โ๐Ž ๐” ๐“ ๐‚ ๐Ž ๐Œ ๐„โž

By Mid-NightCrisis

261K 9.4K 5.7K

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17.6K 531 437
By Mid-NightCrisis

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★                                              ★

"And now presenting Daisuke Suzuki!" In came in a pale tall young man having his hair parted in the middle smiling lightly having no emotion or little to no life in his dark black eyes. "What an honor to meet you Mr. Suzuki." The host of the show was a middle aged man having blonde hair slicked back with blue eyes like the sea, they held so much excitement finally being able to meet one of the most successful, richest, handsomest, Youngest, CEO Daisuke Suzuki.

"Pleasures all mine, thank you for having me." The host wanted to fan boy but had to keep his cool as he did not want to humiliate himself on live television. "Please, have a seat." He gestured Daisuke to seat as he himself sat back into the white chairs. He sighed only to himself sitting down crossing his legs. Behind Daisuke were tons of bodyguards radioing each other reassuring that they had all eyes and ears everywhere to keep Daisuke safe.

Everyone who was present in the same room was astonished, his silky black hair, his clear smooth pale skin, not to mention his body. That is, every female wanted to tear off his black suit and see his body with their own eyes. The host on the other hand was sweating as if he could make a river, for this special occasion he had bought one of the most expensive, best looking chairs to impress Daisuke. Not only that, but had wore his best suit.

"So, Mr Suzuki," he started off grabbing the attention of Daisuke. "What are your plans for the future?" Daisuke always hated these questions, they always weren't specified, always the same. Not only did he hate that, but these events he has to come to. If it were truly up to him, he would be in his office actually getting things he needs done. The fake smiles, the fake compliments, the fake answers. It all disgusted him.

"Specify your question." He demanded making the room fall in utter silence. In the media's eye, they all saw Daisuke the kind, caring man. If Daisuke really wanted to - he could change that title in a matter of seconds. He sighed quietly smiling slightly. "Please. I didn't understand." The host blinked serval times thinking if this was the same person.

"I think everyone here knows how successful you will be with your company," he started again, surprisingly not stuttering.

"So, If you don't mind Mr, Suzuki. When are we gonna expect a Mrs, Suzuki?" The crowd in the room seemed to be at the edge of their seats knowing when and who will be his lover. Daisuke had to prevent any irritated movements, to be honest; no other talk show host had the courage to ask him about his personal love life, it would always be about his company which he didn't care about.

Finding a lover in this world would be too easy, it isn't like back in the day a prince has to marry a princess to become stronger and powerful. Royal blood with another royal blood.

This was the time to find love, true love.

It almost made him wanna laugh just by thinking of how ridiculous it was and how it sounded.

True love.

Almost sounds like a fairy tale book, a prince charming who has everything he would ever need.... Than a commoner girl seems to fall in his life as if they were destined to be together. Little does he know that a cruse was bestowed upon her and true loves kiss would cure her. Then in the end they all live happily ever after.

Where are all the problems after that? They love each other till death without no fights? No arguments? No conflicts?

Worse case scenario is when one of them is bound to cheat.

Love can be dangerous, yet beautiful.

"Mr, Suzuki?" He looked at the show host without any emotion, almost glaring at the man. The host flinched avoiding eye contact, only to look at his hands on his lap.

"I'm not looking for any partner yet." More like - he didn't want one to begin with. He had looked at his wrist watch checking the time to see that he would only have five minutes left. When he wanted to, why couldn't time go by faster.

"I- is that so... Are you planning to have a child in the near future?" He sighed heavily closing his eyes and only this time, he purposely did that making everyone duck their heads as if they would go down with the host if they even did the slightest reaction.

"Are you deaf?" The talk show host mouth was agape but nothing could be heard, he lowered his head twiddling with his finger's. Even the camera man palms were sweaty, he wanted to help the man by turning off the camera but he knew If he did that he would lose his job on the spot.

"I said I'm not looking for a partner. How do you expect me to answer your ignorant question?" The time for this was no where near finished, this was the only time the shows host views would skyrocket. He didn't say anything almost feeling ashamed. He almost wanted to cry as Daisuke stood up surprising the audience. "You can know the basics of my life on Google." And just like that, Daisuke walked off as his security guards circled around him walking out the building.

To save the host humiliation, the show was cut to a commerical. He began to cry silently feeling his warm tears run down his cheeks into his hands that were on his lap. The biggest opportunity to save his show was gone in an instant.

Outside, waiting for Daisuke was a crowd of paparazzi and reporters, camera lights flashing from every direction. Before coming out Daisuke had put on shaded glasses as his guards were pushing their way through to get Daisuke to his car.

"Mr, Suzuki! How is your father going to react being this way?!" They practically had to shout since Everyone was yelling out his name. "All this time, were you pretending to be a nice guy?!"

"Get back!"

