The Bionic and The science ex...

By HerminoneG

56.2K 1K 413

Your Y/n L/n your have powers but only because your evil mother used you as a science experiment. You have So... More

Crush, Chop and Burn part 1
Crush Chop and Burn Part 2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a train
Smart and Smarter
Exoskeleton VS Grandma
Death Spiral Smackdown
The Future Called
The chip switch
Drone Alone
Chore wars
Dude wheres my lab?
Air leo
Night of the living Virus
Misson Invisible
Concert in a can
Misson Space
Season 2 book

Bionic Brithday Fail

2.2K 54 7
By HerminoneG

Adam,Bree,Chase were in a simulator for their bionics. Y/n was siting on the corner on her uniform waiting because they were going to train her differently. Donald stopped the simulator.

"Adam that was the rebel leader the whole purpose of today's mission simulation was to interrogate him"

"I did and his answer was 'aaaaah'"

"Hey next time could you maybe thrown in a cute blue-eyed rebel?" Donald looked at Bree with 'really' expression "What in just sayin its not gonna kill you to add a little somethin'-somethin' for the lady's"

"Step aside amateurs. Go ahead Big D. Set it to 'Awesome'" Leo these goggles are not a toy" Donald took them off then turned to the kids "Alright i want to do a little something different for y/n. Y/n you are fighting against Adam Bree and Chase. Now i don't want anyone to actually hurt themselves ok. So control your powers ok y/n"

"Got it."

"Ok Ready in 3.. 2.. 1.."

Y/n shot a sonic wave at them they dodged it. She and Bree started super speeding until y/n was ably to pin her down. She got up and faced Chase. Y/n used her scarlet witch powers but chase blocked them with his force field. They kept going back and forwards unit y/n was able to pin him. She got up and super speed to adam. When she got there she was about to pin him but Adam pushed her back. He had used his super strength on accident and she hit the counter. She had a flashed back of the lab when her mom abused her. Then she had another one of she she was pushed into chairs and a table by Trent and Nathan. They kept going back and forward them her head started hurting

"Stop stop no no stop please" She started screaming and crying everyone stop and ran to her. Donald went in front of her. Alexander and Cassandra told him about her having flashbacks

"Y/n.... Y/n it's ok she not here ok.... no ones here just us it's ok. She's not going to get you" Donald told her holding her in his arms "She's not here... Your ok" Y/n stared to calm down and everyone looked at each other worriedly



Later that day y/n was still shaken up. She, Chase, Adam, and Bree were all siting together she told them about it. Y/n was leaning against Chase having her hands in her sleeves in front of her mouth. Chase had an arm over her rubbing her arm up and down. Adam was holding water for her and Bree was holding her hand. Leo and Donald had told her parents and they were on their way. Then Tasha then came into the lab with Cassandra and Alexander.

"Guess what? We just found out that we won an award for our undercover reporting en expired produce: 'Something in the Crisper can kill you'"

"That's great you both congratulations" Donald said. They smiled them Cassandra turns to y/n was she standing up in front of her shaking a bit.

"Oh sweetie" Y/n went up with her hugging her with tears. "Your ok she's not here and she won't get you. I won't let her. No of us will" she let go and Alexander hugged her

"I got you. It's ok" He told her. Tasha hugged her too, knowing that it happens.

"Congratulations mom, Tasha" Y/n said trying to forget about it and be happy for them

"Thank you y/n but the awards Banquet is the same night as Leo's birthday" She then went to leo "I'm sorry honey we're gonna miss it"

"If we don't show up they might give our award to that over dramatic screen hog Linda Montieres" Cassandra said. Y/n never heard her mom talk like that. Cassandra turned to y/n "Pretend you didn't hear that" She smiled and nodded

"It's ok mom, miss.C go have fun you guys deserve it. Especially you Miss.C you have to deal with her" Leo said jokingly pointing to y/n. Y/n played along and looked offended

"I'm not that bad" Everyone turned away "Wow that's just..... wow" They laughed then Y/n and Leo walked to the bionics

"Hey I thought she was gonna throw you a party. I was promised a party!" Bree said. Y/n was leaning on the corner by Chase and Adam

"Every year she comes up with this lame excuse to make me think she's not throwing a party. Award? Please. Have you seen her reporting. Miss C is good but they always help with the excuses and help with the party"

"Leo are you sure your not mad. We've never been apart on your birthday" Tasha said walking to him

"Please he'll have plenty of birthdays but who know if you'll ever win anything again" Adam said Tasha looked at him

"Mom go get your award *cough* Chocolate frosting *cough*"

"I promise we will celebrate the following night"

"Hey why haven't we ever had a birthday party?" Bree asked

"Donald/Mr.Davenport" Tasha and Cassandra both said

"You never celebrate they're birthdays?" Cassandra asked

"Of cousin I celebrated their birthdays. Remember when we- When we went to the- Yeah I never celebrated their birthdays"

"Did you also eat all the cookies before santa came down the chimney?" Tasha asked

"What's santa" Bree asked sadly

"Oh come on!" Cassandra said. They all walked out leaving the kids

"This is going to be the best birthday ever! The size of the party equals the size of the excuse. I'm gonna work on my surprise face" Leo walked out of the lab

"Whoo-Hoo! Leo's haven't a surprise party!"

