The New Fire Expert ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

300K 13.1K 9.5K

It’s fire station 313. Jack Overland is well known young firefighting chief in Burgess. He is daring and cari... More

1 The Road Called Life
2 Ending or a Beginning
3 The Meaning of Fire
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
4 Fire that Burns You
5 Lift the Cat on Table
6 She's in Town
7 Friendly Ghost
8 A Suggestion
9 Messing Around
10 Odd Events
11 Ghostbusting and Adoptions
12 Modern Fairy Tale
13 Burning Liquid
14 Girl Trouble
15 Passing Away
16 The Awakening of Sleeping Heroes
17 Beating Heart
18 Feeling Hurt
19 Modern Snow White
20 Proposal
21 The Connection
22 The End?
24 Winter 4
25 Movies are Heart Crushing
A/N All about private
26 Hooked
27 Remember?
28 Obsessed Minds
29 Choices of Life
30 Dream of Something Better
31 Monday the Sick-minded Day
32 Hate is Poisonate
33 The Denial
34 Voice Inside the Brightness
35 Do Memories Hurt?
36 One 'A' Going Down
37 The Ones We Love
38 Damaged Sisters
39 The Plan of Y
40 Friendships Last
41 Glowing Flames
42 Yokai
43 Long Story
Final Words
After 8 years

23 Secrets to Know

6.7K 295 372
By melantha123

POV Jack

Please, if there's a God. Make this stop! I'm holding hands on my ears and crawled into a ball. I glance at the living room and I lift my hand from my right ear. No, still ongoing.

"Conceal, don't feel. Conceal, don't feel. You can do it!" YOU CAN DO IT! Conceal, don't feel" the same broken record mantra is on playback over and over and over again.

I let out a loud groan.

"Don't interrupt Frost! Conceal don't f--," Elsa continued.

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled and flew up. I see how she startled when I flew to stand right in front of her.

"Why! You've been chanting that wicked spell whole morning!" I growled as I placed my hand on her shoulder. She flinched and shrug my hand off.

"SShhh! I need to go to work in one hour and.. I'm not sure if I can handle the powers that I have," she said and looks away. Her face is turning.. blue?

"Are you holding your breathe?" I laughed and pinched her cheeks. Yeah, some air bursted out.

"Mm.. nope," she laughed nervously and then she looks into my eyes. She's blushing and I raised my eyebrow. She blushed even more.

"Are you sure that you aren't sick?" I questioned and I placed my hand on her forehead. Her breath hitched.

"You sound sick,"I mumbled.

"No!" She said quickly and threw my hand aside.

"Okay," I told her.

"Conceal, DON'T FEEL," she gulped out.

"Stop that My Queen, you're creeping me out," I chuckled and placed my hand over her mouth. I felt her lips against my palm and my cheeks felt hot. Quickly I removed my hand from covering her mouth.

"Am I ?" She laughed and then she placed her face against my shoulder. Her hands went around me as she started hugging me.

"Umm.. I'm sorry but," I muttered as I was about to sneak my way out from her embrace.

"No, don't you dare," she said coldly. Her hands squeezed me tighter. "I'm scared of what might happen," she spoke against my neck.

"You're doing wonderfully with your powers.. you sort of skated your way to hospital yesterday? You told me that?" I smiled and petted her head which she then nodded.

"Yeah, I guess," she let go of me and grinned. Then she looks at me with her eyes wide.

"Okay, what are you now thinking?" I sighed.

"I have a crazy idea," she whispered and cupped my cheek.

"Determine crazy," I stuttered in my words once her body pressed against mine.

"Waking you up with kiss," she smiled shyly and my eyes widened. I could feel her breathing against my lips. Oh god.. PANIC.

"FROST!" Elsa shouted as I made myself dematerialize. My heart was bumping rapidly as I stood a feet away from her.

"No kisses!" I gulped out. "What the heck are you thinking?" I yelled as I waved my hand in the air angrily.

"It worked on Snow White and Sleeping Beauty," Elsa mumbled.

