Angel On My Shoulder (REWRITE)

By IndigoIona

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Hello, welcome to the rewrite. It's better then the last book I think. It's also almost completely different... More

Chapter 1 ~No place like an abandoned flat~
Chapter 2 ~The dynamic duo~
Chapter 3 ~A Drowned Rat~
Chapter 4 ~A Sprinkle of Murder~
Chapter 5 ~Agony~
Chapter 6 ~USJ~
Chapter 6.5 ~Rescue~
Chapter 7 ~Rest and Recovery~
Chapter 8 ~Emotional Issues and homework~
Chapter 9 ~Manipulation~
Chapter 10 ~The Humble Act of Defenestration~
Chapter 11 ~Training and Trust Issues~
Chapter 13 ~Family Secrets and the Obstacle Course~
Chapter 14 ~Wild Card~

Chapter 12 ~Intimation tactics~

157 17 5
By IndigoIona

Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's been a month. My bad, exams have been pretty taxing and holidays are thankful coming up soon so I will hopefully get some more time to write in the future. But as always, enjoy.


[Third person]

-Class 1A| 4:30am-

"-asleep?" Muffled voices started to rattle around the sleeping boy's head as he was slowly being dragged out from his dreamless slumber.

"How the hell does he sleep through Aizawa's lecture and live?" Another surprised voice came from his right side. Jiro? Izuku started to slowly start tune out the foggy static in his head and rather to the hushed voices of his classmates he could sense looming over him.

"I dunno, who's gonna wake him?" Midoriya held his breath for a moment, curious to find out who had the courage to interfere with his nap, or more who would be interfering seeing as he was now very much awake. The person who spoke last sounded like Kirishima, Izuku would admit that the guy was nice and he hoped he'd get to know the redhead better but over his years of living with villains and numbers. It was difficult to find genuinely kind-natured people who had faced villains and could smile like the world wasn't a cruel place.

"Tch, move it extras." Bakugo's voice broke through the dark emerald-haired boy's sleepy thoughts with an instinctive preparedness for what was about to happen. "There is only one way to wake this idiot up whenever he decides it's a good idea to sleep through class." Bakugo's insane smile grew as the crackling pops from his quirk made Izuku snap wide awake. Izuku lifted his head just in time to see Katsuki lift both hands above his head. They shared a look before Katsuki came to realise that the Midoriya he knew in middle school was not the same Midoriya he could get away with bullying anymore.

"What the fuc-!" The whole class stilled as the sound of their scuffle echoed around the classroom.

"Language Katsuki," Izuku smirked, he lay back on the back legs of his chair while gazing down at his old best friend with a malicious shine twinkling in his eyes. Aoyama may have been jealous of his sparkle if it wasn't for the fact Izuku was acting very unheroic-like with his little sparkle. With a laborious thud, the explosive blonde shoved the flipped table off of him while simultaneously trying to stem the blood from his broken nose.

In the time it had taken Bakugo to hesitate, Midoriya had thrown his table at Bakugo's face, launching both the poor table and Bakugo tumbling to the ground in a flailing mess which left the witnesses in a mix of second-hand embarrassment and shock.

Iida was immediately on Izuku's back and started lecturing him about his acts of violence but Izuku was getting good at tuning out the class rep.

Unfortunately, he had missed quite a bit while he was stuck in the hospital, and it bothered him more than he'd ever admitted. He missed training, the class representative election, and many hero training classes. He wasn't falling behind in regards academically by any length especially since he's on unofficial house arrest, not that that would stop him. But right now, none of that mattered, what mattered was the fact Izuku had floored Bakugo in less than a second with only a table.

"Yeah, nice try loser, that doesn't work on me anymore dumbass." Izuku chuckled as he snatched his bag up from the floor and walked over to the door where Uraraka's surprised cry startled him back to a rational mindset. His eyes darted over to the door where what looked like fifty-odd students were all crowding the door frame blocking his class from leaving. Huh? What do they think they're doing?

"Um, why the heck are you all here?" She squealed. Izuku was almost impressed at the bold action of his peers, blocking their exit. The rest of class 1A seemed to be in a similar state of disbelief as the hushed whispers and glares from the rest of their year from the looks of them shuffled in the corridor.

"Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida asked while his arms swung robotically in an almost accusing manner, it seemed that this was now more concerning than Bakugo's leaking nose. Izuku had to agree.

"Why are you blocking our doorway?" Mineta jumped in, waving his arm in the air in protest at the average-sized people who all towered over him. Izuku almost felt bad for his height predicament. Not everyone can be tall because then that would just be average, some people just have to be super short and accept it. "I won't let you hold us hostage." He wailed on.

"They're scouting out the competition, idiots." Bakugo scowled as he shoved his way past Midoriya towards the wall of bodies. He held his head up and his hand over his nose as blood trickled down his chin and onto his uniform. Izuku repressed a smile and an apology at the same time but Bakugo didn't acknowledge his presence. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack, they want to see us with their own eyes." Bakugo, undeterred by the blood that leaked through his fingers, glared down at a pointy-eared student who stood directly in his path with a fiery gaze. The kid looked like a little goblin, Izuku thought absentmindedly. "At least they know what a pro looks like, now move extras." Izuku snorted with laughter at Bakugo's immediate hostility.

