The Devil (BOOK I + II)

By xwriteratheartxo

81K 3.6K 181

[COMPLETED] Three years ago, she ran away from something she doesn't want to go back to, and never looked bac... More

The Devils Advocate
1 | "Fuck Me"
2 | "I'm Pretty Sure That's Illegal"
3 | "I Wish Stabbing People Was Normal"
4 | "The Product Of A Messed Up Family"
5 | "I Can Beat You With My Eyes Closed"
7 | "Where's My Knife When I Need It"
8 | "Why Was Alcohol So Bad But So Good?"
9 | "If I Took Off His Shirt, Would I Get Arrested?"
10 | "Fuckers Everywhere"
11 | "Let Those Assholes Find Me Now"
12 | "No Shit, Sherlock"
13 | "Popping Jaws Are Hot"
14 | "Beg For Me"
15 | "Rolie Polie Olie"
16 | "What The Actual Fuck"
17 | "Why Do I Even Bother"
18 | "I'm Yours"
19 | "I Think I'm Falling"
20 | "Everything. Was. Frozen."
The Queens Devil
0 | "I'm Gonna Fart on Your Face"
1 | "I'm in Hell"
2 | "You Missed, Asshole"
3 | "Look Who's Using Bad Words"
4 | "Long Live Robotic Tendencies"
5 | "Trigger Happy Mo-Fo"
6 | "Screw you, Anton Chekhov"
7 | "Put The Damn Gun Away"
8 | "I Won't Let You Leave Me"
9 | "I Wish You Didn't Need Thorns"
10 | "Jesus, You're Fucking Insane"
11 | "God, I Need to Get That Away From Him"
12 | "Tears Are Weakness"
13 | "Tone The Testosterone Down"
14 | "Don't Lie To Me"
15 | "Someone Could Have Told Me"
16 | "You Need a Chill Pill"
17 | "You're A Psychopath"
18 | "You Smell"
19 | "Please Don't Leave Me"
20 | "Freedom"
21 | "I Should Have Stayed Single"

6 | "Fuckable Lips"

2.1K 86 0
By xwriteratheartxo

Chapter Six
"Fuckable Lips"

"i'm tough, ambitious, and I know exactly
what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay."
— madonna


I didn't know why I felt sad.

I could say it was from the Monday blues, because I had to open and close the shop today. But deep down inside, I knew that wasn't part of my disastrous mood.

When five o'clock hit, I basically ran toward the front door and flipped the closed sign before locking up. I knew I needed to burn off energy and burn off energy I would do.

So I spun on my heel, grabbed my bag from behind the counter and strode to the opposite side of the room. I unlocked the door leading up the stairs and took two steps at a time before entering the dark room.

The next ten minutes consisted of me replacing my skirt and shirt combo with workout clothes before lifting my hair into a high ponytail.

My standing punching bag was on the far-right corner, near where the boarded-up window ended, so I tugged it to the middle of the mats before shoving my hands into my gloves. Once I got rock music playing on my phone, I threw it near the end of the mats and began attacking the bag full of sand.

The more my fists moved, the more I felt angry. Annoyed. Depressed.

Because how I was currently living my life was just a fraction of how I'd like to live it.

Dancing. Making friends. Taking the god damn elevator and hell, drinking. Not having to continuously check my surroundings to make sure I was safe.

Not feel like I was being watched. Every single moment of the day.

The longer I thought about it, the harder I punched the bag, feeling a heavy ache in my chest. My eyes burned, but I refused to admit it was because of the tears I was holding back. Internally, I cursed at myself for being childish because I was still free.

It had limits, but I wasn't there anymore.

The stand holding the bag upright nearly fell to the ground a few times, but I managed to catch and stabilize it before resuming my hits.

I must have been so lost in my own world, because I didn't hear the door open behind me until a voice muttered, "Hey."

I didn't register who was in the room with me. Instead, my body kicked into gear as I whirled around and darted toward the body next to the door.

My feet faltered when I was barely a few feet away. My jaw unlocked, and I gawked at the person standing in the room with me before managing to find my voice moments later.

"Rolie?" Although my voice sounded raspy, I began to grin widely. "What the hell? Why didn't you give a girl a warning?"