"Yeah, true loves kiss and this would be a true kiss of hate. YOU MIGHT JUST KILL ME!" I yelled aloud.

Elsa's expression was fierce but then it faded away, leaving her blank looking. "My Knight, may I say that you might be right?" Elsa gulped out and I relaxed.

"Stop calling me that," I whispered and I felt unease.

Let me tell you something. I have a list in my head, for the things that I'll do if I ever wake up again. It's a top ten. The order may vary a bit though but the one on top of the list.. it's the most important one.

10. Try wearing something red.

9. Do a prank on Hiccup.

8. Eat ice cream until I explode.

7. Finish the song I was creating.

6. Take a shower.

5. Dance at my work place.

4. Tell chief Corona to piss of with making me as the leading chief.

3. Play hockey

2. Play guitar for Emma.

1. I may be bold but I'll kiss the Queen.

I look at Elsa, she's getting her stuff ready for work. I glance at the bills on her table and I feel bad again. My body really needs to wake up and get it's shit together so she won't be in trouble. Oh and so she could get her kiss which she's been trying to get from me for some time. Like I wouldn't notice.

"Mm.. I have an idea," I mumbled as I glance at her. She startled and looks at me while braiding her hair.

"That's a new one," Elsa said sarcastically. Oh man she is pissed at me again.

"Singing, you could sing for extra cash? There's a singing competition in Burgess in the end of March," I told her and I scratched my nose.

"Really?" She wondered aloud.

"Yeah, you would win," I smiled and took my guitar from the floor.

"Nice.. you're materialized again," she said bitterly.

"Yup," I grinned and sat on the couch. I hit couple notes.

"I can't Frost," she whispered.

"Just let it go!" I grinned and started playing a song.

"Not that one!" She gulped.

"Yeah, totally this one," I smirked and continued. She moved restlessly but then sighed. Yup, she's gonna do it.

Elsa blushed and started singing.

(Taylor Swift - Haunted)

I have known it all this time
but I never thought I'd live to see it break
It's getting dark and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake

Oh, I'm holding my breath
Won't lose you again
something's made your eyes go cold

Come on, come on, don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong
You're all I wanted-


I stopped playing at this point and I look at her. She had been staring at me for the whole song, it was like she was singing it to me. I couldn't continue. Slowly I placed my guitar back on the floor and I stood up.

"Y-you better get yourself to work," I stuttered and I ruffled my hair as I walked towards the window. Suddenly her hand grabbed my wrist while I was passing her.

"The singing contest might be a good idea," she said quietly.

I hummed, "Well yeah since I figured it out!" I laughed.

"Yeah well I need to run to work," she said as she took her bag. She rushed out from the front door and I jumped out from the window. I saw her running out from the front door and towards the park area. I flew next to her and she gave me a smile when she noticed me.

"Race you," she said quietly and ran faster. She circled around the people that were already hanging at the park in early morning.

"You just challenged me!" I shouted after her and I land myself down. Then I ran after her, avoiding to go through people since I felt sick every time when I accidentally went through someone. It's really hard when you feel what the people are feeling which is why I don't really want to experience it.

I was reaching after her and she was chuckling. I smiled slyly as I was just few steps away from her, my hands waved on my sides as I ran. The slushy snow was wet under my feet and some of it even flew to my face from the bottoms of her shoes as she kept on running.

The next seconds changed things between us. To the point that it's hard to explain.

She paused her running, stopping just when a woman was pushing a stroller in front of her. My speed didn't stop and I was about to bump into her when I dematerialized. I went right through her, I heard her gasp as she felt my coldness go through her.

I felt her, I felt what she's feeling. The feeling was really strong, something that I've never felt before. It wasn't fear or anger, it wasn't hate or disgust.

Love. However not the kind of love that I had towards my sister, friends or family. Her love was different, it was full of insecurity and doubt, being not sure and desperation. Then there was this deep passion which was so intense that it made me feel embarrassed to experience it. She felt lust and desire, all towards one single person.

