I Found You.|| Hiccup x Reade...

By iiBlurrypaige

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Y/n was never exactly the normal one of her village , she was always keeping her head down , never wanting to... More

Run Away.
It was a dream.
"Deal?" "Deal."
Sleeping in a Cave
Let's go back.
Sarcastic Swimming.
The Princess and the Cowboy.
Want me back?!
Untitled for the sake of the chapter.
Back home, Safe and Sound.


13.7K 398 59
By iiBlurrypaige

As soon as the night furies set foot on the dirt of Berk , it seemed like every soul on the island was there. Valka , Hiccups mom pushed through the crowd and smiled to the both of us , pushing past her son to hug me tightly. "I'm happy to see you again." She pulled back and moved my hair from my face. Before turning to Hiccup "Ah-Hiccup! My boy! Where ya been?" She exclaimed , giving Hiccup a tight hug. Pulling back from the hug , he greeted his mom as he laced our fingers together.

"Hey! Hiccup! You're back!"Astrid yelped in surprise running over to him wrapping her arms around him, I looked down at our laced fingers, confusion drew it's self over my face. I began to pull my hand out of his, but his hand just squeezed mine tighter, not letting me go. My eye's wandered over to Hiccups face, He just gave me looking , trying to make me realize what she was trying to do. I nodded, finally realizing that she was trying to tear us apart again. I scooted closer to Hiccup , letting my head rest against his chest. Astrids face had been red in anger. Causing her to storm off , I just smirked

"I have big news Mom!" Hiccup announced, as we all turned our attention to him."(Y/N) and I have decided to breed our Night Furies, So we can reproduce the Night Fury."He explained , Cheers popping off from his village. His mother nodded looking at our dragons play together like best friends.

"I think it'll do but, you must keep them for your own. They could get in the wrong hands, So keep them." I looked at Hiccup , He looked back at me as we both nodded. "Alright will do Mom." He agreed while I looked around, noticing the crowd had already started to disperse . I pulled back from my hold on Hiccup. " I'm going to go check on Skyress." He nodded letting go of my hand, he continued talking to Valka. I ran off towards the two Night Furies"Hey guys" I smiled and waved, I pet both of them under the chin as they purred in delight, I chuckled at they're response before having them both sit in front of me, well behaved."Have you guys heard the plan?"They both looked at me questioningly, taking that as a no, I began to make clear of the situation.

"Okay... So I'm not forcing you into anything but, Hiccup and I wanted to breed you guys." I explained, They both looked at each other before dancing around together, and started goofing off again. Only assuming they were happy about it, I shrugged and watched them goof off. Hiccup soon sat down next to me , joining the watch. "They look to be enjoying themselves ." He paused ." What'd you do?" He asked , handing me a piece of bread. " I told them our plan , that we wanted to repopulate their breed. This is their response." I smiled as I began eating at the bread I was given.

Once we we're both done eating , we both just sat there , enjoying the happy moment. "You know, (Y/N) you make Berk a lot happier. You make me happy, My friends happy, well except Astrid, But oh well. Not my problem."He leaned in capturing my lips,I smiled into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his torso, his arms around my waist. I broke the kiss, pecking his lips once more."I love you." He mumbled into my ear, causing me to turn red.

"I love you too."I smiled at the words he gave back. I stood up and whistled for our dragons, they stopped wrestling and ran over to me. I yawn stretching my arms, As my shirt started riding over my belly. I felt Toothless rub his head against my hip, purring. I smiled and started petting him. Skyress tackled Hiccup to the ground begging him to pet her, wanting to get the same amount of affection. Night furies could be so jealous.

Updated 01/24/2020

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