Two Halves, One Hero | Ben Te...

By OuTThere_Somewhere

147K 3.7K 2.9K

You've been a part of the Tennyson family ever since you were born. Sharing a birthday with Ben, the two of y... More

Episode 1: And Then There Were 10
Episode 2: Washington B.C.
Episode 3: The Krakken
Episode 4: Permanent Retirement
Episode 5: Hunted
Episode 6: Kevin 11
Episode 8: Last Laugh
Episode 9: Lucky Girl
Episode 10: Side Effects
Episode 11: Secrets
Episode 12: Truth
Episode 13: Big Tick
Episode 14: Framed
Episode 15: Gwen 10
Episode 16: Grudge Match
Episode 17: Ultimate Weapon
Small A/N (Going on Hiatus)
Episode 18: Tough Luck
Episode 19: They Lurk Below
Episode 20: Ghostfreaked Out
🥳Happy Birthday to Benji🥳
Episode 21: Back with a Vengeance
Episode 22: Ben 10,000
Episode 23: A Change of Face
Episode 24: Merry Christmas
Episode 25: Benwolf
Episode 26: Game Over
Episode 27: Monster Weather
Episode 28: Under Wraps
Episode 29: The Unnaturals
Episode 30: The Return
Episode 31: Be Afraid of the Dark
Ok, here me out... (I have a theory) + an update
Episode 32: The Visitor
Movie Part 1: Secret of the Omnitrix
Movie Part 2: Secret of the Omnitrix
Movie Part 3: Secret of the Omnitrix
Episode 33: Perfect Day
Episode 34: Divided We Stand
Episode 35: Don't Drink the Water
Episode 36: Big Fat Alien Wedding
Episode 37: Ken 10
Episode 38: Goodbye and Good Ridance
Episode 39: Ben 10 vs Negative 10 (Part 1)
Episode 40: Ben 10 vs Negative 10 (Part 2)

Episode 7: The Alliance

4.7K 130 232
By OuTThere_Somewhere

~3rd POV~

Ben walks through the store with a saddened expression, grabbing a box of cookies and two boxes of poptarts. He grabs the box of cookies-causing the whole stack to fall on Gwen, she shoots him a look "Nice going, Tennyson." She grumbles. Ben only forces an innocent smile before walking towards the checkout.

Max looks at Y/N as he wipes the "Wash Me :(" that Ben wrote off. Max's frown was replaced with a soft smile as Ben and Gwen walk up "Nice artwork, Ben." He says, Ben grins lightly "Oh, you know, makes a statement." He states. Ben starts to walk to the Rust Bucket entrance when a truck got blown up, the three Tennyson gasp "No. That's a statement!" Gwen says with wide eyes

The Tennysons watch a group of robbers with mask walk up. The leader turns to them "What are you looking at?" She asks before aiming her gun at them. Max's eyes widen "Gwen. Ben. Get back!" He shouts, pushing the two to the side. Max grunts and lands on the floor, dodging the robber's shot.

"Gotta get Grandpa out of there." Ben says, dialing up the Omnitrix and smacking his palm down. Ben growls and stomps over to the group "Ah!" He roars, hitting his fist into the ground. The robbers yelp as they fly into the air and fall right back down, "Go!" Ben shouts to Max and Gwen. They run off and a driver dizzily stumbles out of his truck "You ok?" Ben asks.

The driver looks up at Ben, "AH!" He screams, taking off. "Hmm, I wonder if that's a yes." Ben mumbles before getting shot into a pole. The leader takes another shot at Ben, but he dodges. "Ben!" Max gasps, watching from inside the Rust Bucket as a fire breaks out.

Ben leaps out from the smoke and punches the robbers, they grunt from the impact. Ben grabs two of the robbers and takes their masks "Huh," Ben gasps "You're all women. Uh-I don't want to hurt you-AAH!" Ben screams out as the leader shoots him.

"Well, isn't that sweet?"

