Take On The World ◎ Scott McC...

By mei1524

1.3M 39.4K 6.2K

"What are you smiling about?" Imogen questioned him as she set his plate of food in front of him and she set... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: First Day
Chapter 3: A Second Chance
Chapter 4: Taking A Chance
Chapter 5: Bowling
Chapter 6: Study Date?
Chapter 7: Birthdays and Anniversarys
Chapter 8: Together
Chapter 9:Avoiding
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Whispers
Chapter 12: Red Eyes
Chapter 13: Witch
Chapter 14: The Full Moon
Chapter 15: Boys Are Weird
Chapter 16: Hunters
Chapter 17: Formal
Chapter 18: Because I Love You
Chapter 19: Secrets Are Spilled
Chapter 20: The Witch and Her Wolf
Part 2
Chapter 1: Missing
Chapter 2: Another Werewolf
Chapter 3: Her Name Is Lia
Chapter 4: Wary
Chapter 5: Ice Rink Dates and Head Pains
Chapter 6: Bestiary
Chapter 7: Looming Threats
Chapter 8: The Test
Chapter 9: It's Jackson
Chapter 10: Saving Danny
Chapter 11: About the Future
Chapter 12: Talking
Chapter 13: Library Mayhem
Chapter 14: Staying Safe
Chapter 15: Barriers
Chapter 16: Truth
Chapter 17: Cold
Chapter 18: Matt
Chapter 19: Choice
Chapter 20: Plans
Chapter 21: Difficult Decisions
Part 3:
Chapter 1: Awkward
Chapter 2: Open Wounds
Chapter 3: Proof
Chapter 4: Helping
Chapter 5: The Twins
Chapter 6: Not A Love Triangle
Chapter 7: It's Not Your Fault
Chapter 8: The Creepy Motel
Chapter 9: Hope
Chapter 10: Together Again
Chapter 11: The Darach
Chapter 12: Of Hexes and Hostages
Chapter 13: Taken
Chapter 14: Sacrifice
Chapter 15: Revelations
Part 4: Season 3B
Chapter 1: Oh, Brother
Chapter 2: Jealous
Chapter 3: The Werecoyote
Chapter 4: Barrow
Chapter 5: Never Normal
Chapter 6: Choices
Chapter 7: Demonic Ninja
Chapter 8: Kitsune
Chapter 9: Oni
Chapter 10: Not In Control
Chapter 11: Disconnect
Chapter 12: Blue Eyes
Chapter 13: Scrolls and Deals
Chapter 14: Separation
Chapter 15: Oak Creek
Chapter 16: Void Stiles
Chapter 17: Peter and Viola
Chapter 18: Sylvia
Chapter 19: It's Okay
Chapter 20: Grief
Chapter 21: Mother
Chapter 22: Ben
Chapter 23: Half Witch Half Werewolf
Chapter 24: Control
Part 5: Season 4
Chapter 1: Baby
Chapter 2: Hunters
Chapter 3: Kate Argent
Chapter 4: One In A Million
Chapter 5: Berserker
Chapter 6: Second Chances Aren't Easy
Chapter 7: Tryouts
Chapter 8: Consequences of Biting
Chapter 9: New Pack Member
Chapter 10: DeadPool
Chapter 11: Familiar
Chapter 12: Cousin Bonding
Chapter 13: PSAT's
Chapter 14: Malia Lewis
Chapter 15: An Old Face
Chapter 16: The Letter
Chapter 17: Satomi's Pack
Chapter 18: Things Are Never Easy
Chapter 19: Peter and Kate
Chapter 20: Betrayal Hurts
Part 6: Season 5
Chapter 1: Senior Year
Chapter 2: Not As Trustful
Chapter 3: Effects
Chapter 4: Finding Tracy
Chapter 5: The Rules
Chapter 6: Sinema
Chapter 7: The Dread Doctors
Chapter 8: Trouble
Chapter 9: Their Plan
Chapter 10: Drifting
Chapter 11: The Truth
Chapter 12: Saving Noah
Chapter 13: Skinwalkers
Chapter 14: Shiprock
Chapter 15: An Old Foe
Chapter 16: The Plan
Chapter 17: Saving Lydia
Chapter 18: Who Is The Beast?
Chapter 19: Finding Mason
Chapter 20: The Pocket Watch
Part 7: Season 6A
Chapter 1: Three Months
Chapter 2: Goodbye
Chapter 3: Longing
Chapter 4: Who Are They?
Chapter 5: Pain
Chapter 6: A Way Out
Chapter 7: His Voice
Chapter 8: Theo
Chapter 9: A Way In
Chapter 10: Trying To Remember
Chapter 11: Cherished Memories
Chapter 12: A Night To Remember
Chapter 13: Prom & Graduation
Part 8: The Final Part
Chapter 1: Their Home
Chapter 2: Unrest
Chapter 3: Staying
Chapter 4: Unease
Chapter 5: Race Against Time
Chapter 6: Keeping the Peace
Chapter 7: Clash
Chapter 8: Fear
Chapter 9: Risk and Reward
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Heartbreak
Chapter 12: Anger
Chapter 13: The Path Of Revenge
Chapter 15: Losing Control
Chapter 16: His Smile
Chapter 17: One Choice
Chapter 18: Their Voices
Chapter 19: Letting Go
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 14: No One Died

