The Strong Deadth Part II

By phoenixdreamwizard

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This story mainly focus on the couple Nathan and Rakshit from previous part, like how their relationship move... More



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By phoenixdreamwizard

Narrator's P.O.V.: -

Rakshit went to Nathan's college and asked him to get in the car. Nathan agreed and get into the car, but he was afraid about what Rakshit is going to do because his face was looking so angry. Rakshit took Nathan to his house. They got out of the car and Rakshit grabbed Nathan's hand and dragged him into the house. There Nathan saw that all of his friends are already there. Rakshit dragged him to the hall and made him sit on the big white colour sofa.

Rakshit shouted "I won't let you go even if you want me to."

Nathan said "You... There is nothing to discuss anything."

Rakshit said "That's what I am saying, there is nothing to discuss. Why do you care so much about what people will think?"

Nathan said "We live in a society Rakshit. And society will make fun of you and your family. I don't have any family. I mean I do have some relatives, but I don't make contact with them. But you have a family to care about. And I am a guy, not a girl. Think about it."

Rakshit said "People will make fun of everything they see. It's nothing new. And I don't even care about them."

Nathan said "I had already told you that you got a big reputation Rakshit. I can't match to your reputation. And if I get involve with you your reputation will get break in a second. Have you thought about that?"

Rakshit said "I still don't care." (Nathan puts his hands on his head and shook his head)

Nathan said "Okay, fine, you don't care about you and you don't care about what people say to you. What about your parents? What will they do when they find out that you are dating a guy?"

Rakshit said "They know about it." "What?" Nathan shocked.

Rakshit continued "Yeah, they know about it. I told them about you."

Nathan asked "Whe... When did you tell them about it?"

Rakshit said "The day when we come to your hotel to eat food." Nathan raised his eyes and started laughing and said "That's why, that's why they were looking at me so thoroughly."

Rakshit said "The only people I care about is my family. And they are okay with it." Nathan looked at Vinita and she nodded. Nathan sits on a serious position now. He was completely blank what to say. Rakshit asked "Are you okay?" Nathan took a deep breath and said "I... I don't know what to say. I.. You are a nice guy, no doubt. But, I...I am not ready yet. I have seen so many relationships. Three are standing with us. I have seen that there is love, passion, beauty but there is pain, hurt. I don't want to get hurt, I don't want to get pain. I have had enough."

Everyone was standing behind the sofa and one by one they were coming forward and convincing Nathan.

Kuldeep said "We all know that you are so strong. And you can so many things. Let the people comment or talk behind your back. Just stay strong."

Gautami said "And don't think that a guy loving a guy is not normal. You are normal. It's your own choice to love anyone you want."

Shaurya said "Yeah, there are no rules for liking someone of loving someone. Love is free."

Mitali said "Yeah, you have to be patience. Be patience to love someone, because patience the main thing which is required to get true love."

Sneha said "And don't think that what you are doing is not right. Or it is illegal or something else. You are doing what is right for you. You are not in this world to please someone."

Arjun said "And we all are with you whatever your decision is."

Nathan was completely shocked what they were talking about. So he asked "Where did you all get that from?" And everyone pointed to him. "What?" Nathan was confused so they responded "You taught me to be strong." Kuldeep said.

"You taught me that I am normal." Gautami said.

"You taught me that there are no rules to love anyone" Shaurya said.

"You taught me to be patience." Mitali said.

"You taught me that what I am doing is a right thing." Sneha said.

Nathan looked at Arjun and said "Wait! I haven't taught you anything."

Arjun smiled and said "Yes, you did. When you called me at your home late at night and I have to make a decision there, I looked at into your eyes. They were telling me that whatever decision I made, you are with me and you will never judge me." Arjun's eyes became wet while telling this. After that Nathan looked at Rakshit with a confused look. He was still confused about his feelings. Though he starts liking him, but still, he is a bit confused as he doesn't want to get hurt. Rakshit saw him and understood his feeling. Rakshit said "I will wait." "What?" Nathan asked. "You said that you are not ready yet, so I will wait. I will wait when you are ready."

Nathan just looked at him and gave a sweet smile.

