The Devil (BOOK I + II)

Por xwriteratheartxo

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[COMPLETED] Three years ago, she ran away from something she doesn't want to go back to, and never looked bac... MΓ‘s

The Devils Advocate
1 | "Fuck Me"
2 | "I'm Pretty Sure That's Illegal"
3 | "I Wish Stabbing People Was Normal"
4 | "The Product Of A Messed Up Family"
5 | "I Can Beat You With My Eyes Closed"
6 | "Fuckable Lips"
7 | "Where's My Knife When I Need It"
8 | "Why Was Alcohol So Bad But So Good?"
9 | "If I Took Off His Shirt, Would I Get Arrested?"
10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"
11 | "Let Those Assholes Find Me Now"
12 | "No Shit, Sherlock"
13 | "Popping Jaws Are Hot"
15 | "Rolie Polie Olie"
16 | "What The Actual Fuck"
17 | "Why Do I Even Bother"
18 | "I'm Yours"
19 | "I Think I'm Falling"
20 | "Everything. Was. Frozen."
The Queens Devil
0 | "I'm Gonna Fart on Your Face"
1 | "I'm in Hell"
2 | "You Missed, Asshole"
3 | "Look Who's Using Bad Words"
4 | "Long Live Robotic Tendencies"
5 | "Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"
6 | "Screw you, Anton Chekhov"
7 | "Put The Damn Gun Away"
8 | "I Won't Let You Leave Me"
9 | "I Wish You Didn't Need Thorns"
10 | "Jesus, You're Fucking Insane"
11 | "God, I Need to Get That Away From Him"
12 | "Tears Are Weakness"
13 | "Tone The Testosterone Down"
14 | "Don't Lie To Me"
15 | "Someone Could Have Told Me"
16 | "You Need a Chill Pill"
17 | "You're A Psychopath"
18 | "You Smell"
19 | "Please Don't Leave Me"
20 | "Freedom"
21 | "I Should Have Stayed Single"

14 | "Beg For Me"

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Por xwriteratheartxo

Chapter Fourteen
   "Beg For Me"

"you can, you should, and if you're
brave enough to start, you will."
— stephen king


   I was running laps, going on thirty minutes when I began smiling to myself under the water.

   For the first bit, my thoughts travelled to Daemon, but it wasn't long until I focused on them and glanced around my surroundings to ensure I was alone in the large space.

   It's the first Monday of October, and I thankfully hadn't experienced anymore scares. Even Luba mentioned there was less staff watching her. But my paranoia never ceased.

   Plus, it wouldn't be so hard to get to me from here. I was on the same level as the lobby of my building, and even though I was on the indoor part of the pool, someone could easily slip passed security. Especially with the right connections, and knowing them, they did.

   But my mind changed directions when I relived the conversation Sydelle and I had yesterday. We went to a bar where she drank three glasses of red wine, while I drank sparkling water. I felt spontaneous and all that jazz.

   I was smiling and sharing laughs with Sydelle for the first few minutes into our conversation, but that all took a turn when she slammed her hands on the table in front of her, eyes set on me with seriousness.

   "So, that's the mysterious Daemon in full light," her voice was sweet like honey, but she continued to study me with raised brows. "Are you gonna ignore this topic forever, or will I have to force feed you tomatoes?"

   I frowned. "You know I hate tomatoes."

   "I know," she smirked in satisfaction. "Give me the info I want, woman."

   With an exasperated sigh, I twisted my bar stool, so I could press my back against the table behind me. "What else do you even want to know? I told you his name."

   She was gawking. "And you think that's enough?" When she spoke again, her voice was two times higher. "Did you have sex? Was it good? How big? One to ten?"

   Peering around our surroundings, I flashed a smirk at those who were throwing surprised glances toward us before spinning my head back to hers. "Syd..."

   Her eyes remained wide as she brought her head closer to me. She whispered a innocent and soft, "Yeah?"

   I tried not to laugh but failed.

   Instead of answering right away, I brought my cup to my lips and sent her another smile before drinking half of the fluid. She watched impatiently before bringing her wine glass to her lips.