Towards the person which was all over her mind, enchanting her. I shivered when I closed my eyes for a second, the slushy snow was burying my fingers as I sat on the ground. The image that was her love in flesh and blood was like burned into my eyesight. It made my breath fasten as I saw my own eyes which her memory had shown. She had felt the butterflies when I had smiled to her back and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Frost, get up," I heard Elsa whispering and I open my eyes slowly. My cheeks are burning up.

Slowly I stood up, my knees felt weak and when she touched my fingers quickly I startled. "D-don't touch me ever again," I gulped out as I rubbed my temples. When will this pain end?

POV Pitch

P: How is our plan coming together?

H: I'm inside.

Y: Good.. trap is set. Now get the object H.

H: Yes.

P: Then what?

Y: Wait further instructions.

H: ^-^


H: Shi... sorry, it was copied into my phones memory. I misclicked and added it. My gf's doings.

Y: Don't let her mess with your phone idiot!

H: Srry. Won't happen again.

I closed my Whatsup application after a sigh and then I turned around behind my desk. "So is the little girl feeling a boo boo?" I said as I entwined my fingers together and glaring at the girl with their parents.

"She has a sore throat," the father said.

"Uh... huh," I said and watched them with disgust. I turn back to my computer and then I typed in the prescription.

"Here," I said and threw them the paper.

"Burana 1000 milligrams times a day?" The man gasped. "She's just 8!"

"Blabla... just split the pill into four pieces," I sighed.

"But--," the man pleaded.

"Out.. NEEEEEXT!" I shouted and the man left with the sobbing little girl.

"These patients are making my head hurt!" I groaned as I walked to my door. I rubbed my temples as I start my regular tour around the wards. I hate day shifts, basically I hate everything in this job. Except the paycheck and free parking space right next to hospital.

I grabbed a pile of patient files which I go through as I walked in the corridors. First I met a granny and some grandpa. The old lady had some chest pain, just a minor thing. "Breathe in and out and it will wear off," I mumbled to the lady as I left to continue my tour.

Then I felt shivers as I stepped in front of room 210. This place I hated the most. "Tsschk," I snapped my tongue as I kicked the door open. I heard some nurses chatting as they stared at me and I glared at them. Quickly they continued with their jobs as they needed to.

I go to stand next to this young mans bed. I took his pulse and some tests as I was supposed to. Everything is just way too fine. I heard his moan while he slept and I hummed. I took a syringe from my pocket and I injected some more of the drug into the bag. Now it's going into his blood stream. I grinned as his heart beat fastened for a moment, then slowing back down.

I sat next to his bed, "I just hate you. You who are the heroes of the common day!" I snapped and I watched as his eyes twitched a bit while he slept.

"Oh young man, you're going to rest as long as I want you to," I laughed and I felt disgusted when I watched at his overgrown silver white hair.

I stood up and leaned right next to his head, "Let me tell you a secret boy. Since you'll never wake up.. which I'll take care of." After saying that I walked to the glass that showed the room at the corridor. I shut the curtains and locked the door after telling the nurse that I'll run some tests on him.

Then I sat back down and I laughed evilishly. "So, I've been dying to tell this. However I'm working with couple others.. our plan will change the world.. And the funniest part? People will be mindlessly scared and.. death will arrive to those who don't obey."

Then I grinned again, "But for me the best part is that ... heroes like you, firemen, police and hospital workers.. We get to kill them all so there's no one to save them. Fun isn't it?"

"You'll be my first test drive Mr. Jackson Overland, then that pretty little fire fighter coworker of yours, it'll all start from you two," I laughed and then I went to open the curtains. I smiled one more time before leaving from the door.

"Oh! Breakfast time!" I cheered and then I rubbed my arms. The patient room seemed to get cold all of a sudden. I shut the door quickly. "Hope that you won't catch a cold," I whispered aloud.