"You can't walk around calling people extras just because you don't know who they are!" Iida yelled while Uraraka whimpered helplessly as the whole class groaned as Bakugo's ego never failed at destroying their reputation in a matter of seconds.

"So this is class 1A?" A deep voice cut through the crowd as a bush of wild purple hair pushed itself towards the front of the crowd with relative ease. Izuku couldn't hold back the glee as he recognised the boy he hadn't seen in years. "I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?" Iida, Uraraka and Mineta all shook their heads to try and give the purple-haired student some warning as Bakugo growled. His intimidation factor definitely had less effect on people when he was occupied trying not to ruin his uniform from his nose bleed but Izuku figured it would have zero effect on somebody like Shinso Hitoshi with or without the nosebleed.

Izuku smirked as Bakugo glared daggers at Shinso who was blissfully unaware of Midoriya's presence. Yet.

"How sad to come here and find some egomaniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course but like many others here I was forced to pick a different track. Such is life." Bakugo scoffed. "I didn't cut it the first time around but now I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival then the teachers can decide to transfer us up to the hero course. They'll transfer people out to make room." Shinso revealed as he finally let his eyes land on the smug hero student who immediately gave him a wink, trying to urge him to finish what he was saying.

Shinso hesitated for a moment as he recognised who exactly he was talking to now. His head flew into chaos as Midoriya's piercing eyes looked straight through him with such a heavy analytical gaze it made the boy almost choke on his tongue. Hitoshi was seconds away from gawking at the vigilante but that was a problem for a later time.

"Scouting the competition?" Shinso scanned the other hero course students with a calm look which made a couple of student's glare back with disbelief at Shinso's bold words. "Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best then I'll steal your spot from right in front of you." Shinso returned his gaze to Izuku who tilted his head at the boldness his once quiet friend held. Somebody had grown up, Izuku figured. "Consider this a declaration of war." Bakugo narrowed his eyes on Shinso with an unusually quiet fury which Bakugo often only reserved for people he respected. Izuku filed that information away for later.

"Hey, you!" An angry voice interrupted the warring classes with little to no respect for silences after cool speeches. A boy with silver hair and killer matching silver eyelashes was clambering his way above the crowd roaring incoherent ramblings of furious victory. "I'm from class 1B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains and I came to know if it was true! But you're just a bunch of brats who think you're better than us!" Even Bakugo raised a brow to this guy's angry screaming.

"It's not a question of if, dumbass," Izuku opened his wings, gliding past Bakugo and elegantly taking flight while simultaneously pushing back the crowd with the power behind his large wings. Izuku smirked as he glared down at the angry 1B student. "We know we're better than you," Izuku smirked as he bopped the boy's nose with his foot. "Good luck in the festival eyelash boy." Izuku provided the boy with a wink before zooming off, partly to avoid the raging crowd of students and partly to avoid Iida's lecturing.

Shinso watched the winged boy take a sharp turn around a corner before watching the bleeding blonde take off toward the bathroom with a constant scowl. Shinso couldn't describe his feeling when he realised that the winged 1A delinquent was really his old friend. They hadn't spoken for at least a year or two ago and Shinso did kinda miss the reassuring midnight rooftop conversations they would share whenever either of them was feeling low.

Hitoshi quietly slipped back into the crowd, his mind full of questions, he wanted to talk. He wanted answers.


As Izuku's footsteps echoed down the hall he kept his eyes peeled for a certain classroom. He had a new mission. If he wanted to win the festival then he was going to have to make some powerful allies. Well, not physically although that would be favourable. No, he needed somebody smarter than himself who had access to materials and resources he did not. He needed support, one could say.

He soon lost himself in thought as he trawled over ideas of how to beat the system until a loud explosion caught his ear. His mind immediately ran to Bakugo but he knew that he would have gone to the bathroom to clean up which was in the completely different direction... Wait, villain attack?

He quickly found himself bolting towards the noise as a tsunami of guilt and aniety washed over him. Schools aren't supposed to explode so why was there an explosion?

A couple of support course students turned the corner barely avoiding the hero student that vaulted over them with such scary ease it made them tumble to the ground even though he hadn't even touched a hair on their heads. They could only watch as the hero student landed behind them before continuing to barrel down the hall.

Meanwhile, unaware of the hero student racing towards her class, Mei Hatsume was getting scolded by Power Loader for exploding more highly expensive school equipment.


"I don't want to hear it, Mei, that's the seventh time today."

"I know." She sighed, rolling her yes. She didn't really care too much about getting in trouble, progress sometimes required getting in trouble and she was fine if that was the price to pay for inovation.

"Mei it is the only lunchtime you have single-handedly exploded my lab seven times today and it's only lunch!"

