Promises • Osamu Miya x Reade...

By mtndewcollectors

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PREVIOUSLY TITLED: Hold Me Please Edited: 02.22.2024 » You finally agree to help your cousin study and you me... More

Chapter 1: Studying
Chapter 2: Incidents
Chapter 3: Marker
Chapter 5: Change
Chapter 6: The Week Before
Chapter 7: The Date
Chapter 8: Plans
Chapter 9: Finally
Chapter 10: Mine
Chapter 11: Training
Chapter 12: Rumors
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Mistaken
Chapter 15: Epilogue

Chapter 4: Dinner

10.7K 232 26
By mtndewcollectors


After getting home, Kenma, Bokuto, Akaashi, and you had played Fortnite almost all day. You had heard of Akaashi from Kenma but he was described as calm and collected. Not when playing Fortnite however, if he wasn't frustrated at dying or losing he was banging his desk, it was quite funny. Bokuto and you were honestly very bad at the game, you weren't good at close range and Bokuto kept getting clipped by bosses whenever you would go try to open up vaults.

Kenma had thought the whole situation was funny, and was glad you were happy even if it was just in the moment. Akaashi, had finally calmed down enough to teach you and Bokuto how to play better but neither of you were taking it serious. It was a fun couple of hours.

If you were being honest, you had almost already forgotten about the situation but it was still difficult. You had spent two years with him and he went and ruined it all. After getting off the call and slumping in your seat you received a text message.

Osamu Miya

me and atsumu were gonna go get dinner
he wanted to know if you wanted to come

why didn't he just text me?

im not sure tbh
but would you want to go?

yea sure :)
i just need a little bit to get
ready i so seriously need a shower

ofc take your time
I'm probably gonna take one to
the remnants of marker are still on my face

sorry abt that wish i cld help
see u later tho

see ya!!


You took maybe a little to long in the shower, having been half an hour plus another half an hour to get ready. You had a multitude of messages from Atsumu telling you to hurry up but only one from Osamu telling you to ignore him because he's just "hangry". You laughed and had texted them that you were finally ready. Osamu had knocked on your door fifteen minutes later and you opened it to find an annoyed blonde and the other twin with a smile.

"Took you long enough!" Atsumu rolled his eyes and received and elbow to the side by Osamu.

"Ignore him, he's hell bent on being the most annoying person for the rest of his life." You laughed and stepped out of the house.

"So where are we going?" Atsumus face changed at the mention of food.

"Our parents restaurant, Im pretty sure Osamu is gonna take over when he's old enough." You looked at Osamu who shrugged.

"I like to cook." You smiled at him.

"I also like to cook but I know I'm not the greatest." Osamu smiled at you.

"It's the thought that counts."

"If you say so." You shrugged and you guys continued your way yo the restaurant.

The restaurant itself was pretty nice, having very cslm scenery and a small outdoor patio. By no means was it the fanciest but it was definitely what some would deem a local spot. Osamu had held the door open for you and thanked him. A couple, who you assumed was the twins parents, had come over and given the boys hugs.

"My babies! How are you guys? Are you hungry?" The lady had been pinching Osamus cheeks.

"We're okay. Oh mom, this is our friend Y/n." You smiled at the woman who ended up just pulling you into a hug.

"Oh it's so nice to meet you! I didn't think they knew anyone other than that Suna boy." You laughed a bit.

"Oh I'm Suna's cousin actually." Their mom shrugged.

"Still counts! I like when he's around anyway, the teins aren't as crazy you know?" You smiled at the lady. You three had gotten seated in a more secluded section and the menu wa surprisingly small.

"Guys what's good here?"

"Pretty much anything. My dad is like the best cook ever." You nodded.

Eventually you had ended up ordering some gyoza. It was probably the best meal you had ever had. At some point their mom had come over and sat at the table, talking up a storm. You thought the relationship they had with her was endearing. The night was fun and you had gotten to know their mom really well. According to Atsumu the next day, their mom had loved you.


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