Evenin' Sheriff

By Jesters_Amulet

1.7K 107 51

"You know what, you remind me of an old friend of mine." Tord smiled almost subconsciously and replied, "oh r... More

Chp.1: Buildings in the Night.
Chp.2: It's Happy Hour Alright!
Chp.3: No Thanks, I'd Rather Die.
Chp.4: Talking With An Alibi.
Chp.6: Walks On The Banks.
Chp.7: Folly Hell
Chp.8: Daisy Bell
Chp.9: Yep, Costed One Whole Eye
Chp.10: Catching Up With The Night Sky
Chp.11: Caught DEAD!
Chp.12: Hanging By A Thread.
Chp.13: Do You Love Me Then...?
Chp.14: Secrets Best Kept Hidden.

Chp.5: I Give My Thanks.

101 8 0
By Jesters_Amulet

TODAY WAS the only day of the week when the outlaws of the Workhouse had some time off. And of course the two scandals were ready to make the most out of it; as they always had. Blue and Red had a habit of visiting an old secluded oasis during this small holiday.
It was quite the distance away, but they were lucky to have horses. It took about an hour to get there with their steeds, meaning if anyone dared to walk towards it in full health, the desert would have them before they'd even make it to the halfway mark. That's what made it so perfect; they were the only ones who knew about it. It was like their own private estate, made only for them.

Their journey came to an end once they saw the jutted out rock dancing against the wavy refraction against the hot desert. The ground had become noticeably higher, which was another clue as to their location. That, and their horses were noticeably more eager for a taste of water.

Climbing the small dune made hidden greenery slowly reveal itself. The hill being really just a concealed cliff, treasured waters pouring from the crevasses of rock. Below, was a large pond formed generously by the waterfall. The entire oasis was worked into a crater that had cut it off from the desert and made it all the more discrete. How it came to be that way was beyond the lads' minds, they were just glad to have it.

The two took another prolonged moment to gaze down at their vacation home before looking to each other with grins on their faces. They proceeded to walk their horses into the oasis, steering away from the waterfall for now and towards the sides of the crater. There, the ledges weren't as steep, nor slippery.

Tying their horses loosely by a kept patch of grass, Red and Blue made their way towards the water while playfully nudging one another. Both went at their own pace; Red, immediately throwing off his shirt, boots, and pants before jumping right in to contrast Blue, who simply took of his boots and dipped his feet into the water.

Blue looked up at the waterfall, the lively waters spilling furiously down into the body of water below. He could feel the speckle of the falls sprinkle onto his skin gently, even from where he was sat on the edge of the water.
Red eyed the other mischievously. His head out of the water just enough so that his eyes were above the surface. He held his breath and dived down again, disappearing under the water for a few moments before reappearing at Blue's side. He clung to the side of the large pond, resting his chin in his palms, head turned to Blue with a grin on his face.

"Just gonna sit there all day or are you gonna come in here and have fun for a change?" Blue shifted his gaze from the waterfall onto Red, who wore his smug demeanor well despite not wearing much of anything else that paired so perfectly with it. Red searched for the other's eyes, but still, the shade from Blue's hat and kerchief guarded them like any mighty wall does. He wondered...
"Nah, sitting here is pissing you off plenty so I'm already having fun." Blue replied. He swayed his feet back and forth through the water childishly, splashing Red with each jerk of his ankle.

Red's expression hardened, his features curling at the challenge Blue had so teasingly tempted him with. So, Red dived back under the water and repositioned himself under Blue's feet. Then, without warning, Red resurfaced, quickly latching onto Blue and taking the other back down with him.

Water claimed his clothes faster than it took for Blue to resurface; his hair draped over his eyes, gravity finally being able to take hold of his naturally spiked up fibers as he blindly hunted for Red in the waters. "You asshole! These are my only other pair of clothes!" Blue whined through his hair, the annoyance in his words alone. Red covered a hand over his mouth, holding back giggles. He jumped back as Blue leaped towards his direction. "Tord! Get back here!" Blue called out, still struggling through the water to get to Red.

Red couldn't contain his emphatic laughter for any longer, "Sorry Tommy boy, but you're gonna have to try harder than that!" He swam in another direction, steering Blue further and further away from the shore in a game of Marco-Polo.
Blue had retrieved his hat in that time, using it for an extended hand after it failed to dry his eyes.

Red and Blue danced in the water, weaving back and forth through the weighed substance playfully until their own sweat was lost in the overpowering liquid surrounding them. They'd both conveniently surrendered on opposite sides of the miniature lake; meaning the game was still on, just not right now.
Blue panted quietly with his back against the shore. He'd lifted himself mostly out of the water, leaving his feet dipped in once again. By now, the sun had fluttered past noon and was beaming directly, almost intentionally down into the crater. Blue basked in it.

He sat his hat over his eyes, allowing it to dry out easier along with the rest of his clothes. Blue decided that then and there - he needed to get back at Red.


Red gathered his things in the time Blue had to plot. He apologized; in the most insincere and childlike way while sticking his tongue out at Blue. The lad shrugged off his behavior since he'd just had the perfect idea to exact his revenge.

