Tom Holland/Peter Parker Sick...

By WeltonGirlie

172K 1.6K 1.1K

Sickfics about our favourite British boy and crime fighting Spider x More

~ Makes Me Feel Seasick ~
~ Brooklyn's Here ~
~ Double Trouble ~
~ What Friends Are For ~
~ Spiderman Bed-Sheets ~
~ Ironman Pyjamas ~
~ Back In My Day ~
~ Stop Learning ~
~ Kiss My Abs ~
~ Dads, We Get The Job Done ~
~ Virus, Or A Curse? ~
~ Be A Brave Panther ~
~ Baby Spider ~
~ All In This Together ~
~ Heroes Don't Take Sick Days ~
~ Ain't Like Cherry Pie ~
~ Death By Quackson ~
~ Bwark ~
~ Get Help! Peter's Sick On Christmas!~
~ Banner, We've Got A Problem ~
~ It's Unprofessional! ~
~ Or We Could Study? ~
~ Mourning Makes Me Sick ~
~ Get The Maraca ~
~ No More Dieting ~
~ Bueller? ~
~ I Understood That Reference ~
~ Ski Trip ~
~ Not Hungover, Just Sick ~
~ Afternoon Delight ~
~ But I Love Gluten!~
~ The Cyclone ~
~ I'll Be There For You ~
~ West Side Sickness ~
~ A Place To Escape ~
~ Silly Old Bear ~
~ Grilled Cheese and Chill~
~ Who Invented Shogun? ~
~ Mother Knows Best ~
~ Dope Life ~
~ Just An Accident ~
~ I'm Gonna Burst! ~
I've Been Tagged, Mate
~ Take It Easy ~
~ Wave After Wave ~
~ Nice To Mint You? ~
~ Man's Best Friend ~
~ Online School đź–• ~
~ Crashing That Morphine ~
~ Two Sick Arachnids ~
~ Captain Ameri-Cuddles ~
~ I Am Damaged ~
I've Got Covid...let's chat
I'm Sorry!

~ Kill Me, Kidney! ~

2.4K 36 11
By WeltonGirlie

Got this out in time for Tom's 25th Birthday! Happy Birthday to our Little Quackson 🎂❤🥐

Summary: Tom gets a kidney infection.

Tom's Pov:
"Tom, I'm home. Do you fancy a brew?" I heard Y/N call out from the door to our apartment, I was curled up into the crook of the sofa with a blanket. I like to unwind after a day of filming but today in particular I was feeling a bit worse for wear. My head poked out from my little nest that I had created for myself to meet her eyes.

"No thanks, my Darling." I replied, Y/N looked almost shocked, I was even making myself a bit flabbergasted. It's not like me to turn down tea but today I just didn't care for it.

"Oh Love! Are you ill?" She joked as she put the kettle on for herself, I giggled weakly before falling silent again.

"Honestly though Tom, are you feeling alright?" Y/N asked sympathetically as she sat down next to me with her mug, leaning into my side as I rested my head against her shoulder. I shrugged.

"Eh...I'm not feeling like myself. I think I'm coming down with something." I told her as I cuddled in closer to conserve her body warmth, it was very comforting.

"You do look pale, and you're feeling a little feverish." She said as she caressed my cheek, that pretty much confirmed my impending illness.

"Nothing that a good nights sleep won't fix, I bet!" I said trying to sound optimistic, I didn't want to be sick, I didn't have the time to be sick right now. We had reshoots and press interviews for my new movie, deadlines had to be met.

"I'll make sure to pamper you tonight." She said before planting a kiss on my temple, giving me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

After a light dinner and some chill out time in front of the television, I found myself tucked up in bed with extra blankets and wearing my fluffiest pyjamas to keep warm, Y/N was just in pyjama shirts and one of my T-shirts which to me felt ludicrous.

"Y/N, you'll freeze." I told her as I wrapped myself around her.

"Tom, you'll boil." She replied, I doubted that.

"What can I say, I'm a walking kettle. Hot 'N Steamy." I said cheekily.

"God, now you're delirious." Y/N laughed, I wanted to laugh with her but I felt too weak...and a little nauseous.

"Hope you're feeling better in the morning, Tommy." She whispered as she ran a hand through my hair.

"Sleep well, my Darling." I whispered before kissing her on the cheek, I laid down onto my side and soon fell asleep.

