Here We Go Again

By -ShadowBlazer-

20.4K 617 296

You would think after saving the world, a guy could get a little peace and quiet; get a normal college life... More

Table Of Contents
Don't You Just Hate It When The Toaster Oven Tries To Kill You?
Never Fuck With A Jealous Bumblebee
Never Let Molly Witwicky Near Edibles Unless You're Looking For A Good Time.
I Love You Too, Cutie

A Party? Sure! I Mean, What Could Go Wrong?

2.2K 86 81
By -ShadowBlazer-

"Gadget" I whisper in broken betrayal. "Please don't do this bubs. I thought...I thought you loved me."

The mini-bot gave me a sad and guilty look as he let out a flurry of quiet beeps, giving me the impression that he doesn't have any other choice.

"No." I muttered, shaking my head slowly in denial. "We can get through this together, bubs, please."

Gadget simply looked away, closing his small optics as the bot placed a plus four card on the stack in between us; inevitably winning the game. 

"You've got to be kidding me!" I throw my cards down in exasperation, letting a small pout cross my features. "That is literally the fifth game in a row that you've won! It's unfair!" 

Gadget lets out a soft buzzing, the noise resembling a childlike giggle. The small bot climbs over the deck and over to me, hugging my leg tightly in an apologetic manner. 

"Hmph" I grumble before a large smile breaks its way past my scowl. "But I forgive you bud, you did win fair and square after all-" 

I paused in the middle of my sentence as I watched a red Uno reverse card fall out of the armor plating on Gadgets back, the smaller bot letting out a panicked flurry of beeps as he tried to hide the card.

"you cheated!" I gasp, picking up the card with an accusatory look. "How could you?!"

Gadget wouldn't meat my gaze, fiddling with his digits as the bot gave me an innocent mile. 

We continued to stare at each other for a good two minutes before I sighed, admitting defeat in our little battle of wills. "You are so lucky your cute."

The mini-bot nodded his helm in an 'I know' manner, shrugging his shoulders before crawling into my lap. 

He let out a small purr, buzzing affectionately as I rub his helm. 

I was about to say something before there was a nock on the dormitory's main door, earning a confused hum from myself.

"Stay her Gadge." I said, softly laying the small bot down on my pillow before making my way over to the door. 

I opened it, only to reveal a rather disgruntled looking Jason with a large bandage over his jaw.


"I'm moving out" He growled, shoving his way past me with a huff. "That little boyfriend of yours complained to the Dean and now I'm on probational arrest." 

I change my mind, this is great!

"A probational arrest that you deserve." I snapped. "Sexual assault is a real thing you can get arrested for, jackass."

"Don't. Start. With. Me." Jason turned towards me with an angry glare, getting a little to close for comfort. "Its not my fault that you don't know how to have a good time-" Jason stopped midsentence, letting out a small squeak as my steel toed boot connected with his no-no square. 

"And its not my fault you don't know what the word 'No' means." I smirked as the male fell to his knees. 

"Bitch!" He shouted, getting up and reeling his fist back. Jason was about to take a swing before a voice interrupted him at the door. "Don't you dare hit my brother."

There standing in the door frame was Sam, his arms crossed over his chest as he straightened out his back in a protective manner. 

Now, my brother may not be very threatening looking; but one thing he does have on his side was height, because right now, Sam stands a decent 6' to Jason's 5'10.

"Or what?" Jason smirked

"Okay, I'm done with this!" I growl, turning to my brother. 

"Sammy, call an ambulance." I turn back to Jason. "But not for me."

I reel back my fist and swiftly punch the male in the already injured jaw. 

Jason stumbled back slightly, about to get a hit of his own in before I kick him in the no-no square.


"Now can you kindly fuck off, I'm seriously not in the mood for this today." I growled, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Jason just scurry's to his feet, throwing me one last glare before he rushes out of the dorm. 

"That was so hot."

My head snaps towards Sam in disgust, thinking he was the one who said that. "What the Hell Sammy?!"

My brother puts his hands up in defense, shaking his head vigorously with wide eyes. "That was not me, I swear!"

