𝖳𝗁𝖾 π–―π—‚π–Ίπ—‡π—ˆ | 𝖬𝗂𝖼𝗁�...

By rainylana

128K 3.2K 3.5K

a lonely girl, a curious boy. you can figure out the rest. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
The Final Chapter
The Piano
End Notes

Chapter Thirteen

890 30 87
By rainylana

mature scenes ahead.
it's just absolute filth.

A week had passed, and Anastasia was about ready to blow a gasket. Believe it or not, her and Michael had not had sex in four days. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but something had caught his eye. He had tried explaining it to her, but frankly, she was too sexually deprived to really care. Apparently his teachers were considering him taking a test called the seven wonders, and he was now being even more of a kiss as than usual.

He would stay after class, helping grade papers or doing any favors they needed done in hopes of influencing their decision. He hadn't ever considered it before, or even knew what it was for that matter, but he knew he could pass their silly little tests. The idea of becoming the first male supreme was exciting, and he knew it would help immensely with taking out those stubborn witches. It was all falling according to plan, and his magic was increasing at an overwhelming rate.

However, Ana still remained unsatisfied. She kept in her complaints, most of the time anyways. She knew this was important to him, important to both of them, and she knew it was selfish of her to be nitpicking and begging for a good fuck every five seconds. But she was growing tired of his late nights away from her, usually stuck in a class room sucking up or practicing his magic even more so than usual.

Truth be told, he didn't even really realize that she was irritated with him, his interest fully focused on the seven wonders. He'd come back to the room late, give her a kiss and resume his magical practices. Ana would sit and watch, read or go play on her piano again, anything to satisfy her boredom. She was trying unbelievably hard to not snap at him, but his obliviousness toward his own neglect was infuriating.

That was what was happening now. She sat on the bed, arms crossed as she watched him adjust his tie in the mirror. He had a smile on his face, and she knew he would be continuing the day with talk of that stupid test again. "I know Behold is on my side, but I don't know about John Henry." He told her, straightening his jacket.

Ah, another reason for her to love the eye liner wearing professor. It wasn't that she didn't want him to take the test, because she knew it was vital for the plan, but she was just plain moody. "Uh-huh." She answered plainly, glaring at him through the mirror.

"I know Ariel is too." He continued. "It shouldn't take much longer, I know they can feel my power growing every day." He locked eyes with her in the mirror, sending her a small smile.

"Uh-huh." She nodded, crossing her legs.

"Hell, even Jack is rooting for me." He smirked, turning around to grab his books. "Maybe the kid isn't so bad after all."

Ana clicked her tongue, a sigh leaving her as she grabbed her book. "How sweet."

Okay, maybe she was being a tad ridiculous, but he was barely giving her the time of day. And what was worse was that he didn't even notice it. He narrowed his eyes at her attitude, shifting his weight.

"What are you so mad for?"

She kept her eyes on the pages, and she shook her head softly, her lips pursed together. "Nothing. Just reading."

Yeah right, he thought. It was always one thing after another. He sighed, clearing his throat as he leaned against the dresser. "Yes, there is. You've been giving me the cold shoulder all morning."

A scoff left her lips, and she sat the book down on her lap. "Really? I'm surprised you even noticed. Why don't you run along to class now and suck everybody's dick. God, knows they've been getting more than I have lately." She sneered, grabbing her book again. It took a lot of restraint for her to not throw it at his head.

His eyes widened in surprise, her attitude throwing him completely off guard. "Okay, what the hell is going on? You're acting like a bitch." He groaned, setting down his studies rather loudly.

The restraint was now gone, and he ducked as her book came flying toward his face. "I'm acting like a bitch? You've been ignoring me almost all week! All you've talked about is this fucking test and have completely ignored me!" She snapped, sitting up as she glared at him.

His hands balled up into fists, his face twisted in shock from her words. Was she really that upset? Even he thought that was ridiculous. "Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief. "I've not been ignoring you, Anastasia. I've been busy working my ass off trying to end the fucking world for you, remember?" He spat, and she rolled her eyes in response.

