Something Great

Bởi milkingzalex

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Winston, Jessica, Alex, Clay and Monty are your average teenage, coffee drinking, hormonal, dramatic group of... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8

Chapter 7

329 12 3
Bởi milkingzalex

Winston's pov;

"This clearly isn't the bathroom..." I stood up.

"But don't piss on the bed. I doubt Bryce will be happy with that..." I joked as I put the vinyls away.

He laughed softly in response. I turned around to look at him. He was just staring at me. He put his red cup down on a table.

I could tell he was drunk. Not drunk as in almost black out drunk but he looked a little bit more than tipsy.

"Is there something you needed? This isn't the bathroom..." I told him again, confused. He stepped much closer to me. We were only a few centimeters apart now.

I don't know what came over me...I blame it on the drink.

I swiftly leaned in and kissed him. He quickly pushed me off of him and held me by my jumper. He looked very angry.


"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that" I apologized. Way to go Winston.

Then the most unexpected thing happened. Monty quickly leaned back in and kissed me aggressively.

It quickly turned into a make out session.

He pulled away and went over to the door to close and lock it. He came back over to me and pushed me down to the floor and started unbuckling his pants.

I smiled up at him. I could barely even believe this was real.

Clay's pov;

Me and Hannah sat on some deck chairs outside. I looked over and seen Jess and Alex in the hot tub with Justin and Zach. The girl from earlier and Monty were gone. I had no idea where Winston was either. I felt bad for leaving him but he did insist...

"You okay?" Hannah asked me. "Yeah just...parties aren't exactly my thing" I shrugged.

"Yeah. They aren't mine either" she agreed. "What? But you're so... popular" I told her. She laughed.

"Just because I'm 'popular', doesn't mean I enjoy parties. They're kind of stupid..." she looked down at her drink.

"Why'd you come?" I asked. She looked up at me. "To see you again" she smiled. I smiled back at her and felt my face go all red.

"Hannah would you..." I started to say but I quickly stopped myself.

Her face lit up.

"Would you want another beer?" I asked. Her face dropped a little.

"Um...yeah sure" she nodded. I smiled and stood up. She followed me inside to get another drink.

I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend... but I just couldn't.

Alex's pov;

"Man, where'd Monty go?" Zach asked. "Maybe he got lost on his way to the bathroom?" Justin suggested.

"Nah dude, he's been to Bryce's house before. He knows where the bathroom is" Zach disagreed.

"Who gives a fuck. He's an asshole. I'm glad he's gone" I spoke up as I ate another slice of pizza.

Zach, Justin and Jessica's heads turned to look at me.

"Shit sorry...I didn't mean to say that out loud" I apologized.

"You weren't wrong though" Jessica shrugged.

"I haven't known him long but he seems like a good guy" Zach told us.

I rolled my eyes. Good guy my ass.

"I know you guys aren't friends with him anymore, but he's a decent dude" Justin agreed.

"Whatever. I need more pizza" Jessica sighed as she grabbed the box.

Winston's pov;

Monty didn't say a word after we finished hooking up. He quickly zipped up his jeans and left.

I got up and sat down on the edge of the bed taking everything in.

Monty liked me. I mean he wouldn't have done that with me if he didn't like me right?

But what if he was just drunk...

No, I mean you know what they say; a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts. Maybe he just didn't have the courage to do it sober.

I couldn't stop smiling. I never thought that would happen between me and Monty.

I got up and went downstairs and out to the backyard. I sat down on the steps leading down to the backyard.

I looked at Clay and Hannah laughing and talking by the pool, sitting on deck chairs.

I looked over and seen Zach and Alex kissing in the hot tub and Justin had his arm around Jessica and they were smiling and talking.

I felt so happy. All of my friends were happy with everyone they liked and I had just hooked up with the guy I've wanted all long.

"Hey Bryce! I need a ride home. I'm sick of this party and everyone at it" I turned my head around to see Monty walking out of the house. He threw his cup on the ground.

"No offense" he laughed at all of us who were around him.

Monty started walking over to Bryce who was with some people by the beer pong table.

Monty looked at me but he ignored me. Didn't he wanna talk? I mean after we just did that surely he would right?

"Hey Monty" I called out.

He turned around to look at me.

"Can we know about what just happened between us?" I asked him.

He looked at me then he looked around at the people standing near us.

"What'd you say to me f*****?" He glared at me. What the actual fuck?

