New Edge

By DaneDan667

62 4 0

College life is the first step out of the comfort zone. Not to mention a place filled with beautiful girls. J... More


62 4 0
By DaneDan667

What. The. Bloody. Hell.

Those were the four bloody words that were replaying through my bloody brain.

"Chug chug chug chug!!"

The crowd of seniors cheered on the enthusiastic freshman, who was chugging down a bowl of what seems like rotten green eggs with milk and grass with a touch of chilli and mustard, which in my opinion, is just fricking ridiculous.

What. The. Bloody. Hell.

I looked at the line I was standing in. Front and back, there were freshmen anxiously waiting for their turn. I'm pretty sure everybody in the bloody line just wanted to get this bullcrap over with.


The seniors cheered as the freshman proudly finished drinking the filthy liquid. He raised his arms in victory and the seniors cheered even louder.

"We have a keeper, ladies." started one of the seniors, "welcome to Highland College, my boy!" he said, handing the freshman a bottle of root beer. "What's be your name?"

The freshie took a quick gulp before answering, "Azad Azraie." The crowd around him started cheering "Azray! Azray! Azray!"

"Azray, yes?" The freshman nodded with a grin on his face. "Alright ladies," the crowd quieted down to hear their leader's words, "as you know, we, Omega Phi, value three very important values in our fraternaty," the seniors nodded in approval.


The seniors raised their fists and cried what I think sounded like 'Fuhah!'



"and trust!!"






The group went crazy and started whooping and cheering and... I don't know just practically went apeshit.

"Brothers!" the leader cried suddenly, "this young man," pointing at Azraie, "has shown a great deal of courage, swallowing down every drop of blood sauce we have provided without a hint of despair on his face!"

The seniors cheered, among them a few people chanting 'fu-hah!'.

[Blood juice? How lame can you get?]

I grinned to myself. Finally, some company. I was getting worried that my friend Tama was going to leave me alone.

While the leader of the frats was busy tantalizing everyone with his speech, I tried looking for a mirror in the crowded hallway. Soon enough, I saw an ironing room behind me that had windows next to the door. Sure enough, Tama was looking at me with his arms crossed and a knee raised with a smirk on his face, clearly amused at just how childish the 19-year-old frat leader was acting.

I smiled. Tama is always there for me when I feel lonely or scared, provided of course that there is a reflective surface nearby. I looked back to the front, interested about what was going to happen.

"...our successor, Ray!!" the frat leader finished.




With the seniors still cheering, the frat leader handed 'Ray' a key room and patted him on the shoulder. Another senior put his arm around Ray's shoulder and brought him across the hallway and around the corner, presumably to his new room. I sighed. If chugging down a bowl of green teenage mutant ninja turtle mutagen shitcrap is what it takes to get nice treatment here... well, let's just say I'm going to get far from nice.

"Alright, next freshie!!" Yelled one of the seniors in a rasp voice. He was bulky and muscular, but had quite the belly.

I peeked at the next freshie. He looked kind of thin, of average height, had straight long hair that just covered his forehead and wore spectacles.

"Chug." the senior said.

The freshie hesitated. I felt kinda sorry for the guy. I mean, c'mon, this was a horrendous way to spend the first night at college. The freshie just looked at the drink in disgust. Noticing this, the senior crouched slightly so that his face was directly opposite of the freshie.

"I said, chug."

The freshman lifted the bowl up to his lips but almost immediately put it back down and choked at the smell of it. Everyone fell silent. The bulky guy stared at him calmly, as though he's supervised this sort of messed up initiation before.

The freshie had red eyes, probably from the chilli. The senior just kept staring at him. When the freshie calmed down, the bulky guy grabbed him by the arm and said,

"This freshie is weak!"


"He is a shame to our fraternity!'


"He will do our laundry for the week!!"


Throwing the freshie into the crowd of seniors, the freshie was booed and humiliated even further. A senior handed him a key and immediately dragged him across the hallway and around the corner in a very rough manner.


I looked at the line. It would take quite a while before it would be my turn, which slightly disappointed me. I didn't want to see all this pointless drama. I didn't want to stand in this fucking line filled with kids pissing their pants shitless.

I just wanted get to my fucking room and rest.

One by one freshies attempted to drink the 'blood juice'. Some took it well and gained the recognition of the seniors, some chickened out got the harsh treatment. The line grew shorter and shorter, and then, after what seemed like forever, it was the turn of the guy in front of me.

He walked to the chair, but didn't sit down. He just stood there with a cocky look on his face. The bulky senior crossed his arms and looked at the bold freshie.

"Well," the senior started calmly, "what'cha waitin' for?"

What the freshman said shocked the balls out of me.

"Ya expect me ta drink 'at shit mate?"

The entire crowd fell silent.

"Of course you are, see there are tens of us that are going to shove that juice down your throat," he paused and walked toward the freshie with his arms opened "and there's just one of you. So whats a say we avoid this unneccessary drama and get your turn over with, eyh ya lil' piss?"

The freshie took two steps towards the senior and whispered "Well, I sey, go fook yerself,"

What happened after that was a blur, but I'll try my best to describe it.

Well, first, the bulky guy yelled and got the freshie in a chokehold. The freshie took a couple of steps back and pinched at his assailent's armpit, causing him to yell again at let go of his hold. The freshie then taunted the dude with the middle finger, which, may I say, was just so 'fucking' cool.

The bulky guy wasn't happy, I mean his face scrunched up and his eyes became squinted and he started breathing heavily which was not the best sight to see. Funny, I thought he had seen it all and was prepared for anything. Guess not.

The dude went ballistic. He started swinging his fists everywhere, but every move that he had was calmly dodged by the freshie.

The crowd went nuts, the seniors cheered on their friend, while the juniors were chanting


After a while, the freshie got fed up I suppose, because with an annoyed expression, he grabbed his assailant's wrist and swiftly executed a weird-ass-but-cool 180 body spin contributing momentum for his elbow which slammed into the bulky guy's gut, and the crowd went crazy.

Taking a few steps back, the senior cursed at the freshie. Not cool, man.

The idiot who didn't know how to give up threw a fast uppercut at the freshie. As you guessed, he missed. The freshie tripped the bulky mass with a loud thud and immediately got top of him.

Patting the big guy on the shoulder, he said, "Ye're quite good, mate," with a smirk on his face, he continued "but ya ought'a use your head more of'en." and gave him a swift headbutt.

Wow. I was so done. That was awesome. Amazing. Spectacular. An applause to you kind sir. Many praises for your performance. That was just marvelo-


I nearly peed. The freshie slumped to the floor softly, unconscious. The frat leader was standing near him with a cricket bat.

Oh shit.

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