Chocolate And Vanilla Swirl (...

By 6sempiternallove9

269K 9.6K 1.6K

Noalani is trying to become a successful lawyer and she's determined to let nothing get in the way. She meets... More

Chocolate (1)
Vanilla (2)
Chocolate (4)
Vanilla (5)
Swirl (6)
Chocolate (7)
Vanilla (8)
Swirl (9)
Chocolate (10)
Vanilla (11)
Swirl (12)
Chocolate (13)
Vanilla (14)
Swirl (15)
Chocolate (16)
Vanilla (17)
Swirl (18)
Chocolate (19)
Vanilla (20)
Swirl (21)
Chocolate (22)
Vanilla (23)
Swirl (24)
Chocolate (25)
Vanilla (26)
Swirl (27)
Chocolate (28)
Vanilla (29)
Swirl (30)
Chocolate (31)
Vanilla (32)
Swirl (Epilogue)

Swirl (3)

15.1K 526 59
By 6sempiternallove9

I receive a message from Dillon
~So I'll be at your place around 6:30

-Alright (:

Anastasia and Reginae are at my place trying to help me figure out what I should wear. I always have a hard time picking things out because I'm so indecisive.

"Oh! You should totally wear this black dress and your black pumps" Anastasia suggests rumbling through my closet.

"I'm not gonna wear that. That's way over the top. It's just a simple dinner between two new acquaintances."

"Yea okay 'acquaintence' you haven't stopped talking about him during the past two days. I know you wanna be more than that." says Reginae

She was right, I thought to myself. I would love to be more than acquaintences with Dillon, but we just met.

"How about you just wear these pink high waisted jeggings that really show off your curves and this black long sleeved top with it." says Anastasia.

"And these over the knee, high heeled boots! They really make your legs look longer." Reginae adds.

"What the hay, sure."

"We'll be in the living room when you finish!" They both wink at me

I look at the time and I've got about an hour and a half to get ready.  I decide to take a long shower. Once I finish I put on a teal bombshell bra with matching panties. Just as a precaution. I don't want to be wearing granny panties if our dinner escalates.

I slide the long sleeved crop top on and realize how big it makes my boobs look and how tiny it makes my waist look. Then I pull up my high-waisted jeans and realize how curvy I look. I feel like slut. I look like a slut. Why am I so insecure?

"Guys,  I don't think I can wear this. Look at me! I look like a slut." I tell them unsure.

"Calm down you look fine, not too much is hidden and too much us exposed,  trust us girl." Anastasia assures me.

"You look sexy, Lani."

I can trust them,  they've never actually led me wrong so I keep the outfit on.

*Dillon's POV*

It's 5:30 now, I've finished getting dressed and hopefully Silas and Zach have finished cooking. I hope Noalani enjoys the food. She told me she like any type of Asian cuisine. But yeah, I made them cook for me. I can't cook to save my life, but I can bake.

"Yep. The meals are complete. Chicken and beef hibachi and baked sushi." Silas explains. "And for desert turtle cheesecake." adds Zach.

"Thanks guys."

"Uh you're welcome, you really needed this. If you would've made the food you probably would have killed you and Noaloani."

"Yea, thats true, so y'all can go somewhere else now,  you know, besides here."

"No man, we want to meet her first! We won't scare her away!"

"Fine, since y'all did cook for us."

*Noalani's POV*

It's 6:34 now and there's a knock on the door. Since Reginae and Anastasia are so eager to meet Dillon, I let them open the door and greet him first and quickly go feed the dogs.

"Hello!" they say together

"Ha, hello." Dillon greets them with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Who might you two be?"

"I'm Anastasia and this is Reginae. We are good friends of Lani, Noalani."

"Well, nice to meet you two" he smiles that charming smile of his and reaches out to shake their hands.

"Come in! Lani is just feeding the dogs real quick."

*Dillon's POV*

I arrive to apartment 5C the apartments are pretty large apartments. I ring the doorbell and hear dogs barking.

Two beautiful girls open up the door to greet me and introduce themselves. Anastasia and Reginae. They invite me inside and I have a seat. Her apartment is huge. Looking around her apartment I notice she likes very modern but girly things. She has two heel shaped chairs and a very classy chandelier on the ceiling.

I run my hands through my hair while having a small chat with Anastasia and Reginae. They say so many good things about her and then some bad. It makes me laugh. They're sweet.

After Noalani or Lani has finished feeding the dogs, she walks into the living room. Oh my goodness. My mouth barly opens. She's gorgeous. I love the way her boots make her legs look longer and how small her waist looks in those high waisted jeans and how that crop top shows off her bust. It just sends shivers through my body.

I smile at her and say bye to Anastasia and Reginae. We have a long chat about random things during the 15 minute drive to my place.

Reginae and Anastasia smile big at each other after they walk out together. 

"Oh my, he's so sexy. She was right, man I hope it works out between them because the would make some nice children together." Reginae tells Anastasia in awe.

"I know right! He does seem mysterious like he's hiding something or something but also seems to have a bright personality! I like that guy for her."

We pull up to his house, no, mansion and I gasp on the inside. His home is almost as big as my parents home. He opens the front door and leads me to the living room and I'm greeted by these to guys, Zach and Silas. Zach is either light skinned or mixed,  I can't really tell but he probably gets all the girls. Silas has dark blonde hair,  gorgeous hazel eyes, and a super nice jaw structure. They're both cute.

They greet me at the same time saying hey with a half smirk eyeing me up and down. I smile back. We didn't have much time to chat with each other though because I could tell Dillon was getting annoyed with their looks at me so he sent them away, nicely.

"Damn." Silas and Zach say to each other. 

"She is hella fine man." Zach says

"She probably gets all the guys, she really does have a nice body." Silas adds

He really did score this time.

*Noalani's POV*

"Let's get to eating. I'm starving." Dillon says leading me the the dinner table.

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