2.3K 105 14
By mei1524

Chapter 14:

No One Died


When Scott had woken up, he had found that he was alone and Imogen was nowhere in sight. He tried to listen for a heartbeat or get her scent but she wasn't in the house anymore. He sat up to his phone but found a note instead that told him not to worry that she was fine but that she wouldn't be answering his calls for a while.

He grew concerned and quickly got ready to go look for her. It wasn't safe for her to be alone without any back up with the hunters and the Anuk-ite running around. But he got a call from Liam, Mason, and Theo that they needed to see him. He sent Peter a text in hopes that maybe he would be able to find Imogen while he went to talk to his beta. He also messaged Isaac to help the Peter since he saw the message from Lydia that she, Allison, and Malia were going to check out the dead hellhound Monroe had killed.


The last message she had seen was from Allison who asked if she wanted to join and replied with a simple no before shutting off her phone. Imogen managed to find Nolan as he was going to class and grabbed him before turning them both invisible.

She dragged him to the basement where no one would hear his screams. She threw him onto the ground as he gave her a terrified look. "P-Please don't kill me." His voice trembled as he spoke. "I-I'll do whatever you want but please don't kill me."

Imogen stared at him, unaffected by his tears. "I know you're the one who shot up the house. I managed to trace one of the hunters from the bullets used to find him. Too bad he hadn't been home. Only his brother was home but he knew who gave the order. He said it was you."

He immediately shook his head. "No! No! It wasn't me! I swear that it wasn't me!" He shrieked fearfully for his life. From what Mornoe told her, Imogen was a witch and a werewolf which made her more dangerous. "I wasn't even there."

"Why should I believe you? You willingly joined forces with Monroe to kill people like me. You even targeted and beat up Liam." She spat out.

"T-That's true but I didn't shoot up Scott's house." He looked at her, his eyes pleading for her to believe him.

She crouched down in front of him, "Okay, so if it wasn't you... who was it then?"

He swallowed, "I don't know." He wouldn't give up his friend. Even though it had been messed up on Gabe's part to attack the alpha and his friends, he knew it was because Gabe had been trying to protect him.

Her eyes narrowed, "You're lying." It wasn't just his heartbeat but his whole body language was giving him away. 

He shook his head.  "I'm not. I really don't know." He watched her stand up and flinched when he felt the air leave his lungs and felt like he was being choked. He clawed at his throat. "N-No!" He tried to plead.

Imogen just stared at him blankly as his face started to turn from red to a shade of purple as he struggled to breathe. "Are you going to tell me?" She stopped the spell and he immediately started to take gulps of air.

He got up and tried to run but crashed into an invisible wall. "HELP!" He yelled, banging on it.

"No one can hear you. I've sealed both ways so you can't leave." She informed him and slowly started to make a fist making the air leave his lungs again. "Now, tell me who it was that gave the orders to shoot and the list of people who were there." She hadn't been able to get more from the hunter who gave her Nolans name as his family had come home.

When she stopped, he inhaled as much air as possible and looked at her with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please stop. I don't know."

"Yes, you do. You're just trying to protect whoever it was that's responsible for the shooting which is stupid because I'm going to start breaking bones next if you don't start talking." She threatened.

"He's my friend. He only did it to protect me."

Imogen scoffed. "You say that like it's supposed to mean something to me."

"No one died! Everyone that got shot was only hurt but they lived." He tried to reason with her. "So you don't have to do this!"

His words, though, only made her angrier. "Not everyone made it out alive so yes, I do have to do this." She said softly and he started screaming in pain when his wrist snapped. "I'm going to break every bone in your body. So give me the name."