Gwen rolls down the window "CLOBBER HER!" She shouts to Ben as the leader aims the gun at his face. Behind the robbers, drones were flying and shooting. Ben jumps out of the way, "Hey! This is my heist!" The leader shouts. The other two share a glance "You can have it!" One responds, the two run away.

Gwen sighs and turns to Y/N's weak form "Good time for you to wake up." She states, shaking her a little "You're boyfriend's in danger!" Max places a hand on her shoulder. What they didn't know was Y/N threw a tire at the leader. She grunts and falls down.

~Y/N's POV~

"Ha! I still kick butt even when I'm half dead!" I cheer clapping my hands together. I gasp as the leader stands and growls at the Rust Bucket "You'll get yours, old man." She growls "Ah Ah!" I squeak, I stand in front of the Rust Bucket and put a force field around it. I look up in fear, the rocks were cracking my force field.

My powers were too weak....

I redirect my power to levitate the debris away from the Rust Bucket. I cry out as my heartbeat speeds up "No. I can't go back! Please-no!" I scream, clutching my head.

~3rd POV~

Ben stares at the Rust Bucket with wide eyes "Y/N..." He mumbles, holding his chest tightly. A drone shoots at Ben, causing Ben to growl deeply. Ben grabs the two drone and smash them together "Nice try!" He shouts before throwing the drones at the leader.

A sharp feeling runs through Ben chest, "Ben!" Gwen calls, stepping outside the Rust Bucket. Ben hops over to Gwen "Y/N ok?" He asks, Gwen looks at him with a worried expression "Is she ok?" Ben asks again. Max walks outside "Ben, somehow, Y/N was able to use her powers...but it took a lot from her." Max explains, looking away from Ben "Meaning?" Ben asks.

"He lost her pulse." Gwen tells Ben, Ben's heart stops and he rushes inside the Rust Bucket. "Ben-" Max stops in his words as Ben stares at Y/N "We need to get her to the hospital." Gwen states carefully. Max sighs "I'll take her. Meet me there." Ben says quietly, grabbing Y/N and leaping out of the Rust Bucket. "Ben!" Gwen calls, Max places a hand on her shoulder "Let him go." He sighs.

Ben hops over cars and looks down at Y/N "Come on, Y/N. You can't die yet! You just can't. You haven't even gotten to become an artist yet or go to college or go to the moon or...even be my girlfriend..." Ben trails off before growling "I'm gonna kill Kevin when I get the chance."


Ben and Gwen stand outside of Y/N's room as Max talks to the doctor "Y/N has suffered a severe concussion. She'll be out for several more hours. She also has a broken leg." The doctor states "She's gonna be ok, right?" Ben asks. The doctor hums "For a kid her age, she's remarkably strong. Y/N's cells seem to regenerate quicker than most kids. She'll be fine after some rest." He tells Ben calmly

"But Grandpa said he lost her pulse." Gwen says "Well," The doctor says, gesturing to the beeping from Y/N's room "She's still very much alive. Now-it says on her admittance form she was attacked by a boy. Was this boy reported?" "Well-" Ben cuts Max off "Actually, she was attacked by a mutant freak." He corrects. Max and the doctor share a glance "Vivid imaginations are good coping mechanisms in situations like these." The doctor says softly, patting Ben's shoulder.

Ben smiles weakly before looking at Y/N

~(5 Months Ago)~

"Are you sure you're gonna be up for this trip?"

"What? Of course I am," Y/N says, fluffing her pillow "Why wouldn't I be?" "You are the biggest klutz I know." Ben says "Benji, I'm the only person you talk to." Y/N snorts. Ben rolls his eyes "Still! Look at all the bandaids you have on! And those are from last week!" Ben huffs, Y/N looks up at Ben and flashes a dumb grin "We shouldn't be worried, I'll have my best bud, Benji Tennyson, protecting me~" She laughs. Y/N turns on her side and throws a blanket on. She didn't notice Ben, who was staring at her with red cheeks and a worried expression.


Ben and Gwen sit in Y/N's room while Max talks to Mother/Name on the phone.

