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Oleh Mid-NightCrisis

260K 9.4K 5.7K

๐’๐“๐€๐“๐”๐’: ๐‚ ๐Ž ๐Œ ๐ ๐‹ ๐„ ๐“ ๐„ ๐ƒ โœ”๏ธŽ ใ€๐˜๐š๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ๐ž๐‚๐„๐Ž! ๐ฑ ๐…๐ž๐ฆ๐‘๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซใ€‘ โ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ๏ธตโ€ฟ... Lebih Banyak

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10.6K 421 379
Oleh Mid-NightCrisis



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★                                              ★

Your day started off like any other day, you had stayed up late last night finishing up your homework just as you said to Ryuu. You groaned putting your shoes on, you had yet another full shift today.

You told yourself that if you missed even one day, you would be late paying the rent. You did in fact have an older brother going by the name of Naoki, he would send you money every month - but three months ago he suddenly stopped. You had tired calling him but he never picked up, knowing your brother; he might've got in trouble with a group. And through those three months, you've been trying to get enough money to get a plane ticket along with money when you get there. You had looked at yourself in a mirror before going out the door locking it waking to deli cafe.

You had lived twenty minutes away by walking. You had no car or anyone to give you a ride, not that you wanted one. You knew if you asked Ryuu he wouldn't hesitate to be at the front of your apartment waiting for you with his car and drive you to the deli cafe and back home, every single day. He was a very good friend, you had thought of him as your older brother, although your biological brother is six years older than you. It's been four years since you last saw his face, he wouldn't bother taking a selfie just to show you how he was. He would go on and on about how he wasn't good looking, his hair was a mess, or he wasn't dressed, he even gave an excuse that he had guests over. In time, you decided to stop asking to see him.

You sighed gripping the edge of your shirt. Naoki was the only family you had, you smiled thinking that's what every protagonist in a book being in any genre was going through. No parent's, barley any money, living alone. But not all was bad, you were grateful that you were at least going to school and were acquaintanced with a few people you wouldn't call friends yet. Now that you think about it, Ryuu had told you last night if you ever had fun.

"You don't go out?"

You held your head up high, even if you didn't have anyone who'd invite you to go eat. You're still you.

Twenty minutes seemed to fly by when you're in your head. You grabbed the door handle pulling it open going inside noticing how no one is here besides Ryuu at the desk to order. "Are we closed?" He shook his head gesturing for his hand for you to come closer. You did so. "Apparently someone rented out this place for just an hour." You raised both your eyebrows. "I know right?! Having to rent out this place is no joke!" You smiled seeing how he was all excited. "But I don't get why he or she isn't here yet, shouldn't they be enjoying the cafe all to themselves?" He lifted up his arms shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know, but I did hear that it's two people showing up." You cooed wiggling your eyebrows as Ryuu chuckled. "So they're a couple? That's adorable to rent out a place for them." Ryuu again shrugged his shoulders. "They might not even be a couple, maybe just business talk." You nodded taking in the idea. "But wouldn't it be more convenient to go to a nicer and more elegant place?" He tilted his head slightly. "Eh... You gotta remember that it's early in the day, I don't think someone would crave a steak and wine first thing in the morning."

"True, but couldn't they have gone to a more higher rating cafe?" He gasped dramatically. "[Y/N], we have good ratings and our cafe is just as elegant as it can be." You shook your hands before he could take it in that way. "I wasn't saying that! I was just saying wouldn't it be better for them? Because they're all rich?" He scratched his chin fixing his earring he had on his ear. "I don't know, I don't have a mind of a rich person. Either way, they chose this one and we should be grateful." You nodded going behind the desk to get changed.

"Is it just us here?"

"Yeah, the manager told everyone to come in an hour late." You tied the light brown apron around your waist fixing your hair so it wouldn't be in the way, then you made your way back to Ryuu. "Why just us?" He booped your nose making you slightly flinch. "Anyone tell you, you ask too many questions?" You playfully punch him in the arm as he chuckled. "isn't it obvious Cinderella? We're the best employees that's why." You stuttered can't helping but giggle. "I'm just making sure Ryuu." He nodded his head slowly looking at you which you returned the stare. His yellow eyes looked down into your [E/C] orbs. You couldn't tell since he wore sun glasses, but his eyes had dilated when looking at your eyes before this.

