A Viking Chief's twins

By Lava_Serpant

163K 4.6K 3.3K

(I know I have a completely different story like this) What if Hiccup had a brother? One he thought had died... More

Dragon's Child
Ultra Trouble
New Dragon And New Friend
I'm The Hunter
Staying? Or Leaving?
Bounty On Who?
This Is Getting Ridiculous
Okay Another AN
Pressure Points
Operation Frost
Frosty Love
Accepted? Or Disowned?
Where Are They?
The Calm Before The Storm
That's Your Name?
Here's The Storm
Time Out
Mystery Pair
Stranger? Or Friend?
Tense Reunions
Cruel Treatment
Hiccup and Snot-lout "help"
Code Panic
Finders Keepers
Ill gotten
Teas Always The Answer
Friendly Family Introductions
Unexpected Contestants
You Hurt Us Too
Gaming time!
Icy Depths
New Contestant
Music soothes the savage dragon
She is The Healer
Haddock's camping
Who Doesn't Like Chocolate?
Deep Sea Terror's
All Alone
Never Alone
Wing Maidens
The Battle Begins
Dragon's Are The Masters
Want A Race?

I Want A Dog

1.7K 55 98
By Lava_Serpant

(Might change this title too hmmm)

All the tribes backed away from Cole who was rolling his eyes. "Demon? Really? Do you see any horns?" Cole points to his head. "YOUR A DEMON SENT BY HELLA HERSELF!" Icarus shouted.

Vikings started getting their weapons out and the Berkians were unsure what to do because it seemed like any move they made would result in their deaths. Cole was also unsure what to do because he didn't want to hurt all these innocent people and he could also see Zane and Jay had backed up right next to him ready to fight for their boyfriend's protection.

Viggo and Ryker were watching this display with lots of amusement and the ninja could totally see them both eating some popcorn if that existed in this world. "Wait!" To everyone's shock it was Tuff who said this holding up his hands and then gestured to the three ninja.

"These are not demons! How dare you disrespect the ones blessed by the gods themselves to spread their message," Tuff-nut said speaking loudly and pointing at the three. "What in Odin's beard is he going on about?" Stoic asks. "Don't worry chief we came up with this ages ago," Ruff-nut assures as all they can do is watch.

The three ninja are dumbfounded as Tuff-nut keeps speaking. "This boy here is blessed by Jörd herself! She chose him worthy to spread her legacy as her decibel and you dare call him a demon!" Tuff-nut scoffs. Cole did not have a clue what was going on, but nodded along to everything Tuff-nut was saying. "Do not listen to him! He's a demon we must kill!" Ryker said. The tribes looked pretty split. While they did think Cole was a demon did they really want to risk the earth goddess's wrath?

"Hey lightning boy," Ruff urges Jay making zapping noises. Jay stares at her blankly and Zane face palms. "Make a storm Jaybird," Zane said and this time Jay understood. He steps forward and shouts. "Watch this!" He has lightning dance on his finger tips and shoots lightning into the clouds making thunder boom and lighting to (accidentally) strike right next to Icarus.

"See! He is blessed by Thor himself! Do you want to anger Thor himself! By calling his blessed human's best friend a demon!" Tuff-nut booms. Zane leans over to Hiccup. "Should I show my powers?" Zane asks. "No they'll think your a ice giant and use you to try and see the future since ice giants are said to see the future," Hiccup explains and Zane looks confused. "But I do have visions of the future," He said in confusion. Hiccup looks at him opens his mouth before throwing his hands in the air. "Look I can't deal with this I've already been poisoned today I deserve a nap," Hiccup said just done with the this day.

The tribes were not entirely sure so Jay claps his hands and had lightning crash onto the ground around the tribes. They shrieked and bowed to them and apologizing and begging for forgiveness. Jay smiles mischievously. "Jay don't," Zane began when Jay gave him puppy dog eyes, so he was clearly out matched. "Fine," Zane relented to his blue boyfriend who smiles wildly with a mischievous grin.

This was going to be interesting

Below in the mountain caverns

Snot-lout, Kai, and Ember were pinned against a wall ice wall. Kai squints at the guy pinning them and said. "Hey! Your that guy who kidnapped my brother!" He states. Snot-lout was next to speak. "And you were at Viggo's auction too!" He states.

The man had chocolate brown skin, brown eyes that had a scar over one, but bigger than Kai's, red dragon skin vest, green pants, combat boots, a belt that held two small axes, and a purple cape. The man smirks and said. "Yes I remember you both. I remember you were quite the challenge, but still ultimately nothing compared to me," he taunts then turns to Snot-lout and frowns. "I also remember you were very annoying," he states, but Snot-lout smiles smugly. "Thank you,"

Ember hisses at the man. "Crogan! Stop patronizing our guests we need them for leverage," Yohan said clearly having known they were there the entire time.