Here, Rakshit was confirmed that Nathan will accept his love one day, but Nathan was still confused about the talk of people he was hearing. When they all went back to home, Nathan got a call from Kuldeep. Kuldeep said "I am scared too."

Nathan asked "Scared of what?"

Kuldeep replied "Rakshit bhai is not that young and it seems like he know what he is doing and I know that you are scared of what he will do and what will happen if you get involve with him. But, I am scared too and so as Mitali."

Nathan asked "What you both are scared of?"

Kuldeep replied "We both are scared that if one day Shaurya or Gautami di get famous in their work then what will happen. Will they change or will they leave us?"

Nathan sighs and said "It's not just you Kuldeep. Sneha is scared too. She is scared about her dad whether he is going to accept Arjun or not because he doesn't match to her class. And it's not just us, everyone who is in love with someone is scared. Scared that maybe the other person will change or maybe the person will get bored of them or something else. It's easy to fall in love, but when we do, it become hard to live with love and easy to give up. So, don't think that it's only you or me or Mitali, okay?"

Kuldeep replied "Okay."

Days have passed and they keep on talking on chats and calls. And soon it was near to the Christmas. This year, their college has announced that the club members can participate in the annual function of the college in different clubs. Like, if a person is in cooking club, then he/she can participate in the annual function as drama club or dance club. Because every year, only drama club, dance club and music club participates in it. So, they have given chance to other club members too. And the form for this was filling up in the ground floor corridor.

It was two days before the Christmas holidays. Rakshit came to the college. He saw Nathan was talking to Ahmed in the same corridor where these forms were filling. He went from behind and said "Woo!" Nathan got startled and said "You scared me." Nathan looked at Ahmed and said "I will talk to you later." and Ahmed went away. Rakshit asked Nathan "Why are you alone here? Where is everyone?" Nathan sighs and said "They all are not single now. They already went home and I was having some errands with him."

Rakshit asked "So, can I drop you?"

Nathan asked "Do you want to spoil me?"

Rakshit said "Well, yes, I do." "Fine! Let's go." Nathan said.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind. "Nathan!" Manjeet was calling him. "Are you going now?" Manjeet asked. "Yeah! I have talked to Ahmed about everything. He said he will manage it all." Nathan replied.

Manjeet asked "And who is he?"

Nathan replied "He is.... (looked towards Rakshit and smiled) my friend."

Manjeet asked in suspicious way "Friend?" Nathan nodded.

Manjeet said "Well, I was here to ask you about the art gallery."

Nathan replied "You think I can do it with all these?"

Manjeet said "I am not telling you to draw anything. I am telling you to just check others drawing if they are good enough or not." "Okay" Nathan replied and went with Rakshit.

And the Christmas came. This Christmas, Rakshit planned a surprise for Nathan with his friends. While Nathan was at his job, they all gathered and decorated the house with lights and balloons. When Nathan came back home, he saw that his house was so lightening and so beautiful. He couldn't resist his happiness to come to his face. He was jumped off with joy. They sing the Christmas song, eat the cake and drink cold drinks and enjoyed the whole night. When they all settled down (Sit with their couples), Nathan asked "Who did this all?" Sneha replied "We all helped each other, but it was Rakshit's plan." Nathan looked at Rakshit (Sitting beside him) and whispered "Thank you!" This time too Rakshit tried to kiss Nathan. Rakshit moved his face near to Nathan's lips, but Nathan moved back a bit. So, Rakshit stopped. Nathan whispered again "I'm sorry." Rakshit smiled and whispered back "its okay, I told you that I will wait."

{Nathan's P.O.V.: -

Am I taking too much of time? But, I am not ready for this yet. I am still confused about him being so good. Take this party today, it was his plan to surprise me. He is being so good to me. Is it on purpose? I am not letting him touch me, yet he is not angry or irritated or annoyed. I don't know how much he can control himself. }

Gautami saw them whispering and asked "What you both are whispering about?"

Shaurya said "Oho! Let them enjoy their moment Gautami. I think we should go out of the house so that they can enjoy freely."

Nathan said "Shut up Shaurya!"

New Year has passed too and it was 2014 now. And it was the month of Nathan's birthday. Rakshit wanted to give a surprise on that day too, but Nathan's friends stopped him. They told him why he doesn't want to celebrate his own birthday. So, he thought of something else.