Gwen shoots Ben a worried look as he stares at Y/N sadly "Ben, you heard the doctor," She says "She's going to be fine. She's....Y/N." Ben sighs and slouches deeper into his chair, he eyes never leaving Y/N "I'm worried about her." He says. "I'd worry more about how some girl know cakes Fourarms' butt." Gwen says, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Hey, heroes don't hit girls." Ben says seriously, Gwen smirks "Good to know." She says before punching Ben in the arm. Ben rubs his arm and punches Gwen back "Ow! I thought you said-" "I'm not in hero mode." Ben scoffs. Gwen raises her fist to hit Ben again, but pause when he saw Ben's sad expression. Ben sighs quietly and walks out of the hospital room, Gwen sighs and follows him "You ok?" She asks.

Gwen walks up to Ben "Normally, slugging me in the arm would make you feel much better." She says. Ben crosses his arms and looks out the window, an idea sparks in his head "You know...maybe if I went Upgrade. I could get in those machines she's hooked up to and see if I can make her better." Ben says, dialing the Omnitrix. Gwen sighs "Ben, that won't work." "Ok...then what if I went Ghostfreak? I could meld with Y/N and wake her up or something. I don't know-I just want to help her, you know?" Ben presses the buttons on the Omnitrix.

Ben and Gwen turn to Max as he walks towards them "How was Ms. L/N?" Gwen asks, Max sighs and rubs the back of his neck "A little panicked, but I talked her out of bringing Y/N home." He tells them. Ben's eyes widen "She was gonna bring Y/N home?" He asks, Max nods "Not anymore." Max states. Ben sighs and walks over to the doorway, Gwen and Max share worried glances.

Ben listens to Y/N's wheezy breaths, he growls quietly before storming up to a trash can and kicking it with all his strength. Max places a hand on Ben's shoulder "Just relax Ben," he says softly "Everything's gonna be ok." Ben looks up at Max and Max smiles softly. Gwen lets out a gasp as an alien leaps through the window. The three Tennyson duck, glass shatters everywhere.

Ben gasp and Max pulls him, backing away. "Give me the Omnitrix." Rojo shouts

Quick A/N: Looked it up, the robber lady's name was Rojo

Ben glares at Rojo "You want it? Come and get it!" He says before running off, it didn't take long for Max and Gwen to follow. Rojo shoots lasers through the hospital as the Tennyson run. Max and Gwen run ahead, but Ben stops and turns to a door "Stairs!" He calls. Max and Gwen turn on their heels and head for the stairs with Ben.

"That thing's the girl from that armed car robber robbery. It's like she merged with those-" "Robot drones." Ben and Max gasp as Rojo shoots the door a few floors up. They start running again, Rojo jumps down to their level. Max grabs Gwen and pulls her as Rojo shoots her laser again "Ah! Ok, radical thought, but right now might be a good time to go hero." Gwen says.

They make it outside and Ben runs behind an ambulance, Max and Gwen follow. Rojo shoots the door open and walks outside "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Rojo says, aiming her laser at a rocky hill beside the hospital. Rojo takes a shot, causing rocks to tumble "Time to go Fourarms." Ben says, hitting the watch

~Y/N's POV~

"Y/ need to stop ignoring me. We need you to be able to understand your emotions."

I huff and cross my arms "I understand my emotions just fine. I WANT to get back to Benji, Gwen, and Max. And I'm MAD because you're keeping me stuck here. The longer I stay here, the more Ben will worry." I say firmly.

"So you care about Benjamin?"

"What type of question is that? Of course I care about Benji!" I scoff, turning to look at the F/C orb "Why?" It asks "Because he's my best friend." I state. I glance off to the side "You don't want to be his best friend." The orb says "Of course I do." I scoff. I scream as a chain wraps around my leg "What the-what are you doing now?!" I sigh, clenching my fists.