Crogan pushed them out and Snot-lout growls at him. "How did you know this dragon was here?" He asks. Yohan smirks confidently. "Well as you know a good chief knows their island well inside and out," Yohan said. "But your not the chief of this island," Kai asks confused. Yohan smirks widely. "But Aswald was and he knew this beast was here. He wrote it in his notes and it took me years to decipher them, but I finally found it," Yohan said when Crogan said. "We found it,". Yohan waves him off.

"How did you get Aswald's notes?" Snot-lout asks. Yohan answers with a evil psychopathic grin. "Why my dim boy, if Dagger didn't kill Aswald who do you think did?" Snot-lout's face paled in horror before turning into rage. "You monster! Aswald was the kindest and caring chief ever! How could you do that!" The raven haired Viking yelled at him full of rage. "It was quite easy and slow I can assure you. I fed his body to skuldrins he was still alive you know? I always enjoy remembering his dying painful screams as they ripped him apart piece by piece," Yohan grins sadistically than turns to Kai.

"And I planned to give your family a death much more slow and painful, but they have a annoying habit of not dying," Kai growls and tried stepping forward, but he injured side crumbled and Snot-lout had to hold him up. "Did you know I've killed the most chief's in the Viking history than anyone else? Well not entirely directly I'll admit, but I was the one who informed told Crogan's boss when the tribe meeting was to happen. Real sad how Stoic survived," Yohan laughs as Snot-lout barely held Kai back from hurting himself by attacking Yohan. "But I shall deal with him soon enough first," he snaps his fingers and a couple of skinny version of dragon hunters appeared and they were dragging.

"Lloyd!" Kai shouts and tried getting to his adopted brother.

Lloyd was looking kind of worse for wear. He had a bruise on his forehead, his gi was ripped at his right shoulder and left knee, and his hair needed a serious washing, but he looked otherwise fine. When Lloyd saw Kai his green eyes lit up. "Kai! Oh thank FSM your okay have you found the others yet?" Lloyd asks. "Yeah Nya's a prize in some tribal games, I made up with the guys too," Kai shrugs. "Awww I missed you torturing them? Come on Kai you couldn't wait until I got to watch them begging you?" Lloyd whines like a child. "Sorry green bean next time don't get kidnapped this is like your eighth time," Kai said to the green ninja. "Hey! I do not get kidnapped that much," Lloyd said. "Really? You got kidnapped by the serpentine at least three times, than got captured by the stone warriors, then Cryptor and the overlord kidnapped you two times, then Chen, and should I mention Morro?" Kai asks Lloyd who scoffs.

"Okay one, you also got kidnapped by Cryptor and tied under a rocket about to explode. Two, I only got caught by Chen because you decided to do a reckless "Kai moment" and got me captured on purpose!" Lloyd states. "Yeah, but you still got captured so it still counts," Kai states. "Does not!" "Does too!" "Does not!" Does too!" "Quiet!" Crogan snaps at them both. "Dude we were kind of catching up mind giving us a moment?" Kai asks gesturing to himself and Lloyd.

"Man people are so rude here," The green ninja comments. "Not everyone by the way this is Snot-lout he's cool," Kai points to Snot-lout who gave a awkward wave. "Okay cool, but seriously what's his name?" Lloyd asks thinking Snot-lout was a mean nickname Kai had given the Viking.

"Why isn't he gagged like the rest of the time he has been since we stole him from Viggo?" Yohan asks annoyed. "I wanted a excuse to cut his tongue out," Crogan smirks sadistically. Yohan rolls his eyes at his partner and turned to Lloyd. "If you don't tell them dragon to do what I want then your friend and his friend are dead," Yohan said.

Lloyd looks from Kai to Crogan before he shrugged the guards off him and walked up to the king of dragons. "What's he doing?" Snot-lout whispers. "Dragons kind of speak to Lloyd sometimes it's a whole thing. In legend his great grandma was the creator of dragons," Kai whispers. "Do you believe that?" Snot-lout asks. "Not really, but we like calling him dragon baby sometimes to tease him about it," Kai snickers.

The dragon king opened it's eyes and looked at Lloyd below him. He growls at Lloyd, but when it sniffed him the slits in it's icy blue eyes widened. "Umm hi I'm Lloyd and," The green ninja begins when the dragon roars at him. "Duck and cover!" Lloyd yelled and ducked in front of Snot-lout and Kai making a green energy shield.

The dragon opened it's mouth and shot ice. The two skinny dragon hunters could barely scream before their lives were cut short by being suddenly frozen solid. The ice did not spare the two ninja, Snot-lout, and Ember and it was only because of Lloyd's energy shield that they survived. Snot-lout was screaming the entire time and Ember was curled in Kai's arms tightly scared.