   She drowned everything and nearly slammed the glass on the table before twirling her seat facing me again. Her eyes were narrowed in agitation while I took my time parting my lips.

   "Well?" Sydelle exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. "We're not getting any younger. Give me the details!"

   "I forget how much of a gossiper you are," I chuckled, wiggling my brows. "We did nothing like that."

   She lost her frustration as her gaze roamed around my features. She must have read something because after another moment, her eyes narrowed on me with a knowing smirk. "But you want to?"

   "Wh-what? No," I scoffed a laugh, but her question didn't stop my body from being a bitch and reacting with all those annoying flutters in my chest—and hell, my core. I clenched my legs together and spun my seat around, so I was facing the table. "Daemon is an annoying Shadow who doesn't know basic human rules."

   "Basic human rules?" She repeated with amusement, moving herself like I had. "Says the girl who talks to people without a filter. I'm surprised you haven't gotten yourself into any fights."

   I snorted and plopped my elbows on the surface in front of me. "I have. But it doesn't end with me losing." I shook my head, reminding myself to get on topic. "Still, he uses all the wrong words and doesn't talk enough."

   This time, it was her turn to stifle a laugh. "Sounds like a match made in heaven," she joked before reaching out for her wine glass. And I watched her, glaring, as she finished the rest of the red liquid.

   Before I realized it, my muscles were already burning from the strength of my strokes, and rubbing my fingers together, I felt the creases of the skin. But deciding to finish off with one last stroke, I twisted myself under the water before flattening my feet against the wall behind me.

   But as I pushed myself forward, my head rose from the water just as the sound of feet stomping hoisted my clarity.

   Without thought, I straightened myself upright and snapped my head to the left, directed to the floor-to-ceiling windows that displayed the hallway leading to the gym. But with water causing my eyes to blur, I used my index and middle finger to rub the access water away.

   The owner of the loud shoes continued walking, the sound becoming louder as they reached the end of the pool—where I was.

   "Please tell me you have elephant feet, because wearing shoes here really ain't it," I shared, my tone both sarcastic and dry.

   But when I didn't hear a response, I finished rubbing my eyes and stared forward, unsurprised to see him standing near the ledge of the pool in his fancy shoes and even fancier, neatly pressed suit.

   My eyes scanned his wrinkle free black pants and jacket before hiking it further, until my focus was drilling into his jaw, cheekbones and crooked nose.

   Our eyes met, and I didn't miss his gaze penetrating mine with a mixture of anger, frustration and what looked to be... worry.

   Still, I smiled sweetly. "You're really taking your nickname to heart, Shadow."

   Daemon said nothing as he glared hard enough to scare even the strongest man. I had to hold back a laugh, though.

   If we were starring in an animated show or movie, I imagined steam would be shooting out from his ears and nose from his obvious tantrum. It was almost cute, seeing his jaw twitching and shiny shoe tapping twice on the wet stone tile. 

   "You haven't been answering your phone," he began, clearly attempting to sound calm but failing when I caught a certain edge to his tone. "I've been trying to reach you."

   I rolled my eyes before rotating in my spot, so I could ground my hands against the cold tiles next to his feet. He stepped back, and I felt him watching me as I lifted myself out of the pool.

   Not sparing him a glance, I strode around him, in the direction of the bench closest to the changing rooms—and where my things were sitting. Knowing my back was facing him, I smiled to myself.

   "I've been swimming, Daemon. Sorry I can't bring my phone inside with me," I drawled as I grasped my towel, wrapping it underneath my arms.

   Behind me, I heard him exhaling carefully. "Not keeping your phone close by is reckless."

   "Reckless?" I spun and shot him a pointed look. "What do you want me to do, leave my phone on the drenching floor, all because you want me to answer your calls right away? Sorry to live to disappoint, Shadow, but that's not happening."

   His steel eyes were cold and on me while he crossed the distance between us in three wide strides. I wrapped my arms around me when I saw his gaze dropping to my body, almost as if he was reassuring himself of something.

   Our gaze met again when he was just a foot away, and I hated how I had to tilt my head upward to stare at him, head on. "You have enemies," he told me blankly.