"I know." She groaned as students continued to help filter out the smoke by opening windows while muttering under their breaths about her lack of responsibility. She didn't take anything they muttered to heart, she was going to prove everybody wrong and become even better than David Shield.

Power Loader had enough on his plate, he did not need a teenage girl exploding his lab every two seconds to add to that. And to further add to the chaos, nobody from the support course expected a hero course student to burst through the door looking ready to fight.

"Why was there an explosion?" Izuku demanded as he followed the large clouds of smoke to their source. A massive pair of silver boots? Why were they so needlessly big?

Power Loader cleared his throat to get the boy's attention before jabbing his thumb over to a pink-haired girl who was covered head to toe in soot. Izuku blinked a couple of times as he looked her up and down, but he couldn't be too sure that she wasn't a threat, teenage girls could be terrifying if they want to be.

Izuku swiftly retracted his offensive stance and, slightly embarrassed, looked away from the girl, quickly understanding that she was probably just doing some practical work and something had exploded. It was the support course he reasoned. Could have been worse, Izuku shrugged away his mistake, cleared his throat and swiftly apologized for the misunderstanding.

"Don't worry about it but explosions tend to happen quite a lot here so don't worry yourself in the future." Power Loader laughed off the boy's worries, it helped ease his mind a little.

"I'll keep that in mind." Izuku awkwardly laughed off his paranoia and engaged in light conversation while Mei turned back to her creation, she was determined to fix whatever broke. After maybe five minutes of Power Loader proudly explaining how the support course worked Izuku caught sight of Mei pushing a small button on her oversized boots which immediately made a small hissing noise-making Izuku flinch as the sound of fans started filling the lab. Power Loader immediately started ushering other students away as Mei slowly stepped back with a massive smile as the boots started to float, making Izuku do a double-take.

What is happening? Has she made hover boots? But why? Izuku had thoughts running round his head on what was going on as he watched the reactions of the class in slight fear.

But, however good things are, they rarely last. Izuku noted that as the boots started to shake with power while steam started to break through the small vents of the boots. Mei suddenly seemed to remember something as she quietly cursed before stepping back towards the machine with a cautious hand.

"Hey, is that safe um, miss?" Izuku had quickly realised he never got her name but he had a feeling he wouldn't as the autonomous boots started to squeal as something audibly snapped inside the metal shoes setting off a chain reaction of lots of small snapping and squeaking noises suddenly became a lot more important than this girl's name.

The hero student rose to the balls of his feet as the pink-haired girl started to quickly back away but unfortunately, she wasn't quick enough as a loud warning hiss creaked out of the machine sending Izuku into autopilot as he wordlessly leapt between the inventor and her rouge machine, coiling his wings around her as both large metal shoes exploded with a violent shower of shrapnel. Mei clamped her eyes shut as the sound of metal ripping into flesh filled her ears.

A warm droplet of blood dropped onto Mei's nose forcing her to open her eyes to see she was completely shielded with feathers, a small twisting feeling of guilt made her swallow her optimism as she made eye contact with the nameless hero student she had only heard rumours about in the halls. Her eyes drifted to the sharp pieces of shrapnel that had pierced through his wings. Blood started to dye his white wings a nasty red however, what took Mei off guard was the soft look in his eyes. Not a trace of pain covered his features as he gently squeezed her arm to ground her from the far-off look in her eyes which only slightly unnerved Izuku.

Izuku swallowed his teenage embarrassment as their proximity made the vigliante swallow. He was so close to a girl. Play it cool, Izuku, you're a super cool vigilante, don't fuck this up and make this awkward. Whatever you do, don't do something stupid, it can't be that difficult, his thoughts screamed at him.

"I think you should maybe double-check your wiring before turning on your machines in the lab miss inventor." Mei blinked as the shine in the boy's eyes made her rethink her life choices and how she got here.

"How do you know it was the wiring?" Mei asked with a wary tone of voice. Izuku pulled back his wings to show Mei the remnants of her support item. Only then did she also come to realise that Izuku had been holding her in a bridal style hold, she grumbled slightly as Izuku didn't seem to even understand the implications of what he just did as he awkwardly directed her attention to some smoking circuitary. "This is only a guess but, I don't think this is normal." He pointed to a pair of wires which had been clearly severed, too clean of a cut to be an accident. Mei had spent hours and hours double-checking her circuitry making sure that the cooling system was just perfect. Had someone been messing with her circuits?

A small chatter of girls caught her attention as a couple of other classmates of hers giggled at her misfortune. She swallowed her pride as Power Loader ripped into her for turning on her machine without proper checks being performed even though nothing should have failed.

After the scolding, she was left alone in the lab as everyone else left to go get lunch while she was stuck picking up the scrap metal of her failed project. She spent so long on those boots.

"Do you need a hand?" Mei glanced over to the door where the same hero student walked in with two trays of food. One full of sushi and the other full of different kinds of sweets. "I didn't know what you wanted so I got the two most opposite food categories I could think of." Izuku smiled as he, without being asked, started cleaning up with her.

And from there, a friendship was born.

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