Zombies 6

Meloetta246 tarafından

28.3K 458 592

It's been 4 years since the Lupus pack rejoined the Lykensen's, reuniting their packs after 100 years of sepa... Daha Fazla

A New Adventure
Rise and Shine
Life's Little Moments
Descendants News
When Nightmares Become Reality
The Long Road Ahead
The Proposal
Mal and Ben's Royal Wedding!
Bitter-Sweet Moments
Bitter-Sweet Moments Cont'd
Severing Ties
Moment of Truth
Catching Up
Reality Comes Crashing Down
Family Reunion
New Life Brings Great Joy
Baby Steps
Precious Moments
Bundle of Joy
Meet and Greet
Welcome Home
Little Wolves: Part 1
Little Wolves: Part 2
Descendants 4 Announced

Wedding Bells (Prologue)

3.1K 19 33
Meloetta246 tarafından

Addison stood in front of the mirror in her long white gown as Eliza's mother, Zinnia, put the finishing touches on her long braid.

"You look so beautiful Addison." Zinnia gushed. "Zed will be speechless when he sees you."

Addison smiled. "Thank you. I really appreciate all your help."

Zinnia placed the veil on her head and fanned it out. "But of course, you've done so much for my Eliza and everyone else. It's the least I could do. Now, do you have everything you need?"

Addison thought for a moment. "Something old: my moonstone, something new: my dress, something blue: my hairpiece, something borrowed...."

Addison bit her lip. She had forgotten about getting something borrowed. While worrying over the big details, she had let a small one slip through the cracks.

Noticing her worried expression, Zinnia smiled softly as she placed a hand on Addison's shoulder. "This is a happy day, you have no need to fret. I have just the thing."

Zinnia walked over to her bag, pulling out a brush and a small jar. Addison studied the simple objects with curiosity and uncertainty. "How will these help?"

"I can't give you something physical to borrow." Zinnia explained, opening the jar. "But I can share a small tradition with you."

Addison nodded as Zinnia led her over to a nearby chair. "Alright. What is this tradition?"

Zinnia took Addison's hand in hers. "Well my child, long ago, before the Z-band was invented, our ancestors used symbols to mark territory, belongings, and even mates."

"Mates?" Addison questioned.

"It is a primitive term, but yes." Zinnia chuckled. "Back when Zombie Tongue was first used for communication amongst our people, Zombies would announce their union with another by marking their wrist with a symbol. The symbol would represent the quality that one's mate, or spouse, most admired about them and show their understanding of eachother. If you want, I can bestow one of these symbols on you."

Addison smiled and held out her wrist. "I would be honored. Thank you."

Zinnia took her wrist, using the ink to draw a circle with a line through the center and two small curved lines coming off the top and bottom. "This symbol represents perseverance. When you set your mind to accomplish something, you don't stop until you've achieved your goal. Zed has told me many times how he adores your willingness to fight for what you believe in. Today, I let you borrow an old tradition, so that you may incorporate it in with the new ways."

Addison admired the simple symbol and smiled. "Thank you Zinnia. For everything."

"Of course." Zinnia smiled. "Now, shall I call in the girls? I'm sure they're anxious to see you."

Addison chuckled, taking one last look in the mirror. "Go ahead. I wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

Zinnia nodded. "Of course not. Now, while you and the girls prepare yourselves I'm going to check on the boys."

"That would be great." Addison agreed.

Zinnia nodded with a smile before exiting the room. As soon as she was gone the girls flooded the room, surrounding Addison and admiring her appearance.

"Oh Addy!" Bree squealed. "You look amazing!"

"Totally stunning." Wynter agreed.

"Thanks girls." Addison smiled. "You all look great as well."

"Blue isn't really my color." Willa sighed. "But it's your day so I can bare it."

Winnie rolled her eyes. "At least we each got to pick our own style. We could all be wearing poofy princess gowns or something."

"True that." Eliza agreed.

Willa chuckled. "Okay, okay, you've made your point."

Addison smiled at the girls' banter. It was good to see them having fun and getting along.

"So, where are my flower girls?" Addison asked.

"They're waiting at the end of the hall for us." Bree explained. "They wanted to see the boys as they went out."

"Awe." Addison gushed. "I know Zoey has to be super excited."

"They're all excited." Eliza corrected. "You should have heard them getting ready. They were out-talking Wynter."