"Well, do you have to be such a suck up?" She crossed her arms. "If they want you to take the test then fine, but do you really have to spend every second trying to gain their approval? You've hardly touched me."

His shook his head in amusement, this conversation was uncalled for. "So, you're mad because I've not fucked you, is that it? Fine then, take off your shorts." He went to unbuckle his pants, but Ana shoved a blanket on top of herself.

"No." She denied in disgust. "I'm not in the mood."

He scoffed; what a load of shit that was. "Seriously?" He furrowed his brows. "You just said-"

"I don't care." She bit. "I said I'm not in the mood, now go to fucking class."

Michael was stunned at her bitterness, completely baffled as to why she was so angry. He understood that he had been busy as of late, but it wasn't like he was out partying all night long. This was a part of the plan, his ultimate plan to protect Anastasia from the cruel evils of the world. He knew she understood it, that's why they were there in the first place, so her bitchy attitude threw him off guard entirely.

He wanted to stay and argue with her, but he was running late to Behold's class and he didn't want to ruin the good streak he had with him. Sending her a cold glare, he turned and left the room, slamming the door rather loudly.

To outsiders, it would probably seem that they were unhappy, given that they did bicker almost constantly. But that was just the way they were, and in a way, it made things interesting.

She sat and pouted on the bed for quite some time, her mind reeling over their conversation. She wasn't in the wrong, was she? No, absolutely not. Michael was neglecting her, and he didn't even care. It made her feel like she was invisible to him also, and once, in the middle of the night, she thought that he had when he was casting spells and hardly acknowledged her. And that just couldn't do, and she was determined to make him acknowledge her. Not just to piss him off after calling her a bitch, but frankly, she was just wanting to finally have some fun in that God forsaken place.

About half an hour later, she knew Michael was in John Henry's class now. He'd be working extra hard to impress the man no doubt, and she decided to use that to her advantage.

Her socked feet traveled down the cold corridors of the hallway, her eyes traveling over the old black and white photos of previous students. This place had been around since the late fourteen hundreds, she remembered hearing someone say, so why couldn't they invest in some damn light bulbs?

There was a window on the door, and she glanced inside to see the students, locking eyes with the back of Michael's head. She smirked, placing her hand on the doorknob and entering. It didn't matter how many times he told her, she still couldn't process how they couldn't see the things she did. He did, however. And upon her entering, his head snapped over and his eyes narrowed.

What the hell was she doing?

"I was bored." She shrugged her shoulders, watching as he turned back to face the front. Her eyes went to John Henry in the front, and she let out an audible sigh.

"You should try eyeliner." She crossed her arms, spinning around to look at her surroundings. "I'm sure you could pull it off. Maybe, I don't know, though. You might want to have Johnny help you put it on." She smirked, walking through the isles of students.

He swallowed as he ignored her, his eyes burning holes in the blackboard in front of him.

"Hot, hot, not hot...definitely not." She pointed her finger, listing the students in each row as his nostrils flared. She gave a goofy smile, coming over to kneel beside him. "And we already know how I feel about John." She laughed, playfully shoving his arm.

"Stop it." He whispered, straightening himself.

She narrowed her eyes, a fake look of confusion on her face. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?"

"I said," He gripped his pencil, turning to look at her. "Stop it."

"Michael!" They both jumped slightly as John snapped his fingers. "Eyes at the front of the class, please."

He swallowed as he nodded, muttering an apology as he returned his focused.

"Hmm, authoritative too." She smiled, standing up as she made her way over to his desk.

She perched herself on top of it, crossing her legs as she pretended to take interest in what the man was teaching. She was silent for almost ten minutes, purposely trying to make her lover nervous. Even though he was growing more pissed at her by the second, this was the most fun she had in weeks.

