Learning to love you again

Par wannasuckmydick

96.8K 5K 15.5K

sequel to loving you Plus

Main Characters


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Par wannasuckmydick

Mercedes pov:

"Beyonce wake up" I said lightly shaking her. I heard her whine and she stuffed her face into the pillow making me sigh.

"Beyonce come on get up" I said pulling her up. She looked at me with a pout then tried to lay back down. "No wait" I said.

I looked into her eyes noticing that they looked more lighter. And innocent..

"Here" I said trying to give her the asprin I got her. "noo night night" she whined in a baby like voice then laid back down.

What the hell ? I looked at her confused on why she was talking and acting like a little kid but shrugged it off.

"Bey take this medicine first then you can go back to sleep" I said taking the cover off of her head.

"noooo" she whined lowly in that same baby tone pulling it back over her head. "Beyonce come on" I said but she just ignored me.

I huffed then looked at the water. What if I pour it on her...


"Bey just get up real quick please, you'll have a headache if you don't"  I said using the voice I use with my son.

"no wanna" she said sleepily. "Just take this medicine so you don't feel bad" I said.

I'm really confused on why she's acting like this right now but i've never been the type to judge someone.

Plus she's my favorite singer so I don't mind.

"kay" she said lowly. "yay ok come on" I said smiling. She opened her mouth and I put the pills in them before giving her the water.

She took them then put the water down. "night night" she said and I nodded. "Yea you can go to sleep now"

She pulled me into the bed with her catching me by surprise then cuddled into me before falling back asleep.

I wonder why she's acting like a baby..

Her phone started ringing catching my attention. "Bey somebody is calling you" I said reaching over grabbing the phone.

I looked down at the screen seeing it was a FaceTime call from somebody titled 'Daddy'.

Ouu this must be her little mini pussy killer.

I decided to answer the call to one tell her bey was sleep. But most importantly I needed to ask her about why she was acting like this.

When I answered it I seen a pretty lightskin pop up on the screen smiling until she seen me.

"Who the fuck is you ?!"

"Shhh" I shushed her looking down at bey to see if she was still sleep

"Don't shh me muthafucka why you answering her phone-DID SHE SLEEP WITH YOU ?!'

"No, we slept in different rooms"

"Where's beyonce"

"She's sleep, listen i'm just her friend mercedes she got drunk last night so I brought her here"

"DRUNK ?!"

"Yes, but it wasn't her fault it was this weirdo named shawn fault"

"SHE WAS TALKING TO SHAWN ?!" She yelled angrily and I could see her face turning red.

Ok maybe I shouldn't have answered the phone

"Umm i don't know, but listen" I said cause I wasn't trying to get her into any trouble.


"I need help, she's acting like a little kid do you know why ?"

"She needs to take her medicine"

"Medicine ?"

"Yes, let me talk to her"

"She doesn't want to wake up"

"Then make her duh, but don't make her cry then i'm gonna have to kill you"

"umm okay" I said laughing nervously

This girl crazy..

"bey" I said tapping her face. "SHE IN THE BED WITH YOU" i heard the girl yell making me huff.

This girl got anger issues.

"Yes, but we didn't sleep together" I said then looked back at bey.

"Beyonce" I said shaking her. She started whining loudly then turned her back towards me. "Beyonce somebody wanna talk to you".

She peeked her eyes open then I handed her the phone before getting up and walking out to give them some privacy.

Baby bey pov:

"Beyonce" I heard bubba voice say making my eyes fly open

"bubba" I said lowly looking down at the phone

"Hi baby"


"What's wrong ?"

"night night"

"What time did you go to sleep last night ?"

"no know"

"Ok stink go back to sleep and imma talk to you when you're a big girl" she said making me feel sad.

"Why you looking like that ?" She asked me

"you go" I said lowly

"Aw, i'll stay while you sleep baby"

"kay" I said smiling.

I got back under the cover then pulled the phone closer to me before closing my eyes letting sleep take over.

Onika pov:

I muted my mic while I got the kids ready so I don't wake bey. I in-rolled everybody in school and keshia into the daycare xion and dagga go to.

Today is their first day and to say i'm happy is an understatement. I only had these kids for two day but between them and my own i'm going crazy.

Bad ass kids. A different breed of bad.

Minus keshia.. She's just quiet unless she's playing or hungry. If she wants something she crawls into my lap and stares at me until I ask her what is it.

It's cute.. kinda creepy but cute.