Rolando matched my smile and stepped closer to me, away from the door. "And miss that face? Never."

I rolled my eyes just as he crossed the rest of the distance between us, enveloping me in a hug. I didn't need to go on my toes as I threw my arms around his neck—he was about an inch or two taller, anyways.

"I missed you," I muttered into his neck before pulling away.

He smiled that straight smile that I couldn't help but return.

When I took another step back, I began to take off my gloves and gave myself a moment to take in his features. He didn't look that different, since he'd been coming to see me every month since I escaped my own personal prison.

I'd known him and his sister since we were kids, and I owed him a hell of a lot.

He was taller than the average person, with a head full of champagne blond hair that was shorter on the sides. The top of his head wasn't curly or straight, but there were swift waves, especially that hung on his forehead.

His eyes were dark brown, even in the sun, which contrasted from his nearly white hair. Though, his physique was impeccable, with a narrow waist and broad shoulders. His jaw was the sharpest I've seen, and his button nose was to die for. He was team basically no lashes, though.

I bit back a smile when my eyes peered over to his large ears before dropping to his attached earlobes—he'd always hated it, and I teased, although there was nothing wrong with it being attached.

"You don't usually come in the beginning of the month," I accused after settling my gaze on his. "Is there something..."

He shook his head quickly before rushing out, "No, no." My shoulders sagged, but my relief was short-lived when his eyes squinted from wearing a tight smile. "We can talk about that later. What's new with you?"

"You can't change topics like that."

With a playful smile, he shrugged. "Watch me." And with that, he checked over his shoulder, where he left the door wide open.

I frowned when a thought popped up. "How'd you even get in here anyways?"

He didn't answer right away. Instead, he reached out for the door and pushed it closed before twisting in his spot. I watched him with raised brows when our eyes met, but he only stuffed his hands into his jean pockets before ducking his head down.

Since he was wearing a black baseball cap, I reached out and plucked it off his head, this time glaring. "Rolie... I'll start singing the song."

His head shot up. "Don't."

"I will," I smirked and opened my mouth, knowing he'd crack.

He did.

"I made a spare key," he shouted in admission with wide eyes, while I just gaped at him.

It took a few moments to register what he was saying. But when it finally processed, my left foot moved back a step as I crossed my arms, glowering at him. "And how did you manage to do that?"

He smiled sheepishly. "I talked to your aunt last month, who asked Cynthia." My mouth opened to argue, but he rushed out, "It's for your safety!"

"Safety my ass!" I kicked my foot out and attempted to hit his calve, but failed when he jumped back. I didn't attempt to hit him again as I began to rant, narrowing my eyes on him. "You could have asked! Or at least told me you had keys to the shop. What if I was holding a gun? You know I don't look before I shoot sometimes!"

Hearing that, he moved forward and tried to hug me again. "Okay, you got me there. I don't wanna get shot," he said with a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry."

I weakly tried to get out of his hold, but I ended up hugging him, nonetheless. I didn't have it in me to hold a grudge when it came to Rolie—I hardly ever saw him now.

With my head laying on his shoulder, I inhaled and took in his faint, but notable sandalwood scent, which was currently overpowered by the stench of gasoline.

I was about to pull away, but Rolie beat me to it when he suddenly moved his hands off my back and onto my shoulders. He began pulling me away, and I furrowed my brows.

When I took three steps back, I continued to frown, even with his hands still on my shoulders. His eyes were travelling all over my expression, and I easily read through his.

"What's wrong?" I demanded, my tone warning. "You told me nothing's wrong."

He flinched. "I didn't necessarily say that..."

My eyes narrowed further before I took a wide step back, knocking both of his hands off me in the process. "Rolando Mikhailov—"

"Not the full name," he groaned, but I ignored him.

"—Speak. Now. Otherwise I'll drop you on the ground faster than you can scream mercy."

He didn't need another warning. "They hired someone," he blurted, his protruding, downturned eyes turning wide.

I stopped another threat from forming on my lips before grating out, "Who?"

I could see his chest rising through his black v-neck as he took a deep breath. "Chelovek kotoryy nikogda ne promakhivayetsya."

My brows scrunched together hearing that. Person who never misses?