   "No, really?" I deadpanned and rolled my eyes again when he glared harder. "I know I have enemies, Daemon. And you don't have to stress about them."

   "Don't stress?" His voice was chilling as his chin lowered, eyes settling on me gravely. "I don't know if that's another one of your unfunny jokes, Rose, or if you are seriously suggesting—"

   "Unfunny?" I stopped him with a frown. "I think my jokes are funny."

   His eyes darkened in anger. "Right now, nothing is funny," he nearly growled. "I've called you several times."

   With a flat expression, I quirked a brow. "Are you mad because I didn't answer, or because you had to call me more than once?"

   His jaw ticked again, and I wondered if he was biting back the urge to grind his teeth together. "That doesn't matter. What matters is that your life is being threatened, and you are not taking that serious—"

   "I do," I interrupted harshly, feeling irritation spread inside me. "I do take it seriously. But when you're in hiding for as long as I have, you can imagine I want to fucking swim without having to worry about someone stabbing me in the back."

   "You don't have the luxury not to worry," he bit back roughly. "You tell me you have enemies, so next time, answer your phone."

   I felt myself burning with rage, but in an attempt not to push him into the pool and walk away, I inhaled slowly before forcing a tight smile. "Maybe instead of jumping to conclusions, text me and say to call you. And when I don't after, I don't know, an hour or two, then you can fucking worry instead of jumping to conclusions!"

   We were both glaring now, but the urge to walk away was strong, so, I whirled around and grabbed my bag from the bench before strutting toward the women's change room.

   Behind me, I heard Daemon cussing, followed by his feet stomping after me.

   "Rose," he barked. "Stop."

   I flipped him off and pushed the door open. With a quick glance, I saw no one inside and sighed with exhaustion before dropping my things on the wooden bench pressed against the wall next to me.

   But the moment of silence was quickly evaporated when the door opened behind me, followed by a voice asserting, "We aren't finished."

   I snorted, and keeping my back to him, I slipped my towel off my body. "It's finished," I remarked impassively. "And we're in the women's changing room, so unless you've grown a vagina, go away."

   I didn't dare turn to him, already knowing that he'd be shooting me a deadly stare. So instead, we both stood in tense silence before he broke it, clenching out words through his teeth before marching to the opposite side of the room, where the exit was.

   When the sound of the door opening and closing echoed inside the empty room, I exhaled and sagged my shoulders forward.

   But that sweet relief was gone the second I heard my phone ringing from inside my bag.

   Thinking it was Daemon, my eyes turned to slits as I stood next to the bench, reaching inside my beige tote bag. But when I brought it closer to my face and read an unknown number, I licked my dry lips and answered the call before bringing my phone to my ear.

   I waited to hear the person talk first.

   "Lee," a breathless Rolie said, and just like that, my grimace was replaced with a grin. "How are you over there?"

   "You make it sound like I'm somewhere in Antarctica," I teased, putting my phone on speaker before laying it on top of my bag. "How's everything on your end?"

   I was greeted with silence, and I froze. "You're in the clear. For now," he mumbled admittedly. "But they're being more secretive than before."

   I stared at the wall in front of me, the dryness in my throat beginning to burn. "Just keep me updated." I cleared my throat when my words came out raspy. And needing a distraction, I began taking off my bathing suit. "So, have you given Scandal a chance yet?"

   Rolie's groan filled the air around me, and I smirked to myself as my one-piece fell to the ground. "I don't have time, Lee."

   "Ever? Come on, if you're not gonna give How To Get Away With Murder a chance, at least try Scandal. I love Olivia Pope and her boss ass struts."

   "Of course you do." Even with him being thousands of miles away, I knew he was rolling his eyes. "Maybe recommend a show where the female lead isn't exactly like you."

   I frowned as I began drying my naked body with the towel again. "But those shows aren't fun."

   "What about a supernatural show? Got one of those up your sleeve?"

   "Supernatural?" It was my turn to roll my eyes. "Mostly male leads, and if there is a girl, she's always a damsel in distress. It gets offending at one point."

   "Uh-huh, and we don't like needing men to help save the day," his tone was a blend of sarcasm and humour. "What are you doing now?"