I was walking towards the cafeteria when someone stopped me. I got thrown against the wall by the old man from before. His eyes were big and swollen. "Breathing my ass!" The grandpa shouted.

"Let go,"I said in bothered way.

"Ellie died! Her heart didn't last!" The old man cried.

"Well you should have spoken to a doctor," I shrugged.

"You are a doctor!" The man cried and fell to his knees.

"What's your name?" I spat out.

"Carl Fredricksen," the man sighed.

"Alright Karl. Just sue the hospital. I don't care, good bye," I said and shrug him off from my leg.

The sound of bacon and eggs with orange juice and coffee was already calling me. I had definitely some better things to do then deal with mourning grandpa.
POV Elsa

At lunch break I didn't feel like eating. Frost might be annoying but the fact that he is even mean. That's just too much to handle. Weird, I'm having love problems even though we're not dating.

A sigh escaped from me and I felt a hand on my shoulder soon. "Elsa? I came to speak with you about something but you're a bit down.. so... do you want to speak about something?" Punzie asked and sat next to me. We were sitting outside on a bench. The spring sun was already shining and giving it's warmth.

"No.. not really," I whispered.

"C'mon! Just let it out," Punzie grinned.

"Okay so there's this one guy--," I started and I felt anger that I had built up getting out.


"Well.. umm... he is the most annoying person ever! I can't figure him out, he is in some ways vulnerable and really nice but then again he tries to push me away and makes fun of me," I said angrily.

"Mmmm... sounds like a typical guy to me," Punzie chuckled.

"No! You don't understand! He hates me, he told me to not to touch him," I cried and wiped away couple tears.

"You're dating him?" Punzie asked.

"No, we're friends sort of," I shrug it off and buried my face into my hands.

"But you love him?" Punzie giggled and I raise my face. I look at her.

"Mm.. how would you know?" I asked nervously.

"Because the way you act," Punzie grinned and then she inhaled deeply. "Want an advice?" She spoke quickly. I nodded my head as a response.

"Give the guy some space. Guys are really slow when it comes to dating and stuff. He might be still on that confused mode of his. I'm sure that he will be more than happy to swift your feet away from under you one day," Punzie winked her eye and I blushed.

"Uh.. thanks.. so you wanted to speak about something?" I tried to change the subject and not to think of the idea of Frost flirting with me.

"Yes! So I have some wonderful news but I think that it effects my work a bit," she grinned and took something from her pocket. My eyes widened as I look at a white stick that's inside a plastic bag.

"Umm," I mumbled.

"I'm pregnant! I didn't know your number so I couldn't sent you a picture! I think of you as my closest girl friend! But...umm.. Merida, well she's cool too but I don't think that she will get it the way you can!" Punzie squealed and jumped to my neck.

"Ugh, well congratulations Punz," I laughed and hugged her back.

"Yeah so could I stay outside from the fires from now on so I don't inhale anything bad?" She smiled slyly.

"Of course," I patted her knee and then she left. I noticed that the plastic bag fell to ground.

"Punz! Your bag dropped," I said as I lifted it.

"Oh! Well, I'm just throwing it into garbage," Punz said and was about to come back. Then I got an idea.

"I can do it for you," I said and stood up. She thanked me and I hid it inside my jacket as I went to dressing room.

Instead of throwing the positive pregnancy test away I stuffed it inside my bag. This is going to be quite funny and a good revenge for Frost. This is what he will get for being impolite.

Then I heard the sound of alarm ringing and I slam my locker door close. Quickly I ran to fire truck where everyone is getting in. I noticed that there was no sight of him, Frost. He had left right after he told me to never touch him again. He acted so weird right after he had went through me. I still feel the extreme coldness going through me when I even think of it.

"Elsa Arendelle from station 313, what's the emergency?" I asked from the radio.

"Fire at Pizza Planet," the lady said and gave us driving instructions.

"That's where I get my fav pizza's," Hiccup whimpered.

"Oh shut up!" Merida groaned and turned the steering wheel hard. I took some support from the door and I noticed how Hiro was thrown over Hiccup. Merida was smirking mischievously.