In a quick second, his eyes moved back to hears when she took her shorts off, throwing them on the floor with a soft thud. His lips parted, and she shrugged her shoulders. "I got hot."

She leaned back on the desk, her elbows digging into paper work as she quieted herself again. "Is he married?" She spoke up, causing him to jump slightly. Of course, he couldn't answer, but it was her goal to make him nervous.

She lifted herself slightly to catch a glimpse of the man's hands, no ring in sight. "Hmm, must be lonely around here. Maybe we could help him out about, maybe lift the spell."

He couldn't control the harsh glare he sent her, and she rolled her eyes as she laughed. "I'm obviously joking you big baby. Calm down." She sat up, resting her chin in her hands.

"But you know what they say," She smirked. "Never say never."

His pencil audibly snapped, gaining a few stares from students as Jack happily gave him another one. His face was beat read amongst the them, and she glanced at the clock. The class would be almost over soon, and she knew he'd give it to her good afterwards, which was exactly her plan. Still, she couldn't control herself when she quickly tugged down her panties, tossing them in John's direction as Michael straightened.

There was only a few minutes before they were dismissed, so she had to work quickly. She forced her stare on the teacher, ignoring Michael as she slipped her hand down her stomach and against her pelvic region. She let out a sigh, her lips parting slightly when her finger found her clit, and she began circling it slowly as her eyes moved to Michael's.

Dear God, she had never seen him look so mad. He was gripping the seat harshly, forcing himself to not go over and slap her into next week. But he had to restrain himself, because he knew that she wanted him too. Sure, it was annoying when she fake flirted with his teacher, but it was harmless. Even Michael could agree on that. This whole act was her way of trying to get on his nerves. And even though it was working, he wasn't going to give her the time of day.

She swallowed as she moved her finger faster, her stare set on John as she eyed him like candy. Of course, it wasn't him that was making her a lustful mess, it was the raging antichrist in the corner. "Fuck." She moaned, slipping a finger inside her. There were only a few more minutes left, and she let out a laugh.

"Do you think...oh- Do you think you could lift the spell for a sec? I could really use Johnny's help here." She laughed again, a small gasp leaving her as her legs trembled slightly.

He sat up, turning in his seat to look away from her, his body practically shaking in anger. He wasn't looking at her, so she began moaning louder, working her fingers fast enough so he could hear her. Pretty soon after, she came all over the man's desk. And for the life of her, she couldn't understand how the man didn't see a puddle of arousal all over his papers.

Her pants were loud over his voice, and she pursed her lips when Michael had barely reacted to her coming undone. Angrily sighing, she tugged back on her shorts and panties, standing up on shaky legs to make her way toward the door. "Hell, he didn't even do anything and I got off on him more than I have you." She snapped, sending him the finger as she slammed the door.

As soon as she left, a smile hit her face, excited for the attention he would be giving her after the class ended. She quickly made her way to their room, cleaning herself up and fixing the mess that was her hair. She even made their bed, her nerves of excitement making her work herself silly.

But it had been useless, because Michael had never shown up. John Henry's class was well past done, and she had thought he would skip lunch like usual. But that did not seem to be the case. She found him in the dining hall, seated next to Jack Olivers and Elio Cline, smiling like he was actually enjoying himself.

That only made Ana more furious, and she slammed his door loudly as she pouted on the bed. Sometimes she couldn't believe she was going to be stuck with him for all eternity.

More hours at passed and he still hadn't shown up. Was he throwing a tantrum or something? But truth be told, the longer he stalled, the less cocky she felt. Had she gone overboard? She knew he was busy, and it was for both of their benefit, but she felt like she had good reason. He was neglecting her, at least that's what it felt like.

She decided to hunt him down, maybe an apology would ease his troubled soul. She stumbled around rooms for awhile, finding student after student but never her blonde haired boy. She even found Jack Olivers by himself in the library, which was a first.

"What's the seven wonders?" A boy spoke up, causing Ana to turn her head.

