The Marauders Daughter | A Ma...

By -acciopotter-

5.6K 106 21

Back in the 7th year of the Marauders, the boys felt like they were starting to feel different feeling toward... More

The Period
Off to Hoggywarts
Info :))
First day of school

Morning Mail and Diagon Alley

843 15 1
By -acciopotter-

2 weeks later...

"HAZ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Aquila heard as she started waking up. She heard everyone make their way to her room.

"RISE AND SHINE!" Screamed Sirius as they ran into Aquila's room waking her up.

"Happy Birthday Love!" Remus laughed.

"Happy Birthday Aqui!" Yawned Leo.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

"Happy Birthday too you guys, Happy birthday to you guys, Happy birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you guys!!" The adults started singing which made for the first few laughs of the day.

"Ok well, let's go eat we have pancakes ready and lot's of chocolate syrup, just how you guys like it!" Remus beckoned them towards the door.

They started walking downstairs, towards the kitchen smelling home cooked pancakes.

"Mmm yummy" Said Aquila as she came running down the stairs, Harry and Leo coming down right behind her but Leo took his time compared to Harry.

Once they got to the dinner table, Remus started putting food on the plates. Making small talk until Sirius asked "So, how does it feel to be 11 now?"

"Great!" "Amazing so far!" They answered.

James was about to ask something else before an owl came swooping in dropping off 2 letters.

"Well go on take them!" James smiled at the 2 shocked and excited 11 year olds.

They grabbed the letters tied to the owls leg.

"Open them!" The adults said.

They started opening them

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry... Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress" The twins read out loud.

"MINNIE!" Sirius and James cheered.

"Are you guys happy, you finally got your letters?!" Asked Remus.

"Umm yesss so happy!" "Finally!"

"We have one more surprise... the Riddles are coming to Diagon Alley with us! We will meet up with them there! Oh and Leo make sure to bring your letter too, also Benjamin will be there! " James said.

"Yes Benj! Can't wait to see him, this is the longest we've gone without talking about pranks!" Leo exaggerated.

While that was happening, Harry looked at Aquila smirking because he new she liked Mattheo. 

"O-oh yay can't wait" Aquila blushed thinking of the youngest Riddle.

"Can't wait what time though?" Asked Harry.

"Right after breakfast! And you two get your gifts tonight!" Sirius mentioned.

Right after breakfast, they got changed and started making their way to the fireplace.

"Alright so, remember how to do it. Say it nice and clear but also make sure you are loud. Diagon Alley, ok just like that!" Exclaimed Remus.

"Ill go first because I am the oldest." Stated Leo matter-a-factly. "Diagon Alley!" He got their perfectly fine waiting for the rest.

Harry and Aquila went together holding each others hands.

"Diagonally!" Harry and Aquila yelled at the same time, dropping the floo power.

The adults looked around scared because...

"Did they just say Diagonally???" Sirius started freaking out.

"Yes, ok let's not worry, let's hurry up and see if we can find them." Remus started walking into the fireplace dropping the floo yelling the destination. Sirius and James went right after.

Back with Harry and Aquila...

They landed in an old bookshop.

"Haz, this doesn't look like Diagon alley?" They started getting worried. Where were they and where are their dads and Leo?

"Ok, ok calm down let's just make our way through here an-" Harry got cut off by the shop owner.

"Hey kids where are your parents?" He asked.

"Umm I think we landed in the wrong place sir." Harry said.

"Ya, it's out first year at Hogwarts!" Aquila exclaimed happily.

"Oh that's ok, where did you want to go?"

"Diagon alley"

"Ok well I can take your there, by the way my name is Richard Goldman. My son is heading into his first year at Hogwarts too! He actually went to get everything yesterday." Richard said.

"Cool, I hope we can meet him!" Smiled Aquila.

"For sure, well let's start going." Richard starting walking.

"So what are you names?"

"Harry and Aquila Lupin-Black-Potter, we're twins but i'm older." Bragged Harry. 

"Rude" She muttered under her breath but the bookstore owner still heard.

"I thought I recognised you kids!" He laughed.

They started walking a little longer unto the kids saw their parents and their older brother. Walking a little closer, they noticed their distressed faces.

"Were could they- omg you almost gave us heart attacks, where were you?" Sirius cut himself us, running to the kids and hugging them. Remus, James and Leo following.

James noticed the man next to their kids.

"Hello sir! Who are you? James asked.

"Richard Goldman, your kids landed in my floo network by accident but I helped them get back to you guys." Richard smiled.

"Hello Richard! Thank you so much!" Remus smiled back.

"Not a problem. Ok well I should head back now but it was nice meeting you all!" Richard waved while starting to walk back.

"Thanks again!" They waved back.

"You scared the crap out of dad's!" Leo laughed.

"Ya, thank god he brought you guys back. You worried us sick!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Sorry dads" The twins muttered sheepishly.

"It's alright at least your here now and unharmed." Remus said softly.

"Yes exactly, now to change the topic, the Riddles should be he-" James spoke to soon as he noticed the Riddles walking over.

"Hey guys!" Tom Sr. greeted.

"Hey Tom!" They greeted back.

"Mattheo!" "Tom!" "My favourite set of twins!"

"Hey guys happy birthday by the way!!" They hugged each other laughing.

"Thank you guys!!" Aquila and Harry said in sync.

"Ok so how about we get our books first?" James asked smiling fondly at the five.

"Sure!" They agreed.

"Leo, do you want to go with us or do you want to go meet with Benjamin first?"

"Umm, I'll go see Benj and then we will meet you guys their ok?" "Alright be safe!"

Leo walked off for a few minutes towards the broom store noticing Benjamin their.