"You did that on purpose!" Hiccup groaned.

"Mmmhmm.." Merida hummed and laughed a little.

"Sorry, owh," Hiro mumbled as he buckled his seatbelt quickly. Punzie was laughing at the guys.

"Behave everyone," I said while chuckling. "We need to focus since we're about to put down some fires!" I cheered.

"Let's divide us. Hiccup and Merida will stay with water hoses and Punz will be with them. I'll take you Hiro inside the fire location. There's already couple other units at the scene so we can manage with just the two of us," I smiled to Hiro who nodded his head. He was just dressing himself the fire helmet.

I took my helmet from between my knees and then I placed it over my head after watching the sign saying 'chief' on the white helmet. When Frost wakes up I'll give up my position as the chief back to him. That's for certain.

"Get ready everyone!" Merida shouted as she started backing up the truck to a street. Easily she steered the big truck where it was needed and we ran out. Hiccup, Merida and Punzie started to work with the water post immediately and me and Hiro got ourselves oxygen bottles.

After getting a short briefing from another chief it was time to cool down the flames. Hiro and I ran inside quickly, gladly the building had already been evacuated but still we needed to get the fire under control or it might cause other places to burn.

"Man these pizza's are burned up real good," Hiro laughed as he was spraying towards the burning area around pizza oven.

"No time to joke Hamada," I replied and pointed towards the staff room. We started heading that way and Hiro kept on turning the flames down by watering the base of the flames.

"I'm going to check the staff room, hold this," Hiro said and let go of the hose. I kept on spraying water to the sides of the fire. Our team was the one the deal with the fire on the inside while other units kept it under control on the outside.

"Be careful Hiro," I told him as he was touching the door. IT was our way to check if it's safe to open.

"It's good to go," Hiro said and showed me his thumbs up. He grabbed the handle and then I saw it.

A wire was circling on the wall which I just sprayed, it lead under the staff door. I got a bad hint from it.

"Hiro! WAIT!" I shouted and dropped the hose. Hiro opened up the door and looks back at me.

I watch how some liquid is sprayed at him from the open door way. It smells like gas. Then the fire reached to him and I see how his body lids up.

"HIRO NO!" I screamed and rushed towards him.

"ELSA! HELP!" He shouted and I tried to spray some water on him. It made the fire worse and he was waving his hands in the air.

"SUFFOCATE THE FIRE SOMEHOW!" He screamed in panic and fell to floor. "QUICKLY! The suit wont hold much longer, I can feel the heat!" He pleaded and breathed heavily.

I look at my hand and I could only think one way.

Then I pulled the glove off. The heat was warming up my bare hand and it was now feeling quite hot. I waved my hand in the air and I shot an icy blast at Hiro.

"WHAAAT!" Hiro shouted into the radio as his body was covered in ice. I ran to him and I used my axe to crack the thin layer of ice which I made to cover him up.

"Time to get out!" I told him and he nodded his head when I grabbed his arm.

We ran out from the building and then we collapsed on the ground. Some other units firemen arrived and dragged us out. They were asking what happened and I could just tell them about a trap.

When the fire was out me and Hiro went inside. The place was really moist and smelled like burned wet wood. We started taking out samples and pictures of the fire.

"Elsa," Hiro said to me through radio. His voice made me nervous.

"Yes?" I replied.

"You did something today to save me.Something special?" Hiro asked and took a swipe sample from the staff room door.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I laughed.

"Those ice powers of yours saved my ass today. Thanks," Hiro said casually and I flinched.

"Uh," I mumbled.

"Well, let's get these samples to fire investigator," Hiro said and stood up. He had been kneeling on the floor.

"I won't tell anyone and besides I would really like to have a chat with you about one theory of mine concerning these arsonist cases," Hiro grinned.

"You're not scared?" I whispered and Hiro shook his head.

"I have my own secret too," Hiro whispered and told me that we would discuss about our little secrets little later together.