His security guards pushed female and males as they were almost getting close. "In just a matter of minutes, headlines are calling you little to nothing. Mr Suzuki, how do you respond?!" He reached up to his face only fixing his glasses as they finally reached his car opening the door instantly shutting it when he got inside. He sighed taking off his glasses seeing outside mobs of people wanting to ask him questions, not that they could see inside anyway. The windows were shaded as Daisuke could finally relax.

"Is it really true what they're saying about me?" He closed his eyes awaiting his assistants answer. "Yes Mr Suzuki, the media is shocked to see that you revealed your true self." He exhaled through his nose having his hand support his head. "Little to nothing, is what you gained Mr Suzuki. Behind it is what you said and how you said it-"

"Enough. I don't even want to hear what's behind the meaning" His assistant nodded setting down his iPad. "Where to Mr Suzuki?" As of now, there wasn't really anywhere for him to go, absolutely Everyone knew his face, when his name is brought up. Everyone is eyes and ears.

"Somewhere quiet, where no one could know where I am" his driver stuttered. "Mr Suzuki-"

"Anywhere, it could be under a freeway for all I care." His driver nodded turning his steering wheel as the engine was already on. Once the car drove off People wanted to follow after him, but today Daisuke wanted to be at a place where no one would think of looking for him.

"A.... Coffee shop Mr Suzuki?" He glanced at his assistant who refused to look at him in the eye. "Is there something wrong having to go where I want?" He instantly shook his head. "Of course not! But sir, without no bodyguards Everyone would be on you like a bunch of flea's." He instructed his driver to park somewhere like the rest of the people would do. "You'll be coming with me in disguise." he didn't know what to say, the driver grabbed a black bag tapping the assistants shoulder as he took the bag examining what's inside it. "It's not much, but it will at least hide our faces." Out he took a hat like famous idols would wear, along with two black masks.

Daisuke took off his jacket putting on a black coat reaching down above his knees, ruffling his hair so it would cover his forehead. "Sir, if I may ask. Why come here? You usually go to the one closest to the hotel." He had put on his black hat and Before putting on his shaded glasses he had stopped not even bothering to look at his assistant Im the eye. "Based on what happened today, Everyone would crowd my places to relax. Not that I would even relax to begin with. I instructed my driver to take me somewhere quiet, and I happened to see a cafe just down the Street. If you're going to ask more questions, I will fire you." He almost choked on his air, Daisuke would never be the one to repeat himself, and if he did the person who asked would pay the consequences.

Despite the fact that his assistant was now working for him for five years. "My apologies Mr, Suzuki" The assistant began to take off his jacket as well putting on a black jacket putting his white hat, mask, and glasses.

As soon as they were done, Daisuke instructed the driver to stay put no matter how long it was going to take.

As they were walking, People walking passed them were eyeing them, the assistant feared that they both already had suspicion. Truth be told, they had no clue who they were under that clothing. They were just looking at the clothes as they knew the brand knowing how highly expensive it is.

Daisuke wasn't really nervous at all, he had his hands inside his coats pockets in front of the doorway as his assistant opened it for him allowing himself in and soon after his assistant. "Welcome to Deli cafe!" Welcomed by the cashier. He nodded his head looking around, the assistant himself was impressed how organized and comfortable it was here. They had an upstairs with highchairs to be able to look down where they were at. At the bottom, the huge glass window behind them illuminating the whole thing with a few hanging lights. The chairs were in different styles but had fit in with everything. Daisuke had peeked at a few people's coffee, some completely black, regulars, white chocolate mocha, latte's, Expresso's. He hummed quietly going to the front desk.

"Anything I can get you sir?" He looked up at the menu behind him with countless options. "The usual." He stuttered chuckling. "Sir... Have you been here before?" He looked over at his assistant as he stepped up. "He'll take the double shot on ice please." He nodded writing it down. "And anything for you sir?" He glanced at the menu then remember that even if Daisuke has a lot of money, he doesn't spend it on nobody. "I'll take my order separately." He nodded clicking it on the machine. "[Y/N], you have an order!" The machine printed out a small paper as he wiggled it in his hand.

"And your order sir?" Out came you with sigh tying an apron around your waist. Your uniform for both females and males were a black long sleeves with black pants with black dressing shoes. "Caramel Latte please." He nodded doing the same he did with Daisuke. "I'll take over, you excort them over to a table." You backed up having your hands on your hips giving him that look. "I'm tired, okay? Give me a break..." You scoffed smiling shaking your head tapping his back. "Fine fine." You came out of the front desk gesturing for them to follow you. "Please follow me," you walked ahead as they followed behind you.

You led them a table that extended all the way to the wall giving them the glass view. But you led them where only two people could sit gesturing for them to take a seat. You noticed how the assistant pulled out the chair for him and he sat down and shortly after he did. "I'll bring you both your order shortly." you smiled slightly then turning around walking away. You sighed heavily returning behind the front desk. "Tired?" You nodded looking at this man do his magic. "You and me both." He chuckled making you do the same. "Have you seen their clothing brand?" You shook your head as he was done with the first one. "They're really loaded, tell you what we should do. We should-" you raised you hand shaking you head. "We're not going to ask them to pay more."

