Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

42.5K 3K 830

A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


1.4K 131 36
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

Forth's POV

It's been a week since I last talked with my angel. I don't know what Jamie said to Beam but he has been avoiding me ever since that day. He is not picking up my calls or replying to my texts, he even changed his place to stay and I cannot find out where he is staying.

It's not that I am unable to find the place he is hiding himself from me, It's just that I want to give him some space and respect his decision. If he doesn't want to talk to me then it's okay, I will give him time to sort things out... but not for long.

I cannot lose him no matter what.

I tried asking Jamie, but he is as hard as rock to break. I know he will not open his mouth even if I end up breaking each and every bone of his body, he is that stubborn. I don't care what he did or said to Beam as long as I don't end up losing him, but if Beam decides to break things with me then Jamie is as good as dead.

I have tried contacting Wayo and he even talked to me but he did not reveal anything related to Beam. Such a loyal student he is. I contacted Ming too but he was super angry at me for some reason and just ended up giving me death glares. I knew he hated me!!

Currently I am jogging in the early morning. The wind was cold due to the rain that poured down last night. It was nice weather and I was feeling like I could jog for hours without even getting tired.

I really love the rainy season.

I might not be a romantic person but the idea of cuddling with someone whom you love in the warm cozy and enjoying the rain with that person has crossed my mind over millions of times. I even tried doing it with Jamie, since he is super close to me in intimate ways but I found it super awkward and weird when I did that.

Jamie is not the one for me. Actually, no one is good enough for me. I do not trust in love because I know there is nothing called love in this world, there is only lust and that's the truth.

I continued my jogging while enjoying the cool weather.

After jogging for a bit I noticed that someone was sitting on the bench which was at the side of the road. The figure looked like it was a male and was wearing a tracksuit too, maybe he was out jogging too and was resting now.

Something caught my attention towards that person, he was looking awfully familiar. Like my angel, his physique was exactly like my angel. To make sure my intuition was right, I jogged towards that person.

I am sure it's him.

"I thought you left the country." My voice made him startled, causing him to jump out of his seat.

His eyes went wide as soon as he noticed it was me.

My angel was still looking so beautiful but a bit sad for some reason. As soon as he noticed that the person standing in front of him was me, he tried to run away from me but I managed to grab his hand before he could do so.

"Why are you avoiding me for the past few days Beam?" I asked him in a soft voice. I know he was scared to come close to me for some reason and if I act tough with him then he might never see me again and I can't let Beam go from my life in any possible way.

He didn't answer me and tried to lose my grip from his hands. I can see the hurt he has in his eyes and I cannot see him the way he was looking right now. I like seeing my angel being happy and bubbly. I am going to try each and everything in my power to bring that smile back on his face.

Without thinking anything ahead, I grab him and lift him up on my shoulder. I thought he would scream and hit me but he did nothing, he was just hanging on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes

Call me weird but I carried him like this till I reached Beam's place, which was very close to the place where I found him.

He gave me the keys to his house even before I could ask him. I grab the keys and unlock the door.

Earlier when I used to visit Beam's house, it had that happy aura around it. Everything seemed lively at his house but now even his house is looking gloomy just like him. Whatever was worrying him, I have to find it out and take all his worries away no matter what.

I put him gently on the sofa and took the seat right beside him. We didn't speak for a while, he was still shutting me out and was trying really hard not to show his real emotions.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me what is bothering you?"


"Angel, please. I am getting really worried for you. I cannot see you like this, please tell me what happened that day with Jamie."

Still nothing.

"Did I do something wrong?"

He shook his head saying no.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Again he shook his head.

"Then it means Jamie is the only one who did or said something to you which has made you upset. Baby, please tell me."

He whispered something, but it was so low that I could hardly hear him.

"What did you say angel?" I grabbed his both hands and made him look into my eyes. I know he is weak against my eyes. He told me one day that he finds my eyes the most attractive thing on my face.

"I...I said , I am not good enough for you. So we should stop whatever is...going between us."

Is he serious? He thinks he is not good enough for me??!!

"Baby, look into my eyes and tell me. Do you seriously think I believe that you are not good for me?"

He averted his gaze but said nothing.