He cried, holding his injured hand. "I-It was Gabe. He rounded people together to shoot up Scott's house. I didn't find out until after everything happened. I don't know who was there. He does."

Imogen looked at him for a moment before turning around to leave, only to find Peter and Isaac looking at her with shocked expressions.


"These tunnels go on forever, and we've been down here for hours." Theo complained aloud as he walked slightly ahead of the two people that Scott told to go with him.

Brett let out a sigh as he walked beside Mason who just glared at the chimera. "No real news from the last time you said it minutes ago."

"I wasn't doubting the plan minutes ago."

"If you're so concerned, just go." The human shot back. "I mean, no one's forcing you to stay here. I have Brett so we can do this alone."

Theo scoffed, "Yeah, and leave you and our army in charge of my survival? Don't think so."

Brett wanted to comment that the tension between these two was completely different from when Liam was around but sensed the anger from the human. "Whatever it takes just to save your own ass, and just nobody else's." Mason snapped.

"I'm here, aren't I?" He said, walking a bit ahead of them. "Maybe I wanna be in the pack."

"Yeah, right. You, you expect me to believe that?" Mason started to breathe heavily and Brett noticed his own hand shaking. The feeling of fear of slowly growing by each passing second. "A pack is about trust. I mean, the first thing you'd do is figure out a way to kill all of us. And it doesn't matter who forgets. I won't. I saw what you did. And as much as I'm terrified of what's down here, I'm way more terrified of turning my back on you."

Theo's eyes glowed yellow making Mason feel threatened. Brett felt it though, the incoming danger. Theo pushed Mason away while Brett slashed at their attacker.

"What was that?" Mason panted out as he sat on the ground, still in shock.

Brett walked over to them, "No idea but we need to move."

Theo tried to help the human stand, "All right, get up, I can't leave you."

"Wait, wait, something's happening." Mason stuttered out nervously. "We need, we need to figure it out."

"So figure it out." Theo grabbed his arm and tried to take away his pain but nothing was happening. "I can't..."

Mason just stared at him, "You can't take pain if you don't care." His words struck a chord with Theo who simply pulled his hand away. Brett simply shook his head and texted his sister in hopes that it might reach her so she knew that there was something down in the tunnels with them. His sister was with Scott McCall so he knew that he trusted the alpha to have his sister's back.


"That wasn't necessary." Isaac said as he followed after his friend with Peter letting out a scoff behind him. The beta gave him a glare before rushing up to Imogen who was heading towards her car. "Imogen!"

She had parked her car in the back so there weren't really people around.  "Go back to Scott, Isaac." She said, opening her car door but he closed it and she huffed.

He stared at her in disbelief, "You almost killed that kid."

"But I didn't. I only broke his wrist. He'll be fine." She was wasting time. She needed to find Gabe but she couldn't be seen at the school so planned to wait for him to leave school to grab him. She took note of his expression and pursed her lips. "You know why I'm doing this so I don't get why you're judging me."

His expression fell and his blue eyes shined with concern. "I-I'm not judging you. Scott's worried about you. We're all worried about you. You don't need to go this far. We know that you tortured that hunter in his home."

"At least she didn't kill him. Burying dead bodies is not fun." Peter chimed while Isaac gave him a glare. "What? You have to dig a deep enough hole and then you have to fill it back up. It's a lot of work."

"Shut up!" He snapped before turning back to Imogen. "Please, Imogen, you can stop right now before you take things too far."

"Too far? They took it too far when they shot up Scott's house not caring that there were people in that house that weren't supernatural!" She yelled harshly. "Including my-" She stopped herself and inhaled sharply. "Look, just stay out of my way."

"I can't do that." He said softly and grabbed her wrist to keep her from leaving.

She gave him an apologetic look. "Well I'm sorry too." She whispered a spell and he passed out. She pulled a bracelet from her pocket and slipped onto his wrist, causing his features to change. She had used the charm earlier to get into the hunters house and she had planned to use it again but obviously now she couldn't. Standing back up, her gaze fell on her father who simply stared back at her. "Are you going to try to talk me out of it again?"

"No, I plan to go with you."

Imogen looked at him, "Okay." She got into her car with him following her and sitting in the passenger seat.

"Are you really going to leave him there?"

"He'll wake up in a few minutes." She said, driving off just as her boyfriend had pulled into the parking lot with his beta and Lori to talk to his former AP teacher because of the voicemail they had heard.

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