You flat out said as he stayed quiet finishing up the second order turning it around setting it down with the first order. "I wasn't gonna ask that." You raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Then what were you gonna finish saying?" He stuttered as you kept on smiling grabbing the two drinks staring at him. "I was gonna ask to be friends with them?" You scoffed almost giggling. "And then freeload off of them, right?" He shooed you away with his hand making you both chuckle as you made you way back their table.

"Sorry for the short wait, here you are," you placed down the man's double shot coffee. "One double shot on ice," you paused placing the second man's drink. "And one caramel Latte." You backed up as the one with the caramel pulled down his mask taking a sip. "Thank you." You nodded taking a quick glance at the one with the double shot, you wondered why he still had his shaded glasses on and didn't even touch his drink yet. You didn't bother questioning it and turned around bumping into another coworker spilling the drinks she had in her hands onto yourself making you stumble back trying to grab the table to stop yourself from falling. You managed to stop yourself from falling by something your hand came in contact with, but you heard the coffee cup falling on the floor.

You turned to look at your right seeing the double shot coffee was spilled all over the young man's coat, inside shirt, and pants. You gasped as he hand his hands up in the air looking down at his clothes so it wouldn't come in contact with his hands and arms.

"I'm so sorry sir!" you reached into your aprons pockets taking out napkins applying pressure as you took a look at the girl who bumped into you as she scurried off. You groaned as you had to take this alone. Not to mention you had grabbed everyone's attention in the cafe. "Take your hands off me." He demanded only for his assistant to not say anything as he knew he was pissed off. "But sir, this is my fault. Please, let me-" he grabbed you wrist yanking it off him that you almost fell back. "You're damn right it's your fault." You stood up as he rose up smelling like coffee. It was pleasurable to drink, but to be smelling like it isn't something to be fond of.

"Sir, I'm only trying to help-"

"I never asked for your help."

You frowned your eyebrows as you were just about done having to have patience with these customers. You took out several napkins out from your apron forcefully putting them in his chest giving him no choice but keep them in place with his own hands. "Then you can clean it up yourself." You hissed back as the assistant got out of the way as you began walking away. "What did you say to me?" It wasn't as if he was surprised to hear it, but daring you to say it again if you had the courage. You turned around looking at his dark shades where his eyes were. "I said, you can clean it up yourself."

"Who do you think you are having to talk to me like that?" You titled your head. "You shouldn't worry about that, and I don't give a damn who you are either." He scoffed shaking his head not believing what he has to hear. "Sir-" his assistant tried to stop him from saying anything else and wanted to suggest that they should leave, as soon as he got a word out he raised his hand signaling him to shut his mouth.

"You are bold to speak like that to me commoner." You walked up to him as he kept his stance, if you laid one finger on him, you would go straight to jail. The assistant wanted to bite his hand seeing all this go down. You dug into your other pocket of your apron taking out money putting it in his coats pocket slightly surprising him. "On my behalf, I apologise. Please take this as an apology." You did not one bit say that with a kind, sincerity tone. He didn't say anything only to look at your [E/C] eyes through his shaded glasses. You didn't break your eye contact nor did you step back, it was completely utterly silent.

You heard footsteps behind you feeling a hand was placed on your shoulder pulling you back so you could give the man his space as he didn't stop looking at you. "Uh.. Sir, we can always give you other one if you'd like?" His eyes wandered down into your chest looking at your name tag. [Y/N] [L/N].

"No, I'll be taking my leave. Thank you for the coffee." He walked passed the one who worked with you as his assistant left his drink in the table with some money quickly opening the door before he had to wait.

"Ahhh [Y/N]...." He bent down taking out napkins cleaning the floor picking up broken pieces of the cup setting it on the table. "I was only trying to help, he was the asshole." He sighed heavily cleaning the table taking the broken pieces in his hand looking at you. "Be glad he didn't demand to see the manager." He walked passed you as you huffed doing a last scrub before picking the coffee the assistant had left.

You had reassured every customer that there was nothing to worry about returning to the back going back to your shift. Meanwhile, Daisuke was in the car heading home. No one dared tried to say anything to him, his aura was so heavy that the assistant began having trouble breathing. "Nobu, I want that washed and dry cleaned. I absolutely do not want to smell anything of coffee, do you understand?" Nobu was his name, being closest to the Daisuke suzuki was everyone's dream. But his job was very tiring, having to have everything perfect for him, nothing is to be failed or miscalculated. "Of course Mr Suzuki" he had already taken off his coat but had to keep on the stained black shirt, the entire car spelled like coffee.

"Do you wish me to lower your window Mr Suzuki?" The driver said as Daisuke ignored him. He took out his phone unlocking it opening the app to get his news. More and more about his interview was going around everywhere. Little To Nothing this little to nothing that.

He didn't bother looking at the comments or any meaning behind it, he had looked at his contacts seeing his father's number. He sighed knowing he's going to have a nice long chat as soon as he gets home.


▁▂▃▅▆▇ Word Count: 3340 ▇▆▅▃▂▁


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