The Aegis Awakens//Xenoblade...

By TalleyBear

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Regan, despite her initial hesitance, found herself being the mentor of a young boy named Rex. Along with her... More

I. A Suspicious Job
II. A Familiar Face
III. Life Force Part One
V. Two in One
VI. Aptitude
VII. Unexpected Skill
VIII. Resonate
IX. Such a Cutie Pie
X. Rescue
XI. Five Hundred Years
XII. Heated Winter
XIII. Bonding
XIV. Lie
XV. Umon
XVI. Garfont Part One
XVII. Garfont Part Two
XVIII. Heart to Heart
XIX. Lesson
XX. Trust
XXI. Maddie
XXII. Monado
XXIII. Bringer of Chaos
XXIV. Theater
XXV. Olethro Ruins
XXVI. Fireflies

IV. Life Force Part Two

106 1 0
By TalleyBear

*By the way, I originally posted this on ArchiveofOurOwn. I have ten chapters currently published there, but I have yet to publish the same edited chapters there yet except for chapter one and two.*

The Aegis Awakens

//Chapter Four; Life Force Part One//

"Nia...take care of them."

The Gormotti girl looked at Pyra in surprise, "What do you mean take care of 'em?" To be honest, it sounded she already knew but perhaps was just hoping that she was wrong. She took a quick glance to to Regan before she looked back at Pyra as the woman spoke.

"Now that we've finally obtained the's better that as few as possible know about it... In other words, the price for their lives have already been paid in full." Pyra stated, and she almost looked regretful about it. She took a quick glance up at her Blade, Sever, who was currently carrying the container that held Malos in it.

"I...I can't do that. These people haven't done anything wrong!" Nia exclaimed which caused Pyra to shake her head.

"Even so... Nia, you know as well as I do that they would not keep their mouths shut about this..."

Nia just shook her head, "No! You already murdered Rex and are kidnapping this girl... None of these people deserve to die...!"

The redhead sighed at Nia, "I figured it would be like this... I'll handle it then." She said before she pulled out Sever's Sword Tonfa. Pyra let out a sigh but flinched when she saw Regan now in front of her.

"Killing innocents, that's just what I'd have expected from someone like you."

Pyra was a bit startled, considering that she had not even seen the other woman wake up or even move. "I don't know what you mean." The Elf shook her head at that.

"Sure you don't... y'know, I didn't expect to see you ever again. After all, you should be dead...right, Mythra?" Pyra's eyes widened a bit at that before she suddenly smirked.

"Hah, so I see you finally figured it out." Then, with a flash of light, Pyra now had long blond hair and gold eyes.

"Pyra, what're you...?" Nia questioned, clearly surprised at the change in appearance.

Mythra said nothing to the Gormotti and simply smiled at Regan, "It's funny that you would dare stand up to me now... clearly, you're pretending to be something you're not. Yet you refuse to show your true self... tell me...what are you hiding from, Regan?" Despite the clear hostility radiating from her, Mythra seemed genuinely curious.

The Elf shrugged, "That's none of your business... Did you really think that I'd let you murder all of these innocent people?" Sadness fell over Regan's expression as she spoke again, "And Jin killed Rex... Rex was just a child...he didn't do anything to deserve that and neither did any of them."

The blonde laughed, "I will admit...I had considered not killing the boy but with you around, the risk was far too high."

Regan raised a brow at that before she barely managed to block as Mythra lashed out with the Sword Tonfa. Luckily for Regan, they had not taken the bow away from her. "That's quite soft for you, Mythra." The Elf commented.

The blonde smiled before swinging at Regan again, "Soft now, am I? That almost sounds like a compliment." Mythra responded before a golden glow came from her hand and she used it to break Regan's stance. The blonde took the opportunity, and Regan was hit firmly in the center of her chest and knocked to the ground.

"You didn't seriously think it would be that easy did you? I guess you're the one who's become "soft", Regan." Mythra said condescendingly, and she lifted the Sword Tonfa to make a final blow. She flinched as a loud noise erupted from where Sever was, and she quickly saw the dark flame engulfing the container that held Malos inside.