"Lloyd what did you do?!" Kai yells at him. "She thought I was a challenger to her throne!" Lloyd yells back struggling to hold against the ice being blasted directed at them. "It's a she?!" Snot-lout screams. "Not important!" Kai yells.

Lloyd's struggling to hold the shield and Kai's too injured to help.

Suddenly he feels his arms empty and to his horror Ember has slipped out of the protective shield. "Ember get back here!" Kai orders. The baby dragon does not listen though and gave a loud roar for a dragon, though it was amplified by the cavern.

The king, or queen, of dragons looked at Ember and growls at her probably telling her to get out of the way. Instead Ember started roaring and flying wildly in the air. The alpha dragon roars quietly and Ember responds in her own dragon language. "What's she doing?" Snot-lout whispers poking his head out from behind the ice wall that had been made against Lloyd's energy shield. "I think she's arguing with it," Lloyd whispers. "Aww that's my baby dragon," Kai coos.

"Wait?" Lloyd turns to Kai. "Where did you get a baby dragon?" He asks. "That's for later explaining," Kai waves off. As this arguing was going on Snot-lout was suddenly grabbed and had a dagger held to his neck. Both ninja turned seeing Yohan there covered in frost, but otherwise fine. Looking around they also found Crogan, with a dagger through his throat and lifeless eyes. Looks like Yohan took his chance to get rid of the man before he could betray him first. Turning back to the traitor Snot-lout struggles, but the dagger was pressed closer to his face.

"So what? Give Viggo the dragon king or Snot-lout gets it?" Kai asks. "Viggo? Ha! Don't make me laugh boy. That fool has no interest in the dragon king all he wants is to continue his operations and business. Unlike some he doesn't see the many benefits ruling the world can bring you," Yohan smirks like he's already won.

"No if you would please," Yohan began when Snot-lout head butted him. Having a gronkle iron helmet helped Snot-lout protect his head, but Yohan crumbles with a broken nose and was out cold. Snot-lout smiles proudly of himself. "Oh that was fun," he said. They heard a loud roar and looked behind them as Ember flew back into Kai's good arm. The king of dragons gave them a frosty breath before it left.

"Where's it going?" Snot-lout asks. "It knows it's not safe here anymore. It's going to find a new nest," Lloyd explains. "Well better for us then," Snot-lout shrugs. "Aren't you my brave fire dragon baby? Convincing a giant dragon not to kill us? Who's my baby?" Kai coos to the little dragon who roars happily and blew some healing fire on him that started it's work on his side.

"This is gonna take awhile to heal before we can get back," Kai sat down with Ember in his lap as he let the fire do it's work. "Yeah why do you have a baby dragon again?" Lloyd asks getting back to his earlier question.

"Oh it's Flame's she gave her to me since I need to train her to be the next fire dragon or something?" Kai sounded a little confused on the whole thing. "So let me get this straight," Lloyd said. "You almost die, disappeared for nearly four months, drove everyone insane with worry, probably almost got yourself killed a few times without us around, got us and the entire team kidnapped by merciless dragon hunters,.....and you get to have a pet dragon when I can't have a dog?" Lloyd questions with a raised eyebrow. Kai thinks that all over and shrugs. "Missed a few details, but yeah that sums it up pretty well," Kai agrees.

"If you get a dragon I want a dog," Lloyd demands pouty. "We aren't getting you a dog Lloyd," Kai deadpans. "You get a dragon I get a dog," Lloyd states. Kai shook his head at his adopted little brother. "No," "I'm telling Uncle Wu about what you and the others actually did to break the training grounds," Lloyd threatens with a pointed look and Kai looks nervous. "You wouldn't," Lloyd looked dead serious. "Ugh fine we'll get you a dog," Kai said and Lloyd cheers happily.

Snot-lout watched the entire thing and opened his mouth to ask a question before closing it figuring it was best to not know.

Night time

After Kai healed it took them two hours to drag themselves, and Yohan who only regained his consciousness in the last half hour, back to the entrance that Snot-lout used to exit. By that time it was night and as they got closer to the center of the village there appeared to be a feast going on.

"Are the games over already?" Kai asks confused. "No they usually last another week," Snot-lout said also confused. Then they saw Jay an Col were sitting on large chairs and being given delicious food with no dragon hunters in sight. "Kai!" Kai got a relieved hug from Hiccup who was so happy he was alive after all. "You would not believe what happened the tribes think Cole and Jay are blessed by the gods and had then chase off Viggo and the dragon hunters and," Hiccup began when he noticed Lloyd and tied up Yohan. "What's going on here?" Hiccup asks.

"Remember how Dagger confessed he didn't actually kill his dad?" Snot-lout asks. "Yeah?" Hiccup asks. "Well we got a confession," Kai gestures to Yohan. For a second Hiccup took that in before complete rage filled his face and he punched Yohan in the face again.