"Adam if leo's have a surprise party, Don't your think we'd be invited" Chase said

"Yeah your right who does Tasha think she is not inviting us?"

"No Tasha, Davenport, Mr and Mrs. L/n really are going to an award ceremony, This is horrified Leo's going to be so disappointed" Bree said

"Brees right" Y/n said they turned to her "Tasha and mom tell me their excuses cause I usually help them but I didn't know about this. They are actually getting an award"

"Well maybe we can throw him a surprise party and invite everyone form school" Chase said

"What do we know about throwing a surprise party?" Bree asked

"We don't but y/n does" Chase said looking at the girl

"No no no absolutely not. When i said i help do you really think I do. Obviously Leo is my friend but by help i ment i help buy things i don't know how to decorate"

"Come on y/n for leo" They all looked at her. She rolled her eyes

"Fine I'll do it. Any ideas?"

"Well if it were me i would want a bouncy house and a piñata wait and a clown. No wait put the piñata on the clown in the bouncy house and hit everything at once. What candy's bound to come out somewhere" Adam said

"Let's invite glitterhead! You know that internet star who singing her song in sign language. You might have heard her latest CD- 'Take to the hand'" Bree suggested

"No No No. Leo would want something cool at his party. like those sic-fi mutants from his favorite television show. Shark Man! And Flipper Boy!"

"That's your favorite TV show" Adam told Chase

"It could be his also. What do you think y/n? Any ideas?"

"Let's just do those three it's be better then all trying to agree with one"


Y/n was with Chase and Adam blowing up balloons with a helium tank. Chase was standing while y/n and Adam sat on the desk trying them together.

"Wait How are we gonna get all these balloons upstairs without Leo noticing?" Chase asked

"Oh no problem" Adam said. He started to pop all the balloons. Since Y/n was right next to it scared her she jumped and almost fell off the desk but Chase held her and steadied her. Leo walked into the lab with his head hung low. They pushed the balloons on the floor behind the desk and cover the helium tank.

"Guys they actually going to an awards banquet. They aren't throwing me a surprise party"

"Oh no that's awful" Y/n said. Leo looked at her confused

"We gotta go" Chase said

"Later bro" Adam said they all ran out and closed the door.

"Hey we're you going it's my birthday" Eddie appeared on the wall

"Eddie we are moving the party prep upstairs Keep Leo in the lab until i give you the signal" Chase said

"Wait so you want me to hold the poor kid against his will?" Y/n open her mouth to say something but before she can eddie continue "I'm in!"



Bree and adam where in front of the door welcoming people and Y/n and Chase were by the stairs.

"Check it out I order a break dancing clown" Adam said. The clown went in the middle of the room and started dancing. Then Shark man and Flipper boy came in.

"Chase?" Y/n said turning to him. He looked like he would burst any minute. Chase walked to them.

"Welcome Shark man and Flipper boy! I knew the second I saw you guys something was fishy." Y/n giggle a bit at Chase but not because she thought he was embarrassing just because she thought it was cute. She then saw glitterhead. They a person went to the door with a cotton candy Machine.

"Ah hi" Y/n says as she went to get the cotton candy machine. Chase noticed he guy eyeing y/n up and down. "How much?" Y/n asked

"For you beautiful it's free. Unless you pay by giving your number" Y/n looked at him. Chase clenched his hand in a fist. Bree and Adam noticed. They walked to Chase and tried to calm him down

"Now do you want the money or not."

"I want your number"

"Ha! No now i'm putting this inside and you can have the money only because I don't want the police coming saying i didn't pay you. But you know if they do come i can tell them how uncomfortable you are making me and you'll be the one in trouble. So take you money and leave. Bye" She threw the money at him and pulled the cotton candy machine inside and closed the door. She put it to the side. Chase then walk up to her

"You ok?" He asked her concerned

"Yea i'm fine" Y/n said trying it turn on the machine.Chase went beside her and pushed the on button. "Ah thanks" She turned around and noticed how close they were. She felt her face heat up.

"Your welcome" Chase said. They smiled and both turned away. The party went on and everyone started dancing. Except y/n who was siting on the seat eating cotton candy.


The party ended and Y/n was still eating cotton candy. She was sharing with chase who sat next to her on the couch. Bree was ok the other said and Adam was blowing up the bouncy house he popped. Their parents all walking in on the huge mess they hand. Adam dropped the bouncy house. Chase and Bree stood up and y/n just looked still eating the cotton candy.

