Gimme love

By WillowXiv

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Story follows y/n as she enters her 5th year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry She's always been... More

Chapter 1•potato face
Chapter 2•breakfast
Chapter 3•freds jumper
Chapter 4•butterflies
Chapter 5•secret
Chapter 6•revenge
Chapter 7•friends
Chapter 8•Flipendo
Chapter 9•dress
Chapter 10•the ball
Chapter 11•girlfriend
Chapter 12•broom
Chapter 13•gryffindor
Chapter 14•the hogwarts express
Chapter 15•the burrow
Chapter 16•first time
Chapter 17•christmas eve
Chapter 18•missing pieces
Chapter 19• Christmas day
((Authors note))

Chapter 20• the battle

2.1K 38 37
By WillowXiv

((A/N-TW, violence))

Everything was fine, even better everything was amazing
You spend everyday with your boyfriends, you stay up into the late hours of night in the Gryffindor common room almost every night talking about your dreams
You talk about the future and your lives together AndYou talk about the joke shop and everything you want to sell there

Some of you and the twins dreams actually come true, you open a joke shop with them
The three of you live in the room above Weasleys wizards wheezes and everyday is like being in paradise
You are together every second of everyday and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Everything changes though, after lord Voldemort made his return everything on Diagon alley began to close, it became to dangerous for anyone to live there so the three of you had to move back to the burrow.
you and the twins went to help Harry move from his home to The burrow using some poly juice potion, during this event George lost an ear due to an off target spell by some death eater.

The twins and you spent the next few months in hiding, it was to dangerous for you to go anywhere or use any spells due to the fact that you are muggleborn and the ministry which at this point had been taken over by lord Voldemort's followers was trying to capture every half blood and muggle born witch or wizard
The three of you spent most of your days in fear, scared for your friends and family and terrified for the sake of Hogwarts

After months of hearing nothing, the three of you and what was left of the Order of the Phoenix got called to assist Harry at Hogwarts
As quick as you all possibly could you guys flew to Hogwarts

Shortly after you guy arrived, so did Voldemort and thousands of death eaters
You, Fred and George stood atop one of the many roofs of Hogwarts looking at the distance of the death eaters all stampeding towards Hogwarts to start their attack
'Are you okay y/n?' Asks George
You nod and grab his hand in yours, he looks at you and nods back
'You okay Freddie?' George asks looking back in the distance
'Yeah' Fred replies, grabbing your other hand
'Me to' George follows

The three of you fight your hardest, it's all you can do, you either fight for your life or you die
Then it happened, as you and George fought off a small group of dementors you hear a loud yell 'No – no – no!' someone was shouting. 'No! Fred! No!'
You look at George in fear and the two of you run towards the voice you see
Percy and Ron both kneeling over a body shaking it
Your whole body turns numb and your throat dry
It feels like someone is strangling you with all their strength
You want to scream but your voice is gone
Your body is still, you know what Percy and Ron are looking at but you can't bring yourself to look down
George collapses screaming
You've never heard someone sound so broken
Reality finally hits and tears start running down your face
You take on step forward and you see Fred
His eyes were still open but there was no life in them, the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face
George sits up and puts his forehead to Fred's lifeless face, He screams as if someone had just broken all his bones.
You kneel down next to George and wrap your arms around him tightly, clinging on as if you were about to loose him as well
You sit there in silence, crying

Suddenly a loud voice fills your ears
'know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. You have one hour.'
It's lord Voldemort.

