Other Fics

By Lesbian_Deadpool

753 11 0

This is in response to my works being plagiarised. *** Varying works (of my own) from my Tumblr @Lesbian-Dead... More

Steve Rogers x Reader
But Will There Be Whisky?
*Akon Voice* Convict
Peter Parker x Reader
Rip Vine
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Tony Stark x Steve Rogers
Mismatched Hair.
A "Good Day."
Rosie Betzler x Reader
Saving Rosie. Part One of Two: "I'm Not A Spy."
Saving Rosie. Part Two Of Two: Wish To Escape

Oh, My Saturday Sun.

18 0 0
By Lesbian_Deadpool

(Uploaded to Tumblr on 17/5/20)

Tony Stark x Steve Rogers

Words: 2,343

Warnings: Swearwords??

A/N: This is for @lovelyirony, I hope you like it. This is a Regular Life AU. This is based on the song Saturday sun by Vance Joy. I had a lot of fun writing this and being my idiot self with it.

P.s. @starsandsupernovae, you might like this. I know how much you love these two.

Summary: These two idiots are in love with each other.

Italics: Memories.

"Come on, Tony," Pepper sighed loudly, startling Tony awake. Who was previously asleep, his cover crumpled up and thrown from his body. His leg haphazardly laying across it, as he curled into the mattress.

Tony snapped his head up, looking at Pepper groggily. Roling his eyes, before Pepper opened the blinds, revealing the view of the ocean. Causing Tony to squint his eyes at the brightness and slam his face back into his pillow.

"Ughh, go away Pepper!" he called out, voice muffled.

"It's time to get up Tony. You can't keep doing this." What was "this" exactly? Well, Tony's days consisted of, not sleeping, eating, or doing anything healthy, and drinking mass amounts of coffee, for two to three days. Before passing out on his bed for twenty-four hours. Then eating enough to feed a family of twelve. Then repeating it all over again.

"Do you have a problem with the way I live my life?" he asked sarcastically, peering at her over the mounting of cover.

"Yes," she replied, without a second thought.

Tony waited for her to rephrase her reply, or to explain herself. But it never came. She only stood by the window, arms crossed over her chest, watching Tony. Showing him that she had fully meant what she said.

"Insulting," Tony said, placing his head back on his pillow, gently this time, intending to go back to sleep. Cuddling up to his cover.

"Get up Tony! Go outside! You need some fresh air!" she yelled, yanking the crisp white sheets from his arms, successfully startling Tony for the second time this morning.

"I get fresh air!"

"Tony, going to lavish parties and dinners, is not getting fresh air," she scolded. "You need to get out more. Go for a walk, go to the beach. Something!"

"You sound like my mother."

"You need one." and with that, she threw Tony's cover back to him, walking from the room.

Tony would have gone back to sleep. But he knew Pepper was serious. If he did go back to sleep, she would surely come in and pour a bucket of ice water onto his sleeping form without any remorse.

So he got up.


Go out Pepper said. It would be fun she said.

And she was right.

Tony was actually having fun. Outside! And not at parties.

He decided to do as Pepper said, and went to the beach. It was around noon, the sun was shining, and the waves were calm.

Tony was stood on the beachfront, shoes in hand, feeling the waves swim over his feet, eyes closed, face soaking in the warm Malibu sun. Unaware of the man running towards him.

A large weight hit Tony's side, causing him to spin, his eyes snapping open, them landing on the blonde man in front of him. The same blonde man that was holding him upright by his biceps. The same one with an apologetic look chiselled onto his face.

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Please tell me I didn't hurt you," the man exclaimed, getting more and more panicked by every second that ticked by, that Tony did not speak.

Tony, on the other hand, was having a hard time registering what the blue-eyed man in front of him was saying. His mouth hanging open, as he gazed at him. Taking in all of his features.

Finally snapping out of his daze, Tony shook his head, quick to reassure the man. "Oh no, no. I'm fine."

"Oh, well that's good," the blonde man sighed, his shoulders dropping in relief. A smile spreading onto his face.

"But how are you? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine." at this time Tony looked down to make sure the man wasn't lying, his eyes widening as he noticed his body.

"I'm Steve, by the way," he said holding out his hand.

Tony looked up at the man, gripping his hand. "I'm Tony. It's very nice to meet you."