"He's right, that was me, and damn did I mean it when I said that was Hot." A Male I did not recognize entered the dorm, flashing me a wide grin. 

"The names Leonardo Ponce de Leon Spitz, but everyone calls me Leo. I'm Sam's roommate" the male, Leo, stuck his hand out for me to shake as he introduced himself. 

"Charming." I gave a small and slightly disgusted smile as I shook his hand. "I'm (y/n)-"

Why the hell is it sticky?!

"What is on your hand?!" I gag, wiping on my pants with a full on disgusted look. 

"Oh you know-"

Please don't say it

"It's just-" Sam interrupted him before he could finish. 

"ANYWAY!" My brother loudly interjected. "We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to a party?"

"A party?" I questioned, getting on odd sense of Deja vu.

"Well, yes." Sam scratched the back of his neck nervously, giving me a weary smile.

"And why do you need me to go with you?"

"To attract all of the chicks, dude!" Leo commented

"Excuse me?" I asked with a deadpanned look, earning a nervous chuckle from my brother. 

"that's not-that's not what-what he meant." My brother quickly explained, turning to Leo with wide eyes while nodding his head. "Right Leo?"

Leo just gave Sam a weird look. "Maybe not what you meant, but it certainly is what I meant. I mean, look at this guy." The male motions to me. "He looks like a total chick magnet."

"Sam" I called dangerously.

"Y-yes?" My brother stuttered with an oh so innocent smile. 

"Why do you always have to make friends with dudes who can't keep it in their pants?" 

"I-well-hey!" He shouted. "Not all of my friends are like that. Look at Miles for example."

I simply gave him a 'Really' look.

"Okay your right." Sam sighed. "Bad example. But what about Mikeala?"

"Mikeala doesn't count because she's your girlfriend...surprisingly." I muttered the last part underneath my breath, but Sam must have heard me because not even seconds later I was met with a quick smack to the back of the head. 

"Oh sure" I rolled my eyes with a small huff. "Take out the fact that your almost as ugly as Megabitch on your much more handsome twin brother, that makes perfect sense."

"He's right you know." Leo commented before turning to me. "Also, who's Megabitch? An Ex girlfriend?" 

"Pfft" I let out a loud snort. "He wishes. But no, just a bucket-head."

"That doesn't explain anything." 

"Well, Megabitch is a bucket-head who tried to kill me, my brother, my boyfriend, my son-"

"Wait!" Leo shouted with wide eyes. "You have a son?!"


"SO (Y/N)?" Sam interjected with an exasperated sigh, turning to me. "Are you going to come with us to the party tonight or not?"

"Sure, I'll come." I laugh. "Lets just make sure it doesn't end up like last time you invited me to a party."

"Its just a party." Sam rolls his eyes. "What could possibly go wrong?"


Everything, everything could go wrong. 

-Flash Back-

"Hey Gadget?" I called to the small bot sitting on my bed. "What outfit do you think screams 'I have a boyfriend'? Left or Right?" 

Gadget thought for a small moment before buzzing excitedly to the on my right.

"Classy yet closed off." I hummed with a smile. "Good choice bubs!" 

The mini-bot just let out a small beep in reply, a large yawn escaping his intake. 

"That's all I needed from you Gadge, you can go back to sleep." I coo, rubbing the top of his helm affectionately. "I'll be back later tonight, if you need anything just comm me on your clicker. Okay?" The clicker being a small distress signal Ratchet made Gadget for his birthday last year, which just so happens to be coming up in a few weeks.

Gadget lets out another yawn, nodding his helm as he curls up on my pillow. I let out a small laugh before covering the bot with the blanket Bumblebee made for him when mom was teaching the mech how to sew. Yeah, that in itself is a WHOLE other story. 

Now the outfit Gadget picked out simply consisted of a black denim jacket over a yellow sweater, along with black ripped jeans and white vans with black tops. overall, it was a pretty good outfit. One of which said in plain light that I'm not interested. 

"Damn (y/n)!" I whistle in the mirror, striking a dramatic pose. "Looking good, looking good!"

"I'll see you later Gadget!" I smile at the bot and in return he gives me a wave with a tired yawn before going back to bed.

