Shadow Cat in Metropolis (DC...

TrashNero által

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In this story you're Y/n L/n, a teenager boy who just moved to Metropolis At the start you just wanted to stu... Több

Bio, gadgets and powers
The harem
#SweetJustice [Part 2]

#SweetJustice [Part 1]

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TrashNero által

In your opinion, which one is the best girl?

Y/n - Your name

L/n - Last name

• ☆ •

Y/n finally arrives at Metropolis High School, the first thing he does is find a spot to sit and look at the news

He opens the app, and an ad pops up

Lex: Oh hello, Metropolis. I'm Lex Luthor. When I first started Lexcorp, I didn't set out to create an international corporate empire that would make me the youngest mega-billionaire in the world. I did it for you. Our researchers continue to make breakthroughs in everything from virtual reality to the genetically-enhanced turkey on your Thanksgiving table. But even though we're the most powerful corporation in the world, you can purchase our products knowing that deep down, Lexcorp is a family company. Isn't that right, Lena? - he pulls a small girl and she smiles to the camera

Ad: ♪LexCorp cares♪

Y/n: Only cares about money, that is

News Report: As has become all too clear in recent months, despite having the likes of Superman looking out for her citizens, Metropolis is still in need of further super help. This was the scene this morning in Midtown, where a small glimmer of hope may finally have arrived. And now we're left with the question everyone is asking, "Who is this Wonder Woman?"

Y/n: More super-help, eh? Well, I came here to take a break but thinking about it better now...

???: Hi! Are you new here too? - a girl in a purple hoodie asks, snapping Y/n back to reality

[Y/n's POV]

Y/n: I am, actually. The name's Y/n L/n - I said as I got up

Babs: Mine is Barbara Gordon, but you can call me Babs

Y/n: Nice to meet you - I said with a smile

Babs: Nice to meet you too - she smiled back

She strikes up a conversation but soon turns her attention to a blonde girl who is arguing with her parents

???: I'm just saying I don't know why I'm being punished for something I didn't do

??: And we hear you saying you "didn't do it" Kara. Let's reframe our thinking

Kara groans in response

??: Maybe a new school is less a punishment and more an adventure

?: One that could help you be the best Kara you can be. And as your legal guardians, it's our responsibility to help you on your journey to impulse control

Kara gets angry and slams the car's door so hard it almost tips over

??: Have a great first day!

?: Or don't, whatever suits you best

Babs: Wow- Did you see that too Y/n?

Y/n: That was impressive

Babs: I know right- *gasp* Watch out Y/n!

Y/n: Huh? - I turn, and from the corner of my eye I see something moving

A football is just about to hit me on the face!


Y/n: Oh, this - I said, with the ball on my hand

Babs: How?!

Y/n: I have good reflexes, I guess - I shrugged

Then a guy with a green and gray shirt approached me

???: Sorry about that man, I'm sure my friend over there didn't mean to throw it at you

??: Hal!

Hal:...I didn't mean to throw it at you

Y/n: No problem, just try not to miss like that again - I threw him the ball

Hal: Thanks bro, I won't

And he walks back to his friends again

Babs and I go back to people-watching

A bus arrives and the people starting hopping out, very normal, until a girl in a yellow sweater trips on her own feet and drops many tools and... A gauntlet with a keyboard on it?

Of course I ran to help her, and apparently Babs got the same idea

Y/n: Mind if help you?

Babs: Hi! I'm Babs and this is Y/n, we're new here! Did you study here for long? How is it like? what's your name?

Karen: *whisper* Karen

Babs: Huh? What is this? - she says, picking up the gauntlet

Karen: A-ah! - she snatches the glove from Babs' hands - I-It's nothing! *whisper* Thank you, bye

She leaves

Babs: "Bye"?

We both got up

Then a girl with purple hair hops out of a limo

???: Bye daddy! - she heads towards the school entrance

??: Zee you forgot your backpack! - says her dad from inside the limo

Zee: Thanks dad! Toodles! - she replies, already with a backpack in hands

Babs: That's weird

Y/n: I'm heading inside

Babs: Hey! Wait for me!

[Scene change]

[No POV]

Babs is in the school hallway looking for her locker and bumps on a guy with green vr specs, who mutters a quick apology and goes back to his own business

Then Babs overhears a conversation between the guy with the green shirt from earlier and a girl wearing hippie-ish clothing

???: I told you, Hal. I don't believe in the Lantern Corps. Their methods are too extreme.

Hal: Look, I don't make the rules

They spot Babs, and she quickly hides her face behind a nearby locker's door

???: *holding a ring* Take it, Hal. I don't want it

Hal: No, Jess. They chose you

The bell rings, and Babs starts walking through the halls in a quick pace and overhears more conversations

"Hey guys! check out my new VR specs!"