After that moment they spent the whole day together.

They got ice cream, had a nice walk on the beach, and explored the city of Malibu.

It was late. The sun had already set, on the warm summers day.

Tony watched as the calm waves washed over the wet sand. Sat in the warm sand, stars splattered across the sky, a head on his shoulder. The calm deep crash of the waves soothing the men into relaxation.

Tony looked to his side, a small sweet smile spreading onto his face at the sight.

Steve, the big puppy dog, Tony had dubbed, was peacefully asleep on his shoulder, mouth open slightly, as his blonde hair gently moved with the light breeze, the tips playing against Tony's cheek.

Tony sighed turning back to the view of the ocean, thinking only one thing, We fit so right.


Tony barged through doors of his Malibu home, startling his three friends that were sat in the large living room, who were previously chatting away without a care in the world.

"What happened, Tony? What did you do?" Pepper accused. Rhodey and Happy staring at the man in shock.

"I met someone!" Tony yelled excitedly, completely ignoring Peppers questions. Causing the three of them to light up in happiness.

They suddenly burst out with questions about this mystery person, who had made Tony so happy. Who Tony then told them all about.

"Are they hot?" Happy asked.


"Nice," Rhodey said.

"But I'm so confused," Tony uttered, from his seat next to Pepper, rubbing his hands together. "I've never felt this way about anyone before."

"Is our Tony, in love already?" Rhodey gushed sarcastically.

"No, of course, I'm not," Tony denied before his eyes went wide, asking no one in particular, "Am I?!"

"Well, it seems you really like this Steve, person," Pepper said.

"Tonys in love," Happy teased.

"Shut up happy!" Pepper yelled.

But little did they know this same conversation was happening right now over in Long Beach.


Steve walked into the apartment he shared with his three friends. Who were all gathered in the small living room, lounging on the couch, and chair. The chair they all fought over.

"Guys, guys, guys," he rushed out, jumping up and down in front of them.

"Wow, what's up with you, Steve? Calm down," Natasha said, from her spot in the chair.

"I met someone!"

"Is he rich?" Sam rushed out before the other two could give him their congratulations. Causing Bucky to laugh.

"Sam!" Natasha scolded.

"What?! Daddy needs a new car." Bucky laughed harder at this, accidentally kicking Sam, in the jaw, thanks to their spots facing each other. Natasha laughed at this.

"No, but seriously. What are they like? What's their name?" Sam asked, rubbing his jaw, as the other two calmed down from their laughing highs. Steve with a dreamy look over him, did not laugh. To busy relishing in the feeling of his perfect day.

"His name's Tony. And he's amazing," he swooned, sitting out the chair across Natasha, the one nobody liked.

"Wow, Steve. I haven't seen you like this since high school." Bucky said, waving his had at Steve, trying to break his daze. Only partially successful.

Steve looked at Bucky, "I haven't felt this way since high school."

"So, what happened?" Natasha asked curious, leaning forward in her seat.

As Steve retold his day with Tony. The other three relished in the man's happiness. Especially Natasha, who had been trying to set him up on dates for the past three years.

"I think you're in love," Natasha stated, taking a sip of her beer. As the other two nodded in agreement.

"No. I can't be... it's too soon for that."

"Stranger things have happened," Sam said.

"Yeah, like that time you fell in love on the subway?" Bucky asked, pointing at Sam.

"Hey! She was a very nice lady! There was a spark between us!" Sam defended.

"She was sat next to her girlfriend?" Natasha questioned, confused by the man.

"Well I didn't know that, did I?!" Sam yelled.

"Okay, okay. We're getting off topic," Bucky stated, turning back to Steve. "Stevie here's in love."

"I am not in love."

"Liar," Natasha accused.

"I'm not!" He yelled, causing them to raise their eyebrows, at the obvious lie.

"So, when are you seeing him next?" Bucky asked.

"We're going out on a date tomorrow at six." Steve smiled.

"Aww, are you gonna propose?" Natasha joked, causing Steve to get up and walk towards his room, as he shook his head at his friends. Who all called for him to, "Stop!" and, "Steve, Steve, come back!" Which he didn't.

"But, seriously, is he rich?!" Sam asked as Steve was about to enter his room.

Natasha turned to look at him. "Is he? Ask him to buy me a tank!" she called out.