"No... How?!!" Mythra yelled out, and she watched as Sever threw the container onto the deck of the ship.

There was one final noise before the dark flame left the container and moved quickly and landed near Regan. The dark flame dissipated and Malos was now standing there. "Malos..." Regan said quietly before he suddenly held his hand out to her. "Get up, Snow. As much as I love saving you, I'd prefer if you'd stop being so reckless."

Regan said nothing, simply took his hand, and allowed him to help her up. "Thanks..." Her face turned a bit red, and she turned her head as she suddenly heard a very familiar yell. A hole of darkness appeared on the ship deck, and Rex jumped through it and onto the deck.

"Rex?!!" Nia exclaimed.

In Rex's hand, he held Malos' sword. "You and that sword... can't be!" Mythra yelled and took a step back.

The boy stood up straight which allowed Regan to properly see the purple x-shaped Core Crystal glowing in the center of his chest. Rex raised the sword and pointed it at Jin, "You know, it's kind of low to stab a man in the bloody psychopath!" In response, Jin placed a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Mythra quickly shook her head at Jin, "No. I'll handle this." She stated before raising the Sword Tonfa to block Rex's attack. "End of the line, Rex. You really think I'd let you claim his power for yourself." The blonde stated before she pushed him back and slashed at him, but he managed to dodge.

Malos avoided Sever as the Blade lunged for him, and an ice shard struck his side. The Blade regenerated, but it seemed to distract him for a moment and Malos took the opportunity to kick Sever back. The Aegis looked around and glanced at Regan, "Thanks." The Elf nodded before drawing back the string again and turning her attention to Mythra and Rex.

"Who are you?!! You look different!" Rex yelled, and it was clear that he was confused by the appearance change.

"Give it a rest, Pyra! Can't you see he's just a child!" Nia called out, and it was evident that she was trying to reason with Mythra. The blonde did not respond at first before she smirked.

"A child? Don't make me laugh. This kid...has made himself the Aegis' Driver!"

Nia looked shocked at that, "The Aegis' driver? Rex is...?"

"That's none of your business kid... Just for the record, that sword is just a bit too heavy for you." Mythra stated, and Rex paused for a second. The blonde did not hesitate to then knock him back and caused him to fall onto the deck of the ship. Sever suddenly left Malos and Regan alone and jumped up in the air just in time to catch the Sword Tonfa.

"You're done!"

Sever slashed the air and sent a burst of wind in an x-shape at Rex. Mere seconds before it hit his Driver, Malos quickly got in front of Rex and pulled up a shield. "Thanks, Malos." The Aegis almost looked annoyed at that.

"Next time, don't get caught off guard. Now, stay focused!" Malos ordered, and he was obviously annoyed at the boy's incompetence.

"I will," Rex responded before running towards Mythra with Malos not far behind. Her Blade sent another slash of wind at him, and Malos created another shield.

"Everyone, go now!" Rex yelled as he once again clashed with Mythra. The blonde looked annoyed and jumped out of the way as he attempted to strike her with Malos' sword.

Mythra jumped up, and Sever threw the Sword Tonfa to her. "I don't think so." She stated as she caught it, and it changed into a different shape as she prepared to attack the people attempting to run out of her sight.

"Hey, you bully!" Rex said before sending a dark slash at her. The blonde barely managed to block the blow. Malos gripped the sword simultaneously with Rex, and Mythra could do nothing but watch as they brought the sword down together.

"Shadow buster!"

A shield from Sever prevented Mythra from even being stunned by the impact. "You foolish kid... how could a nobody such as yourself...?" She paused for a moment and stared at Rex's eyes. Her eyes widened in realization, "Those eyes...I definitely should have been warier from the start. Especially when you had that girl with you."

"What do you mean...?"

Mythra smirked, "Why would I tell you that...when you're about to meet your end?"

Rex had no time to even react to the ball of light that formed in her hand before she knocked both him and Malos back and making them all fall onto the deck of the ship. "You okay?" Regan called out to them as she gripped her bow tightly. The fifteen-year-old nodded, and Malos responded. "We're fine. You stay back and wait until you can get a shot."