"Cookie can I get ten dollars" Nehemiah asked coming in. "What you need ten dollars for ?" I asked raising a eyebrow at him.

"Umm snacks and stuff" he said scratching the back of his neck. His lil yellow ass lying.

"Mhm" I hummed squinting my eyes at him. "What's the real reason ?"

"um for uh some weed" he said lowly. I looked at him for a while then bust out laughing. "What ?" he asked looking at me confused.

"Boy if you wanted some weed you could've just asked" I said rolling my eyes playfully then stood up.

I walked over to my dressure then opened the on at the top left. I moved the clothes out the way revealing my stash.

I had to go back to chanel house just to get this.

I got a plastic bag that I also keep in there and put about two grams in there before closing it. I walked and handed it to him while he looked at me shocked.

"You need gars ?" I asked "no" he said shaking his head. "Thank you" he said with a smile. "You welcome I rather you smoke in the house with me instead of going out there smoking with other people and it's laced with something".

"Now go get ready and don't smoke that shit around the babies" I said shooing him out my room.

"sissy" I heard keshia small voice call out but I couldn't see her. I stuck my head out the door looking further into the hallway and seen her standing there looking around.

"I'm right here chocolate" I said calling her the name I recently found out is her nickname. She rushed over to me then reached her arms out.

"What's wrong ?" I asked picking her up. She didn't say nothing instead all she did was stuffed her face into my neck gripping on my shirt.

Confused I walked into the living room where everybody else was. "Aye what's wrong with her ?" I asked the boys.

"She didn't see you so she thought you left, she gets sad when people leave her" tyquain said. Damn now I don't think daycare is a good idea.

"Oh alright, are y'all ready" I asked them grabbing my keys off the couch. "Yea" Nehemiah said "Alright let's go"

Mercedes pov:

I knocked on the door of the resort bey was supposedly staying in with her friends. I got in touch with kelly since I had her number and she told about her condition.

At first I was confused but as she kept explaining it I started to understand more making it easier for me to deal with it.

So now i'm here with a sleeping beyonce in my arms waiting on somebody to open the door. I'm glad this girl ain't heavy cause they taking forever.

The door finally opened and keri was standing there with a mug until she seen bey in my hands. "Oh my God bumble" she said sounding relieved taking bey out my hands.

"I don't know why yo ass ain't stay home" she said taking her in. I just waited at the door not knowing if I should go in or not.

"Mercedes bring yo ass !" I heard keri call out making me slightly chuckle.

I walked in closing the door behind me going into the living room area behind her. "Is she little ?" she asked me laying bey on the couch.

"Yea she is... Why did y'all leave her alone at the party yesterday ?" I asked. It's really been bothering me cause they're supposed to be her friends but they was nowhere to be found.

If I didn't see her there's no telling what shawn weird self would have did.

"I wasn't there, I left early" she said "So why didn't you take bey ?" I asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"I told toya to ask bey if she wanted to come, she told me bey said no so I just left" she said then sighed. "I should've just took her cause toya stupid ass lost her" she said looking down at bey.

"I was loosing my fuckig mind" she mumbled then looked back up at me. "Thank you for looking out for her" she said getting up the hugged me.

Ok, she seems genuine but I don't know about toya.

"No problem" I said then she pulled back. "My bad for just randomly hugging you, I was just really worried about her I know she's grown and all but she's still her old fragile self in my eyes" she said looking back.

"Toya stupid ass got in her head about that fucking party" she said rolling her eyes then went back close to bey.

"TOYA !" she called out then a few seconds later toya came in. "Ye- Oh beys back" she said with a cheerful smile.

I scrunched my face at her. This bitch got something weird going on with her.

"Yea, you know she could've got raped last night" I said with a slight attitude. I haven't known beyonce for long but I can tell she's a good person and people like Toya don't deserve a fried like bey.

"Beyonce's a big girl she can handle herself" she said waving me off. Just as I was about to go off keri beat me to it.

"What the fuck do you mean she can handle herself ?!" she said looking at her angry.

Ouuu they finna fight.

"Just what I said bey is grown just like we are if we can be unattended at a party so can she, I don't get the point in treating her like a baby" Toya said rolling her eyes.

"First of all you're not supposed to leave your friends alone at a party ever, grown or not" I said looking at her with a mug.

"And fucking secondly" keri started. "Beyonce can turn to a baby just like that" she said snapping her fingers. "But you knew that already".

"Whatever it doesn't matter all that matters is that she's ok" Toya said and I could see keri visibly get more upset.

