Lola Tyler - Doctor Who Fanfi...

By prudencejohanna

13.3K 292 47

Have you ever imagined that Rose Tyler had a sister who was 17 and Jackie was pregnate with her when Rose's f... More

Rose - Part 1
Rose - Part 2
Rose - Part 3
Rose - Part 4
The End of the World - Part 1
The End of the World - Part 2
The End of the World - Part 3
The End of the World - Part 4

The Unquiet Dead - Part 1

990 46 28
By prudencejohanna

Hi everyone, Sorry about not updating soon I've been sort of on a rampage with new story ideas and I have a lot of drafts for them and I don't think I would continue with them. So I deleted them, also The Unquiet Dead is not the best doctor who episode I have seen so it didn't hold much fascination, anyway continue on...................... 

Oh and the episodes from now on will be 2 parts not 4

Dear Diary

Today was wonderful, we went to Carcliff in the 1700's for Christmas, stopped some gas ghosts and most importantly met Charles Dickens while stopping gas ghosts that he will write about in the future

Anyway got to go, the doctors taking us back to see mum, aparntly he will drop us of so that it looks like we've only been gone a night or two,

Anyway see you later


Lola's POV

"Hold that one down" The doctor called across the room towards me. As he was fiddling with the controls onone side of the TARDIS, The TARDIS was shacking and rattling like we were in the middle of an earthquake.

"I'm holding this one down" I called to him annoyed trying to keep my breakfast in my stomach

"Well, hold them both down" he shouted back.

"What about me" Rose called out on the other side of the TARDIS console, she was pushing a lever back and forth.

"Your doing a great job, better effort then your sister mind you" he said smirking at me. Rose looked at me laughing, I playfully poked my tongue out at her,

"This is not going to work, whoever taught you to fly this ship certainly didn't know what he was doing" I retorted smiling at what the instructures face would have looked like.

"Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future, let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?" He asked proud with himself

"What happened in 1860?" Rose asked

"Rose didn't you listen in history class lots of famous people were born in that century, Doctor are we going to see Mark Twain alien invasion 

"An alien invasion, I don't know about Mark Twain, but, let's find out. Hold on, here we go" he shouted as the TARDIS went along a rocky road. 

The TARDIS landed finally by then we were all on the floor laughing like maniacks.

"Blimey" Rose exclaimed 

"You're telling me. Are you all right over there Lola" The doctor asked looking at me while I was laughing. We all got onto our feet and walked over to the monitor

"Yeah, just a few brozes nothing broken"

"What about you Rose?" The doctor asked my sister with no concern.  

"Yeah. I think so. Nothing broken either. Did we make it? Where are we?" She asked all the questions that a normal earthling would want to know  

"I did it. Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th, 1860" He announced proudly.

"I'll thank the TARDIS shes lucky she's still alive" I complained

"Oi, watch it"

"That's so weird. It's Christmas" Rose said changing the subject.  

"All yours." the doctor said gestering his hands towards the door  

"But, it's like, think about it, though. Christmas. 1860. Happens once, just once and it's gone, it's finished, it'll never happen again. Except for you. You can go back and see days that are dead and gone a hundred thousand sunsets ago. No wonder you never stay still." Rose finished off dazed then snapped out and grabbed my hand 

"Not a bad life"

"Better with two. Come on, then Lola you can do the honers" Rose said grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the door

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" The doctor asked us  

"25 of December 1860, Earth were it is snowing" I replied smartly

"Go out there dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella and B junior." The doctor claimed

"Who are you calling junior?" I asked staring at him

"You, There's a wardrobe through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up!" The doctor said going below the TARDIS to fix the engines

"Come on Lola" Rose said pulling me along.

"Race you there" I said running through the TARDIS and stopped at the stairs were Rose caught up.

"What did he say to do when we get to the stairs?" I asked Rose

"Under the stairs past the bins fifth door I think" She said out of breath and then ran under the stair, with me following shortly behind.

We arrived at our destination and walked into a large room with stacks and stacks of clothes on hangers with labels above.

"B.C Egypt, B.C Rome, B.C... Oh my god is that real gold" Rose gaped, I walked over towards the 1700's Isle

"Rose over here, 1860's" I called out looking at the marvelous designs and styles. There were so many of them, after trying a few on I settled for the dark baby blue dress with pearl sort of patterns, with boots underneath and a dark blue cloak.