Y/N's Pov:
I knew Tom was getting sick, so it didn't really surprise me when I woke up during the early hours of the morning to find him in the bathroom shaking by the toilet, the poor thing taking rapid breaths and gripping the toilet seat so hard that his knuckles had turned white.

"Aww Tom, you're shaking!" I said worriedly as I knelt down beside him, I hugged him from behind as he trembled against me, his body felt all warm and clammy.

"Calm down for me, Baby. Take some deep breaths." I whispered softly as I rubbed circles on his back, I could feel his heart knocking at his ribs. Tom soon got into a more steady rhythm than before.

"Mhm don't f-feel good." He whimpered as he laid his head down in his hand, the other pressed against his side.

"Is that where it hurts?" I asked as I gently placed my hand on top of his.

"S-Sort of, it's in my back and my stomach!" Tom groaned as he tensed up, then he started retching again which led me to his aid in the first place. I stayed calm for him as he soon vomited which really shook him up, I knew he didn't like it.

"Oh Love, I'm so sorry." I said sympathetically as he leaned back against me and the bathroom tiles. Tom was out of breath and crumpled like a paper cup from the pain.

I managed to walk Tom onto the sofa before covering him up with our king-sized duvet from out bed, he burrowed down and tried to get comfortable whilst I got in contact with his management about what to do next. He was due in for reshoots today and obviously wasn't well enough, but sometimes production can't wait so they needed to access the severity of the circumstances.

3rd Person:

Tom felt all dozed as he laid under his mahoosive duvet, pain gripping his insides from all angles which made him curl up into a little ball as he tried to suppress his nausea and stop shaking. It was exhausting! He could make out the faint sounds of Y/N in the next room on the phone with someone but he couldn't figure it out. He felt too gosh darn sick!

Y/N came into the living room where Tom had his arms reached out for some cuddles, his immune system had become a delicate snowflake, he felt very fragile.

"Come here, you." She said as she sat down beside him, pulling him close to her chest for him to lie down.

"I don't wanna go to work today!" Tom moaned.

"I've talked to your management and they've cleared you for the day, for any further absences you'll need approval by your doctor. Luckily I was able to book you an appointment for later today." Y/N explained, Tom felt all weepy. He didn't like doctors or knowing that he was holding up production, this wasn't the way he wanted to feel. Still he felt the need to suck it up and deal with it, there wasn't much he could do about it now.

Tom whimpered like a little puppy and clutched his abdomen, it hurt so badly. He flopped over with his shoulders hunched, feeling the pain spread round to his back, honestly feeling like he was about to snap.

"Aww Tommy." Y/N said sympathetically and concerned as she leaned over and rubbed his lower back to try and relieve his pain. He shivered to her touch.

"Do you want me to rub the front or the back?" She asked him.

"Anyway you could do both?" Tom asked through gritted teeth, not to sound mean but just because his body felt all tensed up. He soon uncoiled himself and leaned back against the cushions, Y/N gently ran her hand over Tom's stomach and tracing circles on his arm to calm him down.

"Hopefully the doctor will be able to prescribe you some medicine to fix whatever is going on with you, I'm no doctor but it sounds like you're on your period or you've got a kidney stone!" Y/N thought, she knew that back/side pain were associated with kidney problems.

"Fuck me, I hope it's not!" Tom whined, he didn't like the idea of passing a kidney stone.

"I'd rather have a period." He continued.

"Yeah yeah, just admit you like tummy-rubs." Y/N said, Tom started blushing and hid his face in the cushion.

"Shut uuuup, I'm the poorly one." He said pouting up at her with puppy dog eyes.

"I'm going to make you a drink, no breakfast yeah? That might not end well." Y/N suggested.

"Nah uh, no food please." Tom said as he curled his knees up to his chest.

As Y/N boiled the kettle to make some ginger tea for the nausea, Tom felt the sudden urge to relieve himself.

"I'm going for a wee." He announced whilst getting up from the couch, steadying himself against the wall as he became a little dizzy.

"Thanks for sharing, Love." Y/N said as she watched him stumble to the bathroom.

As Tom made it to the toilet, he started urinating but noticed something very off with him, it was a stinging sensation, like a burning. It hurt!

"Ow! Shit bollocks." Tom groaned as he tried to sort himself out.

