked.

"It was in the h/c haired girls bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now," He smirked.

She started to use spells on the snatchers before they ran out.

"Cissy, put the boys and that girl in the cellar," She hissed, "I want to have a little conversation, girl-to-girl."

As the boys and Hermione were thrown into the cellar, they saw Luna, Griphook and Ollivander.

"That sword is meant to be in my vault at Gringotts," She hissed, laying on top of your splayed out form, "How did you get it? What else did you and your friends take from my vault?!"

"I didn't take anything. Please," You sobbed, "I didn't take anything."

As she started to carve into your wrist with her wand, you started to scream.

As Bellatrix interrogated the goblin, you laid motionless on the floor. When you opened your eyes, you saw that she had carved 'mudblood' into your lower arm, a tear flowing gently down your cheek.

"Consider yourself lucky, goblin," She stated, walking over to you, "The same won't be said for this one."

As Harry, Ron and Hermione fought them, Bellatrix grabbed you and held a dagger to your throat, "Stop! Drop your wands. I said, drop them! Pick them up, Draco, now."

As Draco picked them up, Bellatrix started walking you forwards, "Well well well, look what we have here. It's Harry Potter. He's all bright and shiny and new again, just in time for the Dark Lord. Call him. Call him!"

Lucius pulled up his sleeve and was about to call him when the chandelier started squeaking. Looking up, they saw Dobby, unscrewing it. As Bellatrix let go, you ran forward and into Hermione's arms. Harry snatched the wands from Draco before running back to the group.

"Stupid elf!" Bellatrix yelled, "You could've killed me."

"Dobby never meant to kill," He spoke, "Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure."

As Narcissa started to use her wand, Dobby snapped his fingers and got the wand from her.

"How dare you take a witch's wand?!" Bellatrix called, "How dare you defy your masters?"

"Dobby has no master," He glared, "Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends."

Dobby apparated you all onto a beach.

"y/n, you're all right. We're safe," Harry called, running over to you and Hermione.

"Harry Potter," Came Dobby's frail, quiet voice.


(skip to after the battle, but Hermione and Ron didn't kiss, and instead of Ron and Hermione being attacked by the snake, it was Hermione and y/n)

Just outside the Great Hall, you stopped Hermione by putting a hand on her shoulder from behind.

"Can I talk to you?" You asked, looking around, "Away from prying eyes?"

"Of course," She nodded, pulling you into an empty, partially destroyed corridor, "What's wrong?"

"After everything that's just happened, everyone dying, that snake nearly killing us, I feel like I owe you this," You mumbled, "Ron already knows, he somehow figured it out, and I'm sure Harry figured it out too, and Fred knew, he was the first to know, he's known since our fourth year, or at least told me he knew. I suspect George knows, seeing as Fred and George tell each other everything."

"y/n," Hermione called, "You're rambling."

"I know," You sighed "I'm trying to get the courage, cause I've never outright said it, people always figured it out. But, my first point is I'm a lesbian. I like girls."

"Thank you for telling me, but I really wished you wouldn't be so afraid to tell me this," She smiled softly.

"That's not why I'm nervous, I don't care what people think about my sexuality. I'm a lesbian and people who hate that can go fuck themselves," You spoke, causing Hermione to laugh.

"Then what are you so nervous about?" She asked gently.

"I'm in love with this girl. I have been since third year, or that's when I really realised I was. She's smart and brilliant, she's beautiful inside and out. But, I haven't been able to tell her since I've always been afraid of love, because of my parents, so I'm even more afraid because there's a large chance that she just likes boys and it'll get weird between us if I tell her," You mumble quickly.

She places her hand on your upper arm and smiles, "Tell her. Tell her exactly what you just told me about her. And, I don't think it'll be weird for either of you. And if she doesn't love you, then Harry, Ron and I are here for you and eventually, you'll find someone who you love and loves you too. But, there's also a chance that she likes girls, too, and possibly in love with you, too. You'll have to tell her to know."

When you stay in silence, she smiles and turns to walk away. After a few steps, you finally managed to pluck up the courage.

"I'm in love with you, 'Mione," You called, loud enough for her to hear.

You notice her freeze, foot mid-air before setting it down and turning to you, "You're in love with me?"

Her expression is slightly unreadable as you nod shyly, but you notice the sparkle in her eyes before she walks forward, stopping right in front of you.

She rests her hands on your waist as she leans in to kiss your lips softly, your hand reaching to tangle in the back of her hair, softly combing through it while the other cupped her cheek.

When the two of you separated, you let out a small gasp, "You kissed me."

She smiled, "I'm in love with you, too, y/n. Please be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love nothing more," You smiled, kissing her quickly before linking your fingers and pulling her along, "We should go in and see the rest. They're probably wondering where we are."

As you opened the door to the Great Hall, you spotted Harry and Ron making their way towards it and you paused as their smiles widened. You looked at them, then yours and Hermione's linked hands and back at them, a larger smile on your face.

"So," Ron smirked, "You finally told her? After, what, four years?"

"Shut up, Ronald," You scolded playfully, "You didn't even realise I was a lesbian until a few months ago. Even Fred and George knew before you. And very likely Ginny, cause that girl is so good at observing people."

"I knew you liked girls," Ron spoke up, "Didn't know it was just girls. See, you did get to come out to me when you were ready."

"Thank you, Ron," You smiled, tears gathering in your eyes.

"So, 'Mione, how long you known you loved y/n?" Ron asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

She smiled, "Sixth year. I mean, I loved her before that, but it took the amortentia to make me realise that the denial was pointless and would just make me unhappy."

"Yeah," You giggled, "Especially if you had ended up with the crush you told me about in fourth year. He would have made you miserable!"

"Merlin, y/n, don't remind me of that crush! I'll just empty my stomach when I see him," Hermione joked.

"Wow," Harry laughed, "Whoever you're talking about sounds terrible."

"No, we're kidding Harry," You shook your head, "He would have treated her like a queen. Constantly amazed by her, too. Would have just been extremely awkward for me since it's the girl I'm in love with and my best friend."

For a few seconds it was silent before Harry's eyes widened, Ron still thinking.

"No-" Harry started, nearly laughing.

"Yeah," Hermione nodded, cheeks lit up with a faint pink.

"Wait," Ron mumbles, "Who Did 'Mione fancy in fourth year?"

You looked at Hermione just as she looked at you, before you nodded, trying not to laugh.

"You, Ronald," She giggled, "I fancied you in fourth year, or at least told myself I did, to cover up my denial."

"So, that's two of your three best friends," Harry laughed, looking at Hermione.

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