You pull away from George for a split second and look at Harry then back at George
'Georgie' you whimper
'We need to take him to your family' you say between cries
George brings his face up for the first time and nods
His face was red and his eyes looked empty

George carried his brother to the great hall where madam pomfrey was tending to the wounded
He places Fred's lifeless body onto a blanket, tears falling from his cheeks
'I'm so sorry George' you say between weeps
George places his hand on your back
'I-' George was interrupted by a loud bang followed by screams
George and you look at each other and run towards the noise
'Avada kedavra!' Yells a death eater as a Hogwarts student falls to the ground
'Expelliarmus!' Shouts George pointing his wand towards the death eater
The death eater deflects George's spell, jumping to the side
You point your wand at the death eater but he's fast
'Stupefy' shouts the death eater
He hits George and George's whole body gets thrown backwards and stunned 'Georgie!' You yell in fear
The death eater laughs as he disarms you
You look at him breathing heavy you stand up and turn to run towards George
'Crucio' the death eater shouts and you fall to the ground, shouting in pain
It feels as if someone's stabbed you a million times over and over
'G-geor-ge' you manage to get out, but nothing
The death eater laughs 'no one is here to save you' he says in a demonic tone
You scream as loud as you can, your voice starts to break as you yell George's name repeatedly
'Y/n' you hear George finally answer stuttering
His whole body must be stunned from the death eaters stupefy
You stop screaming, realization comes over you, you know you're not gonna be saved so you stop screaming and you stop struggling
'Y/n!' You hear George yell again stuttering, you can hear him behind you struggling to get up
'L-leave her al-alone' George stammers
The death eater laughs again and stops the spell
You hear George behind you struggling to walk towards you
He gets closer and closer, your whole body to to weak to move or even speak
'You'll never win' the death eater says before yelling
'Avada kedavra!'
You feel it hit you, all the warmth leaves your body
You hear the death eater scream in pain as something hits him, you don't know what it was but he was dead
Your eye start fluttering closed and the warmth starts coming back but not in your body
You feel as if you're standing but your body still lays lifeless on the cold ground
You feel your breaths become shorter and shorter
Your hand tingles as George grabs it tightly
'Y/n!' You hear him yell
But you cannot answer him
'Y/n no!' He screams
You want nothing more than to just get up and hug him but you can't
George screams at the top of his lungs, after that last scream you don't hear him again
You feel your body being lifted and placed next to Fred's
You feel his cold, dead hand next to yours.
You're gone
After hours of hearing nothing a faint voice comes from the back of your head
'It's time for us to go princess' you make out
You know this voice, it's the same voice you've heard everyday for the last couple years
You've heard this voice tell you stupid jokes millions of times before, you've heard this voice comfort you while you cry
You're body regains feeling, you open your eyes and turn your head, nothing.
You turn your head the other way and nothing again
You sit up and look around, it looks like you're in Hogwarts, but it empty, no war, and no dead bodies
'Where am I?' You ask yourself, standing up
'Does it matter?' The voice says again
You turn around and see him
'Fred?!' You look at him shocked
'What happened' you ask 'is this a dream?'
Fred looks down 'I wish it was'
You walk towards him, looking him in the eyes 'but Fred, y-you died' you say not breaking eye content
'I know' says Fred quietly
You look down at your feet then your hands
'Freddie, am I..'
'Yes' Fred says before you can finish your sentence
'Dead' you say quietly
Fred grabs your hand into his, they're warm not like they were before when you were laying next to him, they feel soft and full of life, you wanna cry but nothing comes out
'What now?' You ask timidly
Fred smiles and pulls you into a hug
'Now we wait'

You look around the grand hall, the same hall you used to hangout with all your friends and tell jokes, the same hall where you'd help George and Fred with their homework
'Where is George?' You ask cautiously
Fred smiles, it's not a happy smile.
'He's back at the joke shop, everyone left about three days ago' fred answers
You look down, realizing that you probably won't see George for a long long time
'Is he okay?'
'He'll be fine, he's always been better with emotions than me' fred chuckles
You smile slightly, remembering the time Fred kicked a wall out of anger because Draco was tormenting you

You spend the your days exploring the castle with Fred, for years wondering and cracking jokes.
Slowly waiting for the day that the three of you can be together again. Smiling whenever you saw a student showing off the new thing they bought from Weasleys wizard wheezes.
Even though everything that happened hurt, you were happy that Fred didn't have to spend eternity alone and neither did you.

And that day did eventually come
Finally in your years of wondering feeling empty and missing
The three of you were together again and finally you were able to peacefully leave this world, together.

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