   I patted my skin, and although feeling slightly sticky, I was dry. "Just finished swimming, but I have to buy groceries before I head home."

   When he didn't speak right away, I ruffled through my bag and pulled out black cargo pants and my fitted and cropped, black long sleeve shirt. I slipped on my panties and began shrugging into the clothes, even though I smelt like chlorine.

   "Just be safe, Lee," Rolie spoke softly. "As much as I love you, I don't want you back."

   Wanting to lighten the mood, I chuckled while stuffing my wet towel and bathing suit into a plastic bag I brought with me. "Love? Don't get soft on me now, Rolie."

   "I'm not soft," he thankfully played along with a grumble. "I'm all hard."

   I gagged close to the phone. "Please, don't make me throw up."

   While he laughed, I slipped my feet into my flip flops and brought my tote bag to my shoulder before holding the plastic bag with my right hand. I gripped the phone with my free hand before putting him off speaker.

   "Say it," Rolie's encouraging and humorous tone made me suck a breath. "Say you love me."

   My lips parted, but the words died in my throat. So instead, I just smiled to myself and started walking to the exit Daemon left from. "Only if watch the shows I recommend."

   "I don't have time," he groaned just as I pushed the door open, only to stand at the entrance, dumbfounded, while staring at the white wall across from me.

   Because instead of it remaining empty, there stood Daemon Kade, whose back was straight with shoulders pushed back. And his eyes were already on me, calculating my movements.

   But my shock wore off quickly, and I sent him a coy smirk before striding down the opposite side of the hall, which led to the lobby. Behind me, he started grumbling but silently followed me.

   "Make time," I said into the phone, ignoring how the hair on the back of my neck rose from Daemon's stare.

   "How about next time I come over, you put on an episode," Rolie offered before adding, "But I need to go soon. I have a meeting in thirty—"

   "Then talk to me until then," I rushed out, seeing the front desk and double glass doors after turning a right corner. I was being petty and extra, but I wanted to stay on the call with him, knowing it would piss Daemon off. "Tell me about Gala."

   While he was silent in thought, I began speeding up my steps in an attempt to lose Daemon. But the second I pulled on the handle, I felt his chest pressing against my back, just as his hand flattened on the part of the door above my head.

   For a moment, I lingered in my spot, feeling the heat radiating off his body, before pushing myself forward. Just as I started sauntering on the packed sidewalk to my left, Rolie spoke, "She's good. Still reading like it's her air source."

   I laughed and moved passed the people walking around me. "Good to know nothing's changed. Your dad still sending her books?"

   "Yeah, everything she likes, they don't sell here." I nodded, knowing that was the truth.

   With a heavy sigh, I inhaled the gross air of New York City before peering across the street, where one of the several groceries were. Since the streets were full with unmoving cars and taxis, I quickly took in my surroundings before jaywalking, still gripping the phone next to my ear.

  Even with people moving around me, I just knew Daemon was still behind me, following. Glowering.

   Knowing that, I smiled to myself, and for the next twenty minutes, I grocery shopped with Daemon hovering behind me in silence.

   At one point, he saw me struggling to hold the heavy, navy-blue basket, and he surprised me when he suddenly snatched it from my hand, only to hold it with ease next to him, still following me.

   I smiled, but I made sure he couldn't see it before striding to one of the empty conveyor belts. I stayed on the phone with Rolie while checking out, but Daemon sucked it up, carrying four out of the six bags.

   "I'm gonna have to go, Lee," Rolie sighed in my ear just as I stepped inside the lobby of my building.

   Since I was holding the phone with my left hand, I was carrying my bag of wet clothes on the same had as the other two grocery bags. Luckily, my tote bag stayed still on my shoulder, despite me tilting slightly to the side because of the weight difference.

   "Keep me updated," I told him, smiling to the receptionist before twisting my body in the direction of the elevators. I smirked to myself and sped up. "Try not to come by like a drug dealer next time."

   "I did not look like a—"

   My snort cut him off. "Yes, you did."

   He groaned in my ear, just as I stopped in front of the elevator buttons. Using my already full hand, I pressed against the upward arrow and instantly heard one of the three doors dig before the far left one opened.

