3AM RAIN βœ”| Hyunsuk ff

By Crumbs29

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π˜Ύπ™€π™’π™₯π™‘π™šπ™©π™šπ™™ βœ” [unedited] ❝ do you remember that night? ❞ ❝ Was it fate? ❞ Kim haru who is running away... More



189 24 67
By Crumbs29

"Haru, why do you even go out?"

"Oppa I can't stay inside all the time"
"Thank god, Jungkook was there with you-"
"But oppa why did he leave my- my friend there?"

"That's because the people who are behind you, won't hurt anyone else except you" Jungkook said in a stern tone. Haru nodded with a smile.

Junkyu came in with a gauge on his hand, Haru went to him and held his hand, "what happened?"
"Idiot, can't you be more careful, it might be hurting so bad-"
Haru kept lecturing him, Junkyu looked at Taehyung and Jungkook who were smiling. Taehyung shrugged, Junkyu covered haru's mouth to resist her from speaking.

She bit him, "yah Kim haru! It already pains!"
"You initiated it-"
She then hugged him, he looked at his brother with a surprised reaction.

"Don't be too happy, it's just for today", Haru mumbled.

Jungkook said, "Haru the guy-"
"Who? What guy?"
"What was his name again?"
"What are you talking about kookie?"

Haru went towards him and stepped on his foot, he sighed in pain and said, "yeah, no one".

Taehyung shook his head and said, "anyways guys, there's this rumor going around that I am completely fine now, I don't know where the news went out from but you all need to be careful".

"Yes hyung", Junkyu nodded.

Haru's phone rang, "I'll take this call"
"Why not here?"
"Shut up, idiot".

Haru went out and answered the call, "Hyunsuk, are you okay?"
"I am fine, but are you okay? Why did that guy take you away in a hurry?"
"My family wanted me to come back"
"You have a strict family"
"I do, and if they know about us-"
"What about us?"
"About us being-"
"What? You have other friends too-"
"But we-"
"Am I special?"
"Nah, you're actually the dangerous one"

"Why? I never did anything dangerous to you"
"I know nothing about you"
"What do you want to know?"
"Your family-"
"Yeah, anything except that"
"See, you're a coward and dangerous for me"
"Yah! Miss snow!"
"I'm kidding, I enjoyed our da- day today, thank you Hyunsuk"

"I enjoyed our date too"
Call ended.

"Did he just say date?" Haru chuckled to herself.

"I finally said something authentic" Hyunsuk said while smiling.

"I'll just be out for two days"
"Jungkook, don't get yourself involved with these guys though, just collect information from far"
"Yes sir" Taehyung shook his head, Jungkook smiled.

They both hugged each other, Junkyu said, "fighting!", receiving a smile from Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Haru who was immerses in her thoughts, "Hey, cutie! I'm going, be safe".

"You aren't going to answer me?"
"Don't what?"
"Don't go"
"Why? Are you worried?" She nodded as a tear fell off her eye.

Jungkook was now used to comforting people, he smiled and went towards her to pull her into a hug. "Just two days, they can't do anything to me"
Haru nodded.

"Choi seungcheol! Why aren't things going our way?" T.O.P shouted.

Seungcheol flinched and said, "Dad, we're trying our best but-"
"But failing. I want that girl right here right now!"
"Dad, she is nowhere to be seen-"
"Didn't your guys see her today?"
"Yes but she escaped!"
"Ugh just find her! That Kim Taehyung, once he gets better, he would know what we're trying to do-"
"Dad, don't worry please. You have high blood pressure-"

"How do I not worry? I need to take the revenge for my years in jail!"
"But I have useless sons!"

"I'm escaping from home, can you take me somewhere better?"

"You said I am dangerous for you"

"Oh come on hyunsuk-"

Haru sighed. Junkyu walked to her and whispered, "hey, what's wrong?"
"Take me out"
"Nah, stay here"
"Oppa!" Junkyu smiled and nodded.

Junkyu went to Taehyung and said, "we'll be back in few minutes"
"Go guys, if this is what you want, go"
Taehyung sighed. They both went out, he texted someone and smiled.

"Okay, and Doritos!"
"Okay get that in" The cart was full but Junkyu and Haru were not satisfied.

Haru went up to the toy section and said, "this, see oppa, your kid!"
"Yah, are you stupid?"
"It's so cute, unlike you" She said picking up a tiny koala stuffed toy.

Junkyu smiled and shook his head. They went up to the billing counter, Haru sighed and said, "they found us"
"Hold my hand" Junkyu said and smiled at the cashier.

They went out and sat in the car. Junkyu sighed and said, "sir fast, to hyung please"

The driver nodded and started the engine. Junkyu looked at Haru who was holding onto the stuffed toy. "Haru, it's fine now-"
"Oppa, just tell me who these guys are-"

"The Choi's" The driver said, Junkyu looked at him in surprise.

After a few minutes Junkyu said, "this is not the way to-"
"Because we are not going there" The driver removed his hat.

"Choi Seungcheol-"
"Yes baby, I had to come to pick you myself, since you were being so stubborn to come to me-"
Junkyu took out his knife but before he could do anything, Seungcheol shot him on his arm. The door on Junkyu's side opened and Junkyu fell out of the moving car.

Haru was not able to process what was going on, once she was in her senses, she kicked Seungcheol's seat. He smirked and looked back, she held his hair, he stopped the car.

"You want to play?"
"Take me back to my brothers!"
"You're never going there again!"
"You asshole!" She said as she bit his neck.

He laughed and said, "not bad, that's what you'll be doing in my bed-"
He was interrupted by a slap. He tilted his neck to see her crying, "you bastards, what do you think? You'll kidnap me and my brother would forgive you?"
"He would come to us on his knees for you".

He pushed her to her seat and pulled her hair, "behave yourself now, baby"

She cried while thinking about his brother. It might've hurt Junkyu, you didn't take any injections but you got shot- please be okay, I love you so much brother. She wiped her tears and lost her vision when she was hit by a needle.

thank you for checking out the story. hope you're enjoying.
have a good day! ♡

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