"Are you alright in there?" Y/N called out from the other side of the door.

"Not really." He whimpered as he washed his hands, as he opened the door and saw her there he tossed his head back leaned in for a hug.

"I'm never weeing again!" Tom stated as she wrapped her arms around him.

"That would be very uncomfortable, Tom. What's wrong?" Y/N asked as she walked Tom back to the sofa, she covered him back up with the duvet.

"It hurts to wee, I don't wike it." He whimpered.

"Aww Babe, all the more reason to take you to see the GP." She said before pressing a kiss to his temple.

Tom could feel that this was going to be a long and unpleasant sickness indeed!

Tom's Pov:
I sat quietly in the waiting room as Y/N checked me in at the local doctors surgery, I shivered in my hoodie and joggers and just wanted to be tucked up in my bed, I held my poor little stomach and bounced my feet up and down with nerves. Y/N sat down in the chair next to me, our shoulders touching as I snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"What's up, Curly?" She whispered softly as she ran a hand through my hair.

"I don't want to be here." I told her in a slightly whiny voice which I felt I had the right to.

"I know, Baby. But I want you to be healthy." She replied, she had a point but I still jut wanted to be back at the apartment.

Once we got called in to see the GP, I told him about the pain around my back and abdomen, then the painful urinating experience. He proceeds to check my temperature with the fanciest thermometer I had ever seen in my existence but it was accurate as hell.

"And have you been feeling chilly recently?" The doctor asked me, I nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I've been very shaky." I told him.

"Tom, it sounds like you've got a kidney infection which has developed from a build up of bacteria in your bladder, so for future reference you shouldn't hold in your pee for long periods of time. I'd like for you to provide me a urine sample and in the meantime I'll prescribe you a course of antibiotics. You're probably not going to be feeling well for a couple of weeks so make sure you rest and take paracetamol when necessary, drink a lot of water to try and flush out the bacteria and for the life of me stay away from ibuprofen until further notice!" The doctor said as he wrote me up the prescription.

It felt good to get some answers but I wasn't so fond of the urine sample, especially after my vow to never wee again, pure agony!

"Thank you, Doctor. You've just booked me two weeks off work." I joked as I grabbed my receipt to take to the pharmacy, dropping off a bottle of my piss in return. A fair trade at its finest.

"Happy to help, and make sure to come back if you have any problems." He said before we said our goodbyes.

After we picked up my pills we arrived back home, I reclaimed my place on the couch and took my first dose of antibiotics with some paracetamol to calm my symptoms. I had a giant water bottle sat in my lap and a heating pad which I rotated from my belly then my back.

"Is this what a period feels like?" I asked Y/N as she sat down on the sofa with a bowl of pasta, god I was jealous.

"Well it ain't a kidney stone." She said, I suppose we couldn't compare. I laid my head down in her lap and pulled the duvet up to my mouth.

"Do you wanna watch The Crown?" Y/N asked me as she grabbed the remote control for the telly.

"You know I do, I want to finish season two before I die!" I whined again, this infection had turned me into a whiny bitch.

There came a downside to downing many bottles of water throughout the day, I need to wee all the time, every hour came with a jet of wee that stung. Considering that getting up in the middle of the night for a wee is the most irritating thing in the entire world I wasn't happy. At least it was clearing up from being yellow.

I never thought that an infection in the organ that deals with your piss could make me feel so awful, fucking piss-taker. The next time I'm in my Spider-Man suit I'm not drinking a single drop, I don't care if I die, I ain't going to hold in my wee again.

The End!

I wanted to try something a little different but I didn't realise it would escalate to literal piss talk.

By the time most of you read this it will be Tom's 25th birthday 🎂, I couldn't be more proud of what he's achieved in his lifetime. A BAFTA under his belt, a role in one of the most successful film series, murmurings of an Oscar in the future. I love my little Dancing Boy x

P.S. if you were wondering where my username @Oi_DancingBoy came from, it was inspired by Billy Eliot the musical from the last scene with Billy and Michael. Just before Billy leaves County Durham to go to the Royal Ballet School Michael calls out "Oi, Dancing Boy!" just before Billy gives him a kiss goodbye. I thought it was fitting since Tom played both Billy and Michael during his West End productions.

Hope you guys are all well x

I love you 3000 ❤️

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