She nodded before she suddenly felt something. Looking, she quickly saw her affinity link with Eva buzzing back to life. The Blade flew out of the hole that Malos had created in the deck of the ship. Eva moved closer and flew close to her Driver, "We've got your back, you two!"

After an intense fight, they did not manage to do any significant damage to Mythra. Rex still was not willing to give up and jumped at Mythra with the sword held above his head. "You've got guts, Rex. I'll give you that...however." A ball of light appeared in Mythra's hand and she slammed him in the gut with it.

The blonde then turned and threw him across the deck, and Rex dropped the sword in the process. "Rex!" Regan yelled as a shield appeared and barely prevented Sever from hitting her.

"Don't think that just because you bonded with the Aegis that you can beat me!" Mythra rushed towards him after she yelled this, the Sword Tonfa in hand.


"Yes, my lady!" Nia hurriedly jumped on Dromarch's back and rushed towards Rex. Dromarch let out a roar, and Mythra's head snapped in his direction.

"What the-" Mythra skid to a stop as Sever prevented the attack from hitting her.

She watched as Dromarch landed in front of Rex and stood in front of him. "Get out of the way, Nia...are you out of your mind?!!" Mythra questioned before her appearance suddenly went back to being that of Pyra.

Nia's eyes widened for a second, but she quickly shook her head. "You're the one who's lost their mind! Wailing on a child...!" She exclaimed, and she ignored the soft look that Pyra gave her.

The redhead smiled, a way too sweet smile to be real. "C'mon, know me. Are you really willing to protect this boy over fulfilling our goal...?" For a moment, Pyra almost seemed... genuinely upset.

Nia's ears drooped at that, "Look. I get it, but-"

"Y'know, I'm very disappointed in you Nia..."

The Gormotti girl's eyes widened in response before movement caught her attention. Malos grabbed his sword off the ground before he lunged at the redhead. "Hah, you're doing pretty good for someone who's only just woken up," Pyra stated as she blocked the attack.

Malos gave her a curious look, "What's up with that appearance? I didn't think you were one to hide from your true self, Mythra." The redhead smiled at that before her appearance changed again. She honestly looked tired now, almost like something was exhausting her.

"I could say the same thing for your girlfriend over there," Mythra said, and she knocked Malos back just enough so she could make some distance between them.

"Girlfriend?" He asked, and Mythra said nothing and pointed at Regan. The Elf was currently dodging multiple attacks from Sever.

"Who else would I be talking about?"

Mythra backed up more, and Malos heard Rex calling to him. "You don't know anything." The man stated, but Mythra simply smiled.

"I'd advise you pay more attention to your surroundings...before you get shot."

"Malos, look out!"

He managed to put his shield up just in time, but the constant impacts to it caused him to get knocked back. "Are you okay, Malos?" Rex asked as he ran over to check on the Blade. "I'm alright, kid. Get back!" The Aegis ordered as he realized that the black ship was going to fire on them again.

"Stop this!" Nia exclaimed as Dromarch ran in front of Rex and Malos. As the ship fired again, Dromarch created a shield. Rex ducked his head as multiple shots impacted the shield.

The ship's guns finally stop firing, but Nia's small figure flying off Dromarch's back caught Rex's attention. "Nia!" He yelled out before racing after and jumping off the ship after her. Rex barely managed to grab her hand, and he shot his anchor and prevented them from falling. He winced as he felt a sharp pain in his arm but ignored it and made sure to keep ahold of Nia.

"Sorry, Rex. You aren't getting away that easily." Mythra stated as she looked over the side of the ship at him.

Rex heard the mechanical sound and looked up only to see the ship's guns aiming at him and Nia. "Oh sh-" He cut himself off as fire suddenly struck the ship's guns.

"What?!!" Mythra yelled.

The boy stared at an approaching figure in the darkness, a large one. "Gramps!" He called out in surprise as the Titan flew by him and up above the ship. The Titan looked at both Mythra and Jin, his eyes widening as he saw the blonde.

Azurda shot a ball of fire at Jin, but the man somehow managed to be completely unscathed by it. "Rex, get on!" The Titan called out as he started flying back to Rex.

