I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reade...

By iiBlurrypaige

325K 8.2K 4.9K

Y/n was never exactly the normal one of her village , she was always keeping her head down , never wanting to... More

Run Away.
It was a dream.
"Deal?" "Deal."
Sleeping in a Cave
Let's go back.
Sarcastic Swimming.
The Princess and the Cowboy.
Untitled for the sake of the chapter.
Back home, Safe and Sound.

Want me back?!

12K 309 123
By iiBlurrypaige

"Woo-hoo!" I shouted, gliding throught the sky, clouds allaround, the sun setting in the background. Skyress soard through the clouds, not destination in particular.

Hiccup, let me wander for a bit while he had to do some chores, but ofcourse he was  protective as always and asked me to be back before  sunset. and was I? Of course not!

I sat back, laying down across the length of Skyress's body. Closing my eyes, enjoying  the soft breeze blowwing across  my face. I opened my eyes and flew down to a beach.

"Wow! This place is gorgeous!" I exclaimed jumping around, soon after running around to get fire wood. After I built the fire . I relaxed my back against  Skyress before dozing off.




My eyes  slowly opened , shutting them ten times faster as a wet subtance dripped all over me.

"AWWWW DOOODDEE REALLY!?" I yelled trying to wipe the saliva from my face, wiping it on my  pants. I could hear her freaky version of a human laugh.

"You still need to work on that laugh, it sounds nothing like me!" I mocked ,smirking before looking up at the sky. Judging by the stars I was guessing it was really late. I jumped up and  stomped all over the dying coals. (Or whatever I'm not a fire expert!!)

"Hiccups going to be pissed." I muttered before hoping on  Skyress and took off towards the way Berk would be.

......Time skip brought to you by JackSepticEye the Whale biologist!.........


As soon as Skyress's foot touched Berk, a Beet Red with anger Hiccup came charging up to me.

"Where have you been?! I almost went insane looking for you!" He growled and yanked me off of  Skyress, staring into my (E/C) orbs.

"I'm sorry I took a nap on the beach, sorry to worry you."

"A nap? C'mon You could've just took a nap here."

"Maybe I need to get off this Island sometimes!" I saw Astrid walking past us with a smirk on her face. Ha, two can play at that game.

I grabbed Hiccup by one of his leather straps , yanking him into a kiss. I closed my eyes shortly after, smiling slightly as I heard Astrid stomp off in anger. He grapped my waist, slightly pulling us flush together, relaxing in his arms . Oh my odin, I love his lips. I could feel him lick my bottom lip wanting to enter his new 'territory' I declined the offer and  broke off the kiss before he could ' trespass' through his new territory.

"Jealous are we?" I felt him mocked , breath tickling my lips.

"Maybe just a little." I played along, smirking.

"Anyways, I'm sorry (Y/N). It's just... em.... I really... don't want to .. eh... lose you."My smirk faded into a smile.

"Hey, your never going to lose me." I gave him a short quick kiss before continuing.

"I'm sorry too, I should have been back earlier." He nodded, smiling. He picked me up bridal style ,carring me to his room.

I quickly changed baring goodnight to Valka. I crawled in bed next to bed, he was re-reading the book of dragons.

"How many times have read that?" He shrugged and continued to read, I sighed before flipping around in the bed, trying to get comfy, shaking the bed. I could hear that he was pissed through the sigh thst exited his mouth, knowing this as my way of saying 'PAYY ATTENTION TO MEEEE!!!'.

"Alright, alright I'm done." I heard him put the book down, blowing out the candle.
He put an arm around my waist at he layed down, he kissed my neck gentally.

"It's about time you put that book down."He hummed lightly in disaproval before kissing my cheek then going back down to my neck. I smiled and pulled the blankets over us .

"Goodnight Princess" He mummled against my neck.


......This timeskip is brought to by Janet and MunchingBrotato!!!!......


I slowly open my eyes to hear screaming and yelling. I quicly flip over but to see nothing but a blank space, where I was hoping Hiccup would be. 

I jump up  and run around getting dressed ect.

I dart out the door and towards the docks where I see a huge crowd, counting Hiccup and Valka in the front. I push my way through the crown hearing never ending whispers of gosip, when I finally reach the front My eyes widen in horror as I hid behind Hiccup hugging him from behind , tears made there way to the boarders of my eyes.

No this can't be happening.


"We want (Y/N) back."


Okay! Hey guys  it's Sora and I'm  really happy about this chapter because this story needed some conflict, So yeah.

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