"How do you know that it's arsonist case again?" I sighed. Then Hiro pointed behind me," Because of that."

Now I witness how Hiro walks past me and jumps to counter. There's an empty place at the burned wall.

"Here was something hanging for long time," Hiro said and wiped a metallic plate clean on the wall.

"It says something," Hiro told me and reached to read it.

"Well?" I questioned.

"Whoa! They had a real flying back bag in here! So cool!" Hiro cheered.

"And it's stolen?" I sighed.

"Yeah by the arsonists," Hiro told me and jumped down.

"I'm really getting mad at them. I mean it's bad enough that they cause fires but when they set up traps to firemen. That's just sick!" I said angrily.

"I know... I lost my brother in fire because of them," Hiro gulped and I touched his shoulder.

"I bet that he was really fine fireman and I would've been honored to meet him," I smiled to Hiro as we walked out. We took our helmets of in the outside and Hiro turns to face me.

"Yeah, thanks. Tadashi was awesome person. I just wish that we wouldn't have lost him and Jack too," Hiro whispered.

"But Fro---, Jack, isn't lost? I heard that he is breathing by his own and it's just the matter of time before he comes back," I patted his back.

"I hope that he comes... and if he does, I'm sure that you both will get along," Hiro said mischievously.

"Yeah, maybe.. how would you know that?" I asked and tried to act casual.

"Because he likes challenges. He was always having a competition and he might find your harsh attitude as new way to have fun. Not that you're harsh in anyway," Hiro coughed a bit and I rolled him my eyes while chuckling.

"It's okay Hiro," I smiled as we joined the others. We packed up the truck before leaving.

We gave our information to the cops before leaving. We made one pit stop at fire place investigation unit where we left our samples to examine. It's again part of our desperate try to catch the arsonists by figuring out the substances that they use. So far we've had no luck.

It was really exhausting day so once I got back to apartment I was totally ready for a hot bath. However, this guy had no bath tub. This just made me really bothered, an apartment without bath tub. Why am I being tortured like this?

I sighed and went to bathroom. I placed the bag on the sink and I put the water running. Then I touched the rim of my shirt so I could pull it off.

"Hey," I heard a husky voice from behind me. I turned red and I quickly pulled my shirt as down as I could and I turn around.

Frost was standing there, he was really agitated looking. "You.. you didn't come to hospital today?" Frost whispered and glanced at me.

"Thought that I could give you some space since you don't want me to touch you," I snapped at him while with one single angry movement I opened up my hair from the braid. Frost looks at me dumbfounded.

"Y-yeah.. sorry about that but, I just can't handle touches right now," he smiled sadly. "I'm sorry my Queen, I was an arrogant knight today," Frost said and bowed to me.

"I'm still very VERY mad at you!" I spat out and he slowly straightened his back.

"But I said that I'm sorry?" He whined.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A BATH TUB IN HERE!" I screamed at his face. He startled and bumped against the wall.

"I never needed one," he laughed nervously.

"Well you didn't have a girlfriend then, did you!" I snapped and my cheeks flushed.

"I don't have one even now," he shrugged. "Just enjoy the shower, Ice Queen," he teased me and slammed the door close. I growled after he left. I threw my bag to floor and I sat on the toilet seat.

My whole body was shaking. Then I saw something laying on the floor and my world brightened up.

"Now you'll get it," I laughed in evil way as I took the plastic bag from floor. I turned off the water and I look time from my phone.

Five minutes and my plan shall begin.


My feet felt weak as I opened up the bathroom door. My hands were squeezing the white stick as I walked out.

"Frost!" I shouted and tried to make my voice sound panicking.

"What!" He yelled angrily back. I found him in the living room. He was staring at my orchid flowers.

"Remember when you were inside me?" I whispered and he glances at me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that too. I'm never going to do tha---," he started.

"I'M PREGNANT!" I cried and fell to my knees.

I heard his breath hitching and then how he gasped. "WAIT WHAT!" He shouted and I could feel a cold airwave coming towards me.