The orbs glows a dark red and floats above me "STOP LYING! LYING ONLY MAKES THIS SITUATION WORSE!" It screams "WHAT SITUATION?! YOU WANT ME TO PLAY ALONG-FINE! JUST TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!" I scream back. The orbs pauses and shifts back to F/C "Fine, but only because I want you to act willingly," It sighs "We need you to be honest." "About?" I ask, blushing a little "You're feelings for Benjamin." The orbs sighs

"Why does that matter?!" I squeak "Because, you put your humanity into Ben. You're attached to him, if you want full control and understanding of your powers then you need a full understanding of your emotions. Now, how do you feel about him?" The orb asks, I stare at it before looking down nervously. "Come on, Y/N." It urges, I look down


~3rd POV~

Ben looks at his body as Heatblast "Oh great," he sighs "I need muscle, and I get an alien candle instead." Max and Gwen share a look before Gwen whispers "Good thing Y/N isn't here to hear him insulting her favorite alien." "I though XLR8 was her favorite." Max states. Ben glances at them for a second "Y/N doesn't have favorites. She's like all of them equally-and Wildmutt's her favorite because her mom won't let her get a dog." He states

The rocks tumble down, causing Ben to focus again "If scissors cuts paper, fire melts rock, right?" He asks, Max and Gwen nod. Ben places his hands in front of him, shooting flames out of his palms. This causes the rocks to catch on fire, "Ok...definitely NOT what I had in mind." Ben sighs before turning to Max and Gwen "Go!"

Max grabs Gwen and takes off, Ben turns to the ambulances behind them. Ben sets them on fire, causing the ambulances to melt into a wall. Ben grins proudly before leaping out of the rocks' path.

"Hospital's safe." Ben says, running over to Max and Gwen. "But there are people at the bottom of that canyon!" Gwen says "Oh man, I hate it when you're right." Ben sighs, running down. But Rojo tackles him to the floor "You think you can protect them? You couldn't even protect your little girlfriend." She laughs. Ben growls, his flames turn red and launch Rojo off of her.

Ben didn't even bother looking back as he slides down the cliff. Ben grunts, falling  to the floor. Workers look up to see flaming rocks hurdling towards them "AH!" They scream, running off. Ben grunts and shoots a strong amount of flames, breaking the bridge. The rocks tumble into a river and Ben beams proudly.

"Benji, look out behind you."

"Y/N?" Ben mumble, turning-Ben quickly dodges Rojo's attack. Rojo growls and shoots lasers at Ben, Ben ducks behind a truck as Rojo continues to rapidly shoot. Ben shields his head and gasp when someone pops up beside him "Hiya, Benji," a faded Y/N beams "I can't talk much, but Orbie decided to let me help you out a little bit while I'm trapped in my own brain. Sooo-"

The Y/N grabs Ben's shoulder and he appears behind Rojo "Alright, that all I can do for now. But don't worry, I'm fine. /\/\/\/ you!" Was the last thing she said before fading away "Wait, you what?" Ben asks, his flames turning a deep orange. Ben sighs and looks at Rojo "You want me?" Ben asks, causing Rojo to turn "I'm right here."

Rojo turns and flies at Ben, Ben easily dodges. Rojo growls and stops to look at Ben, who was smirking as he snaps his fingers. Ben's fingers spark and cases the oil below Rojo to catch on fire. It didn't take long for Rojo to get launched into the air "See ya!" Ben grins, walking away.

~(Y/N's POV)~

"Why are you keeping me here? I already told Benji that I...." I trail off "You what?" The orb asks. If it was a person I know it'd be smirking "L-love him." I mumble. The orbs glows brightly "Good! Now this time, actually tell him-make sure he hears you!" It says happily "This time?" I ask before a F/C wind surrounds me.

I jolt up, groaning in pain "Ow..." I whine. I look around the hospital room, my body shakes at rush of pain. I huff and faceplant into my lap "Ms L/N?"

A doctor looks into my room "I see your awake, hold on, let me see if I can get a hold of Mr Tennyson." He says "How long have I been here?" I ask "Mm, maybe 4 hours or so. But don't worry, you're friends will be here soon." The doctor beams. I nod before staring at my itches so bad...