"The podcast called her the Wonder Woman"

"She took down some giant monster"

"Geez! How many superheroes does Metropolis have?"

Babs: I don't know, but I'm going to find out

[In the cafeteria]

Babs: Ok Metropolis High, let's do this! *slurps smoothie*

She looks around

Jessica is braiding a girl's hair, Karen is reading a book, Kara is sitting with her legs on the table, Zee is texting on her phone and Y/n is doing sketches on his notebook while eating a chillidog

She throws spaghetti at Kara, who gets up angrily and looks around looking for the person who threw it, Karen lets out a low grunt and Kara throws food at the back of her head

Karen gets up only to see more food flying her way, which is deflected by Jessica

Jessica: Stop bothering her you big bully!

The food Jessica deflected flew across the room and landed all over Y/n's notebook and Zee's hair

Y/n: MY NOTES! Who did it? Huh?!

Zee: My hair... MY HAIR!

They start throwing even more food at each other as Babs jumps over a table

Babs: Food fight!!

Chaos ensues, everyone in the cafeteria starts throwing food around

A teacher enters the room and sees the mess

Mr. Chapin: Enough!

His face is hit by food

Mr. Chapin: I said ENOUGH!

The fight finally stops, and all the students step aside and point at Y/n, Babs, Karen, Jessica trying to stop Kara and Zee from hitting each other with nachos and a cupcake


Mr. Chapin opens the door for a empty class and you and the girls enter

Mr. Chapin: Detention at the very first day... Tsk tsk tsk...

He closes the door and leaves

See: I hope you all have good attorneys

Kara: What are you gonna do? Sue me for having a better aim than you?

Zee: Ooh-! I knew you threw those potatoes!

Jessica: Now, let's not start fighting again

Y/n: I still want to know who threw a double cheeseburger at me...

Karen: Um, for the record, if I offended anyone I'm truly very sorry

The door opens again, and outside is Mr. Chapin and a school police officer with a hooded figure

"We found her walking on the streets"

Mr. Chapin: Cutting school at the first day... Tsk tsk tsk. Get in there with the other delinquents while I find out which homeroom you're in

The person enters and Mr. Chapin closes the door again

The figure then grabs the hood and throws it of, revealing herself to be using a very familiar outfit

Karen: That's- She's-

Zee: Gorgeous!

Jessica: Is that-

Babs: *whisper* The Wonder Woman!

Kara: Hah, that's no Wonder Woman, it's just some dumb cosplay girl

Y/n: Looks too realistic to be a cosplayer

Diana: I am no girl, I'm Diana, Princess of the Amazons, I alone survived the 21 tests of the tournament of Athena and Aphrodite, by right, I am not a girl, but a woman

Kara: Trust me princess, you don't want to start with me

Diana: Is that a challenge?

Kara: For you? Maybe

Diana: Very well, then I shall allow you the first strike

Y/n then gets up

Y/n: Okay girls, I think we shouldn't get in more trouble than we already are

Diana: Step aside

Y/n: Fighting right now is absolutely pointless

Jessica: Yeah! Listen to him! Violence leads you nowhere!

Kara: Violence may lead me nowhere, but I know I'll lead my fist right onto this 'princess' face! - she reels her fist back and tries punching Diana, but she easily dodges

Diana: Again!

Kara tries punching her again, but Diana dodges once more

Diana: Again!

The scene repeats itself, but this time Kara doesn't stop throwing punches and Diana is actually hit, being thrown onto a wall and breaking it from the force

Everyone gasped at the scene

Kara: *gasp* Oh my gosh- I'm sorry- Are you all-

Diana jumps out of the hole and tackles Kara to the ground and punches her face repeatedly, Kara kicks Diana off and gets back on her feet

They run at each other with their arms reeled back, ready to punch, but Y/n throws himself between them and dodges both punches, also deflecting them so the girls won't hit each other

Y/n: That's enough!

Kara: Wanna fight too, punk? - she throws herself off him

Y/n: My name is Y/n! And I won't hesitate in fighting you if that makes you stop!

Kara charges at Y/n and he does the same, once they're about to hit each other a green spring made of harden light appears between the two, throwing both at the walls

Jessica: Stop! Violence is never the answer! - she says, as the light returns to her ring

Karen: Yes! Because the answer for conflicts is-!