"Y-yeah, it's positive," I sobbed and pushed the positive pregnancy test forward on the floor. Frost's eyes widened from shock and he looks at me.

"H-how would it be positive? I.. I didn't even.. even do stuff like that," he stuttered.

"Wait... is it Jim's?" He said coldly and narrowed his eyebrows.

My eyes flashed wide open. "No way" I gasped out loudly. "I-it's yours.. YOU DID THIS TO ME!" I cried and he tried to hush me.

"It's not that b-bad.. there are options.. like.. uh.. abortion.. adoption .. uh," he kept on going and I cried louder.

"I don't want your dirty spirit child!" I cried against my hands.

"Whoa! Hold up! My child is not dirty!" Frost said in shock.

Then I couldn't keep it in anymore. I started laughing like crazy.

"Huh? What happened?" Frost gulped as he stared at me.

"Haha! It's not my test! Tricked you idiot!" I kept on chuckling and then I bursted into laughter again.

"You .. fooled me?" He said coldly.

"Yeah!" I yelled out while laughing.

"That was.. a horrible prank!" Frost roared and then he pinned me down to the floor.

I winced as he pressed me down, his leg spreaded my legs open . "F-Frost?"I gulped as his body pressed on me. My heart was beating rapidly.

"Maybe I should try.. if it's possible... to make a child with you?" He said with a weird gaze in his eyes. His hand started playing with my hair and I tried to squirm my way free.

"N-no.. what... why," I whispered and when I tried harder to get loose he just pressed me down even more.

"This is what you want, huh?" He said huskily and leaned down. His other hand was resting on my abdomen.

"P-please don't," I mumbled as I felt his lips brushing against my neck. It caused me to shiver.

Then he started laughing. "Haha! Got you!" He laughed as he sat up. My cheeks were burning up and I saw his eyes sparkle the usual way that they do.

"You... you.. you are a demon!" I screamed while slapping his cheek.

"Whoa.. from ghost to a demon," he grinned mischievously and I crawled my way away from him. Quickly I ran to bathroom and I put the shower on.

I heard his knock on the door.

"Just wanted to let you know.. I'm not that kind of guy," his muffled voice spoke from behind the door.

I didn't say anything and after a moment of silence he spoke again. "You're not pregnant really? Are you?"

"No. It's not my test," I said as I got myself undressed and stepped into the shower.

"Good.. Sorry again, I really am fond of you My Queen. This knight has a reason to stay alive as long as you're with him," Frost spoke.

"My Knight, you may be at ease since your Queen understands," I said while my heart almost bounced out from my chest. I tried to calm myself down.

"Thank you, I'll guard you tonight with my life," he said in honorable manner and made my cheeks blush.

"Could we stop this medieval thing" I asked quickly.

"Sure," Jack laughed.

"Thank you--," I sighed.

"My Queen," he said mischievously as I placed my head under water.

"Frost!" I shouted.

"Sorry My Queen," Jack chuckled through the door.

"Frost," I said angrily.

"My Queen." He hummed.

"Stop," I sighed.



"Queen," Jack said teasingly.

"Okay. I give up," I mumbled. Then I grinned.

"Oh My Knight, honor me with your presence tonight and sway me to sleep. Tell me about your adventures and whisper me sweet things, help me escape the reality," I spoke in royal manner.

Silence. Finally.

"Did you just ask me to bed with you?" Frost said in amused way.

"No I did not!"I gasped.

"Yeah right," he replied. I groaned and then I decided to admit my defeat and just wash my hair.

"Victoryyy! Frost 3 to 1 against the Norwegian lady!" Jack cheered.

"Not hearing you!" I shouted and then I heard his laughter through the door.


Mamma Mia, I just burned down a Pizzeria!!

Some ask where I get my ideas from.

Let me tell you. The inspiration for Pitch's POV came when I stared into an elevator shaft through glass. The elevator moved and I got a HEUREKA moment.

Yes. My inspiration is really weird.

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