I quickly stop scratching my cast when my hospital door swings open. Ben runs through the door and runs up to me "Y/N, are you ok?!" He asks, I smile at him "Yeah, I'm fine," I hum, gesturing to the leg on my leg "I just wish I didn't have this itchy thing on my leg." My smile fades when Ben holds my shoulder. He stares at me and opens his mouth before pausing "Don't...don't scare me like that again." He says seriously.

Both our cheeks turn red when Gwen clears her throat "Get room." She says as she and Max walk inside. I wave at them awkwardly.


"-When I was playing with the watch, I must've led her right to you." Ben says with a guilty expression. I shove him playfully "Aw don't worry, they've moved me into a new room and you haven't alien in a few hours. We're safe." I state, Max nods. "Yeah," Ben sighs sadly "Just for this second. What about tomorrow? It's getting way too dangerous for you guys to be around me. If I didn't have this watch. None of this weird stuff would be happening."

Max, Gwen and I pause before I speak "I mean, weird stuff would still happen, you'd just be unable to help saved the day. I'd still find out about my powers. Honestly it'd probably be a lot worse if you didn't have the watch." Ben looks down with a sad smile "Yeah, and since it won't come off. There's nothing we can do about it." Gwen says. Ben sighs "Maybe....maybe not." He says sadly, we all share a look.

I turn to Max "How much longer do I have to stay here? Shouldn't my powers have healed me by now?" I ask. Max hums in thought "It's hard to say considering you were out for a while." I glance at Ben. He doesn't look at me, only looking off to the side...


I sigh tiredly at the sudden movement on my leg, something rubs my "I'm doing this for you, Y/N." Ben sighs. I crack open an eye when I hear footsteps leaving the room. Ben?

My eyes open and I sit up, where was he going? I look at my leg to see a note sitting on my lap

~3rd POV~

Ben sighs sadly as he sits on a bench, two teen laughing catches his attention. "Come on...Ken! Give me back my smoothie!" The girl whines, reaching up into the air. The boy laughs, pushing the girl back "Ask nicely." He teases "B-Ken! I'm gonna kill you when we get home!" The girl huffs. Ben tilts his head in sad confusion as the boy wraps his arms around the girl.

"I'm not worried," the boy laughs "You wouldn't kill your boyfriend." The girl groans and blushes "I hate you..." She sighs "No ya don't." The boy snorts, winking at her. Ben stares at them before a radio catches his attention

"Reports say the armored assailant has incredible firepower and has blown up several police barricades before arriving at the police academy training center just out of Albuquerque."

Ben pauses and stands up with determination. Ben walks past the two teenagers, the two turn and watch as he leaves. A faint F/C hue glows around the pair, and the two turn into their true forms-an older Ben and Y/N. "Ouch!" The Ben whines when the Y/N punches him "That's for taking my smoothie, Benji." She hums. The Ben whines before smirking "You know you love me~"

The Y/N blushes "Aw shut up, we need to get home anyway." She says, the Ben wraps his arms around her "Do your stuff." He beams before the pair disappears.

~Y/N's POV~

I grunt weakly as I levitate through the hallway, Ben left a note-he ran away!

So I did the normal thing and stuck out the hospital, my leg's still broken, so I'm having to levitate instead of walk. I added onto Ben's letter for Gwen and Max to see. "If I was Benji, where I go?" I mumble "-The siege at the police training center continues. Early reports say several officers have been injured." A tv says.

I stare at it before grinning tiredly "This boy is gonna be the death of me..."


I teleport into an ambulance "They need us down at the police academy!" A guys says. I listen carefully as two men get into the ambulance and start driving. I pant weakly, holding my head.

It didn't take long for us to get to the police academy, I quickly teleport out before anyone could see me. A strong cough leaves my body "Keep it together." I groan

"He wants his Omnitrix. He can have it! This is getting fun."