A dark boy with dreadlocks was leaning against the library wall, face scrunched up in a book as Jack turned toward him. "It's a series of tests to see who the next supreme is. We've never been able to perform them though, no male has ever been able to reach such potential."

She could understand why Michael was so adamant about doing it, giving he was such a show off.

"It's always been some witch over at Miss Robichaux's Academy." Jack continued. "If a male were ever to receive the spot, it would be a first for the warlocks."

Ana rolled her eyes, that was all everyone talked about. They praised Michael for wanting to try and take the test, but all of them were too stupid to realize he planned to kill them all after. There was a book on the shelve that caught her eye, it having the title of the seven wonders. What the hell, she thought, snagging the book and taking a seat across from Jack.

She spent the next hour reading it, and she was starting to feel embarrassed with herself. It did look like a lot of work, and a big deal. But still, her actions were justified too, right? If he were to complete the test, which she knew he would, then he would have control over the witches; power and control. He could take them out without the title, of course. But it would make it easier, quicker. And she knew how anxious he was to start his dirty work. After all, it was all for her.

She began chewing on her finger nails. Yes, maybe she had gone a bit too far.

Huffing, she tossed the book down, sending a look toward Jack as she scurried off down the hall. Was he bunking with a friend or something? It was doubtful, considering he hated them all. Besides, she couldn't imagine him giving up the room. She figured he'd throw her out rather than sleep in the hallway himself after what she had done.

She made her way back to John Henry's room, and she rolled her eyes when she seen him grading papers at the man's desk. Jesus, what a suck up. She pushed herself inside, causing him to jump as he looked up to her.

"Okay, I'm sorry." She huffed, entering the room. "I shouldn't have done what I did and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." She leaned against a desk in front of him, crossing her legs. "I should be more...grateful for what you're doing. So..I'm sorry."

It was a shit apology, they both knew it. However, she couldn't muster up anything else. Michael stared at her for a moment, giving her a nod as he turned back to his papers. "Okay."

Okay? She narrowed her eyes, returning the nod as she watched him work.

She pursed her lips. "So...you're not mad?"

He nodded, not sparing her a glance. "Nope."

Oh, fuck. He was mad. Which didn't surprise, what she had done had been over the line. She could take the yelling, but she couldn't stand his silence.

"Okay, will you just yell at me, please?" She groaned, sitting up. "It'll make me feel better."

Michael scoffed, lifting his head to meet hers. "Is that what you want? To not feel guilty? Well, don't, Anastasia. I don't have to explain myself to you." He shook his head, roughly tossing papers to the side.

She bit her lip nervously, feeling guilty for the anger she had caused him. "Well, I was lonely!" She defended. "You've been ignoring me for days and all you've talked about is that stupid seven wonders of bullshit test!" She snapped, flinching when he stood up.

"Do you know how important this is?!" He yelled, his voice pushing her down in a seat. "Anastasia, this test is everything! If I can take it, do you realize just how much faster we can end things? You act like I'm being selfish, I'm not. I'm doing all this shit for you, so forgive me for not having the time to fuck you." He sneered, his face red and blooming with anger.

Ana swallowed, embarrassment flooding her features. It was very clear to her now, she had most definitely been in the wrong. "I-"

"Shut up." He interrupted her. "Like I said, I don't have to explain myself to you. All of my actions, every decision I make is for your benefit. I was hoping you'd realize that by now, but it's obvious that isn't the case." He sat back down in his seat, sending her a harsh glare as he practically tore his papers in two.

She didn't know what to say, and she sat there awkwardly as she bit her nails. It didn't seem like anything she was going to say would make a difference, and she couldn't stand him mad at her. She was feeling guilty, and she had been out of line. She rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe what her mind was brewing up.

She stood up, slowly making her way around his desk as she stood there. He didn't spare her a glance, and she quickly pushed his chair backward and climbed over his lap.

"What are doing?" He held his hands up, eyeing her oddly.