"What in the name of the newly grounded is goin on here?" Donald asked

"We threw Leo an awesome surprise party"

"Oh that's so sweet you guys" Tasha said

"Wait! Y/n helped?" Alexander asked in disbelief

"A bit" Bree said

"I bought a cotton candy machine see" Y/n said pointing to it. They all turned to her "I bought it with my money relax"

"How many have you hand n/n" Cassandra asked

"I don't know" She kept eating it then Chase took it out of her hand "Hey!" She pouted at him.

"Ok yea she had to much" Alexander said. Y/n rolled her eyes and stood up next to Chase trying to get the cotton candy but he moved it away. He put it away from her and held her so she won't go get it.

"Where is Leo" Tasha asked

"He's right here" Eddie said showing Leo on the screen in the Lab

"Where i've been for the past 3 hours" Leo said. Eddie then showed himself again

"Just waiting for the signal"

"Eddie let Leo upstairs now" Chase said

"All right there's my signal" Eddie then disappeared

"Let me get this straight so you guy had a surprise party for Leo... without Leo" Alexander said. Y/n was behind Chase with her head on his shoulder. She open her mouth but closed it again trying to think. Donald and Alexander start to laugh a bit

"That's actually kind of fun-" Donald started but say Tasha and Cassandra's stare "It's not funny. Its not funny"

"Okay Well Uh Leo's going to be up here in just a few seconds why don't we act like the party's still going" They all stood together except y/n who slipped away to the cotton candy machine. Leo shows up and they all yelled surprise. Y/n had two cotton candy's in her hands.

"Here Leo were sorry" She handed Leo a cotton candy. Leo looked at her

"How many have you had woman" Leo asked

"12 to many" Alexander said taking her cotton candy


"You had to many." They put y/n on the couch and she feel asleep. Leo left with the cotton candy.



The next day y/n woke up and walked to the lab where Adam, Bree, Chase and Donald were.

"Well well well hello sleeping beauty" Chase said. Y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes with pink stain on her cheeks

"Haha, How bad was it." She asked they all looked at her

"You were acting like bree" Chase said

"you pouted" Bree added

"and once you laid down you fell asleep" Donald finished

"That bad" Y/n said siting next to Chase on the desk

"Yep" She placed her head on his shoulder

"I am the worst dad ever" Y/n looked at him confused

"I don't know what you did wrong but you shouldn't be taking... We left him out on his own surprise party." Y/n said

"He gave him a broken present" Adam said. Y/n mutter a never mind

"I'm just gonna glue his Hexacopter back together"

"Yea sure now he'll forgive you but what about us?" Chase asked

"Guys i don't know if you noticed but i'm kind of in the 'me' business" With that Donald left the lab

"I feel terrible we should have just done what Leo wanted

"Wait what Leo really wanted was to go in the mission with us in the simulator. That's exactly what he's going to do. Y/n he even made gloves for you to do it. And not shoot your powers in the lab and only in the simulator" Chase said

"I'm going to skip out. I have a head ache"

"But Mr.Davenport said we couldn't" Adam said

"We'll just swipe the cyber key away from Mr.Davenport to start the simulator ourselves"

"That is sneaky, conniving and totally rebellious we are finally normal teenagers!" Bree said.

"I like this Chase" They all turned to y/n. "Shit....Lets go!" She quickly left the lab.


Later that day they got the key and brought Leo to the lab.

"Let me guess your going to lock me down here and go on vacation and when you come back y/n is going to be weird again and give me popcorn this time" Y/n glared at Leo and the rest laughed

"No Leo we aren't going to do that"

"Leo it's time for your birthday mission." Chase said giving him the glasses

"But Mr. Davenport said I'm not supposed to play with these. But Mr.Davenport isn't here, Alright let's go" He went to the center. Y/n left to get some water. When she came back she saw they all trying to hug each other  but were facing the opposite direction. She just stared confused then Tasha came down

"This place is never gonna stop being weird"

"Oh thank goodness it's not just me. I thought I was seeing things from all the sugar yesterday"


Later that day Chase and Y/n were handing out again.

"I'm never going to forget the way you act when you have so much sugar" Y/n groaned

"Please just forget about it." Chase smiled at her and shook his head.

"I had never seen you pout before"

"Ok ok i get it i wasn't myself" Y/n said laying on the couch "But I'm never going to forget about you not giving the signal to eddie to bring Leo to his surprise party"

"You guys could have told him"

"He wouldn't have listened to us" Y/n said as if it was a obvious answer. Chase just shook his head and laid next to her. They put on a movie  and y/n moved her head only of his chest. Chase stroke her hair and she started feeling tired and soon enough fell asleep. Chase noticed and hugged her with his other hand. He kissed the top of her head and fell asleep.

Tasha then walked in. She smiled and took a picture she sent it to Cassandra. She then grabbed a blanket and covered them.

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