"Oh gosh." Addison laughed. "Good thing we're almost ready to start."

Eliza nodded. "Yeah, just gotta wait for your dad to give us the signal."

❤ With the boys....

Wyatt groaned as he tugged at the collar of his shirt. "Why are human suits so stiff?"

The Groomsmen

Zed chuckled. "It's the curse of formal wear man. But don't worry, once the ceremony is over and pictures have been taken, you can change into something more comfortable for the reception."

"Thank the moonstone." Wyatt sighed in relief.

Bonzo walked over and wrapped an arm around Zed's shoulders. "Greze? (Ready?)"

"Yeah man, I'm ready." Zed grinned nervously, checking himself over in the mirror one last time.

"More like shaking in your boots." Walker snickered.

Will nodded in agreement as he chimed in. "Yeah, doesn't he look paler than usual?"

Wade jabbed him in the side and gave him a warning glare before turning to Zed. "What my brother is trying to say, is that it's okay to feel nervous. Today is a big day. But once you see Addison, all that nervousness will vanish. I promise."

"Thanks Wade." Zed replied, straightening himself up. "Now come on boys, let's get out there."

"Not so fast."

The boys turned and saw Zinnia and Zevon standing in the doorway. Zinnia smiled as she walked over to Zed. "There's one more thing we need to do."

"What?" Zed asked, in confusion.

Zinnia chuckled. "Zed my dear, do you remember what I told you about the old ways?"

"You've told me alot about the old ways." Zed admitted. "But remind me, which of the old ways are you referring to?"

Zinnia shook her head in amusement. "The wedding one of course."

She took Zed's hand in hers, turning over his wrist, and drew five circles in an 'X' shaped pattern.

Zed studied his wrist then looked at Zinnia. "Marking? But I don't know if Addison..."

"She wants to do this." Zinnia reassured him. "In fact, Addison already has hers. Our tradition is her something borrowed, if you know what I mean."

Zed nodded. "I see. But may I ask, why did you give me the symbol for loyalty?"

"Because loyalty is your strongest quality." Zinnia explained. "Whether it is to your family, your friends, your team, your community, or even your girlfriend. You are always there for the people who need you most. It is a quality that has served you well."

"Thank you." Zed smiled before turning his attention to his father. "What's up Pops?"

Zevon smiled as he straightened Zed's jacket and brushed off his shoulders. "I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you. You've grown and accomplished so much more than I ever thought possible. I'm glad you're following your dreams and your heart. I'm proud of you son and I know your mother would be too."


"Thanks dad." Zed smiled. "Just try not to cry through the ceremony okay?"

Zevin laughed heartily, patting his shoulder. "No promises son, no promises."

Zinnia clapped her hands. "Alright gentlemen, places. It's time to have ourselves a wedding."

The boys nodded, filing out of the room and lining up in front of the chapel doors. Zevon slipped inside to take his place as Zoey ran up and gave Zed a hug. "Congratulations Zed!"

Zed hugged her back. "Thanks Zoey. I'll see you in there, okay?"

Zoey nodded and backed away, watching as the boys entered the chapel. Bonzo, the best man, entered first; followed by Wyatt, Walker, Wade, Will, and lastly Zed.

Everyone turned and smiled as they made their way down the aisle. Zed smiled back, looking around at his family and friends as he took his place at the altar.

💙 Back with the girls...

The girls were chatting excitedly amongst themselves when a knock was heard at the door.

"Can I come in?"

Addison chuckled, opening the door. "Of course dad, we're all ready."

Dale stepped into the room and smiled as he took in his only daughter's appearance. "You look beautiful Addison. It's hard to believe my little girl is all grown up. And now, I have to give her away."

"Daaad." Addison groaned dramatically, pulling him into a hug. "Please don't make me cry yet. Zinnia worked so hard on my make up."

Dale hugged her tight, then released his grip. "I suppose we wouldn't want to face Zinnia's wrath, now would we?"

Addison laughed. "No, definitely not."

Dale straightened himself up and opened the door. "Well, come on ladies, the gentlemen are waiting on us."

The girls nodded, following him from the room. Zinnia ushered them forward and quickly lined them up.

Addison stood off to the side out of view as Bree, the Maid of Honor, led the girls down the aisle, followed by Eliza, Wynter, Willa, then Winnie.