"An assassin?" My voice wavered slightly, but I forced myself to laugh, despite my thighs clenching together as I crossed my arms. "What? Are they trying to kill me now?"

"No, but he..." Rolie trailed off and twisted his head to the right, where my weights and barbells stood. "He's notorious is Europe, R—Lee," he corrected himself before glancing back to me with a wary smile. "If he finds you, don't expect remorse or empathy. He'll take you back, and he won't care what happens after that. If they torture you. Kill you."

Still, I shook my head in disbelief. I made sure not to show an ounce of fear before hardening my voice. "Why would they send an assassin after me, if they don't want me dead? Are P.I.'s more expensive than I remember?"

"They've hired them, Lee. But... they're not around anymore."

He didn't have to explain. I knew they killed all those who failed at finding me.

There was a tightness in my chest, but it disappeared when I felt Rolie's cold hand on my cheek. He used his thumb under my chin to lift my head, and he smiled sadly when our eyes met before releasing me.

"Good news, though." His tone was weary, yet cheerful when he stated, "They still haven't found you yet. According to my dad, at least. You're in the clear."

I nodded slowly and used my index finger to rub my nose. "You'll let me know if they get close?"

"I'd never let them catch you, Lee." His eyes lowered to the floor and frowned, seemingly offended that I even asked him that. "Just please... be more careful."

I smiled a playful smile I almost believed before reassuringly tapping his chest. "Aren't I always?"

Inside, I felt dread. But I chose not to dwell on it as I cocked my head to the side. "How long are you in the city for?"

"Long enough to grab food," he teased when his gleaming eyes returned to mine. "What do you say, Alina? Ukrainian food? I saw a place nearby."

I grinned widely. "How can I say no?"

With a soft chuckle, Rolie moved forward and stood next to me before throwing an arm around my shoulders. "Let's go. Maybe I'll let you steal one of my draniki."

"One?" I snorted and walked with him to the door leading to the stairs. "Please. I'm taking at least two."

"There's three in a serving," he stated as a reminder, but as I turned off the lights to the room, I glanced over to him.

Even through the darkness, I stared at him blankly. "Should I be impressed you know the correct order of numbers?"

Without waiting for his reply, I opened the door and began jogging downstairs. "Ha ha," I heard him shout sarcastically from the top. "Never mind. You deserve nothing!"

"Oh yeah? Okay, I guess I just won't pay your food with American money I know you don't have," I chirped casually.

When I reached the bottom stare, I had to use every ounce of my control to stop a laugh from spewing when I heard Rolie's rushed feet coming down the stairs.

He was behind me, slightly out of breath when he spoke again. "Okay, let's negotiate."


After not budging and nearly causing Rolie to throw himself at a window, I laughed and let him off the hook. Mostly because I wasn't too into draniki anyways.

If we were talking about blinchiki though... different story.

He ended up leaving after we ate, and after a long felt goodbye hug, I returned to my studio apartment, alone.

When I woke up Wednesday near noon, I allowed myself to lay in bed and enjoy my day off. Since my bed was pressed against the wall of windows, I curled into the corner and stared outside, lingering my eyes on the small people strolling on the sidewalk.

It was getting closer to lunchtime when I moved to the bathroom and got myself ready for the day. I was planning on heading to Barnes & Noble, mostly because I was hoping the sight of books would motivate me to read.

I ended up wearing a mint green, floral cami midi dress with a slit, and covered my light brown hair with a beige sun hat. I grabbed a matching purse and made sure to put all my necessities—including my wireless earphones—before slipping into my sandals.

After locking up, I took the stairs down and opened the door leading to the humid summer heat. Because I was a naturally warm person, I always hated summer. I despised feeling sticky and gross.

With a snort, I shoved my earphones inside my ear, just as I got a call from Sydelle.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and answered it. But since it was connected to my earphones, I put the phone inside and began walking toward Barnes & Noble. "Bitch!" I exclaimed, causing some people to turn their heads in my direction.

I ignored them. "Mega-slut!" Sydelle cheered in my ear, and I smiled. But instead of continuing, I heard her speaking with someone, their voices muffled.

"Who you with?"

Her reply came a moment later. "With mom. We're getting lunch and she asked if I could call you."