"Woah...chill the fuck out" I told him.

I didn't even have time to comprehend what was going to happen next.

Monty started beating the living shit out of me.

Jessica's pov;

I heard loads of gasps and shouting and I turned around to see Monty beating up Winston.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled confused. I quickly jumped out of the hot tub. I didn't care that I was only wearing my bra and underwear.

"Justin, get Monty off of him!" I called to him.

Justin quickly hopped out of the hot tub too along with Zach. Alex followed as quickly as he could behind us all.

Justin and Zach grabbed Monty off of Winston and pulled him back.

"Monty, bro what the hell?" Zach asked him confused.

Monty struggled free of them and went back to hit Winston again. He was bleeding badly.

"What the shit!?" Alex yelled as he walked over to everyone.

"The fuck is going on!" Clay asked us and his eyes widened when he seen what was happening.

This time, Bryce, Justin and Zach all got Monty off of Winston.

I quickly ran to Winston's aid.

"Winston hey are you okay? Talk to me!" I sat down on the steps beside him.

He coughed a little bit before sitting up.

"I'm..I'm fine" he shook his head.

"You're not fine. I'll get a wash cloth" Clay told us. I nodded and Alex sat down on the other side of Winston.

Monty looked over at us and I gave him a death glare. Bryce brought Monty over to his car and he got inside.

Clay came back a few minutes later with a wash cloth and handed it to me.

I cleaned up Winston's face best I could. There was still cuts and bruises were staring to appear.

"Okay what the fuck happened?" Alex asked.

"Yeah why did he attack you?" Clay questioned.

"Well Clay...I owe you ten dollars..." Winston sighed.

Clays eyes widened. "No shit..." he replied in disbelief.

Me and Alex shared a confused look. "Ten dollars? For what? Someone spill" I spoke up.

Winston looked around at everyone who was staring at us.

"Not here. My house. Come on let's leave this shit hole" Winston told us. We walked to Winston's car which, unfortunately was parked beside Bryce's.

Bryce got out of his car and walked over to us.

"Hey look man, no one had to find out about this. Name your price" Bryce told Winston. "Price?" He asked confused. "Yeah. How much do you want to keep quiet about all of this?" He asked again. Winston shook his head.

"I don't want your money Bryce. And I'm not gonna say anything..." Winston shrugged. Bryce nodded. "Thanks man...I'm sorry about Monty. I mean I'm sure you know he's fucked up, he gets like beat up and shit at home" Bryce explained to all of us.

"Yeah...whatever" Winston shook his head and grabbed his keys from his pocket. Bryce got back in his car. Monty sat in the passengers seat with his head down.

"I'll drive. You're in no condition to drive" Alex told Winston. "No offense Alex, but you aren't in any condition to drive either" Winston chuckled.

"My right foot works!" Alex protested. "Jess drives" Winston handed me the keys. I smirked at Alex and got in the drivers seat. "Hey what about me? I can drive too you know" Clay told us.

"Everyone just shush and get in the damn car" Winston called out as he got in the passengers seat. Clay and Alex got in the backseats sulking.

Monty's pov;

"Dude what the fuck was that?" Bryce asked me after talking with Winston and getting back in the car.

I looked at Winston. He was talking with Jess, Alex and Clay and they all got into his car and drove off.

"He's gonna tell people..." I muttered. "I offered him money man, he wouldn't take it. He said he won't say anything. I guess it's a good thing you two used to be friends. He's got a soft spot for you seems like it" Bryce assured me.

I didn't say anything. What could I say?

"Why'd you beat the shit out of him? Did he say something to piss you off?" Bryce questioned me.

"Man can you just drive me home" I groaned. Bryce sighed and nodded.

Bryce dropped me home and I went inside. My dad was passed out drunk on the couch.

"How was the party?" My sister Estela asked me. I ignored her and went straight to my room.

I was drunk tonight. That's why I hooked up with Winston. I would never do that sober.

I'll just pretend it never happened. But did I want to pretend it never happened...?

I don't even know anymore.

Winston's pov;

We all went back to my house. Everyone was staying over at mine so I gave Alex and Clay a t shirt and sweatpants to change into.

Jessica had brought a sleepover bag because we had planned for her already to stay over so she had pajamas.

We all got changed and I had a quick shower.

I got into sweats and a t shirt and Clay came into the bathroom with a first aid kit.

