SMILE.┃ park jongseong ✔︎

By page_sandy

590K 45K 33.5K

❝ Fuck off. ❞ He's the type of man she despised. It all started when a girl, whose paranormal disability was... More

Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
Chapter 026
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036
Chapter 037
Chapter 038
Chapter 039
Chapter 040
Chapter 041
Chapter 042
Chapter 043
Chapter 044
Chapter 045
Chapter 046
Chapter 047
Chapter 048
Chapter 049
Chapter 050
Chapter 051
Chapter 052
Chapter 053
Chapter 054
Chapter 055
Chapter 056
Chapter 057
Chapter 058
Chapter 059
Chapter 060
Chapter 061
Chapter 062
Chapter 063
Chapter 064
Chapter 065
Chapter 066
Chapter 067
Chapter 068
Chapter 069
Chapter 070
Chapter 071
Chapter 072
Chapter 073
Chapter 074
Chapter 075
Chapter 076
Chapter 077
Chapter 079
Chapter 080
Chapter 081
Chapter 082
Chapter 083
Chapter 084
Chapter 085
Chapter 086
Chapter 087
Chapter 088
Chapter 089
Chapter 090
Chapter 091
Chapter 092
Chapter 093
Chapter 094
Chapter 095
Special Chapter
Author's note + Explanation

Chapter 078

3.6K 295 380
By page_sandy

⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Play the song from above⬆️
Song:"Love me like you" by Little Mix

« an amicable night »

❝ Masquerade ball? So suddenly? ❞ Mijin's nose scrunched in disbelief as it's been less than a week since she last transferred into the rich ethos and there's already a mountain of stuff for her to adapt to.

❝ Yep, I don't know why they want us to do a lot of membership activities these days either. ❞ , Jongseong speaks about his true thoughts since he's starting to get paranoid but the activities also included Mijin who'll also come along to the same spot, meaning they'll see each other more often in the hangouts.

❝ Which company is the hugest among us? ❞ Speaking with zero knowledge of how the business where she's living worked, the girl squints her eyes before sipping the peach juice. ❝ Ours, and then Taehyun's. ❞ Well, Mijin never imagined being born into such a powerful family.

Speak of the devil, the familiar boy stepped into the dating couple's era so boldly by taking a seat beside Mijin. ❝ Mind if I join? ❞ Jongseong's face darkened with dislike at how Taehyun just had to butt when they're OBVIOUSLY having a date at the campus' café.

❝ Take a guess. ❞ The stylish Park Jongseong crossed his legs after dragging Mijin's chair closer to his. What the hell was Taehyun's plan to come after his girlfriend Mijin?

❝ C'mon man, we're close enough. Don't give me that cold shoulder. ❞ Getting pally of all sudden, the Kang inheritor smirked playfully at Jay who's annoyed by his presence and Mijin wasn't differing from her soulmate at all.

Close? They're literally rivals when it comes to construction business based on the huge companies. ❝ Really? ❞ The awkward atmosphere was driving Mijin nuts as she just crouched on her seat while getting a bit closer to Jongseong who protectively snaked an arm around her shoulder.

The boyfriend's overreacting behaviour made the other young man chuckle since Taehyun was not even close to what they thought he was. ❝ I suppose you two have already known about the masquerade ball. ❞ Taking a sip on his coke, the blonde boy didn't take his words elsewhere.

❝ Of course. ❞ The awkward conversation made Mijin receive goosebumps as she could easily judge the tension between the two heirs with their sharp eyes glaring at each other.

❝ Oh, right. I forgot to ask, what happened to you and Mijoo's engagement? ❞ Recalling about the grumpy stepsister whom Mijin had, Taehyun questioned since he knew that it'd turn Jay a bit reluctant since the two companies' chain somehow broke that day.

❝ We never planned to get engaged in the first place. Plus, my real fiancée is right here. ❞ Quirking his thick brows at the girl beside him, the playful boy flexed how Hwang Mijin's only his and will always be.

Letting out absurd laughter, Kang Taehyun just sheepishly smiled at the two who's gonna be insanely shocked for a tiny bit of surprise which was waiting for them tonight.


Gasping at the navy blue gown which was decorated with jewels and many more accessories, the girl was beyond speechless as it looked too outstandingly beautiful.

' Holy moly, it looks too stunning...' , Mijin murmurs in mind as her eyes judge the perfect dress is nicely positioned on a mannequin. It's speechlessly amusing to watch as nearly everyone who wears it will turn into a Cinderella in no time. She didn't know how she'll turn out to look tho.

❝ Do you like it? ❞ , Mijin's father was accountable to get his precious daughter's ball gown dress as Hwang Mina, also known as his second wife was in charge of choosing the gown for Mijoo.

❝ Yeah, but I'm not sure whether I should wear this expensive stuff. ❞ Awkwardly rubbing her nape, the girl was still not used to adapting the fancy personalities like how her father used to.

❝ I asked Ms Yoon to personally construct this dress just for you Mijin-ah. ❞ Great, now she felt uneasy to decline this offer from her father. How nice?

Reluctance was drawn across Mijin's ethereal face as she just sighed since she felt like a burden to have her father this busy when they literally lost the relationship between a father and a daughter cause of his betrayal and her absence years ago.

❝ May I know how much this dress costs then? ❞ Whispering slightly to the old man, the girl asks with full curiosity.