To cut off this silence, he began to smile making you smile than he began laughing making you laugh. He snatched his eyes away from you exhaling. "Should be around this time for our star to arrive." He looked up leaning forward looking up at the clock seeing as the big hand had reached the next number. "Do you know who it is?" He looked down at you which you still had a problem with. Ryuu was six feet tall with a good build, in the back of your head you had wished it wouldn't be a girl coming here. Or else she'll be all over him and he can't do any work. "Again with the questions? You know, if Daisuke suzuki were to be here he would hate your guts." You rolled your eyes having your back lean against the desk. "No, I don't know who it is." The door was was being pushed you as Ryuu quickly whispered before the person could walk through the door. "But we're about to find out."

You had pushed yourself up turning around to met with black orbs staring at your [E/C] eyes. You slightly left your mouth agape with your eyebrows slightly up but not noticeable. "Mr Suzuki! O-oh! Please, let me-" he raised his hand as Ryuu quickly shut his mouth already sweating like crazy. He kept on staring at you while you did the same. "And you, why are you staring at me." Ryuu almost fell like passing out due to extreme anxiety, he stared at the side of your head tugging on your apron. "Because you stared at me first.... sir." He glared at you which you kept on staring at him swallowing. He couldn't believe that he was going to be the one who breaks eye contact first. "[Y/N]!" Ryuu shouted whispered. Daisuke was in shock for a split second that you had glared at him then turning around as Ryuu was now in charge of talking. "I-is there anybody else t-that is going to join you s-sir?" Ryuu had clenched onto your arms as you had to put your [S/C] hand on top of his hand which you felt him quivering.

"Yes, a young lady will be joining me." He nodded feeling slightly better due to your skin contact. "Is there anything you would like to drink?" He nodded trying to remember what Nobu said the last time they were here. "The... Double bundle shot." Ryuu left his mouth is agape as you bit your lip from letting any laughs out."Right away sir." Daisuke had felt proud of himself remembering the correct name as Ryuu pulled you to where the coffee Makers were and whispered to you. "The hells a double bundle shot?" Your shoulders started to go up slightly due to laughter. You sniffed. "He meant to say double shot on ice."

"Where'd he get bundle from?" You slightly shrugged your shoulders having that smile as Ryuu began making the coffee. "I'm surprised you knew what he was trying to say." You quietly giggled. "It was a wild Guess." You went to the desk awaiting the coffee to be done so you would take it to him seeing him have his arms crossed. "Would you like any music in the back? Or television?" He gave you a dirty look which you frowned your eyebrows. "No." He said in a loud tone with a bit of attitude. You pushed yourself back as you bent down to your knees as Ryuu looked behind him seeing as you were shaking. "Ooo... I wanna straggle him." You whispered putting your hands together picturing your hands around his neck. Ryuu smiled softly down at you turning his full body towards you setting the coffee on the desk as he bent down touching your knee taking the picture away from your head. "It's not even an hour [Y/N], just hang in there." You smiled placing your hand on top of his which made him blush, but by that time you had already stood up straight taking the coffee into your hand getting out of the back desk taking it over to his table.

"Here you are." You sat it down gently still showing respect for a customer. Your pen from your apron had fell out of it's place when you had made the slightest contact with the table. You bent down picking it up and in the corner of your eye caught some light brown liquid falling onto the floor. You looked up at Daisuke taking a sip of his coffee, you dug into your apron feeling nothing inside it. Since you and Ryuu were talking most of the time for Daisuke to come, you didn't bother getting napkins. Daisuke glanced down spilling more on purpose onto the ground as you backed up not wanting it to get on you. He smirked setting down the coffee scooting back the chair leaning down in front of you reaching into his suites pocket. "Need a napkin?" And out he took napkins you had gave to him yesterday. Your eyes widened looking away from the napkins looking into his dark and mysterious orbs. "You're-" he grabbed your hand forcefully placing them in the palm of your hand standing up straight sitting back down taking yet another sip of his coffee. You were still on your knees still shocked to find out you talked and treated the Daisuke Suzuki the way you did yesterday.

