I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reade...

By iiBlurrypaige

325K 8.2K 4.9K

Y/n was never exactly the normal one of her village , she was always keeping her head down , never wanting to... More

Run Away.
It was a dream.
"Deal?" "Deal."
Sleeping in a Cave
Let's go back.
The Princess and the Cowboy.
Want me back?!
Untitled for the sake of the chapter.
Back home, Safe and Sound.

Sarcastic Swimming.

14.5K 363 121
By iiBlurrypaige

// I created a few sets of one character ( What my oc would look like ) And I thought I'd just give you guys a few ideas on outfits your character could wear! ( Problems of having blonde hair is my character looks a lot like Astrid T-T . Anyways. Enjoy!//

"Hey, (y/n)" I heard someone hum right into my ear , causing me to curl up into a tight ball as I slept. I swatted at the voice, not wanting to wake up. " The suns been up for hours, It's time to get up love" He whispered again. However this time instead of swatting at the voice, I bundles up my fist trying to throat punch whoever was trying to wake me up. However as soon as I settled back down and it got quiet. "(y/n)! Quick wake up!" I'm not sure how he managed to scare me like that , but I jumped up and out of my skin.

"Double chocolate unicorn dipped in sprinkles-wait-what-where-who's dying?" I both shouted and questioned , my eyes darting around the room like crazy , finally landing on the boy in front of me. He looked at me for a second with a straight face before bursting out laughing. My face turned a light shade of red before I wound back my fist and punched him in the shoulder.

"Ha ha, yeah very funny. Geez, give me a heart attack."I continued to glare at him, he fell to the floor laughing, clutching the shoulder I had punched . I plopped back down on the bed, crossing my leg over one other. I just sat there and stared at him , watching Toothless get up and stroll over to him, licking him like crazy . He didn't stop laughing though."Hiccup , it wasn't that funny." He leaned up, looking up at me as he simply shook his head from side to side."You're right it wasn't , it was hilarious!" He laughed falling back on the floor laughing. I simply rolled my eyes and stood , grabbing some clothes and heading into another room to change , stepping over him to continue out of the room.

Once I was walked back in the room to put my old clothes into a wash basket , Hiccup just sat on the floor staring at me. My long hair braided behind me, wearing something a little different today, I definitely caught his attention. I didn't plan on doing anything until later , so I just wore a house dress . Strolling down stairs I slid on into the kitchen , taking a fish from the counter , I began to cut it up , setting it on the metal grill that sat over the fire place so it could cook . I hummed softly, ignoring as I heard a metal leg hobble down the stairs.

I poked at the fish with my cooking utensil, turning around when I was done . I caught eyesight of the peg- legged viking. I quirked a brow as he was just standing there , staring me up and down. I crossed my arms over my chest as I began to speak."Are you done dying of laughter?" I ask , ripping him out of his train of thought."Aw, come on (Y/N). Don't be like that. I was laughing at how cute you were." He protested , I just rolled my eyes and turned back to the food.

Hiccup strolled up behind me and placed his hands on my hips , He hummed lightly to me , planting a kiss on my head. I gave a light smile and turned around and looked up at him. " You look good in this." He hummed, leaning his forehead against mine. " However , this is only for in the house , Snotlout might have a stroke if he ever see's you wearing that. To say the least , it's very- uh form fitting.." He smirked and pecked my lips , grabbing my cooking utensil he took the fish off the grill and placed them on plates.

" Hmm, Maybe I should wear it outside then . " I joked as I sat down across the table from him. Shrugging playfully. " Alright, Alright. Let's eat up and get changed , I want to take you somewhere today." He smiled. Once we were done eating . I went upstairs and got changed into a different outfit , I still wore a dress, but it was at my thighs now , and I wore my usual black tights under it , fur covered boots and a cape to cover my shoulders, I didn't want to wear my armor today.

Soon after , Hiccup lead me into the woods , out behind his house. Walking through thin brush on a small path to the back side of Berk, Skyress and Toothless close behind us , Hiccup leading."Hiccup! Where are we going?"I groan as I began to get tired of being pulled through the forest. The views were great , don't get me wrong. It was the fact that I just wanted to see whatever he had in plan ." I'm going to teach you how to swim." He laughed at my groaning.