"You should've seen your face! You were all," Red used one hand to flatten his two devilish cowlicks over his eyes while the other pulled down his smile into a mocking frown. He then grumbled some of Blue's previous curses and "I swear"s.
Blue turned away from him with crossed arms. Normally, he'd laugh along with him; Red had done something like this before and Blue's thin clothes dried fast in the desert sun. But Blue felt extra annoyed today and wanted to show it, not to mention he needed it for his plan.

Red peeled his hands from his face and hair - which automatically sprung back up into points, upon seeing Blue's reaction. "Aw com'on. You aren't really mad, are ya?" Red whined apologetically. Blue heard the other approach him with a sudden spunk added to his step about half way. Red tapped him lightly on the shoulder as he skipped passed him. "Let's just go to the falls, huh? Would that cheer you up, Thomas?" Red asked, tilting his head down to the side at Blue.

Blue's expression shifted - not that Red could see, so that he could smile. "Absolutely." It wasn't a lie. But the excess emphasis he put the word made it sound like one. Even so, Red hadn't bat an eye. Only shared Blue's grin as he turned to the waterfall which now at this ripe time of day, blossomed more water than per usual.
That was the best part about it. Not the secrecy of it, or the blooms of soft grass - though they're much appreciated. Nah, it was the white noise of the falls that really made the vacation worth while.

Red and Blue walked up the path that lead to the very small cave hidden behind the falls. They couldn't recount how many hours they'd spend sitting there talking as much as the clashing of water would allow. Sometimes playing games, and other times skipping stones without the bother of another's voice. What mattered really was that they were always there together, the cave was big enough to house two of them so there wasn't a need for only one man.

Red skipped ahead, stopping just before the watery entrance to the falls. Blue took a moment to catch up, already grinning at the sight of Red waiting for an audience to his antics. "What are you doing?" That's what always came to mind whenever Red was revved up for a show. But Blue knew better than to actually ask. He was patient enough to wait for the same answer he always got because he knew that shortly thereafter, the pizzazz would be added. To keep things interesting, you know?
Red could always do that. It was only his nature to be unpredictably predictable with his ways.

Red bowed his head for Blue, his hat clutched in one hand while the other emphasized his bow. Blue waited for Red to stand to tall again, where he'd give off his beaming smile then fall backwards into the cave to disappear behind the waterfall.
Blue stepped forward to follow after him. He quickly came to a halt however when a familiar arm extended out to him from the wall of running water. Red's hand was just a shift away from grazing the fabric of Blue's shirt.

Blue looked at the other's palm, spread open to him like a platform. It yearned for something to grasp and hold tightly. Blue couldn't leave him hanging, so he took the request thus taking Red's hand in his own.
As if fueling life into a generator, Red's hand pulled Blue entirely through the entrance of the cave in immediate response to the touch. Blue was swung away from the pouring door and forcefully spun around until he could find his feet. It happened so fast that Blue quickly came to the realization that he hadn't felt a single drop of water on him. Even if there was after he was pulled through, the quick twirl shook away any stragglers.
Blue found his gaze on Red again, the smirk on his face clearer than the transparency of rain. His clothes were as dry as the desert sand. He always was the type to show-off.

Red approached a rock beside Blue, closing his eyes as he sat down on it. Blue studied him quizzingly with the belief that the silence was a mere dramatic moment dragged out for too long. The lad peered at Blue with one eye open. Red's gaze quickly matched that of Blue's questioning one, but with the added spice of an accusation. Blue was just about to ask about the face, but was quickly shut down with, "What? No applause?" Blue shrugged. Red scoffed. "Shame. Shame on you, Tom."

"Hey, I thought we cut out the being mad at eachother bit? What's changed, Daisy Bell?" Blue quipped, walking up to Red's side. He lent a hand out to him, but it was spitefully ignored and Red got up on his own. "I value the work that goes into my stunts. You are simply not appreciative of my efforts." Red tried to turn away; not before Blue snatched up his hand and pulled him close. "I'm plenty appreciative! That was...just a weaker stunt."

Red turned harshly to Blue, his features hardened and tense in anticipation for the Brit's next lines. Blue picked up on it very quickly, swaying a bit away from Red. "Don't even think ya can call that a stunt. Simple entrance." Blue's tone came out more smug than he thought, but that only worked wonders in his favor. Red had to share a few words on the matter.
He marched up to Blue near the edge of the waterfall, clearly annoyed.

"Oh yeah, Thompson? What do you call a stunt then eh?" Oh no, the big bad surname. Red beared a cruel smile; one that highlighted his competitive nature above all else. His teeth were clenched tight and there was clear as day strain on his jaw. His eyes ablaze in a playful, yet just as righteous fury of a tiger's pelt. His petty smirks walked so that this smile could run right into Blue and kick him in the gut where the butterflies tickled.

Blue set his hands firmly and gently onto Red's shoulders, much to his confusion. Slowly, he lowered his head down to Red's ear, where he then lightly whispered. "This."

Red was sent tumbleweeding into the lively water below, screaming curses at Blue as he went. Red bickered and Blue laughed.
This was a good break in their book.

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