You snapped out of your thoughts wiping the floor getting rid of the stains, you had groaned inside of your head that you would need to mop this area as soon as he was gone.

You stood up straight as Daisuke stared up at you expecting an apology. "Enjoy your coffee." You turned around making Daisuke frown his eyebrows and slightly widening his eyes. You had walked back to the back desk, but not stopping where Ryuu was. You went to the back back to where you would get changed. Daisuke had realized how much emotion he had expressed today and yesterday. Usually Everyone would beg for forgiveness as if they didn't want the death penalty.

He sat down his cup looking where you had went squinting his eyes. There was no doubt that you knew exactly who he was, he still remembered your eyes when he took out the napkins, full of shock, surprised. Maybe you're just trying to act like those girls he heard so much about in books. "You there." Ryuu stood still as if he was saluting to the president. "Yes!?"

"What is that girls name?" He demanded. He wanted to be sure, since yesterday he had saw your name tag but he didn't want a fake name if he were to look in on you.

"Oh uh...."

"Do you not know?" Ryuu didn't even have the courage to look at him in the eye as you did, it felt as if he was the prey and Daisuke was the predator.

"Yes, I do-"

"Then tell me now."

Normal customers never ask for any employees name, not if they were trying to hit on them. Ryuu frowned his eyebrows as he couldn't just say no. He would if it was anyone besides Daisuke. Sweat started to form on his forehead, just as he was Beginning to calm down. He just couldn't give your name to him without your consent.


He closed his eyes shut hoping for you to forgive him.

"Her names [Y/N] [L/N]."

He nodded as he was right all along, your name tag was real all this time. You came back out having your hair into a ponytail seeing Ryuu having both his hands at the edge of the desk feeling guilty since he just gave your name out like that. Ryuu feared the worst, he had kept thinking that due to your behavior to him you would be paying up money despite the fact that he was filthy rich.

You leaned out as Daisuke was waiting for you to come back out as both your eyes met. You couldn't see since his cup was over his mouth that he had smiled.

Your eyes shifted from him to the door being pulled open seeing a young beautiful women. She had sliver hair that was obvious that it was done by professionals just below where her breasts are, with blue eyes like The clearest waters of the bahamas. Her pale skin was as if she had gotten no sunlight at all. Not to mention how clear and soft it looked.

"I'm sorry I'm late." She smiled revealing her perfect white teeth. Daisuke stood up extending his hand out to her which she took as he lead her to the opposite chair he was sitting from. "It's quite alright." He sat back down as he glanced at you once more before looking at the woman who is before him.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr Suzuki." He nodded slightly, what surprised you was that even higher ups still showed huge respect to him as to still call him Mr Suzuki. "Pleasures all mine Ms, Fuji." Ryuu nudged you for you to go over but after hearing Daisuke call her by her last name he grabbed your arm shaking you biting his hand being in the presence of two powerful and richest people in the world. You held onto him slightly pushing him away so he doesn't make you knock something over. He shooed you over to go to them to ask what she wanted.

You inhaled and exhaled through your mouth having your hands behind your back walking steadily over to them grabbing the attention of Daisuke as Ms Fuji looked up at you. "Would you like anything to drink Ms?" Ryuu had slapped his forehead as you didn't address her as Fuji. Daisuke only smirked that no one noticed, amused to know he wasn't going to be the only one who gets treated like this. Ms Fuji didn't answer only having her head low. You began feeling awkward twiddling your finger's behind your back as she rose her head smiling the loveliest smile you've ever seen making your heart skip a beat. "Please, I would like a dark chocolate mocha." You nodded blushing at her beautiful voice and her smile. You went back quickly as Daisuke looked over at Ms Fuji who's smile slowly turned into a disgusted face.