"Hey Benj!" "Hey Leo!"

They started talking for a bit and made their back to the bookstore.

With the rest of them...

While walking to Flourish and Blotts, the kids started their own conversation as the adults started catching up.

"Sooo, guess what?" Asked Aquila.

"Hmm with you, we never know" Laughed Tom.

"We ended up in a bookstore fireplace by accident instead of Diagon Alley!" She laughed.

"Omg really!" Mattheo asked.

"Ya!" Harry laughed. They all started laughing making some passers walking by look at them confused.

Once they got their, they walked inside trying to find their books. Their parents caught up to them shortly and they started looking through the list of books.

"Alright so first we need "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk"." Said James.

They started looking for the books one by one but about half way through, Aquila wandered off and found a Quidditch Chasers plays book. She started looking through it and soon after Mattheo caught up to her and started going through it with her.

"I think we should try some of those plays sometime. What do you think Aqui?" He asked.

"That sounds like a great idea!" She asked back.

"Great!now come on, we should ask our parents to buy the book!" Mattheo grabbed her hand and they started walking back.

Once they caught back up to their parents, they noticed Leo and Benjamin their. They were just about to pay for the school books.

 "Dad could we buy this so Aqui and I could practice?" Asked Mattheo to his dad.

"Sure Theo!" Tom Sr. said back.

Next they went to get their robes at "Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions". When they get their they notice Draco with Blaise, Theodore and Lorenzo getting fitted for their robes.

"Hey guys!" Aquila ran up to them, Harry Mattheo and Tom following close behind.

"Hey Aqui and co! Oh and happy birthday you two!!" The three boys waved.

"Thank you!!" Aquila and Harry said at the same time.

"Are you guys getting fitted?" Asked Tom to Leo and Benjamin.

"Yep!" Smiled Leo while Benjamin nodded his head smiling.

"Ok well I can take 2 more. You 3 are almost done." Madam Malkin's told them.

"Aqui and Mattheo you guys go first." Said Harry.

"Ok!" "Sure!"

A few minutes later, the 4 boys were finished and Harry, Tom, Leo and Benjamin were up next while Aquila and Mattheo were still getting fitted. Meanwhile, the parents saw the Malfoy's and the Nott's. They all started chatting while waiting for the kids.

The 4 boys waited until the rest were finished which took about 10 more minutes making small chat between them all.

Next, after a long goodbye, they went to the wand shop. Draco, Blaise, Theodore and Enzo already got their wands so they went back home but the rest didn't. 

Theo went first, then Tom, then Harry and finally Aquila.

Aquila made her way up to Mr. Olivander. He was a tad eerie giving her the creeps. 

"Alright first wand" (I don't know the name of the wands sorry lol)

Aquila picked it up and she gave it a little wave. It made a vase blow up.

The next one she tried made a bookcase filled with wands explode. That happened for the next 5 wands. She was starting to loose hope. Until...

Mr. Olivander grabbed another wand. But yet this time she felt a magnetic pull to it. She felt like she needed it. Once she grabbed it and gave it a small wave, gold dust flew out from the tip.

"Ah yes, a very magnificent wand.... very special... Fir wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾" and brittle flexibility. Great for pranking and Transfiguration" (My wand by the way. I dunno if it's great for pranking but on Pottermore it says my wand is great for Transfiguration😅)

"Wow" was all Aquila said. "Can't wait for some pranking!" Everyone laughed knowing how much Aquila enjoys her pranks.

They thanked him, payed 7 galleons each and parted ways, making their was back home.

Just another month until hogwarts starts!

Back when they got home and after dinner/cake because I'm to lazy to write it...

"So, who's excited for hogwarts?" Asked Sirius.

"MOIIII!" screamed Aquila as she was upstairs getting changed into her pyjamas.

"Me!" "I am!" The boys replied. They were with their family in the living room.

Aquila came pounding down the stairs in her duck onesie.

"Like my pjs?" She asked giving a little twirl and then curtsying.

"Yes Aqui!" They laughed. "Beautiful!".

"Anywaysss.... can we get our presents?!" She asked really quick jumping up an down on the same spot.

"Knew she would ask that." Remus shook his head laughing.

"Ok ready!" James went to grab the gifts in a closet.

"Hey, I should have checked there!" Stated Aquila. She loves looking for her gifts but barely finds them.

"Ok so this one is for you haz and this one is for you Quila!" James handed them each their gifts.

Aquila got a charm bracelet with a star, a stag, a dog and a moon. Harry got the same but on a necklace. They also got some new closes and toys. Leo got them each a matching ring. Their friends gave them lot's of pranking supplies such as dung bombs and snapping teacups and some jewellery. (They owled them the gifts). There anubts, uncles, grandparents, cousins etc: (basically their related family) got all sorts of things such as clothes, jewellery, accessorises, pranking supplies, money etc;.

"Thank you so much!!" Aquila and Harry said at the same time hugging them all.

"Your welcome loves!" Smiled Remus.

"Ok now sweet dreams off to bed!" James said. The parents all kissed their heads and sent them to bed.

"We love you!" Sirius, Remus and James all said together.

"Love you too!" The kids said back while walking upstairs.

That night, Aquila went to sleep with a smile on her face dreaming about Hogwarts.

A/N: Hey y'all! Sorry I haven't updated in a week. I wasn't feeling very good and then I started the chapter but never finished it. I am feeling much better now but still a little sick. Don't worry it's not covid tho. Hope you enjoyed this, leave a vote and maybe comment if you did! Also, please check out the characters and Info chapters I added some stuff. Stay safe luvs xx and i'll hopefully update shorty :))

          Published: 6/6/2021

          Updated: 19/7/2021

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