I turn to see the robber lady from earlier aiming at Ben "Who's he?" I mumble as Ben attacks the lady "One good kicks deserves another." Ben says. The lady stumbles back and smirks, I gasp when a tank approaches Ben and the lady. Ben was about to run off-and then he saw me.

Ben growls quietly as I wave nervously, I yelp when Ben throws me on his back and takes off. "What were you thinking?! Why'd you leave the hospital?! You can't even walk!" Ben scolds, coming to a stop. "Yeah, yeah, love you too." I joke weakly, Ben tenses "What?" He asks before shielding me from the explosion.

"Nice try, but Speedy's all mine," the lady growls "Oh? And he's brought another target." I raise my hand to put a force field around us, but Ben dodges before I had the chance "Shouldn't you be saving your power so you can heal?" Ben asks, running past the pieces of the tank. Ben runs behind the lady and dodges her punch, I grin proudly as Ben smacks the lady with his tail.

Ben places me down "Stay here!" He orders before running off to attack the lady again. Ben throws the lady back, but she was able to take a shot. I gasp and place a weak force field around Ben. The lady turns to me and smirks "Nice powers you got kid," She says "Wanna see mine?" "Uh-no thanks." I laugh nervously, levitating the lady into the air and smashing her to the ground.

She growls and takes a shot at me "Not again!" Ben shouts before breaking through my field and grabbing me. I whine tiredly, feeling pain in my leg "You need to go back to the hospital." Ben says firmly "No! I'm not going back just so you can run away!" I scoff. Ben holds me up so I'm facing him "Look, I'm not gonna run away, I promise." Ben sighs "I don't believe you." I huff. Ben sighs and glares at the floor.

"I'm not leaving, Benji. You won't change my mind-" Ben cuts me off by.....kissing me!

Oh my heart just died....

I stare at Ben with wide eyes and red cheeks, Ben only grins nervously "I'm not gonna leave anymore N/N, ok?" He sighs looking away. I only nod before gasping at the sight of Gwen and Max. Ben turns and wraps his tail around me. He quickly grabs Max and Gwen and brings them to an alley "What are you guys doing here?" Ben asks "It's better this way," Gwen says sternly, quoting Ben "Sound familiar?" "Us idiots must stick together." Max says, quoting my portion of the letter.

I hope off Ben's back as the Omnitrix starts beeping "So does that beeping!" He gasp before turning back into him. I rub my leg in pain, but then I realized...

Ben's first time kissing me was as an alien.....

My cheeks redden suddenly and Ben huffs "Aw, just great," He sighs before looking back "Come on." We run (well, I was levitating) down the alley. I look back to see the robber lady hovering behind us, I nearly jumped out my skin when Ben grabs my hand and pulls me with him. I avoid his gaze as we dodge her lasers.

I throw my hand into the air and cause a F/C shield to form behind us. The shield reflects the lasers back at the robber, we take the opportunity to duck behind a bench. Max and Ben shoot me a worried look as I hiss in pain "Ben, you can't run away from us," Gwen scolds before looking at me "And you should've never left the hospital." "I'm fiiiiine." I snort, leaning on Max for support.

"Don't tell me what I can or can't d0! This is my fight, my weird watch-not yours." Ben says, Gwen sighs softly "Yeah,'re my weird cousin." She says "It's so nice when they kinda get along~" I whisper to Max. He nods before a laser getting shot echoes in the air. "In here." Max says, throwing me over his shoulder and running towards a building.

We come to a stop, Ben sighs with frustration "None my aliens can beat this robot thing!" "If you can't destroy it from the outside. Take it down from the inside." Max says. Ben's eyes spark and he grins "That's it!"  He says, Gwen smirks "Looks like you need Grandpa too." She says, Ben only flashes a small smile before pressing down at the Omnitrix. Laser shoots through the roof and we duck behind a broken wall.

Ben dials up the Omnitrix and smacks his hand down on it, turning into Upgrade. The robber lady breaks through the ceiling, "Stay here." Ben whispers, climbing onto the ceiling.