Humming before chuckling, the dad finally responded with a huge grin to let Mijin know that expenses aren't that big deal for a rich CEO like him. ❝ ₩24999975, why? ❞ She barely heard such huge numbers in her life before.

' Shit, that's so expensive. ' It'd be rude of her to keep arguing with the elderly so Mijin just shut her mouth tight.

Let's just say that the girl finally ended up accepting the too expensive gown.


Staring at her glorious reflection in the mirror, the girl still couldn't believe that her eyes represented her as a beautiful lady in the mirror.

The silky dress and the organza capes flowing from the short little sleeves made her look like a royal highness. The crimson lip taint which Jay gifted days ago was nicely put on her as she could smell the alluring cherry scent. Mijin's lustrous strands got curled as it put a youthful image onto her even more.

There her eagle eyes were, mischievously peaking through the silvery eye mask which she was told to attend with.

Stepping outside from the black pitched car, the amazed girl gazed at the famous and crowded party thrown by the administrators.

She knew no one from the associates except for Jongseong and Taehyun. Hopefully, she'll bump into her boyfriend. The rules were horribly strict as they weren't allowed to reveal their true identities until the ball starts.

❝ No thanks. ❞ Denying the awful cosmopolitan cocktail which the waiter offered, Mijin scrunched her face as her nose experienced the foul and powerful scent of alcohol.

Distancing herself from the crowd of people cause her social anxiety to exist for a reason, she finally sighed. Rubbing her shivery arms with warmth, the girl zoned herself from people at a differing location.

❝ May I have this dance m'lady? ❞ , a voice catches Mijin's attention as they speak. The beat just started playing as it's a cue for Mijin to start dancing. But no way in hell would she accept a random stranger's offer.

With an annoyed look, Mijin's gonna turn their offer down but her conclusion might've changed or not when the starry eyes matched with hers.

She couldn't be more sure of it as the sharp eyes beneath the feathery mask only belonged to the love of her life only.

❝ Jayjay? ❞ The two soulmates were too good at this game as they both have found each other when the ball was just getting started.

❝ Shh, it's supposed to be a secret. ❞ Shushing his soulmate with an index finger, the boy just brought her to the centre of the place which was flooding with dancing pairs.

Showing a bow of respect, the two silly soulmates wanted to burst into laughter at how seriously they had to be.

❝ I don't know how these dances work so I might step on you, just saying.❞ , Mijin warned while following along the steps thanks to Jay's flow.

❝ I don't mind-ow. ❞ , groaned the boy as Mijin accidentally stepped on his poor toes with her long high heels which were spiky as nails.

❝ Sorry~ . ❞ , Mijin coos with an adorable look that only made him chuckle since he can never be mad at this cutie who can be a fierce woman at the same time.

After surviving the round of dancing, the two soulmates sneaked into the openly huge garden and gazed at the stars from above whilst removing the suffocating masks.

❝ Phew, this is better. ❞ Sighing in relief, Mijin busily fanned herself with the palm as she could finally breathe properly.

Jongseong admired his ethereal soulmate from beside as the moonlight shone brightly on her beauteous features as she looked so outstanding.

Noticing his whipped gaze on her, the girl alarmingly reacted with red blood rushing over to her fair cheeks. ❝ W-Why are you staring at me like that? ❞ Embarrassment and flustered was what Mijin was cause it was the PARK JONGSEONG who's gazing at her nonstop as if she was a billon-dollars painting.

❝ Simple, I'm just overwhelmed to have a beauty like you as my soulmate. You look so exquisite today, my love. ❞ Praising the youngster with such fascinating remarks increased the heartbeats inside Mijin as she's malfunctioning internally when he started leaning in closer.

No one else can love her like this lovely human being.

The handsome boy collapsed his lashes together and pressed his soft lips against hers. The kiss was sweet and affectionate just like how Jay's personality truly is. Mijin couldn't help herself but melt into the palpitation this guy's gifting her as he stroked her strands after pulling away from the kiss.

The blushing two coughed awkwardly after distancing themselves on the bench for a bit. At least her lips got sealed by a good side of Park Jongseong and she's thankful to this boy.

❝ Y-You look handsome as well if you didn't know. ❞ Avoiding an eye contact cause it's likely to make Mijin's heart a rapid mess when she'd received enough heart attacks for today.

Jay lovingly laughed at how this girl who's bad at complimenting finally developed after dating him a few times.

What an amicable night for the two soulmates.


After receiving a cup of normal orange juice from the headwaiter, Mijin started lurking around the party with secretive people behind their masks. Some had already revealed when they've met their rightful partners and so did Mijin as she wandered around the place since Jay had a call to speak.

What the young lady didn't expect was a hasty dude to bump into her as the expensively decorated dress got ruined.

She for sure was going to get into trouble if her father ever finds out.

' Fuck, this is gonna be bad. ' Cursing at her clumsy self, the girl didn't have the time to notice the other figure who was examining her.

❝ I'm sincerely sorry for my mistake m'lady. ❞

Until she recognized the same old voice.....

Her ears weren't lying to her nor she was drunk so it couldn't be mistaken. She shot her dusky eyes at the familiar guy friend she had as he's dressed up in a red velvet tuxedo.

What was he even doing here? And informal clothes that probably looked too expensive as well...The styled hair made him look so well-appointed as if it wasn't the same guy she used to know.

❝ J-Jisung? ❞

« end of a chapter »

I wonder who Jisung truly is ;)

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