you're always there to wake m...

By beansie__

1.8K 128 360

┉ Karl has dreams that trap him. Sapnap is worried and will do anything to help. George is coming to Florida... More

Chapter 1: 4am
Chapter 2: sleeptalks
Chapter 3: dreamland
Chapter 4: I'll keep you safe
Chapter 5: 4 days
Chapter 6: that's it, I'm coming over
Chapter 7: you really had to do it to 'em
Chapter 8: too sappy for sappy nappy
Chapter 10: when you fall asleep, where do you go?
Chapter 11: right mind
Chapter 12: midnight reading
Chapter 13: you can't make me
Chapter 14: and if you had to stay forever, would that be okay?
Chapter 15: so, are you two dating?
Chapter 16: okay..
Chapter 17: welcome to Florida
Chapter 18: wait, really?
Chapter 19: what the fuck?
Chapter 20: uhhhh Karl?
Chapter 21: dnf real?
Chapter 22: well then..
not a chapter!!

Chapter 9: airplanes and dreamless sleeps

107 6 11
By beansie__

A/N: I'm not too mad at this chapter surprisingly, definitely not my favourite though. Anyways- content is content and this is content. Although, the fluff was fun to write- But yeah, update pog! The next one will probably be on the weekend?

-beans :)


The plane wasn't really packed and Sapnap sat down, expecting someone to come to sit in the seat next to him but no one did. He wondered when his car would get there. He liked driving and wanted to drive over but Dream had insisted he would get it shipped over. And anyway, it was being serviced and wouldn't be finished until the day after tomorrow. And especially in Sapnap's eyes, nothing was more important than Karl.

It wasn't until he settled down that Sap realized how tired he really was. It took no time at all for him to doze off.

Sapnap only woke when the seatbelt warning light came back on, the captain having made an announcement. The plane was landing. In North Carolina. Karl's state. He was beyond nervous, but he was too focused on what he would do to worry too much.

The plane had slowed down and was starting to pull into the terminal. As it came to a stop, people stood up, grabbing bags from the lockers and moving towards the front. Eventually, people started to move out of the plane. Sapnap had grabbed his bag and slipped into the line. Once he was out, he quickly made his way down to the baggage claim. It wasn't too hard to find, and he spotted his bags almost right away. Sap quickly grabbed them all and headed towards the doors. He called an uber and waited. The drive to Karls would be half an hour.

The uber pulled up and Sapnap's stuff was piled in. He quickly gave the address and leaned back, sighing. The worry was finally starting to get to him. He rubbed his hands over his face, trying desperately to think about anything else. He tried steadying his breathing, trying to lower his heartbeat. He tried half meditating, listening only to the soft whirr of the car. The driver had been nice and quiet, sensing that Sap wouldn't want to talk.

Just as he'd run out of techniques for keeping himself together, the car slowed.

"Here you go man."

"Oh, thanks-" Sapnap mumbled in gratitude.

The driver gave him a smile before hopping out to help with the bags. Then Sapnap was standing in front of the house, bags around him like in a movie. Knowing that Karl would be asleep still and Chris would have left, Sap brought his bags up onto the porch and then looked for the loose board. It didn't take too long to find, but you wouldn't notice if you didn't know it was there. He quickly lifted the edge and sure enough, there was a spare key. He slotted it into the lock and held his breath as he turned it. The door swung open when pushed, and he pushed his bags inside before returning the key to it's hiding place.

Then he finally stepped inside and looked around. Karl was on the couch. Sapnap shut the door and walked over. Chris hadn't attempted to wake Karl because he really needed sleep, and Sapnap didn't want to either. So instead, he sat down, Karl's head next to his leg. He watched the boy sleep for a bit before starting to play with Karl's hair.


Karl hadn't been dreaming. Maybe it was the sheer amount of energy drinks, maybe his mind was too tired. Either way, it meant that he woke up perfectly fine, if not a bit confused. When he started to wake, he could feel his hair being gently brushed away from his face. Had Chris stayed? He slowly opened his eyes. That wasn't Chris. The eyes watching him held a warmth he'd never seen before. Slowly, the hand brushing his hair away was moved.


"Hi." His voice was still sleepy. And so was he.

"You didn't dream?"

"I feel like I'm dreaming right now, does that count?"

"Nah, this is real."

"Well hi-"

"Hi Karl."

Karl slowly started to sit up, pulling the blanket that was over him around his shoulders. He was still unbelievably tired. This resulted in him trying to keep his eyes open for a few minutes before ultimately failing and dozing off, resting his head on Sapnap's shoulder.


Karl looked slightly uncomfortable, he was leaning to the side in a weird position. So Sap gently pulled him into a half-hug, then lowered his head onto a pillow Sapnap had sitting on his lap. Karl shifted a little, he looked a lot more comfortable now.

They sit like this for a while before Sapnap starts to get sleepy too. He shuffles a bit to lean into the corner of the couch, careful to not disturb the sleeping Karl. Soon enough, they're both asleep.

Sap wakes up to something warm pressed into his chest. He lifts his head from the corner of the couch to look down. Karl is snuggled up against him, head resting on one of Sapnap's arms, and body curled up, facing Sap. He's cute like this. Sapnap wants to push the thought away but doesn't. He can't. And it's not like Karl will know. He starts lightly brushing his hands through Karl's hair, maybe it will wake him, it's probably a good idea for him to wake up soon anyway. He still has to eat, he can't catch up on all the sleep he's missed all at once.

Karl does move a little, seemingly enjoying the situation. Sapnap gently pulls his hand away and moves to grab Karl's. He gently squeezes it, Karl really does need to wake up soon.

Sap is met with a small complaint and Karl shifting, not wanting to open his eyes.

Sapnap lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Karl is alright, he's waking up fine, he's fine. Sap squeezes again.

"Hey, you need to wake up."

"I don't wanna."

"Too bad, it's either get up or stay here while I go make some food."

"Nooo, you're warm- don't leave."

Sapnap blushes, Karl is clearly still half asleep. "Are you not hungry?"

"I am."

"Then come on, let's go."


"Fine, I'll carry you over to the kitchen then."

Karl's eyes snap open.

"You want me to carry you?"


"You do, don't you."


"Don't lie."

There's a sigh.

"Alright then." Sapnap slips off the couch carefully and stretches. He then turns and slips one arm around Karl's shoulders and one under his legs. Karl isn't that hard to carry, he's just tall.

Karl lets out a small giggle when Sapnap realizes he doesn't know where he's going. "The kitchen is just around the corner."

"You'll have to give me a tour."

Once they get to the kitchen, Sapnap lowers Karl onto one of the chairs. Then he turns to the cupboards. It doesn't take long to find some eggs and bacon, he grabs a frypan and starts cooking.

"Mmm smells good."

"Well, that's good, because I'm not usually the best at cooking."

"Seems like you know what you're doing."

"Haha, thanks." Sap passes a plate over to Karl and hands him a fork. Karl digs in immediately. "Woah careful, don't make yourself sick!"

"I'm fine." Karl mumbles through a mouthful.

"Mhm- and I'm the queen of England."

"Oh wow, better let Tommy know."

Sapnap slides into the seat next to Karl. "Sure, but only if you slow down, I seriously don't want you to make yourself sick."

"Alright." Karl begrudgingly stops inhaling the food and starts eating normally.


"Was I worrying you?"

"A little, but I'm used to it."

And Karl had no idea just how many times Sapnap had worried.

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