I leave my dorm, making sure to grab my keys, phone, and a taser just in case Jason decides to show his ugly mug. 

I make my way to the dormitories main entrance, saying hello to a few students on my way. 

"Hey (n/n)!" Sam greets me with a large smile as I walk up to the two roommates.

"(n/n)?-OH! Hey (y/n)!" Leo greets me with a grin.

"Hey you two. Ready to go?" I ask

"Absolutely!" Leo wraps his arms around Sam and I's shoulders. "You two ready to get laid?" 

"No/ew" My brother and I answer at the same time, rolling our eyes. 

"Oh come on!" The male groans. "You two need to loosen up, let go! Get yourselves a lovely girl for the night"

"okay." I get out of the males hold, giving him a disapproving look. "One, Sam and I already have romantic partners. Two, I'm Gay and Sam is just ugly."


"Not right now Sammy."

"Wait!" Leo exclaims. "your Gay?!"

"Yes." I draw out with a raised eyebrow. "Is that a problem."

"Woah dude, not at all. I didn't mean it like that!" Leo his hands up in defense. "I just didn't take you as someone who..."

"Likes dick?" I laugh

"Yeah, pretty much." 

"Not a lot of people expect it." Sam commented. "You should have seen our parents reaction." 

"Oh no..." I groan

"OOOH!" Leo gasps. "Spill, I want all of the embarrassing details that can be used as blackmail later."

"Standing right here."

"Shush child, its story time." Leo shushes me.

"I'm pretty sure that I'm older than you." I threw back.

"Well, it all started when (y/n) was caught snogging a boy at our middle school dance-"

"OKAY!" I interrupted, putting my hand over my brothers mouth. "That's enough out of  you, dear brother-DID YOU JUST BITE ME?!" I gag, wiping my hand vigorously on my jeans in an attempt to get all of the slober off. "You are so gross!"

"Hey." Sam shrugs. "it always worked when we were kids, your own fault for thinking that I wouldn't revert to that."

"Sam." I deadpan, looking my brother dead in the eyes. "How would you like it if I told Leo over here about the time Mom caught you and Mikaela-"

"OKAY! Okay, you've made your point." Sam laughs, gesturing to his surrender. 

"Anywho." Leo changes the subject, motioning to a building that had a concerning amount of neon lights pouring out of it. "Party gentleman?" He said to us in a terrible posh accent, earning a laugh out of my brother and I. 

"Sounds splendid." I copy his terrible impression. 

The three of us made our way into the building, Sam and I shielding our eyes from the bright lights. 

"Man, I think I just went blind-ow! what the hell!" I groan, gripping my head tightly with a wince.

"(n/n), are you okay?!"

"Yeah, I'm-"



"Hey Alpha Trion!" I wave with a large smile, bounding towards the older prime.

The ancient bot gives me a kind smile. "How are you doing today?"

"To be completely honest, I'm bored." I let out a loud groan, sitting down on the Primes workstation. "Solus has been giving me lectures ALL CYCLE LONG. Its like having Megatronous stab my audio receptors over and over again with his sword." 

"She's only trying to prepare you." 

"Prepare me for what? There is no battle to fight, no war to be won, and...nobody else but us here to talk to." I sigh, looking down at my pedes. 

"That, my young Prime, will change very soon." The older Prime commented with a knowing glint in his optics. 

"What do you mean?" I question. "Wait! Is this about your secret project."

Alpha Trion lets out a loud laugh, nodding his helm towards me. "yes-"


"Uh oh." I groan. "Solus found me."

"Its best you get back to your studies, (D/S)." The ancient bot pat my helm, waving goodbye as I ran out of his workshop.

"Alrighty, see you later Alpha Trion!"


"-Fine. Just a headache." I waved my brother off with a small smile, letting out a long breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

What the hell was that?!

"If you say so." Sam gave me one last look of concern before Leo forced him inside, the two disappearing into the crowd of drunken college students. 

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in."

Oh you've got to be kidding me

I turn around with a scowl, crossing my arms. "Hello Jason...and friends"

Jason and four other boys stood behind me, all carrying this really fugly look to them. 