She gulped, situating herself over his knees as she lifted her face. "Punish me. I deserve it."

He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. "No, get up." He wasn't going to give her the time of day. She yelped when he roughly pulled her off of his lap, tossing her to the floor as he scooted his chair back to the desk.

She gasped as she looked up to him, face flashing in anger as she clambered to her feet. "Maybe your fucking teacher will then." She huffed, turning to leave the room.

She screamed when she felt herself being turned by an invisible force, and she instantly regretted her words. "Fine!" He all but screamed. "You want to be punished so bad? You will be. Come here!" He began rolling up his sleeves, and suddenly the idea of being beaten across his lap wasn't appealing to her anymore, not with how angry he was.

And he could tell that's what she was thinking, and he let out an amused scoff. "Having second thoughts, are we? Well, too fucking late. You wanted my attention, Anastasia. Now, you have it. Come here." He rounded the desk, motioning with his fingers toward him.

She swallowed nervously, kicking herself for her perverted actions that morning. Slowly, she began walking toward him, and her breathing escalated when she stood in front of him. His eyes locked with hers, and she jumped when he moved back to his chair. "Bend over the desk." He said solemnly, going back to his papers.

She narrowed her eyes as she watched him continue his work, and she cautiously made her way back to the desk. Her face burned slightly red, and she bent the top of her body over the sleek wood, her elbows digging in to it. Their faces were rather close together, hers staring straight ahead at him while his remained down. What was he doing?

She cleared her throat. "What are...what are you doing?" She asked in a nervous voice.

His grip on his pencil tightened. "Calming myself so I don't fucking paralyze you."

She instantly shut up, her mouth clamping tight together as she grew anxious. Maybe Michael had a bad temper, but her attitude was unbelievable and never failed to get her in trouble. She remained awkwardly bent like that for almost ten minutes, nothing but silence around the room besides the ticking of a clock. The anticipation itself seemed worse than the actual punishment, and she wished he'd just move along with the thrashing he was about to give her.

She jumped when he abruptly sat his pencil down, lifting his face to look at her as he leaned back into his seat. He crossed his legs in front of him, eyeing her with sharp eyes as she gulped. "Why are you being punished?"

And the humiliation begins. "I-" She gulped. "For being ungrateful."

He gave a nod. "And?"

She went to avert her eyes, but he turned her chin back toward him. "And for being unappreciative." She choked out. "For...distracting you in class."

He smirked, what a sight that had been. "You mean for being a slut?"

Her eyes grew wide at his words, her elbows growing sore as the wood dug into them. "Answer me." He gripped her jaw.

"Yes." She breathed out. "Yes, for being..a slut."

He clicked his tongue in approval, finishing rolling up his sleeve as he stood up. Her eyes watched him walk around the desk, and she reached out to grip the edges with her shaky hands. She sucked in a breath when he pulled down her shorts, she had stopped caring what she wore around there now, giving that no one could actually see her.

She yelped when his hand cracked down on her, her body jolting against the desk.

"I can understand you feeling neglected." He stated, hitting her opposite cheek as she clamped her mouth shut. Even through her panties she could feel the hardness of his rings, and she gasped quietly as he repeated the action for a third time. "And maybe if you were to have calmly explained to me why you were feeling the way you were, we wouldn't be here right now."

She gritted her teeth when he spanked her again, and again, and again; her body moving up and down against the desk. It really wasn't all bad, and she tried focusing on the warmth pooling in her stomach, rather than the heat he was bringing down on her ass. She bit her tongue as she looked towards the wall, and in a way, the situation was quite comical. They were in a classroom, he was wearing his school uniform and grading papers. It all seemed like some sketchy teacher—student pornography. Without thinking, she let out a laugh.

His hand stopped immediately, and her eyes grew wide when she realized what she had done. "Do you think this is funny?" He pulled her up by the hair, causing her to yelp.

"No." She winced. "I'm sorry, I'll be quiet."