Everyone turns to Karen and see her pressing buttons on a homemade armor

Karen: *squeaky voice* Running away! - yellow light envelops her and she shrinks

She's about to fly away when Zee finally says something

Zee: Teacher's coming

Everything becomes silent for a moment, they hear footsteps coming from outside and enter in a state of panic

Kara throws stuff to Y/n, who uses his speed to catch them mid-air and put them on place, Jessica tries to piece the wall back together with hands made of hard light, Diana is running around and picking up the stuff she knocked over while fighting Kara and Karen put a pen back in while still small. Zee is just fixing her makeup

Zee: Observe - she gets up and pulls out a magician's wand - Niaga thgiarts moor siht tup!

Tendrils of purple energy fly across the room, and in a blink everything's back as it was once, even the wall was fixed

Mr. Chapin: Is everything okay here?

Zee: Mm-hmm, yes, Mr. Chapin

Mr. Chapin: All right, good, I, um, forgot my keys

He grabs the keys and leave the room again, then Babs jumped off of her seat

Babs: A-ha! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were super! *turns to Kara* I knew it the minute I saw you dent that car door because no ordinary person could possibly slam a door that hard *turns to Y/n* Then you were about to be hit on the face by that ball and I was like "watch out!" and then you caught it without even looking at it directly *turns to Karen* And then when you spilled all those weird metal thingies on the bus, I knew there was something weird going on with you too *turns to Zee* And then you, all of a sudden, had your backpack, and I was like "That's weird" *turns to Jessica* And then I overheard you talking to that guy about some Corps thing and some ring and I knew something was up, so I decided to start a food fight so that we all get detention together, which totally worked! *turns to Diana* And then you, I wasn't planning on you showing up at all. So that's just like a huge bonus anyway. My plan was that you'd all keep fighting once we got to detention and all get so worked up that you'd be forced to reveal that you're super and guess what, so am I! The one and only Batgirl!

Kara: Great, another cosplayer

Diana: Huzzah! At last. A sister-in-arms. Never had I dreamed I would encounter the warrior spirit of an Amazon upon entering the world of Man. For you see, it is my quest, my crusade, my destiny, to bring the Amazon way of peace and prosperity to man's world, and to rid it of all evil. The gods bestowed this honor upon me and I feared I alone should have to carry my burden. But now... Now I have a sister by my side!

Babs: *le gasp* No, no, no, no. Six sisters and a comrade!

Babs turned Diana to see the girls and you

Kara: Uh, nope. I use my powers, I get in trouble. Every single time

Jessica: Not me. I'm not fighting anyone

Zee: *chuckles* Sorry, I'm an artiste, not a police officer

Karen: Um, I'm not really that good at it

Y/n: I'm not sure...

Diana: Cowards! I speak of destiny. The same mantle of greatness the gods bestowed upon me, they have also bestowed upon you

Babs: Come on, you guys! How can you not be excited about heroes and villains and fighting crime and hidden lairs and secret identities and stuff?

Zee: The trick with secret identities, my dear, is that, in order to remain secret, one must convincingly pass as a normal human being

Babs: Okay, tell you what, you guys give being a team a teensie try, she'll teach us how to be heroes and you can give her a makeover, deal?

Zee: Who am I to say no to a makeover?

Y/n: ...fine

Karen: Um... Okay

Jessica: Good for you, Karen. I'll try, too, but only to support and encourage Karen's brave decision

Kara: Fine. Whatever

Babs: Yes! Then it's settled, super awesome super hero-ness, here we come!


Diana: By the white beard of Zeus, what is this place?

Y/n: That's a mall

Babs: That's right, and normal teenager lesson number one, never say stuff like "By the white beard of Zeus" Lesson number two, you gotta look the part. Bright colors, big logos, be bold!

Kara grabs Diana and drops leather clothing on her hands

Then Babs shows a phone to Diana

Babs: Lesson 3, your phone is your life. Pics, emails, texts, shopping, social media, and every single bit of knowledge mankind has ever known

Then Jessica makes Diana drop the leather clothing, and hands her organic cotton clothing

Jessica: Uh, no leather. These were all made with organic cotton from Turkey

Then Karen hands Diana some more clothes

Karen: Dress to not draw attention to yourself, but not too much, or you risk drawing attention to yourself

Then Y/n comes up to her and gives her a pendant with a blue jewel on it

Y/n: I want you to have it, as thanks for showing up and- - he scratches the back of his head blushing a little - Anyways, I heard jewelry is important so I bought that, It's not unnoticeable but it's not too eye-catching, so I guess it's fine?

Then Babs pushes Diana into a changing room

Babs: Now, get in there and be normal

Some time later, Diana came out of the changing booth and she is wearing a mix of mismatched clothing

Y/n: Uh... I don't know much about fashion but... I don't think this is appropriate

Babs: I got it! More accessories!