My brows furrowed at that, but my steps didn't falter as I began crossing the street. "Why? What's going on?"

There was shuffling on her end before I heard my aunt's smooth voice, right as I reached the opposite side of the road. "Nothing, dochka. I just wanted to hear your voice, but we can never be too careful."

"I know," I whispered and felt a tug in my chest.

People knew better than to touch Luba, but that didn't mean they didn't watch her. Even if it's been years since I escaped my own personal hell, they could still check her phone records and follow her whereabouts.

Luba was first to break the silence. "So, has Sydelle been useful with deciding the floral arrangements?"

I laughed loud and uncaringly, and again people peered over to me. I probably would have seemed less insane if I was holding a phone against my ear, but alas, let them think I was crazy.

A couple walking in the opposite direction of me were scrunching their noses, and I just smiled and waved at them before answering Luba's question. "Do you know your daughter? She still can't tell the difference between roses and ranunculus'."

"Hey!" I heard Sydelle's muffled shout of defence. "I totally can!"

"Uh-huh, whatever you say," I taunted, even though I knew she probably couldn't hear me. "Anyway. Luba, make sure to call me before the end of this week, so I can tell you my ideas."

"Sounds good, dochka."

With a faint smile on my lips, I turned a left corner and spotted the dark green roof, with the words Barnes & Noble in gold. It was across the street, so I twisted toward the curb and watched as cars zoomed by as I stood idly.

While my eyes scanned the streets, my breath halted when I noticed a familiar head of hair, striding opposite from me.

He was in a suit, as usual, with his hair pushed back and stubble neatly trimmed. He was all prim and proper, but he blended with the shadows, like he belonged in the darkness. Instead of being victim to the heat, he seemed cool. Composed.


Remembering how we'd left things, any fuzzy thoughts vanished as my eyes narrowed. "I'll talk to you later, Luba." Not waiting for her reply, I stuffed my hand into my purse and hung up on the call, not pulling my gaze off Daemon.

His steps were wide as he marched passed Barnes & Noble, head held high. As if people could get a sense of authority off him, they all jumped out of his way.

Not considering the consequences, I strode off the curb and onto the street, glimpsing once for cars before running the rest of the way. Some cars honked, but oh well.

When I reached the sidewalk, I followed Daemon from several steps behind. I recognized I was being a creep like he was, but I didn't care.

He kept moving straight, not taking any turns or pauses, even when he was crossing the street. If I was almost anyone else, I would've reconsidered following him and all that jazz. But I got this far, so too late now.

It was barely a minute later until I was only a few steps behind. He still hadn't peered over his shoulder, so I figured I was in the clear. I was tempted to scare him right now.

I smirked to myself, and in that moment, Daemon took a sharp left turn, into the alleyway that was next to one of the many gyms.

My feet faltered, but I didn't think much of it as I slowed my steps, closer to the alley.

The second I reached the corner, an arm shot out from the darkness in the alley and gripped my upper arm. Before I had a moment to realize, I was tugged inside, gasping for air before my back was pressed against the brick wall.

I blinked rapidly, my head tilted to the left. I noted that I was on the right side of a dumpster, which hid me from any prying eyes.

Before I twisted my gaze forward, I felt a head dipping low, close to the side of my head. I didn't move before I heard a smooth, almost soft whisper. "You need to work on your stealth, Rose."

I felt my neck warming up, but not from the heat, as I slowly swivelled my head in Daemon's direction. Even with us standing amongst the shadows, I couldn't help but notice how his steel grey eyes still appeared bright.

He stood in front of me, seemingly unaffected, a foot away.

His almond-shaped eyes didn't move off mine, and I couldn't help but notice how his eyelids almost seemed non-existent as he stared down at me. Still, that didn't hide the fact that his lashes were dark as hell.

"Trust me, if I wanted to be undetectable, you wouldn't notice me."

Instead of responding right away, he cocked his head, so we were at eye level. "I'll always notice you, Rose." His voice was steady and calm, but his eyes implied something different.

I ignored how my body reacted to that before glaring and stepping forward, away from the wall. As if he didn't want to be too close, he reversed but kept his eyes on me.