Malos looked over to Regan, who had finally managed to get away from Sever. "C'mon, we need to get out of here." The Elf nodded before she jumped on Dromarch's back. To her surprise, Malos did not follow. "Don't worry...I'll catch up."

She said nothing in response as Dromarch started running towards Rex and Nia's position. "Rex!" Regan held her hand out to him, and he quickly accepted it and was pulled onto Dromarch's back. The beast blade swiftly grabbed Nia in his mouth and leaped into the air. They did not fall far before they quickly landed on Azurda's back. "We're going, hold on!"

Regan held on tight, with Eva's arms wrapping around the back of her neck, and winced as she heard a thud behind her. She took a glance behind her and quickly spotted the familiar form of Malos. The Aegis said nothing, but he almost looked bothered by something...not by what was currently happening, but by something else.

"Shit..." The Elf muttered as the ship's guns started firing on Azurda, and she knew that the Titan was definitely getting hit. She closed her eyes, refusing to see any more of Azurda getting hurt. Regan knew she could do nothing but wait until they were out of the ship's range.


*Bonus Scene*

Her head felt like it was pounding, and she felt dizzy as she attempted to open her eyes. Regan flinched as her eyes opened, and she quickly snapped her eyes back shut as the bright light immediately hurt her eyes. "Easy,'re gonna strain yourself if you're not careful." A male voice advised as she attempted to set up.

Only when he spoke did she realize that she was lying down on a makeshift cot. "I'm fine... Who are you?" Regan questioned as she finally managed to keep her eyes open. She took a moment to examine him, as he took a moment to respond.

He had short, dark red hair with dark brown eyes, and he had somewhat pale skin. His pointed ears and his very lithe figure indicated that he was most certainly an Elf. His dark armor was fairly light and judging by the knuckle claws hanging from his belt, he was clearly a healer.

His blade, a fairly human-looking one, had bright pink hair and dark pink, almost red eyes. Two cat-ear-shaped horns jutted out of her skull and her hair was short and was cut to just above her shoulders. Her core crystal was in the shape of a hexagon and was in the center of her chest.

"I'm Ethan. I found you, just outside Dreamhollow Cave... Did you hit your head or something...? I couldn't find any head injuries."

Regan looked away at that, "I think I did hit my head...maybe, it just wasn't that serious..." The man shrugged at that before he accepted the flask of water that his Blade handed him. "Thanks, Lucy." The Blade was silent but nodded in response.

"Perhaps... Anyway, you have a name?"

He handed her the flask of water after he had taken a sip from it. Regan held it for a moment before she finally drank a couple of sips of the water. To be honest, she had not been too thirsty but she did feel a bit nauseated. "It's Regan... Thanks for helping me...but why...?" She questioned, and she handed the water flask back to him.

"You want the truth?"


Ethan walked over to the fire and kneeled in front of it. "Truthfully...I just help anyone I can. I wasn't about to just let you lay there." He stated as he put some more firewood in the fire.

"Wait... My Blade, have you see her...?"

The man shook his head, "Sorry...when I found you, you were all alone. What does your Blade look like?" Ethan asked, and he ran a hand through his hair.

"She has white hair, and she's about the size of a six-year-old child. She's wearing a light blue dress...and she looks like a fairy. Her element is ice." Regan described before nausea she was feeling suddenly intensified. She leaned over one side of the cot and was unable to prevent herself from throwing up.

After a moment of getting suck, she felt a hand rubbing her back. Regan looked up, only to see Lucy there. Despite the Blade's silence, she actually seemed to be quite caring. It did make sense, especially considering the fact that she was a healer. "Thanks..." Regan said softly and wiped at her mouth with the wet cloth that Lucy handed her.

"You okay?" Ethan asked before he walked towards them.

The woman shook her head, "I just...feel sick to my stomach... Been like that for a while." She stated, and he nodded as he watched her for a moment.

"Uh... How long has this been going on..?"

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Just about a week now... Why?" Ethan looked like he came to realize something, but he just shook his head.

"Oh, it's nothing."


*I know this chapter was shorter than the last, and I apologize for that. I'd appreciate some feedback since I'm honestly not very good at writing fight scenes. I hope you enjoyed it.*

*Sincerely, Talleybear.*

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