" Oh so this is your evil little plan to get me naked." I smirked , seeing the tips of ears turn red from my comment . " Wha-" He began but I interrupted him "Am I going to be swimming through the trees, because that's what it looks like"I stated as it seemed like we'd been walking for 15 minutes into an ocean of trees."No, although that would be interesting to see no. I'm taking you to the cove." He stated , rubbing the back of his neck like he always did. "Berk has a cove?" I asked as I followed closely behind Hiccup , almost running into him as we began going down in hill. Exiting the treeline finally."Yep. It's actually where I got Toothless, or well, you know the story."He retorted, making his way down a steep hill, down several large boulders.

" Oh okay so there is water." I muttered jokingly seeing a large pool of water in the middle of the surrounded area. " Okay well I guess I'll go get changed. " I gummed as I turned on my foot and moving over to a giant boulder to start getting changed. I wore a plain black bra and underwear . ( Seeing as there was no real bathing suit.) Not totally knowing I was going swimming , It's all I had on me. ( Literally xD)

When I walked back out , I spotted Hiccup instantly , seeing him stand there , now only in his red briefs. I smiled at him kindly, moving over to him . He finally spotted me , his face turning the color of his shorts as he realized what I was wearing. My face matched his in color as I got closer , seeing his toned chest up front with out his shirt covering it for once. His smile that had snuck it's way on to his face, had now turned into a smirk . His blush evaporating from his face in a blink of an eye , walking closer to me , grabbing my hips and pulling me flush against his body.

His lips pressed against mine , kissing me with passion and force behind him. It seemed like every time we kissed , I could feel the strength of his soul on my lips . He tilted his head slightly, getting more leverage on my lips , his hand moving from my lips and up to my jawline. Holding me gently, I could feel him smirk against my mouth as he pulled away slowly. He didn't dare let go of me though, He just stared directly into my eyes. His smirk that stained his lips grew wider as he leaned forward , thinking he was going to give me another kiss , I leaned in with him. How ever , he only licked up the side of my cheek , Giving me his definition of a Toothless kiss.

I grimaced , clenching my hand into a fist as I was prepared to give him a hard punch to the gut. However , the second I turned away to wipe my cheek off , He'd jumped into the large pool of water. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I shouted at him, running to the edge of the water , trying to reach out to him and torture his little freckled face. "You wouldn't kill your boyfriend, c'mon (Y/N) I love you." Now clearly regretting his decision, his voice almost cracking under the fear of the anger that you we're playfully showing. He made sure to sit out in the middle of the body of water, making sure I couldn't reach him.

" Okay, fine I won't kill you. Now can we get this over with?"I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest, getting slightly self conscious the more I sat out of the water."And you can't punch me either." He added, knowing the pain I wanted to cause him."Fine." I rolled my eyes , as he started a list soon after."Or slap, kick, knee, elbow , head but , and everything else. You can't hurt me. Okay?" He made sure to cover all the bases . It made me wonder what Astrid did to him to make him so afraid. ( SPOUSE ABUSE xD) " I'm not going to hurt you Hiccup." I hummed, trying to change the topic.

He now came over to the edge of the water. motioning for me to get in the water."I'm right here, You've got nothing to worry about." His voice was now as soft as sheep wool. I trusted him and put my ankles into the water first ,pushing my self off the edge but gluing myself to Hiccup instantly. He moved out into the water a bit more, leaving me more vulnerable to the water around me."Why am I doing this again?" I asked while I began to get anxiety over the water that now enveloped me. " Just in case. You should know how to swim. In case something bad happens , you could end up in the sea , and you could swim to get help." He explained, I just nodded at his response , knowing he was very well right on that matter. " I guess you're not wrong." I huffed.

At first he taught me how to float , laying me on my back and leaving his arms under to make sure I didn't feel unsafe. " Oh so she can float." He added like the smart kid he was. "Ha ha, very funny." I growled back , my words dripping with sarcasm. Despite my ears being filled with water I could still hear him . He now began humming , focusing on my form, I let my eyes fall shut as I let the water relax me.


At the end of the day , I finally pushed myself out of the water, sitting on the edge of the pool of water. My ankles still emerged in water as I sat , now studying my wrinkled hands. "Thanks now my hands are all wrinkly" I teased him as he joined me , now sitting beside me."Hey at least you know how to swim." He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " Alright dragon master , Let's head back , we've been here all day." I added now leaving the body of water completely , grabbing Hiccups hand and pulling him up as well. Giving him a short sweet kiss. "Alright Princess." He chuckled. As we both grabbed out clothes and began heading back through the trees. He quickly jogged up next to me , grabbing my hand smiling brightly next to me.

Updated 02/03/2020

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