"Where's my ten bucks?" Clay joked as he cleaned up my face.

"I'll get it for you after you finish playing doctor" I smiled.

"Nah I'm joking. You can keep your ten dollars" he laughed.

"What why?" I asked. "You've already been through enough tonight. I don't want to take money from you as well" Clay told me.

"How about I treat you to a Monet's tomorrow?" I offered. "Deal" he smiled.

He finished cleaning my face and we went back into my bedroom where Alex and Jessica were sitting on my bed. Me and Clay sat down beside them.

"So?! What the hell happened?" Alex asked. I sighed.

I explained to them what happened. How I was in a bedroom upstairs looking around, Monty came in, I kissed him, he kissed me back, we hooked up, then outside I asked if we could talk about it, he called me the f slur and beat the living shit out of me.

"Okay that asshole has graduated to full blown psycho" Jessica shook her head.

"So let me get this straight...he beat you up because you guys hooked up?" Alex asked.

I nodded. "That's so fucked up" Clay mumbled.

"I'm so sorry Winston" Jessica apologized. "For what?" I asked. "I know you like him and after he did must be feeling sad, no?" She titled her head.

"Yeah...I am sad. I thought he actually liked me. He obviously just wanted to hook up and then never talk about it again" I frowned.

"His loss" Clay assured me. I smile and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I think we could all use a good nights sleep" Alex announced. We all agreed.

"Can we all just sleep in my bed tonight? I need a cuddle" I groaned. "Yes!" Jessica yelled and me and her dove under my covers.

Alex and Clay chuckled. Clay got in beside me and Alex got in beside Jessica. We all pretty much fit in.

"I guess it's a good thing I have a big bed" I laughed. We all stayed up and laughed and talked for a few extra minutes before deciding to get some sleep.

Monday morning;

I couldn't really drive to school because one of my eyes was swollen and it would probably be dangerous for me to drive.

Even though I'm a fucking awesome driver.

Clay pulled up in his Prius with Alex already in the passengers seat. I got in the back.

"Too bad you can't take the roof off of this car. It's smoking hot out today" I sighed. "Sorry not all of us can afford Audi convertible's" Clay laughed.

We drove to Jessica's house and I basically hung my head out the window the whole ride there.

The light breeze felt good on the bruises that I had on my face.

When we got to Jessica's, she got in the back seat beside me.

"Hey we switched places. Me and Winston are usually in the front" Jessica giggled. "Yeah and I'm gonna be driving until Winston can see" Clay stated.

"I can see! It's just a bit blurry in one eye" I mumbled the last bit. "Are you gonna be okay seeing him today?" Jessica asked sadly.

"I'm gonna have to be aren't I?" I shrugged. Jessica nodded and gave me a sympathetic look.

We got our usual coffee. I sipped my iced latte, it cooling me down from the heat.

Once we got to school and walked in, all eyes went on us. I wasn't used to this many eyes on our group. We weren't popular.

Obviously they were looking at us because everyone seen me getting beat to shit on Saturday.

I quickly went to my locker and groaned. "You okay?" Clay asked me while Jessica and Alex went to their lockers.

"Not really but I'm hanging in there. You?" I asked. "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" he nodded as he shut his locker. Suddenly the warning bell rung.

Me and Clay said our goodbyes and went to class. I had English class first but I couldn't concentrate. I felt embarrassed. My face was kind of messed up and everyone knew why. I felt like even the teachers knew.

I kept my head down and prayed for it to go quickly.

The bell rang and thankfully I had a free period next and I had booked the dark room to develop some photos from last weeks game for yearbook.

Jessica's pov:

Me and Alex were walking to Science class when I realized I needed to grab my science project from the school basement.

"Why'd you leave it down here again?" Alex asked. "I was working on the project down here during my free period and I left it here so I didn't have to carry it around" I shrugged.

"There it is" I smiled heading over to it.
Suddenly the intercom turned on.

"May I have your attention please. We are currently moving into a lockdown situation. Code red. This is a hard lockdown. Staff, initiate lockdown procedures immediately. Students, do not panic and listen closely to this announcement and the instructions of your teacher. Seek immediate shelter in the nearest classroom. I repeat, this is a code red" Principle Bolan announced over the speakers.

"Shit code red, that's an active shooter right?" Alex asked me. My eyes widened.

We're fucked.....

Oop cliffhanger💀Hope you guys enjoyed this😉

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