   "Bye Lee," Rolie drawled and sang at the same time before hanging up. And while I was busy stuffing my phone into my tote bag, on my right, Daemon began shuffling around me.

   His back was to me for a split second, and I allowed my smirk to spread across my lips before quickly biting it back.

   Daemon was standing inside, holding two bags in each hand casually but studying me with the most intimidating eyes I've seen. So, not taking my eyes off his, I gradually slid inside the small space, but not far enough that the doors would close on me.

   And without looking away from him, I used my now free hand and slid it to the left side of the elevator before rapidly pressing four of the first buttons. Before he could realize what I was doing, I already jumped out of the elevator, watching the doors close.

   The last thing I saw was Daemon's widened eyes before they narrowed into a heated glare.

   "Oops," I mumbled, smirking to myself before facing the door on my left, leading to the stairway.

   I jogged up the stairs, seeing that I lived on the sixth floor and would be expecting Daemon shortly. But the second I reached the door handle of my apartment, not too far from me, I heard the elevator dig open.

   My hands were grasping the keys now, and I shoved it inside the lock before pushing the door open. But my hopes in evading Daemon were lost when I felt him standing behind me, chest rising in anger.

   "You are the most aggravating woman I've ever met," he hissed, his chest rumbling against my back.

   While I should have been worried, or hell, even scared, all I could think about was how my skin warmed at the sound of his voice. But I didn't like to think about what that meant, so I cleared my throat and pushed the door open wider before slipping the key out of the lock.

   I didn't spare him a glance as I kicked off my flip flops before dropping my wet bag of clothes on the ground next to it. "I feel like that's a compliment."

   Daemon clearly didn't like my response.

   "A compliment?" He repeated, voice lowering deeper as I glided to the kitchen on my right. But just as I dropped two of the bags on the empty counter space, Daemon did the same before grabbing my waist.

In seconds, I was spun around, fully meeting his eyes for the first time since I stepped out of the woman's change room. They were dark, calculating and set solely on me as his head lowered closer to mine. "You've been ignoring me for the last twenty minutes."

   I kept my innocent smile as I nodded. "I know."

   Without waiting for his reply, I pushed his hands off my waist before beginning to unpack the groceries. On my right, Daemon narrowed his eyes but followed my actions.

   "You know?"

   With a pursed lower lip and scrunched eyebrows, I turned to him. "Do you need a reset, Robot? Why are you repeating everything I say?"

   "Because you are completely reckless!" His voice increased in volume by the end of his statement, still keeping his eyes on me as he unpacked the food. "You're upset that I'm worried about your safety, then you go off ignoring me like a—"

   "Like a what?" I slammed the basket of strawberries on the table before crossing my arms stubbornly. His focus dropped to my arms and darkened.

   "Like a child," he finished, sliding closer to me without removing his gaze off mine. "You need to take better care of yourself. And you can't get angry with me each time I worry!"

   My retort died in my throat when he finished shouting.

   But the longer my eyes roamed around his sharpened jaw and cheekbones, as well as his rising chest, I couldn't help but smile widely. "Shadow, are you really worried about little ol' me?"

   His gaze dropped to my lips and narrowed. "Stop that."

   "Stop what?" My smile grew.

   His glare hardened. "Stop... smiling."

   "Only when you stop giving me kicking urges," I chirped, sticking my arm out to tap his chest.

   But the second I touched the space above his heart, his hand shot out and clasped mine, keeping it in place while his eyes burned into mine, serious as always.

   Despite his cool exterior, there was frustration and concern hidden in his features. "Why aren't you taking this more seriously?" He asked, almost demanding. "What if one day they kill you, Rose? What if they kill you because you weren't more careful?"

   "I don't know what I'd do if I found them," he started, voice soft enough to make me suck a breath in surprise. Still, his eyes remained sharp as they settled on mine. "Normally, punishment comes easy for me, Rose. But if something happens to you..."

   He left his threat hanging, and I felt his hand tightening on top of mine. My cheeks warmed without my permission, and I shivered when I saw his gaze dropping to the curve of my neck.