"What would you want a tank for?" Bucky asked, causing Natasha to turn back around to face him.

"Do you wanna find out?" she asked.

"Ha! Eat it, Barnes!" Sam yelled out, nudging Bucky with his foot, as Steve closed his door behind him. Blocking out his three friends, who were now in the mists of a play fight, while Natasha laughed at them.


Three months had passed since their first date, at the beach.

The both of them had so many memories about the other, in such a small amount of time, that you would think that they had been together for years.

It was now that they were both laying in bed, wide awake, staring up at the ceiling, wishing that the other was there. Memories running through their minds.

Tony remembered Steves smile, the day he took him out for a drive near the coastline, where they first met. In one of his sports cars, one that Steve had shown Sam in a picture, just to make him jealous. Which he was. Steves laugh ringing through the clear air, his hair flying with the breeze, Tony's hair doing the same.

Steve remembered the time he dragged Tony onto a rollercoaster.

He smiled slightly at Tony's scared face, they were at the top of the rollercoaster, the suspense was killing Tony. Steve not caring enough to feel the suspense, never taking his eyes off Tony. Even when they were plummeting down towards the ground, he watched Tony intently, eyes moving to his lips, trying to read them, wanting to know what he was saying. Wanting to take in everything the man next to him was offering.

They both remembered their first kiss.

They were exiting the coffee shop, takeaway cups in hand when they unknowingly manoeuvred to face each other on the clear sidewalk. The sun shone down on them, causing their eyes to sparkle, entrancing the other. Instinctively leaning in, their lips touching in a soft kiss, it as sweet as cotton candy, mixed with the coffees they were holding.

Their kiss was interrupted by loud shouts, coming from across the street. They broke away from each other, looking for the commotion. But there was not one. The shouts were of joy, not anger. Across the street, stood Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. Who was just taking a walk together, and stumbled upon their friend and his date.

"Yeah!!" Bucky yelled, his fists raised high above his head.

"Get some, Steve!" Natasha yelled.

All the while Sam was just making undecipherable noises and screams. Scaring everyone around him.

"I'm guessing those are your friends?" Tony asked, looking back to Steve, who now wore a layer of blush.

"Yep," he uttered quietly.

Tony knew he was embarrassed by his friends catching their first kiss. So he suggested, "You wanna get out of here?"

"Please." Steve nodded. Tony directing him towards sports his car, opening the door for him, before getting himself.

Seeing this Sam squealed, causing the other two to laugh.

"What was that?" Natasha asked, almost brought to tears from the sound.

"Buy me a car!" Sam yelled, making the others to regain their laughter, that had just started to die down.

Tony chuckled, starting the car. As Steve shook his head, placing it in his palms.

As they drove away they heard chants of, "Steve, Steve, Steve," from the other three, pumping their fists while they yelled, watching them drive away.

Steve looked to his side, finding the book copies Tony had left when he stayed over. Business books, biographies, which he did not read. A tattered Harry Potter, however? Yes. He read that book over and over again.

Steves' voice rang through Tony's ears.

Steve was in the shower, singing. Tony didn't know the song, but he relished in the sound nether the less. Closing his eyes, letting the beautiful sound was over him, the sound of water falling like rain becoming white noise behind Steves' voice, somehow enhancing it more. Tony was so deep in a trance that he did not hear the shower shut off, and Steve walk into the bedroom.

"Were you listening to me sing?" Steve asked startling Tony, who jumped at his voice being so close, looking at him, adoration flowing into his eyes as he looked at Steve, goofy smile on his face. The same look in Steves' eyes.

"Of course," Tony said as Steve got into bed. "It's beautiful."

Steve watched Tony, leaning over giving him a quick peck, "Good night."

"Good night, Steve," Tony replied as Steve turned the lamp off. Turning to face Tony, as Tony turned to face him.

They slowly fell asleep like that, holding each other's hand.

"I'll never let you go," Steve said.

"And I'll never let you go. I'm here forever. I don't care what it costs. I'm never letting you go."

"You're my sunlight, Tony. I love you."

"I love you, too."

Man. They really were in love.


"And that, Peter. Is how your father and I met," Tony finished with a flourish.

Peter, the six-year-old boy, all tucked up in bed, let out a little smile at his parents. Before asking, "Tell me another?"

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