"How about this one" Rose called out reveling a black sort of shirt and a dark pink skirt.

"Lovely, how about mine" I asked while Rose stared at it


"Race you back" I asked

"No way not in that dress" Rose said and grabbed my hand, walking what seemed to be slowly out of the room

"How do we look" I asked turning 360 degrees

"Blimey!" he said looking impressed 

"Don't laugh," Rose told him laughing  

"You look beautiful, nice dress Lola, well considering." He said all of the fasination gone

"Considering what?" I asked him 

"That you're human." He said with no emotion in his voice.

"Hey at least I don't look like dumbo" I told him looking at his massive ears.

"I do not" He said touching his ears

"I think she just gave you the compliment you'll get all day. Aren't you going to change?" Rose asked looking at his clothes style  

"I've changed my jumper. Come on." he said getting up but Rose held him in his spot

"You stay there. You've done this before. This is Lola's" Rose told him and gave me a smile, I grinned back and walked towards the door and opened it, feeling the snow rush up into my face. I stepped out looking around at the snow and I twerled around in the flacks.

Both Rose and the doctor stepped out, the doctor looked at me oddly then snapped out of it. 

"Ready for this? Here we go. History." He said linking Rose's arm, I scowled at him

"And you too short stuff" He said holding out his other arm, which I declined and stood by Rose walking though the town and smiling at the carriages that had the young men starring.

"I think you should have gone with something a little more lower class" Rose whispered

"Sorry Rose but this here is a one of opportunity and I do not intend on wasting it" I told her putting my chin up proudly. Rose laughed and we kept on walking

We walked down a street listening to a choir sing God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, The doctor brought a newspaper from an elderly man.  

"I got the flight a bit wrong." The doctor said looking at the paper worried

"I don't care." Rose said still smiling  

"It's not 1860, it's 1869." The doctor told her  

"I don't care." Rose repeated  

"And it's not Naples" The doctor said still worried

"She dosn't care" I told him looking at the paper where it said Dickens was performing at a theater.

"It's Cardiff." he said sadly and Rose stopped walking

"Lets go to the theater" I suggested pulling them along towards the theater where we heard screams echoing across the street as the people ran out

"That's more like it!" the doctor said excitedly rushing into the theater

"Fantastic" the doctor grinned, I looked and saw a translutesnt blue gas emerge from an elderly lady and it went flying around the room, the lady colapsed into a chair.

"Did you see where it came from?" The doctor asked the man on the stage who must be Charles Dickens  

"Ah, the wag reveals himself, does he? I trust you're satisfied, sir" Dicken's said to the doctor not happy with what was happening 

"Oi! Leave her alone! Doctor, I'll get them.  

"Be careful! Did it say anything? Can it speak? I'm the Doctor, by the way" The doctor announced to the older guy. I ran out to help Rose, I saw the young lady in the theater close the door at the back and run to the drivers side, I ran to the back of the carriage and jumped on.

"LOLA" the doctor shouted out. The carrage raced on and I healed tightly to it. The doctor and Charles Dickens jumped into a carrage and rode after us.

When the carriage stopped a man and the young girl I saw came around the back.

"Who the hell are you" The old man asked.

"Um, Anne Hathaway, carriage inspector I'm here to..." I tried to finish the sentence when he pulled me into the building

"Keep your mouth shut, or your sister here dies" he told me seeing the resemblance between us.

I dragged me into a room were the prepared the corpses and then went out to help the lady get Rose inside they both left.

Rose started to stir

"Rose wake up, wake up" I clicked my fingers

"Lola what is it" she asked looking up at me

"Lets just say that I am never going back to 1869 for a very long time" I said looking around the room. Rose looked over my shoulder, I turned around seeing a young man that was deathly pale get up and walk towards us

"Are you all right? You're kidding me, yeah? You're just kidding. You are kidding me, aren't you?" Rose asked.

"Rose" I called as the old lady started moving towards us like zombies, Rose and I backed into the door   

"Okay, not kidding" Rose turned and ran fast towards the door and I followed her.  

"Let us out" Rose shouted

"Let us out" I repeated her louder

"Open the door, please, please, let us out" She shouted as the young fellow gripped my waist and put a hand over my mouth.

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