   "Well," my throat was dry, "You don't have to worry about them killing me. They won't."

   His eyes narrowed before he released my hand. "How would you know that?"

   The truth was on the tip of my tongue, and it took every ounce of strength to part my lips before forcing out, "Because I'm better off alive to them."


   I nodded and inhaled sharply from my nose. "My family."

   If he was surprised by that answer, he didn't show it right away.

   Instead, Daemon's head pushed back, the slightest inch, before his body followed. Even with the extra space being minimal, my focus lowered to the ground before exhaling slowly. But when my attention travelled to Daemon's feet, even with the tension, I couldn't stop myself from cracking a small smile when I saw his foot tapping slightly.

   "My family is the enemy," I continued, flattening my palms against my cargo pants before lifting my gaze to his. "I've been gone for three years, but they... that won't stop them from searching."

   A soft, sad chuckle escaped my lips as I peered over to the windows on my right. With a shaky breath, I rubbed the tip of my nose with my index finger. "They want me back, not dead. So, don't worry."

   When he didn't reply right away, I forced myself to curve my neck, only to meet his assessing, steel grey eyes moments later. "Why?"

   "Why what?"

   He cocked his head. "Why did you run away?"

   "Why didn't I run away?" A harsh laugh left me as I shook my head, only to tuck in a piece of my hair that escaped from behind my ear. "My dad—my brothers, were always protective. They locked me away from people, I wasn't even allowed outside the house. But after... after the accident, it was worse. It got so much worse."

   The ache in my chest rapidly expanded to a point I felt like I couldn't breathe. But still, I got my next words out, despite them turning raspy. "I can't go back there. I would rather die than go back to them, living in that fucking house."

   I didn't realize that my eyes were burning from unshed tears until I finished speaking. And I hated it. I hated how vulnerable I felt—how weak I was acting.

   So, I looked away. I concentrated hard on the small space between our feet, now crossing my arms, like they were my shield to my heart.

   But after what felt like minutes of silence coming from Daemon, I saw his feet carefully filling the rest of the distance between us. It wasn't until his hand cupped my jaw, did I widen my eyes.

He tilted my chin up gradually, until our gazes locked again.

   And before I knew it, his other hand circled my waist, just as his head dipped low enough to capture my lips with his.

   I was surprised, but my body wasn't. Like magic, I sank against him and fluttered my eyes closed before my hands shakily slid up his arms before clasping the back of his neck.

   But the kiss was quickly cut short when he peeled away, the slightest inch. And with all the strength I could muster, I forced my eyes open and met his dark and lustful ones.

   His hold on my jaw tightened, but his thumb was softly stroking the corner of my lip. "I won't let anything happen to you, Rose," he swore.

   My eyes wandered over to his lips. "That's big talk for someone who has no people skills."

   "Only for you," he mumbled with a small smile before crossing the rest of the distance between us.

   When our lips met again, it was just as hard but passionate as before. And before I knew it, he tugged me closer to him, until my body was flush against his.

   I moaned into his mouth while his tongue began to tangle with mine. My nose was filling with his familiar pine and oak scent, and in that moment, I felt drunk on him. And before I realized what he was doing, he was holding me tight while taking unfaltering steps toward my bed.

   His hand slid off my jaw and into my hair, only to tug it back enough, so he could have access to my neck. "Daemon," I breathed out just as the ledge of my bed hit the back of my thighs.

   "The things I want to do to you," he growled softly next to my ear before his teeth scrapped against my neck. "The things I want to hear from you."

   A shaky breath left me before I sat down, feeling hands grasp the hem of my shirt. Reflexively, my arms rose, and like magic, he threw my shirt off my body. The cold air immediately hit my skin, but it wasn't long until he grasped my hips and lifted me to the centre of the bed before laying himself on top of me.

   "What do you want to hear?" I whispered, only to close my eyes and shiver when I felt his hand dipping inside my pants and into my panties.

   His head lowered to my ear again, but I didn't miss the feeling of him smirking. "I want you to beg."

   He pulled his head away, staring lustfully into my eyes before dropping to my parted lips. They felt swollen, but I still licked them in an attempt to distract my dirty thoughts.