"Mr Suzuki, why did you choose this of all places?" He sat down his cup almost being done with it. "Would you rather go to a place filled with reporters and paparazzi?" She placed her hands on the table nodding her head a bit. "It would be better for both of us rather sitting here." She looked around disgusted as if she was getting covered in dust. "hm... Than I assure you our next meeting would be somewhere else." Satisfied to hear that she is now willing to sit here and chat with him. As if that would happen, he was only meeting all of them one time.

You came back placing it gently in front of Ms Fuji. "Enjoy." You did a slight smile turning around as Daisuke was eyeing your back. "Filthy Girl." He shifted his eyes to her being careful with the mocha. "What kind of mocha is this? Is this even called a Mocha?" Her complaining was already a downfall for Daisuke, she should at least be grateful to even be getting one. "Would you stop complaining." He demanded as his ears were getting irritated just by hearing her voice. She was surprised to hear that from him, as she kept quiet. Daisuke didn't care if it was quiet, in fact he actually enjoyed it. "I heard your father wants you to partner up with a group." He nodded taking a sip of his coffee.

Ms Fuji was Beginning to feel awkward, and Because of that she was getting more irritated with the environment she was in. "Ugh... Now I smell like that girl." He sighed wanting to tell her off to just shut up. "I still can't believe we couldn't go to a restaurant or something." He tapped his finger on the table. "By all means, there's the door."

She frowned her eyebrows grabbing the mocha fighting the urge to just dump it on him. "Excuse me?" Her attention went to you smiling awkwardly as you knew the aura they both had. "Is there anything I can get you two?" She stood up being taller than you as you stood your ground looking at her in the eye, her eyes were no longer clear waters, but instead a dirty river. "You can give us privacy." She nodded her head back where you came from. "Of course." You nodded as you were not once intimidated by her, angered by this she grabbed her drink spilling it all over your chest as it ran down onto the floor.

You gasped lifting up your arms as you were covered with chocolate mocha. You looked at her with disbelief, you backed up feeling really annoyed that this was the second time in a row that this happened to you. "Oh my! I'm terribly sorry, my hand just slipped." She smirked dirty as Ryuu came behind. "Ah... [Y/N]-"

"I was about to get up and she came up and bumped into me while I had it in my hand." Ryuu placed his hand on your shoulder, you couldn't believe that she was changing the story right in front of you. You glanced at Daisuke as he was smiling as if he was enjoying the show. You looked back at Ms Fuji. "Please excuse me." You turned around almost slipping but caught your footing going to the back as Ryuu was left alone with the two rich people. "Can I get you another one? It's on the house to make it up." She shook her head. "You're so lovely, thank you, but me and Mr Suzuki were just leaving." He glanced down at Daisuke standing up as she already made her way to the door. "Oh... Thank you for coming." Daisuke took out his wallet taking out a hundred dollar bill handing it to Ryuu. "For my coffee and for that young lady's clothes." He nodded as he went to the door as well opening it getting out.

Ryuu sighed heavily as they were going to do yet another mopping session.

Meanwhile with Daisuke and Ms Fuji were surrounded by bodyguards. "Where to now Mr Suzuki?" He did a hand signal for the guards to get her away from him startling her. "This meeting is over, I will be going now." He began to walk to his car as she was trying to catch up but the guards would not let her pass any further. "Wait! Mr Suzuki! Mr Suzuki!" As soon as they opened the door he went in shutting the door cutting her off as he sighed heavily.

"How was the meeting sir?" Nobu and his driver waited in the car the entire time as he rubbed his eyes slightly. He began to picture you and all the things that happened to you making him scoff. "Amusing." Nobu blinked serval times making sure he didn't hear wrong, but of course. He didn't know Daisuke was actually talking about you rather than Ms Fuji.

▁▂▃▅▆▇ Word Count: 3445 ▇▆▅▃▂▁

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