Once the doors were closed, Addison took her father's arm and got into position behind the flower girls.

"You look very pretty Addison." Wren whispered.

Wanda nodded in agreement. "Absolutely beautiful."

Zoey giggled. "My brother is a lucky zombie."

"Thank you girls." Addison smiled. "Now get ready."

The girls turned around and they heard the sound of the piano playing on the other side of the door. The doors opened slowly and the flower girls made their way inside.

Flower Girls

They walked side by side, Wren on the left, Wanda on the right, and Zoey in the middle as they threw blue-colored rose petals all about.

In front of them, walking proudly on his leash in his little tuxedo, was Puppy. And strapped to his back was a little pillow on which sat the rings.

Everyone rose to their feet as the music changed to the wedding march and the door opened for the final time.

Addison smiled when her eyes locked with Zed's and he smiled back. This was it, this was their moment.

The flower girls stepped to the side with Puppy when they reached the end of the aisle, allowing Dale to guide Addison up to the alter.

"Who gives this bride to be wed?" The priest asked.

Dale smiled. "I do."

The priest nodded as Dale kissed Addison's cheek before taking his seat and allowing Zed to take her hand to guide her the rest of the way to the altar.

The priest smiled at the young couple before facing the crowd. "Does anyone object to the union between these two?"

Everyone glanced around but no one spoke, giving the priest the all clear to continue. "Welcome everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between Zed Necrodopolis and Addison Wells. They are a young couple who has faced adversity but never let it stop their love from growing. Now, may we please have the rings?"

Zoey gave Puppy's leash some slack and Zed patted his leg to signal Puppy to come. Puppy trotted over to Zed and wagged his tail as Zed collected the rings before sending him back to Zoey. Zed stood up and handed Addison his ring before turning back to face the priest.

"I have been told that the bride and groom have prepared their own vows. Addison, would you like to start?" The Priest asked.

Addison nodded, then smiled as she faced Zed. "Zed, from our first punch to now, our relationship has never been a typical one. But from the moment I looked into your eyes in the Zombie Safe Room, I knew you weren't a monster and that you were someone who was very special that I wanted to get to know more about. We have seen eachother at our worst and at our best and I treasure every one of those moments. I'm so happy that I get to stand in front of you now to tell you how much I love you and to solidify that love with our marriage."

The Priest smiled. "Zed, do you take Addison to be ccx your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for ad long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Zed smiled as Addison placed the ring on his finger.

The Priest nodded. "Now Zed, you may give your vows."

Zed smiled. "Addison, The moment I laid eyes on you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Then you showed me your white hair and you went from beautiful to delicious, I mean, gorgeous."

Light laughter drifted through the chapel and Zed chuckled. "What I'm trying to say, is that you changed my world for the better. You showed me that change is possible and that I could achieve my dreams. For years we've dreamed of our someday, and now, its finally here. Instead of someday, we can say today. Today marks the beginning of the next chapter in our lives. And Addison, I love you and I am so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

The priest nodded. "Addison, do you take Zed to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Addison smiled, happy tears running down her cheeks as Zed slipped the ring on her finger.

The priest smiled. "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Zed and Addison smiled as the closed the distance and kissed as their family and friends cheered in celebration.

"I now give you Mr. and Mrs. Necrodopolis!" The priest announced as the two pulled apart and began making their way back down the aisle.

Their family and friends followed them out, gathering around them on the church lawn.

The girls got into position and Addison tossed the bouquet, which was caught by Bree who squealed in  excitement.

After that, Zed wasted no time retrieving Addison's garter from under her dress. The boys lined up as he turned around then tossed it. And Bonzo, with his clear height advantage, easily snatched it out of the air.

Everyone cheered as Bonzo walked over and kissed Bree before they both held up the bouquet and garter to show off.

With that out of the way, Addison and Zed climbed into the white limo Bucky had rented for them and waved out the window as they drove off. The limo would take them to their reception and then to the airport to leave for their honeymoon at a beautiful beach resort on the coast.

As the limo with its 'Just Married' sign drove off and their friends grew farther and farther away, Zed and Addison shared another kiss. They were finally living their 'someday'.

Author's Note

Welcome back Zombies Fans! I hope you are as excited for this as I am! Its finally time for a new adventure and I can't wait to share it with you.


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