"I'm taking you to Dagger and Heather," Hiccup states. "Master hiccup please after everything," Yohan tries to beg. "Stop, you are going to pay," Hiccup grabbed Yohan by the collar and dragged him to the centre of the circle where the chief families were eating, including Dagger and Heather.

Kai was right behind Hiccup as he threw Yohan to the ground in front of everyone. "Hiccup? Kai!" Stoic looks relieved to see Kai, but the looks on his sons faces told him this was not the time for a happy reunion. "As much as I like that Kai isn't dead. What's this about? Isn't his beef with you guys?" Dagger asks looking at Yohan.

"Yohan murdered Aswald the agreeable!" Everything went quiet and all eyes were on Hiccup and Yohan. Even the ninja quieted knowing this was serious. Heather and Dagger tensed dangerously. "What?" Heather's voice was little more than a growl. Kai steps up next to speak. "Yohan killed your father trying to find the legendary king of dragons! And he killed the other chiefs too!" Kai looks at each chief around the table holding eyes with his father the longest. "He told a dangerous man when and where the chiefs would be. I don't know who the man who did the deed is, but Yohan was the one who notched the arrow," Kai spat.

Everyone at the tables stood up with Heather and Dagger looking the most murderous. "He has no proof! He!" Yohan tries to beg when Kai pulls out a small box and pressed a button and suddenly Yohan's voice filled the silence.

"How did you get Aswald's notes?" Snot-lout asks. Yohan answers with a evil psychopathic grin. "Why my dim boy, if Dagger didn't kill Aswald who do you think did?". "You monster! Aswald was the kindest and caring chief ever! How could you do that!" The raven haired Viking yelled at him full of rage. "It was quite easy and slow I can assure you. I fed his body to skuldrins he was still alive you know? I always enjoy remembering his dying painful screams as they ripped him apart piece by piece," Yohan said with glee.

"And I planned to give your family a death much more slow and painful, but they have a annoying habit of not dying," Kai growls and tried stepping forward, but he injured side crumbled and Snot-lout had to hold him up. "Did you know I've killed the most chief's in the Viking history than anyone else? Well not entirely directly I'll admit, but I was the one who informed told Crogan's boss when the tribe meeting was to happen. Real sad how Stoic survived," Yohan laughs.

The tape stops and Yohan looks horrified. "Gift from Jay there. Really useful when villains start monologuing and gloating," Kai smirks smugly. Dagger was the one who got to Yohan first a rage and blood lust in his eyes. "My fellow chiefs," he announces without looking away from Yohan. "I know he's hurt all of you, but may we Berserkers be the ones to torture him for the rest of his days?" Dagger asks and Yohan whimpers in fear.

"Give us a chance to land a few marks and go ahead," Stoic said and everyone agrees. Yohan turns to Hiccup one last time about to beg, but Hiccup turned away. Yohan had dug his grave and he will lay in it. Yohan was dragged away kicking and screaming.

Dagger turns to Kai and Hiccup. "Thank you for catching him," He said. "Actually," Kai pushes Snot-lout into the centre. "It was all Snot-lout. Yohan would have gotten away and we would all be dead if it wasn't for him," Kai said. Snot-lout looks at him in shock, but Lloyd nodded in agreement. "Yeah that's basically what happened," Lloyd admits.

Dagger turns to the dumbstruck Snot-lout and smiles. "Well then," he gave Snot-lout a bro hug. "To Snot-lout Yorgoson!" He cheers and everyone, even the riders, cheered for him. "You said my name right," Was all the Viking could say. He never expected Kai or Lloyd would give him any credit to what happened down there, but looking at his friend he saw that this wasn't a cruel prank.

"Your the one who travelled down there, your the one who followed them, your the one who knocked him out and protected me, you deserve this," He said and Hiccup smiles proudly of his friend though he did have lots of questions.

As Snot-lout was taken away to be celebrated the ninja came down and hugged Lloyd grateful he was alright. "Now what exactly happened down there?" Hiccup asks. "I promised Lloyd a dog," Kai shrugs confusing Hiccup even more. "I'll tell you in the morning," Kai said than was suddenly tackled.

"Kai!" Nya hugs her brother in relief. "Nya! Can't breath!" Kai chokes out and Nya let go of him before slapping his face. "You got a lot of explaining to do! Why in all sixteen realms did you disappear for so long because I know it wasn't just because of these idiots," She gestures to blue, black, and white. "Umm," Kai looks unsure when Hiccup steps in holding his hand out. "Hi I'm Hiccup Haddock the third and I'm Kai's twin brother," Hiccup said. Nya's eyes widened before looking to Kai who was smiling awkwardly.

"Please don't kill him!" Kai said grabbing Nya's arm before she grabbed her dagger.

This was gonna take a lot of explaining.

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