"I really don't want to deal with your bullshit tonight Jason." I growled. "I'm seriously not in the mood to beat the shit out of you, surprisingly."

"Like you could." Jason smiled, crossing his arms.

"Jason." I spoke calmly. "I'm going to give you one warning and one warning only. If you don't back the FUCK off, I will be the reason you can't have kids anymore."

The guys surrounding Jason 'oohed' mockingly, laughing amongst themselves. 

"Like you could do anything you half pint shrimp." Jason commented, earning a burst of laughter from his friends. 

"And you can suck my dick you six piece chicken McNobody!" 

"Gladly." He winks at me suggestively. 


Just as I was about to retaliate, a voice spoke up behind me. "Yeah, I don't think so."

And just in time to save the day came my knight in shining armor who usually presented himself in the form of a yellow 1967 Chevy Camaro with black racing stripes. 

"Oh great, its pretty boys little boyfriend." Jason groaned; but despite his cool tone, the male held a slight shake to his form. 

"Jason." Bumblebee's voice was deadly calm as he approached the male. "Do you remember what I had told you would happen if you got close to my honeybee again?"

Jason didn't answer, simply shaking his head as he clumsily stumbled away from the frightening male. 

"Well, let me enlighten you." Bee took ahold of the males shoulder, showing him a sickly sweet smile. "I said that I would break a lot more than just your jaw, and quite frankly, I plan on fulfilling that promise"

Man that's hot

"Bee?! What the hell are you doing here?" The disgruntled voice of my brother came from the door, Sam running up to the blonde male. "I thought you went back to-oh. it's you. Never mind, continue as you were. Make sure to get a good hit in for me."

"Sam!" A girl I didn't recognize comes running out towards my brother, hugging his arm. "What's going on, you ran out during our dance."

"Your what?" Bee and I questioned at the same time.

Jason took this time to escape from Bumblebee's grasp, running inside and out of sight.

"Damnit!" Bee growled underneath his breath

"Our dance, duh!" She giggles. "I'm his girlfriend for the night." 

"His what?!" I growled, slowly turning to Sam. 

"Wait! Its not like that at all!" Sam defended himself. "She-She just wanted one dance and I thought-"

"You thought what?! That you could go and cheat on Mikeala with some random chick?!"

"Again that's not-oh no." A look of pure panic and realization crosses his features. "SHIT! I forgot me and Mikaela were supposed to have a video date later today!"

"Well to late for that now Sammy boy!" I groan, throwing my hands up in exasperation. 

I can't with this boy sometimes.

"I hate to burst your bubble Sam, but we don't have time for that." Bee growled, sounding equally as annoyed. "We have a problem."

Now that was concerning. 

"What type of problem?" I asked

"I'll explain on the way, but boss wants to speak with you both." 

"Aww, you can't leave now Sammy~" The bitch in the little pink dress commented, trying to persuade my brother to stay. 

"Yeah, no." I pull the woman off of Sam, dragging my brother and shoving him into Bee's passengers seat. "adios whore." I spat before getting into the back seat with a small huff. 

Bumblebee entered the drivers seat, slamming the door of his alt before pulling out of the lot. Only when we were a good distance away from the party did the mech deactivate his Holoform. 


"Don't Sam." I snapped. "I really don't want to hear it.


-A Little Extra For My Lovely Readers!-

"So you have a son?" Leo asked for what seemed like the fifth time. 

"Yes, Leo, I have a son. Can we drop it please?" I groan, not really wanting to deal with the annoying male any longer. 

"Okay, one last question. What's his name?"

"Gadget, now than-"

"So who's the baby mama?" He interrupted me with yet another question.


"He doesn't have a baby mama, I found him in a governmental laboratory run by a group called sector 7 in the Hoover Dam." I deadpanned.

Leo burst out laughing before noticing my expression. "You're being serious?!"

I completely ignore him, walking straight past the male.

"Wait!" He called before turning to my brother in exasperation. "Is he being serious?!"

My brother simply laughs, shaking his head before following me.

"That doesn't answer my question!"


Word Count: 3,102

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