"Says the guy who can't read people." He didn't seem startled by my accusation, so I continued. "Are you never gonna tell me what happened on Friday? Or are you gonna use that limited vocabulary of yours and talk?"

"I mean, what the hell did you mean, I don't need to deal with this," I lowered my voice to mock what he told me before leaving that day. "Deal with what, huh? Me? I didn't know you gave up easily, but I guess you learn more about a person as time goes on."

He continued to watch me with those cold eyes, but I noticed his jaw twitching. I lowered my head and fixated on the floor, only to resist a smile when I saw Daemon's right foot tapping. He instantly stopped himself when he realized where I was looking.

Peering up to meet his gaze again, I rose a single brow. "Well, anything you gotta say? Or do I need to help you enunciate new words?"

Hearing that, he choked on what sounded like a rough laugh, which made me push my head back in surprise.

Before I had a chance to realize, Daemon took a step toward me, and I found myself unconsciously moving back, until my back was pressed against the wall again. He crowded himself into my space, enough so that our feet were touching.

My lips parted, but I didn't move my eyes off his as he ducked his head down, this time putting his hands on either side of me to cage me in.

He was close enough to brush his nose against mine, and I heard him inhaling softly. "I like your thorns, Rose. But sometimes you're so fucking frustrating," he murmured, almost roughly, next to my ear.

When he pushed his head back, I couldn't help but notice how his eyes hooded as they met mine again. Despite feeling out of luck for air at the moment, I forced myself to have the last word.

So, I straightened my back against the wall and didn't look away from him before a teasing smile grew on my lips. "Look at you, adding a bad word into your dictionary."

He surprised me in the next moment when he shook his head lazily, only for a soft, almost unrecognizable chuckle escaping him.

I didn't stop myself from gawking. He'd laughed once before, but I could never get used to the sound—or hell, the genuine smile on his lips.

Beneath his frigidness, Daemon was unfairly beautiful.

"You bring it out of me," he spoke deeply. On either side of me, I felt his hands lowering against the wall before they slowly skimmed over my hips.

His right hand lingered, and I managed to find my voice before casually sighing. "I feel honoured. It's not every day I influence people to go against their morals and curse."

"I highly doubt that," he mumbled, and since he was so close, I could almost feel his chest rumbling as his spoke. "I can see people breaking all of their rules for you."

His eyes avoided mine as he watched his hand now hover over my waist. I couldn't breathe in that moment, and I hated how twisted I felt.

But I refused to appear bothered as I forced out a laugh before shrugging nonchalantly. "I guess I do love the challenge." And without thinking, I flattened my palm against his chest, right over his heart.

I felt his stiffening against me, right as his hand moved the slightest inch, enough to grasp my waist. "You calling me a challenge, Rose?" He grumbled, but this time, he wasn't looking at my eyes. Instead, his focus was a few inches lower.

My hand moved up his chest, until I felt my fingers curling around his shoulder. I focused on his fuckable lips and released a shaky breath. "Well, I'm not calling you easy."

When he didn't reply right away, I forced myself to peer up, just enough to scan his features. His eyes were still studying my mouth, and as if he was in a haze, he crossed most of the distance, until his mouth was hovering over mine.

My mind was screaming at me to push him away, to stop any further physical contact. This was Daemon we were talking about. He had the shittiest luck with people and had a personality that could make even the sweetest person grow cold.

But my body wasn't listening. Instead, my eyes fluttered closed, and without realizing, I parted my lips and whispered his name.


Instantly, I felt him stilling against me. The hand on my waist tightened for a moment before cautiously, he released me.

Forcing my eyes open, I noted how his hands were returning to his sides, only to curl into fists. He stayed locked in his spot for another long second before cussing a string of words under his breath.

I was close to making another joke if I wasn't already watching him, stunned in my spot.

Without giving an explanation, or hell, a goodbye, Daemon spun on his heel and strode around the dumpster before moving out of the alleyway.

I was just watching his retreating body with utter surprise before cursing out loud. "Mother fucking bitch shitter."


I hope you lovelies are
having a great Friday so far x

I ended up spending my morning
going to the gym before heading to
the mall with my family. Now, it's
time to write <3

I'll talk to you lovelies again soon!
keep your ear out for updates!

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