He ignored her, pushing her back down to the table. "Well, you've just earned yourself an upgrade."

She leaned her forehead against the table, her heart beginning to race as she waited to hear the sound of him unbuckling his belt, but it never came. Swallowing, she looked over her shoulder to him, and he roughly shoved her back down. "Did I say you could get up?" He seethed.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." She rushed, mentally kicking herself. She could never do what she was told.

Michael stood there for a moment, looking around the room as he tried thinking of what to do with her. He smirked, grabbing her by the hair again and pulling her up. She gasped, her eyes wide as he leaned against the table, letting go of her hair.

"See that desk over there?" He nodded behind her. She looked over her shoulder, and she couldn't decide whether or not there were nerves or butterflies in her stomach. She nodded, looking back to him with flushed cheeks. "Go to it. Tell me what you find in the drawer."

What the fuck was in the drawer?

She took a shaky breath as she turned around, slowly walking to the desk he pointed to. It was ridiculous she even let him do this, but she was always at his mercy. And he was right, because she had wanted his attention. And she was most certainly getting it now. She pulled the drawer open, seeing small supplies and scratch pieces of paper. Why the hell did a school for male witches even need craft supplies from the ninety-nine cent store?

"There's uh-" She shook her head, clearing her throat of nerves. "Paper, pencils, erasers and a ruler."

As soon as she said it, her eyes filled with panic. She quickly turned around, being met with his stoic expression. "Michael Langdon, you are not hitting me with a ruler!" She shook her head, gripping the desk behind her.

"Playing this game again, are we?" He folded his arms. "Remember what I told you last time? The longer you stand there, the worse it'll be."

Curse you, Anastasia. Curse you, curse you, she chanted to herself. "But I-" She cringed, looking down to it. It couldn't be worse than the belt, and she most definitely didn't want that again. "It'll hurt." She looked over to him.

He gave her an incredulous look, his blue eyes shining with a sadistic gleam. "You understand that it's supposed to, correct? Because you act like it's not. You're being punished, love. Not rewarded."

Her feet were glued to the floor, her stomach brewing with anxiety and her heart in her throat. She shook her head in denial. "But doesn't it count for something since I offered to be punished? I mean...can't you just..use your hand?" Her face burned red, the words making her feel humiliated.

"Offered?" He scoffed, stepping forward. "You didn't offer anything. I'll discipline you anytime I see fit, which happens to be right now. Pick up the damn ruler and bend back over." He raised his voice, making Anastasia stutter.

Her shaky hand dug back into the desk, picking up the old school ruler in her hand. It wasn't cheap or flimsy like the ones she used in her old classes; this was sturdy and made of real wood, and she was about ready to get on her knees and beg for forgiveness.

But what seemed to be even more embarrassing was the fact she was getting off on this, and her panties were practically flooding. Truthfully, she didn't figure it would matter what he did, she would always be a dripping mess because of it. She hadn't even realized she had gone quiet, lost in her thoughts as Michael's venomous words snapped her out of them.

"If you're not over here in ten seconds, I'll beat you bloody, I swear it." He seethed, causing her to quickly pull out the ruler and make her way toward him.

She placed it on the desk, sparing him a glance as she laid back down. Sometimes she wondered why he choose this as a punishment, because it was obvious she enjoyed it. It was painful, yes. But her sadistic desires matched along nicely with his.

She groaned quietly to herself when he pulled down her panties, leaving her completely bare and at his mercy. His hand came to rest on her lower back, and he leaned up against the desk. She flinched slightly when she felt the cold wood on her backside, and he ran it teasingly slow against her.

"Did you know that practicing corporal punishment in schools is banned in nineteen states?" He looked back down on her, smirking at her as he clicked his tongue. "Lucky for you, we're not one of them."

He drew his hand back, bringing the ruler promptly down on her ass as she screamed out. "Fuck!" She panted, looking down as she gripped the edge of the desk.