   This time, his smirk widened. But instead of replying right away, he scooted lower until his hands encircled my thighs. He shoved them farther apart before settling against me, still wearing his suit.

   Before I could wrap my legs around him, his free hand began to skim over my belly, leaving goosebumps at its wake before reaching the button of my cargo pants. My chest was heaving at this point, watching as he stared at me with a wolfish smile.

   "I don't like repeating myself, Rose," he murmured seductively before his mouth began laying kisses over my jaw. "But I'd do it for you. Beg for me."

   Lost in my own lust, I threw my head back and arched against him, only for his mouth to peel away from my skin and hover over my lips.

   Stubbornness be gone.

   My body reacted without the control of my brain as I reached out, grabbing his hair with two hands. It ruffled from my touch, and I felt a zap of satisfaction, seeing the most intact man I've ever met, seem muddled.

   With a harsh tug, I brought his head closer to me, until there was only an inch of space between us. "I want you," I exhaled hungrily. "I want you to touch me everywhere."

   Hearing enough, a low growl came from Daemon before our lips collided again, this time, harder than before—not that I had any complaints.

   Surprisingly, Daemon managed to help get my pants off without moving his mouth off mine. But when it was my turn to return the action, we both sat up, breathing heavily as we both nearly ripped off his suit jacket and black button up shirt.

   When it came time when his clothes were on the floor, besides his black boxers, he pushed me flat against my bed again, all while my eyes glazed over his physique.

   I was given pieces of him. The occasional sleeve rolling, or placing my hand on his body. But I could confidently say now that those instances were nothing against the full thing.

   He had more tattoos than I thought. While his sleeves were covered, and so was the bottom half of his neck, his chest was full of designs I never saw though his shirt. And without much consideration, my hand began gliding over his smooth body, despite the ripples of muscles at all corners. I didn't miss how he flexed from my touch, but he didn't move away.

   His eyes followed my movements before locking on mine again. And before I knew it, his head lowered to my neck and began sucking while his free hands helped shrug my panties down my legs.

   Before I knew it, his callused fingers were tracing the lines of my sex, teasing me just enough to get me ready for him. I angled my hips closer to his touch, but he only chuckled breathlessly against me before his warm breath fanned across my breast. That alone was enough for me to shake.

   It wasn't long before his hot, wet mouth latched onto my nipple.

   "Daemon," I whispered and closed my eyes, feeling two of his fingers slip inside me. The moisture from just our kiss was enough support for him to push inside deeper, leaving me gasping for air.

   With his elbow digging into the space next to me, his free hand moved to my other breast and began pinching my bud hard enough to get me to shudder against him. "Please..."

   "Please what?" He asked, mouth still close to my breast as he curled his fingers deep inside me. But I couldn't answer anymore, because he hit my g-spot, and any words died in my throat as I shook.

   He noticed how my body responded and repeated his actions. "Do you want to come, Rose?" He spoke in a raspy, sexy voice. "Tell me."

   "Yes," I whimpered, rubbing myself against his hands. But instead of giving me what I desired, his hand stopped.

   His mouth moved to my ear, teeth scrapping against me. "Use your words."

   "God, I hate you," I cried out before exclaiming, "Make me come. Now."

   "Bossy," he mumbled amusingly, but did as he was told. And in seconds, he found my g-spot again, like it was the easiest thing to do.

   It wasn't long until my climax hit me, hard and fast. But Daemon prolonged it when he lowered himself to my heat, lapping up my juices like it was his own personal fountain.

   My hands were gripping the headboard above me as I shook. But when he pinched my clit, a loud cry left me before I sagged into my bed.

   My muscles felt like mush, and I released the headboard—although, my arms were still laying above my head.

   Like the Shadow he was, Daemon rose above me before caging me under him. Silence stretched between us as we both caught our breath, neither of us looking away from the other.

   But like a silent message, hinting for more, I wrapped my legs around his waist and attempted to lower his body to mine. It wasn't until I felt him settling against my heat did he realize what I was asking.

   His eyes flashed. "Are you sure?"