On the night of Nathan's birthday, when Nathan was home resting on sofa due to large workload, someone knocked the door. He went to open the door and found that Rakshit was standing in front of him.

Nathan asked "What are you doing at this late hour?"

Instead of replying to Nathan Rakshit asked him "Do you wanna go for a walk?" "What?" Nathan asked.

Rakshit asked again "Do you wanna go for a walk?"

Nathan replied "Rakshit it's freezing outside." "Please" Rakshit requested.

Shaurya shouted from behind "You will not die in this cold I promise."

Nathan said "Fine! Let me change first." And they went for a walk around the near places. It was 11:55 P.M. and there were no human, only street dogs. For starting moment they both haven't talked a word, after that Rakshit said "So, your college is going to get over now. Do you want to study further or do you want to do a job?" Nathan thought about it for moment and then replied "I haven't thought about it yet. I want to study more, but then at the same time, I want to work too and I can't work more in the hotel. So, maybe most probably, I have to find a job after the college."

Rakshit asked "Then, why don't you just come and work in my office. We would be together for more time then."

Nathan said "I don't think so." "Why?" Rakshit asked. Nathan replied "Well, I think that it's pretty good idea, but I don't want to do it. I want to do something first without your help. After that I will come to you for my new job."

Rakshit said "That means I have to wait more."

Suddenly, Rakshit's watch started beeping. It was 12:00. Rakshit stopped there and hold Nathan's hand. Nathan was surprised because he doesn't know what he was doing. Nathan asked "What are you doing?"

Rakshit kept his finger on Nathan lips and said "Shh!" and was just staring at Nathan. After a few moment he said "Let me admire the gift that I got this birthday." "What?" Nathan asked because what Rakshit was saying was totally confusing for Nathan. Rakshit smiled and said "Today is my birthday, so I wanted to spent my first moment of the day with you."

Nathan said "What? Today is your birthday? Why didn't you told me about this earlier? I must have prepared something for you like surprise party or something else. You are so mean."

Rakshit smiled again and said "You say that I should not show off my money and you are saying that you must have organized a surprised party?"

Nathan said "That's a different thing."

Rakshit said "No, it's not a different thing. If you won't let me spend my money then I won't let you do it too." Nathan sighs.

Rakshit said "You don't celebrate your birthday too."

Nathan said "That has a different reason."

Rakshit said "I haven't celebrated my birthday after I was 10." "Why?" Nathan asked.

Rakshit said "I lost my younger brother when I was 10. He was suffering from cancer. But, he couldn't handle it and died. So, I don't celebrate it. (He looked at Nathan who was shocked) Vinita don't know about it. She was too small back then to remember anything."

Nathan said "Oh! I'm... I'm sorry."

Rakshit said "its fine. (He took a pause) I was finding a ray of hope after that. But, I didn't have any, until... I met you. (He holds Nathan's second hand too) You are the best thing happened to my life. And I think that you are the best gift I got from the god, just like the meaning of your name. I am so grateful to have you in my life." Nathan got super shy by hearing this. Rakshit was continuously starring at Nathan's lips. He wants to kiss him. He moved his head towards Nathan's lips.

{Rakshit's P.O.V.: -

The light of the moon is falling on his skin and his skin is shining like a crystal in this light. His face is looking tired, but still he is as beautiful as the angel. His hairs are moving with the winds and coming in front of his eyes and making him more beautiful. His lips are so wet that is making me lose my control. And I am losing it.}

Just the moment when Rakshit's lips was about to touch Nathan's, Nathan moved his head back and said "We are at the public place Rakshit." Rakshit looked at Nathan face, it was red like a tomato. He was dying out of shyness.

Rakshit said "Yeah, it's getting late too. We should head back home now." Nathan nodded.

Everything, literally everything is moving so smoothly right? No pain now, no dramas and now soon they will be graduated from their college so there will be nothing to worry about. Sneha, Gautami, Shaurya and Nathan have got their lovers. But, no. There is so much to happen yet.