"Quiet." He spoke solemnly, hitting her again. It hurt, badly. Almost as bad as the belt. But this whole thing was making her flutter like goddamn butterflies. His uniform, the classroom, it all drove her wild.

He gave her two hard smacks in unison, and she gasped loudly as her eyes prickled with acid like tears. "You know I'm not even mad about the stunt you pulled in class today." He paused, running the ruler over her reddened ass. "What I don't appreciate, however, is the attitude you gave me this morning."

She cried out when he repeated the action, panting against the desk as her legs shook. Michael sighed, glancing around the room. "Well, since we are in a classroom, I suppose this would be an opportune chance for you to learn something."

You're a sadistic mother fucker, Michael Langdon, she screamed in her head.

"Respect and common courtesy is one of the many ways to survive in this world." He began. Ana kept in her scoff; like there was a really a world going to be left. "You treat someone kindly, they'll repay the action. Treat them like dirt," She jumped when he lightly tapped her pussy with the edge of the ruler. "Then you get treated like dirt."

He was quiet again, the only sounds of the room being a tick of the clock and her anxious breathing. "Let's make a deal then, shall we?" He spoke again, perching himself up on the desk. "You start appreciating the things I do  for you, and I won't blister your ass." He smirked, looking down on her.

She really couldn't decide what was worse. The throbbing burn of her backside or the throbbing in her cunt. She nodded, her voice weak as she caught her breath. "Okay."

"You can do better than that." He tsked.

She parted her lips, her face burning red. "Yes, sir."

He smiled, patting her back. "Good girl. I see you're learning, after all. Let's get you finished up then."

Her eyes went wide again. He wasn't done? "What?" She leaned up to glare at him.

He rolled his eyes, pushing her back down. "You're getting three more. Count them."

She swallowed. "Michael-"

"Complaining?" He bit. "Fine. You'll get six then. I suggest you shut up. I won't hesitate to leave you black and blue, Anastasia."

She closed her mouth, biting her lip as she took a deep breath. Her hands were begging to crawl in between her legs, but she knew he'd probably throw her out a window if she did.

The ruler smacked against her hard, the sound loud through the room as she sputtered out a breath. "One." She forced out.

Again. "Two."

The third one went at the top of her thighs, and she let out a cry. "T-three."

She whimpered when he hit her two more times, and she stuttered out numbers. When he hit her the final time, she let out a shaky sob. "Six."

She heard him toss the ruler to the floor, and she laid there as she tried composing herself. Cries left her body, and she gasped for air as she let go of the desk. Standing up, she whirled around and gave him a hard slap across the face.

He moved backward, the sound echoing loudly about the room, just like his had with her. His eyes went wide, holding the side of his face as she stood there. Had he gone to far? He doubted it, considering he never had before. She never denied or complained about anything. But as she stood there, face red with anger and hot tears rolling down her cheeks, he considered he had. But that only lasted for a mere moment.

She knocked him to the ground, their lips locking together as she straddled him. Apparently not, he thought. She roughly shoved his pants off of him, not wasting a second as she slipped herself on top of him. She moaned loudly, looking up to the ceiling as she began riding him.

He groaned underneath her, trying to catch a glimpse of her eyes. She hadn't said anything to him yet, and he grew slightly worried. "Hey." He held her hips, panting lightly. "Are you alright?"

Her hand came up to grip his shoulder, and she started moving faster as she opened her eyes, looking back down on him as she laughed. A real laugh. "You're a sadistic bastard, Michael Langdon." She smiled, leaning down to kiss him.

He smiled back, looking up to her in awe as they both laughed like him beating her was the funniest thing in the world. "Maybe so." He agreed, pushing himself into her. "But you love it."

A moan escaped her. "Yeah." She panted, a chuckle leaving her. "Yeah, I do."


good god, i'm gonna have to take a mf ice bath now. i feel like my daddy issues really shine through when i write these scenes🧍🏼‍♀️

anyways thanks for 5k besties!! you're too good to me😭

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