I was getting more upset myself. What is really wrong with this girl ?


"No but that's not the case here !" Toya argued "BUT IT COULD'VE BEEN THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE NOT GETTING YOU IDIOT !!" Keri yelled loudly causing bey to wake up out of her sleep.

She looked around confused and scared then reached for keri. "Hi bumble" keri said smiling brightly at her.

Out the corner of my eye I seen toya roll her eyes then she walked to the back.

What's that about ?

"Come on baby, you hungry ?" I heard keri voice snapping me out of my thoughts then seen her walking towards the kitchen with bey in her hands.

"Thank you for making sure she was ok, you're a better friend than toya and me" she said when she got to me giving me a small smile then continued walking.

Onika pov:

"Aye boss wassup, who's that ?" Cole said when I walked into the trap pointing at keshia.

I tried to get her to stay at the daycare but she started crying  well more like sobbing when I was about to leave so I didn't force her to stay.

I don't have a problem keeping her though, since she the only one that don't act crazy.

"My little sister" I said and all heads turned to me. "Damn y'all ain't even say hi but can be nosey" I said rolling my eyes.

They all spoke saying a simple 'Hey boss' before looking at me confused. "Why the hell y'all looking like that" I asked them.

"When did you get a little sister ?" August asked me. "Don't worry about it" I said flicking all them off making them groan.

"Ouu you got another baby !" I heard an excited voice say then melly ran up to me with a huge smile.

Damn I ain't seen his ass since I been out.

"Wassup melly" I said smiling at him. "Hey boss thank you for helping me get out I couldn't stand them faggot ass niggas in there" he said making me chuckle.

"No problem" I said "Can I hold her ?" he asked smiling a keshia. She stuffed her face into my neck making his smile fade.

"She don't like me ?" he asked looking confused. "She's shy melly and she doesn't know you" I said rubbing her back.

"Oh.. you think she'll go to me ?" he asked in a hopeful tone. I wonder what's his fascination with kids.

"I don't know, you can try but she most likely won't" I said and he nodded. "I can get her to like me" he said confidently.

He tried to grab her from me but she tightened her grip starting to whine. "it's ok baby" I said lowly to her.

She looked up at me with those big eyes then looked back at melly before looking at me again.

"Hey you can come with me i'm nice" melly said with a smile. She looked back at him for a while then she hesitantly went to him.

He smiled brightly holding her. "Hi i'm melly what's your name ?" he asked "keshia" she said lowly poking at his chain.

"Well keshia we should be friends" he said while walking towards the back with her.

"That nigga soft" I heard somebody say making my head snap that way.

"Who said that ?" I asked and everybody started looking around like they didn't know. "Oh so y'all wanna play stupid" I said grabbing my gun.

I shot at the wall making everybody jump. "Answer my fucking question" I gritted.

They all pointed to Demario making him smack his lips. "snitches" he mumbled lowly.

"Come here" I said waving my gun towards me. He sat there looking at me for a while then got up slowly walking over towards me.

"You think being nice to kids is soft ?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. "u-um no I was just talking" he said lowly.

"Yea I know yo ass was" I spat. "I'm nice to kids.. I got two of my own that I spoil rotten, do you think i'm soft ?" I asked.

"No boss" he said shaking his head. "Yea cause you know i'll take yo fucking life in a heartbeat" I gritted lowly putting my gun under his chin.

I watched him try to keep his composure and not show the fear he was feeling make me smirk.

"You think you tough ?" I asked him "Be honest" I added. "y-yes" he stuttered making me scoff.

"Well you haven't caught a fucking body yet" I said harshly looking into his fear filled eyes. "Melly been getting bodies since he was sixteen".

"So who looks like the real soft one ?" I asked getting closer in his face. "I suggest you answer before yo brains be on the ceiling" I warned him in all seriousness.

"m-me" he said lowly in a shaking voice. "Exactly" I said pulling my gun back then put it back on my waist.

Everybody was staring with amused looks some of them even laughing silently.

"Everybody to the den we need to have a meeting about Shawn" I ordered "Yes boss" they all said before heading back there.

Keri pov:

Mercedes and me was trying to get bey to take her medicine right now but she won't. She's whining and throwing tantrums like it's the worst thing ever.

"Bumble if you take your medicine i'll give you candy" I said with a smile hoping it would work. "NO NO" she screamed trying to get away again.

"Come on bey please" Mercedes begged. "No ! wan bubba" she said starting to pout. "Bubba's not answering the phone bey" I said sighing.