"Angel... baby, can you please tell me why suddenly you started thinking this way? Did I say something which made you feel like this or did something?" Beam was trying real hard to control the emotions which were at the brink of falling from his eyes but he was trying to strong in front of me.

"Ja.. Well.... I cannot fight. Wha-what will I do if some of your enemies will get hold of me in future? I cannot fight him, I am too weak. I am nothing but a liability on you. If I stay in your life then it will only cause problems for you." His voice was shaky when he was finally telling me the reason for his ignorance.

"If Jamie told you all this, then do not take his words seriously. He is just obsessive with me and he does not like it when I show interest in someone else more than him. Also, you don't have to fight when I am making sure you are protected in every way." I tried to console him but knowing him, I know it will be very hard to convince him.

"That's what I am talking about. You need to protect me, you must have put the guards around me whom I can't even see. I do not want your protection , I want to be so strong that I can protect myself." His voice was still very low and I do not like it when he talks like that. I love it when he screams or yells at me. When he talks directly with me.

"Do you seriously think only weak people need protection? You think I do not protect Jamie and other people who are close to me? I even have bodyguards for me, who keep guarding me all the time. I might be the deadliest person alive but I also need protection from the people who can sneak into killing me anytime!!!!"

I was getting furious, not on Beam but on Jamie. That twink has made me save him hundreds of times and he has the audacity to call Beam a weak person??!! Even though Beam is not strong physically, he has a sharp mind, which is enough to save him from dangerous situations.

"Angel, listen to me very carefully. It doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, but you don't have the physical strength to defeat the person in front of you. You have the most amazing gift given to you, use it. You have such a sharp mind which is enough to defeat anyone!!"

Beam was still not buying any of the things I was saying to him. Beam is like a shell, very hard to break but once you get the chance to break through him then it is like finding the whole new level of him.

"I-I don't know, I still think I am not good enough for you."

"Angel, please. Have a little trust in what I am saying and give us a chance. And if you are that insecure then I will teach you some things. I won't teach you how to fight fully but I will be happy to show you some of my secret moves. Don't you wanna know why the whole country fears me so much??"

I think I saw the sparkle in Beam's eyes, even though it only reminded me for a second. Now I know how to persuade him into coming back to me. My little bunny is very curious, I am sure he will be dying to know a few of my secrets.

"Soooooo.... Do you wanna learn my secret moves or not? If it makes you feel any better then let me tell you, I haven't shown anyone my secret moves ever... you are the first person to know about it."

I can imagine the gears running inside his brain. He must be thinking millions of things right now. Being a curious person he is, I know he will not reject my offer. The offer I made is so tempting that it is hard to ignore it.


"What is it angel?"

"I said okay!! I am ready for it." This time he said a bit loud with a hint of a smile on his face.

I gave him a warm smile and opened my arms asking for a hug from him. He hesitated at first but soon gave in when I pouted too.

God I miss hugging him so much!!

Trust me, I am not the kind of a person who craves for some affections like this but for some reason Beam was making me feel all these affections. He was affecting me the way no one has ever managed to do so and I know I have acted fast before getting involved in some deep shit like love with him.

"Can I kiss you?" Nope, it was not me but Beam who asked this which took me off guard.

How could I say no to my beautiful angel, so I just nodded my head with a smile.

I don't know what Beam was feeling but he kissed me like he had never kissed before. I can feel the need, thirst, hunger he was having for me in just that one kiss.

I know he must be craving my affection and holding him back must have taken a toll on him. I cannot blame for acting the way he is doing right now.

I kissed him back with equal force and emotion. I was craving for him too.

Our kisses are usually very soft and deep but this time we were kissing like we were hungry for each other. It was rough and very passionate, it was also making me feel like doing more than just kissing Beam.

He kept kissing me, I tried to stop him but he didn't let me go and kissed me so hard I came? Like I really came??!!!

This guy is bad for me. I know he is bad but I can't even believe he has the ability to make cum just with his kiss. He is going to make me crazy for him.

"Beam... baby... I missed you a lot too but we should stop or I might not be able to hold myself any longer."

"Then don't... I want to go all the way with you and make you realise how worthy I am."

I know where this is going.

But I cannot have sex with him like this. I have to make him change his mind or else he is going to regret it later.




Singto is looking like baby in front of Khun Tae. 😅😅

That facial hair though 😍😍


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