Gwen move up a little farther, leaving me and Max behind. I stare at the floor in thought...I can't believe that Ben kissed...he kissed me!

"HE WHAT?! I'm gone for like 85% of the chapter and now you and Ben are kissing?!"

Max and I gasp when my leg glows F/C, it glows for a second before quickly fading. "What was that?" I whisper, ignoring the grunts from the robber "You're body healed itself." Max states. I turn and stare at him in confusion "You know what I am...don't you?" I ask suddenly, Max tenses and sighs with nod "What am I?" I asks. Max was about to respond when something echoes over my ears

"Listen to every word. Be afraid. You cannot run, you cannot hide from me. I will find you, and I when I do. I will retrieve my Omnitrix and destroy you and the ones you love!"

I snap out of it and cover my ears, Max places a concerned hand on me and looks at Ben. I frown in worry as Ben grunts, "Time to work out!" Was the last thing I heard before passing out.

"Not again..."


I open my eyes and look around "Oh man." I sigh, I'm back in the hospital!

Ben pops his head through the door and smiles before walking up to my bed "Hey, N/N." He greets, crossing his arms with a grin. "Heeey," I say with a wave "What happened? How long do I have to stay here? Did you beat the robber lady?" "Yeah, I took her down right after you passed out. Grandpa says we can leave as soon as you wake up." Ben explains.

"What happened to you at the gym?"

Ben pauses and his face shows sudden fear, Ben clenches his fists. "Benji?" I ask, placing at hand on his arm. "You heard him." Ben states "What?" I ask "I saw you-or something that looked like you there....that alien had..." Ben trails off "Had what?" I ask. Ben sighs angrily "He had killed you. I honesty thought you died when you passed out, but then Max told me that it's not possible for you to die." Ben says.

Not possible? How does that even work?

Gwen and Max walk into the room "Oh good, we can finally leave." Gwen sighs happily "So did the doctor asks any questions about my leg suddenly healing?" I ask Max. He sighs nervously and rubs the back of his neck "Yeah, but I was able to make him think the big red alien did something to fix your leg." Max states. I smile before climbing out the hospital bed.


"Y/N, wake up."

I groan tiredly and turn to see Max staring at me "Mm?" I mumble, Max smiles sadly before handing me a notebook "This belonged to your father. I thought you might want to read it." Was all Max said before going back to his bed. I stare at the book look down kill me.

~In the Notebook~


Reality bending creatures that are too powerful for their own good....

It's honestly terrifying how much damage they can do just by thinking. And they look just like humans! The only difference is their skin colors aren't normal Earth colors.

They skin colors can be blue, pink, green, red, purple, anything!

As powerful as Mayhemians may be, they thankful have weaknesses.


• Their lungs are a lot more sensitive than human lungs (all Mayhemians basically have asthma)

• Can't swim (their bodies are too dense)

• Using powers without an Imprint can cause permanent insanity.

•Killing Imprint WILL cause insanity.

• Imprints rejecting them will kill them


I don't really understand Imprint that well-considering I've just been imprinted on not too long ago. But they're really important.

Imprints keep Mayhemians sane, in fact, Imprints keep Mayhemians alive! Its fascinating how a species powerful enough to change the universe can die out just because their Imprints are gone. They-

"What are you reading?"

I let out a silent squeal, quickly shutting the notebook. Ben stares at me with a blank expression "What are you reading, N/N?" He asks, grinning tiredly "You wouldn't like it, it's a history book." I laugh nervously. Ben scoffs and climbs down onto my bunk "Lemme see."

"What noooo." I whisper, Ben takes the notebook out my hands and I reach for it. "Benji-" I shut up when Ben kisses me AGAIN! I freeze with red cheeks "This is gonna be fun~" Ben laughs cockily, opening the notebook.

A/N: Aye! Done with this chapter! I hope you enjoyed. I'm probably gonna dive in more on Y/N and Ben's relationship in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!

P.S: Funnily enough, I keep imagining Y/N's dad as Izuku Midoriya

✨💜OutThere out💜✨

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