I been trying to call that fucking toddler sized killer for ten minutes. I don't know what her ass is doing but she need to answer the phone.

Bey lip started to quiver making mercedes quickly spring up to comfort her. "Don't cry bey we'll try again" she said pulling beyonce into a hug.

I huffed grabbing bey phone to call. Hopefully I have better luck off her phone.

I pressed her contact then called her. After about three rings she answered making me sigh in realive.

"Nika" I said then heard her smack her lips

"Man I thought this was bey, what is it i'm busy"

"Can you please talk to bey she won't take her medicine"

"Y'all can't make a baby take medicine ?"

"She's not a baby she's a grown ass women"

"Well right now she's a baby"

"true.. Look that's not the point can you fucking help or not elf"

"Mmcht man give her the phone"

I handed the phone to bey and she looked up at me. "It's bubba" I said then her face lit up.

She grabbed the phone then started talking to her smiling the whole time while she talked.

Aww, they're lowkey cute.. Other than nika being crazy as hell.

"but no wanna bubba" I heard bey say pouting. I hope nika can make her stubborn ass take her medicine.

I don't want her being little right now. Especially with the way toya been acting I don't even trust her around bey anymore.

I feel like now is the worst time cause anything could happen. I'm not a really responsible person.. and with toya acting all weird I just don't want bey getting hurt.

I've know beyonce longer than toya we met toya in middle school but me and bey been knowing each other since pre-k.

I've always felt like it was my jod to protect her since she was so quiet and well...weak.

Now that's she's grown I still sense that quiet little girl in her. Even though I tease her a lot it's all love, I don't know what I would do if something happened to her while with me.

"Keri" I head bey call out bringing me out of my thoughts "Yes bumble ?" I asked her. She reached for me so I pulled her into me allowing her to lay her head on my shoulder.

"She took the medicine ?" I asked mercedes "Yea I think her girl convinced her" she said making me nod.

"You ok ?" I asked bey since I knew she didn't wanna take it. "yes" she said lowly then snuggled more into me causing a smile to appear on my face.

"She's still little ?" Toya asked walking in. I huffed before looking up at her with a mug.

"Yes. Don't come in here on no stupid shit either" "Girl fuck you" she said rolling her eyes at me.

"Can I take her somewhere ?" she asked "Where you trying to take her ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Frozen yogurt place I seen" she said shrugging. I don't really trust her with bey after yesterday, especially while she's little.

"No.. she need to go to sleep so her medicine can kick in" i said rubbing bey who was half sleep back.

"You're not her mom keri" she said rolling her eyes making me scoff.

Her saying that rubbed me the wrong way.

"Please i'm the closest thing to a mom for her".

"No you're not" "Oh really ? i'm not ?" "No" she said scrunching her face up at me.

"Well let's see.." I started.

"I've been protecting and caring for her since she was little, i've fed her when she was hungry, i've given her clothes when she didn't have any, i've been there to comfort her, i've bought things for her, when her bitch ass excuse of a father didn't want her to have a party I use to get one organized for her" I said going down the list.

"I've bathed her, i-"Ok keri we get it you're a good fucking friend" she cut me off rolling her eyes.

"No ! You don't fucking get it I love her like she's my child even though we're only a few months apart" I said.

"The shit you pulled yesterday don't sit too right with me, so no you can't take her to get yogurt" I said glaring at her.

"And before you start one of your little rants about how i'm not her mom like I said earlier I feel like the closet thing she has to a mom so since her real mom isn't here, may her soul rest in peace. I'm gonna take that roll for now and tell you that no you can't take my daughter to go get shit now get out before I beat yo ass" I finished dismissing her.

"Whatever you're weird and she's not yo fucking daughter" she said walking out angrily. "That's fine" I mumbled shrugging.

Something weird going on with her..

Toya pov:

I stomped out the resort going outside. I huffed before calling shawn.

He's finna be pissed.



"Are you on the way ?"

"No. Listen"

"What do you mean no ?! I've been waiting here for damn near a hour"

"I couldn't get her ! She turned little and keri wouldn't let me take her"

"Why not ?"

"I don't know she's weird"

"You're wasting time Latoya" he gritted

"Look I gave her to you, you let her get away !"

"Cause that stupid bitch came and fucked everything up"

"Well don't get mad at me" I said then heard him sigh

"When can you get her to me ?"

"I'll have her there by tomorrow"


I was about to fight somebody over a dollar today 💀💀😭.

Anyways how was y'all day ?

Continuer la Lecture

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