It was the annual function of the college. Everyone came there with their group and Rakshit and Vinita were with them too, but Nathan was not with them. He was not in the house since morning. When they asked Shaurya about this, he doesn't know either. They called him so many times, but he was attending any calls or replying to any messages. They got really worried, especially Rakshit. "Nathan never had done this before." Sneha said. "Yeah, he always informs us wherever he wants to go." Gautami added. "Should we go to the Police?" Kuldeep suggested. Just after that Ahmed came there to them and said "Hey! Oh! (Saw Rakshit with them) We have a guest here."

Rakshit asked "You are Nathan's friend, right? That time when he dropped a coffee on my shirt in the mall?"

Ahmed said "Err... Well, I don't remember you, but yeah, I am Nathan's friend. And why are you all still standing here? Just go in the second raw."

Gautami said "We are finding Nathan. He is missing from morning."

Ahmed said "Don't worry about him, just go and sit there."

Shaurya said "You know where he is?" Ahmed looked at them but hasn't said a word. Shaurya said "You know where he is and you are not telling us where he is?"

Ahmed said "Calm down first, go and sit there, you all will get to know where he was the whole day. Just wait for him there." Ahmed made everyone sit on their seats. After a few moment, the programme was started. And after 4 performances and they all were eagerly waiting for Nathan and then, the anchor announced about the next performance "Now, please welcome to our smart, talented and handsome and cute colleague and for his support we have Manisha form our dance club." And the light was shut and the sound of the background music of the song 'Come & Get it' starts. And two people came out of the stage and the lights turns in slowly and it was Manisha and Nathan. Rakshit and all were so shocked by seeing this. They never expected that a really shy guy like Nathan will come on the stage with this look. He was still wearing full sleeves tee of dark red colour and a black jeans with a bit of makeup on his face and he was looking so stunning in that dress. And they both started dancing as the lyrics started. They both were moving exactly with the beats and lyrics. Rakshit was looking at every move Nathan was doing. The way he was moving his hands to his body, the way he is intimating himself as the song lyrics, the expression on his face, everything. And everybody who knows Nathan was just completely shocked and surprised. They haven't thought that they will get to see this phase of Nathan. Everyone's mouth and eyes were just wide open.

The song was complete and they moved off the stage. After changing his dress, Nathan moved to his friends sitting in front of the stage. He went there with Ahmed and when he went there, everyone was standing with folded hands and staring at Nathan. Ahmed said "So, how was the surprise?"

They were frowning. Nathan and Ahmed became confused of their reaction. Then they suddenly start laughing. Sneha said "God! Nathan, we were no expecting this dude."

Gautami said "Yeah, you were so good man. You just killed everyone here."

Shaurya said "So you were in the college since morning? You know how much worried we were?"

Nathan said "I wanted to surprise you all and I wanted to try something new, so I just did. And it feels so good."

Nathan was talking to everyone and Rakshit was just staring at him. He wanted to say something but everyone has said everything so he don't know what else he should say. On the other hand, Nathan was talking to everyone else but he really wanted to talk with Rakshit. He wanted him to say something, whether it is the same thing which everyone is saying, but he wants him to say that he did it so good.

After talking with everyone Nathan went to Rakshit and everyone else just go and set on their seats. Rakshit wanted to say something, he opened his mouth, but then he shut it again. He looked here and there and then to Nathan who was hoping to hear something from him. Rakshit asked Nathan "Do you want to eat ice-cream?"

Nathan said in surprise "What?" He was not expecting this from Rakshit to ask him to eat ice-cream. He continued "No, not now. Maybe after this function gets over. Rakshit nodded and then they settled down to their seats. Everyone was already settled so Nathan have to sit near to Rakshit.

{Nathan P.O. V.: -

Did he just asked me to eat ice-cream? I was hoping for nothing. I mean at least he could say that 'you were great up there' or 'you did so great' but no, he just asked me to eat an ice-cream. I think it's true that we should not hope for what we know we don't get. But, ice-cream?

Rakshit's P.O.V.: -

There is so much of crowed here that's why I asked him to eat the ice-cream. But, looking at his face now, I am sure he is mad at me. I know, and he should be but... I can't tell him this that he was so stunning and so bold and energetic in front of everyone. I don't want anyone else to know what is between us. Or else he would feel uncomfortable. I hope he would understand this.}



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