She runs to get accessories but Zee stops her

Zee: Let's not torment this poor girl any further, allow me - she pulls out her wand and starts talking backwards - Srennam lla ni tcefrep kool!

The spell is cast, magic engulfs Diana, and when it fades she is wearing something that actually suits her well

Zee: Ta-da!

Y/n: Ooh- That's perfect!

Jessica: Wow, she's good!

Zee: Ladies and gentleman, may I present Diana Prince. Foreign exchange student from Greece. Geek chic

Diana: And these garments give me the appearance of a typical mortal female adolescent?

Jessica: Oh yeah

Zee: Oh, yes

Y/n: Certainly

Kara: I guess

[Scene change]

You and the girls are at a rooftop, with Diana in her Wonder Woman outfit

Diana: If we are to be a team, then I must know your skills and abilities

She points to Jessica

Diana: You! Name, rank, skills!

Jessica: Uh... Hi, I'm Jess. I'm a cadet in something called the Green Lantern Corp. And... Oh, boy. Well, see, I was given this power ring by these weird aliens. They are sort of like space cops and they patrol these different sectors. You know what, the whole thing is really complicated. I can make stuff with this ring

She uses her ring to make a potted plant

Babs: That's so cool! Do a pogo stick!

Jessica makes a pogo stick

Babs: A burrito!

She makes a burrito

Babs: A mucho megarrito supremo with the works!

Diana: With this ring of the gods you may produce any weapon imaginable to beat your enemies into submission?

Jessica: Well, in theory, yes. But I don't believe in violence

Diana: Admirable. So how shall you be known?

She put on her Green Lantern uniform

Jessica: Green Lantern? Kinda comes with the ring

Diana: Good. And you, Batgirl?

Babs: I can do all sorts of cool stuff even though I don't have any alien rings or anything, but I'm really good at figuring things out. And I make the coolest bat gadgets, like this! Bat barometer and this glow-in-the-dark bat staff. And these bat grappling hooks that I was totally this close to using when Batman was fighting Professor Pyg on the roof of this building. But then Robin showed up, and Batman had to save him. And you know how that goes. And I never actually got to show him how they work. And I never even got to meet him, but that's a whole different story, so I-

Diana: You lack focus

Babs: What?

Diana turns to you

Diana: How about you?

Y/n: You might know this already but... I'm Y/n. And...*ahem* Where should I start again? I'm not very good with introductions like these

Babs: Ooh- I know! I know! - she jumps excitedly - Can we ask questions as you go?

Y/n: Yes, of course - you activate the bulwark and soon you're in your outfit - By the way, this is my outfit, you can call me Shadow Cat when I'm using it

Babs: *long gasp* OMG! This is so cool! Oh- What's the deal with the boots? And what's inside the bag? I have several questions already-

Y/n: Then I will only answer the simpler ones. Those are graviton boots, the allow me some kind of flight, and in this bag I have things such as stun grenades, EMPs, etc.

Diana: How about the speed you showed earlier? Was it work of one of your devices?

Y/n: No, it was actually one of my powers: Enhanced reflexes. The others are some cat-related things like high-jumping, better hearing, claws, etc. - You said, showing your glowing red energy claws

Babs: So that's why you're called Shadow Cat!

Karen: Um... Hey

Y/n: Hm?

He turns to Karen, and she's using her same homemade armor from earlier

Karen: *whisper* Can you create something to make my suit appear like that too?

You circle around her, analyzing her suit

Y/n: I will be happy to help, sure I took a loooong time to put my outfit AND the armor inside the Bulwark, but I think yours won't give as much problem

Karen: *whisper* Thanks - she gives a shy smile

Diana: Is your introduction done, Shadow Cat?

Y/n: Not yet, you heard me talking about an armor, right? This is what I meant

Y/n touches the bulwark's flat screen, and a red outline of a robot suit appears around him as it materializes itself

Y/n: This is my ultimate creation, the Bulwark Full-body Armor!

(This is how it looks like, but with more 'feline' traits)

Y/n: I named it Bulwark because it's my last line of defense, a 'wall' of sorts

Everyone is amazed at the scene, mostly Karen and Babs, as they're also tech-based heroes

Babs: *longer gasp* What does it do?! - she asks with even more curiosity and starry eyes

Y/n: You know, the usual. Protects me from harm, has more offensive power, that kind of thing. Still has room for improvement, though - he reverts back to his basic outfit

Diana: Zee, you are next

• ☆ •


Had to end this chapter here- Didn't want to do it but I can't take it anymore, Wattpad kept forcing me to upload the pics every time I closed the app then came back

Anyways, I hope ya liked dis

And remember:

ALL girls are the best ;)

Olvasás folytatása

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