   I nodded hesitantly before parting my lips. "I should probably tell you I never—"

   "Never?" He gaped in shock.

   "I feel like I should be honoured. I managed to surprise you," I tried to chuckle to lighten the mood, but I only made his eyes darken before his head lowered closer to mine.

   "You surprise me every day, Rose," he murmured before capturing my lips with his. But before I could get lost in him, he mumbled, "I don't have a condom on me."

   "I've been on birth control since I was eighteen," I breathed out, lacing my fingers into his hair. "And I'm clean."

   His eyes, if possible, turned to a darker shade of grey. "Me too."

   "Cool," I whispered, only to close my eyes when I felt his hand brushing against my cheek with a softness I didn't know Daemon possessed.

   He lowered his head, and I felt him smiling against me. "Cool," he murmured gruffly before adding, "You're so beautiful."

   "Then do me," I blurted, snapping my eyes open.

   With a deep chuckle, he shook his head and slammed his lips to mine again, not taking my words lightly.

   The next few minutes consisted of taking off his boxers, which showed off his thick and long shaft. Following that was a slight panicked moment, which Daemon consoled me from.

   But lust sat in the control seat of my mind again when his cock pressed hard against me in preparation.

   I inhaled sharply and snapped my eyes to his, only to see that he'd already been watching me patiently. And before I could realize, Daemon kissed me again, hard and deep, and long enough to make me dizzy.

   Suddenly, he shifted his hips, until I felt him parting my lips with his member. He kissed me harder, probably to distract myself, but I felt every inch as he slowly slipped inside me.

   My muscles stretched to accommodate his thick shaft, and when a soft cry escaped my lips, he used one hand to cup my cheeks, almost tenderly. With our foreheads pressed together, our breaths mingled as he paused, letting me adjust to his size.

   But it wasn't long until he sank deeper, until he was fully seated inside me.

   For a moment, I was heaving, feeling full in a way I haven't felt before. Daemon just laid on top of me, eyes roaming around my expression, as if he was waiting for the okay to continue.

   Without realizing, I clenched my walls against his length, only to feel my clit throbbing. Daemon, though, dropped his head on the pillow next to me and groaned. "Rose." His tone was pleading. "I need to move. I want to make you feel good."

   When he pulled his head back, I stared deep into his dark eyes before nodding once. And that was enough for him to clasp my hands on either side of my head before pulling himself out, only leaving the tip in.

   Pain and pleasure mixed together when he pushed himself inside again, and I bit my lip to silence my moan. A pulsing sensation in my core quickened with each passing thrust, and it wasn't long until the pain was drowned from the pleasure.

   "More," I gasped against his mouth, only to feel his chest rumble with a soft growl before he released my hands. Before I knew it, he was threading one hand roughly into my hair, the other lowering to my ass, where he could angle me in a different position.

   I held his shoulders to me as he began pounding, harder and harder each time, bringing me closer to my second climax. I threw my legs over his waist and pushed myself off the bed, trying to match his pace while his tongue dove into my mouth, igniting pleasure all over my body.

   I ran my fingers down his back, feeling his muscles flex from the power of his thrusts. But needing air, I moved my mouth of his and gasped, clinging onto him.

   As if he could sense my oncoming release, he pulled his mouth off mine, groaning softly when our eyes met. "Come for me." His voice was soft, but only Daemon could manage to sound demanding. 

   His damp forehead dropped to mine before he tightened his grip on the back of my thigh. He started arching my knee away from him, which gave him access to rub against my clit and hit my g-spot at the same time. And like that, my body listened to his demand.

   The climax hit me brutally, and I cried out loudly as waves of pleasure rippled through my shaking body. Throughout this, Daemon moved harder until, after a few more thrusts, his body tensed before I felt him shooting deep inside me.

   And while we tried to catch our breaths, I was lost in a daze of thoughts, but still holding him close to my body before he kissed me again, tenderly.


haha... this chapter is long as
FUCK. so sorry in advance :')

I'm sorry for how long it took to
upload, it's Canada Day today so
I haven't been on my phone!

i hope you lovelies enjoyed
the read (the smut) and i'll
see you in the next one! love
you xx

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