Grimm May Cry

By Elyion22

8.1K 189 60

Dante: "It's been two years since me, (Y/N), and Adam defeated Salem. She was no more but that didn't stop th... More

Mission 1: Grimm May Cry
Mission 2: High Way Star
Mission 3: Not Love
Mission 4: The Merc With A Mouth
Mission 5: In Private
Mission 6: Rock Queen
Mission 7: Once Upon A Time
Mission 8: The Last Promise
Mission 9: Showtime!

Mission 10: Stylish!

706 18 7
By Elyion22

Grimm May Cry

Part 11

Outside the hotel, everyone was looking at the beaming light from above as Yang and Patty look at the top with worried expressions on their faces.

"Dante..."Yang said.

"It has started...the world's gonna end.."Nina muttered.

Curious, Yang walked towards her."What's starting?"

"There was an alchemist named Alan Powell who was also a sorcerer who employed various Grimms. There was one Grimm that Alan couldn't bend to his employment. And that was Abigail, who was said to have powers on par with the Grimm Queen's. Using every bit of power he possessed, Alan successfully sealed away Abigail's powers. But seal them away was all he did. He was unable to accomplish any more. So to prevent Abigail's powers from falling into anyone's hands. Alan constructed many magical barriers and spread them around. Barriers so tight, not even a single ant couldn't pass through. Something came into being during the process of making those barriers: The magic stone, "Alan's tear". I protected that magic stone according to the ages-old tradition of our family. That pendant is they key in unlocking Abigail. And all I could do is run."Nina explained.

"Then why didn't you try to do anything about the pendant before you spent ten years running?"Morrison asked.

"What was I supposed to do? Throw away a pendant that summoned Grimms?"Nina said.

"And yet even if you destroyed the stone, it would just break the seal."Yang said.

"Either way, it's all over. The seal has been broken. With Abigail's powers on his side, no one could stop that Grimm anymore. Because Alan Powell is no longer in this world."Nina said.

"Then what about Dante?"Yang said.

"It's impossible. No matter how strong he may be, there's no way he could defy Abigail's power."Nina said.

Then, they hear a noise from above and a large Grimm creature emerges from the hotel.

"'s him..Abigail."Nina said.

Abigail lets out a loud roar before flowing down the hotel, destroying it and setting it on fire in the process. A few citizens ran away while Patty looks at the hotel and runs towards there.

"Patty, wait!"Morrison said as he followed but paused as they later see a bunch of Grimm creatures attacking the area.

Yang clenches her fist as she sees them flying around."Go. I'll handle them."

Morrison nodded and went to the hotel. Nina stood up and followed him as well while Yang stayed behind. She takes out her Scroll and contacted a few people until she sees two Griffons landing in front of her. Yang puts her Scroll away and cracks her fist before charging at them.

Meanwhile, Patty ran up the stairs of the hotel as Morrison and Nina followed her.

"Patty! Don't go charging on ahead of us!"Morrison called.

Patty kept running until she stops at a room that was surrounded by fire.

"It's no good. We can't get through this."Morrison said.

"But if we don't get through here, we can't get to the south wing's top floor."Nina said.

"All right, there has to be a sprinkler control valve somewhere. You wait here."Morrison said as he left to find a sprinkler control, leaving Patty with her mother.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think something this bad would happen, I..."Patty said.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry...Patty. For making you lonely for such a long time."Nina said.

Patty was surprised as she heard those words and couldn't help but tear up."Mom..."

The sprinklers activated and managed to extinguish the fire.

"Well, this beats me. A little cooler in here now, huh, you two..."Morrison walked in the room to see Patty and Nina pulling each other in a tight embrace.

Outside the hotel, Yang was busy fighting off a few Griffons and Ursais that were on her way. The Ursais roared and swiped at her but Yang dodges their attacks and kept punching the Grimms away but they just kept coming and coming.

Yang panted as more Grimms started surrounding her. Then, a Beowolf jumps right behind her until, it was somehow sliced in half. The Grimms backed away a bit as they see a white haired man in blue, standing behind Yang. The blonde-haired Huntress turns and smiles to see who it is.

"(Y/N)!"Yang said.

"Long time no see."(Y/N) said as he charged forward and killed a few Grimms.

A spear was then thrown at an Ursai's head and Pyrrha lands on the ground.

"Hopefully we weren't late."Pyrrha said.

Then, a trail of roses came dashing right to the Beowolves direction, killing them all in an instant and Ruby lands right next to her sister.

"Yang!"Ruby said.

"Ruby!"Yang said.

Then a few others like, Weiss, Blake, Sun, Adam, Nora, Ren and Jaune appeared as well.

"Sup!"Sun greeted.

"We heard the call. What's happening around here?"Weiss asked.

"Some powerful Grimm has unleashed an army of Grimms here. We need to stop them as long as we can."Yang said.

"Where's Dante?"Adam asked.

"I'm not sure. He went to stop this guy."Yang said.

"What guy?"Blake asked

Then, all of them look to see a few more Grimms standing in their way and they all readied their weapons.

"Well, I think we'll have to save the talking for later."(Y/N) said.

"I agree."Adam said.

The Grimms roared at them and they charged forward to fight the creatures. Meanwhile, Patty, Morrison and Nina entered the room they were at earlier and found it empty.

"Awfully quiet, isn't it? So what are we supposed to do?"Morrison asked.

"I don't know either."Nina said.

"What do you mean you don't know? Isn't there some sort of spell or something?"Morrison said.

Patty looked around and sees her mother's broken pendant on the floor. Suddenly a Geist appears behind her and reaches its hands out to her.

"Patty!"Nina said.

Then, a few Geists appeared and grabs Morrison and Nina. The Geist picks her up and holds Patty tightly. The little girl struggled as she tried to break free from its grip.

"Dante!"Patty called."DANTE!"

Suddenly, a beam of light appeared around them and the Geists back away, letting go of Patty, Morrison and Nina.

"What's with those Grimms?"Morrison said.

Patty looks down to see that her own pendant is also glowing as well.

"Patty...That pendant..."Nina said.

Then, a small beam of light appears and Patty immediately rushes towards it.

"Hey, wait, Patty!"Morrison said but Patty jumps to the light and light disappears before he could reach her."What's happening? Where did Patty go?"

"The Land of Darkness, I would think."Nina said,

"The Land of Darkness?"Morrison said.

"But the pendant Patty has contains a shard of Alan's Tear. It doesn't have much power as Alan's Tear, but it's got enough to magic to at least protect her.

Meanwhile, Patty walked around in the Land of Darkness and searches for Dante.

"Where are you, Dante?"Patty said, looking around.

Back at the city, (Y/N) was slaying a few Grimm creatures in his way before looking at the hotel.

"Where are you, Dante?"(Y/N) said before decapitating a Ursai from behind him.

Patty continued walking her way in the Land of Darkness until she came into a stop. A few meters away from her, she can see Dante sticking on a wall, impaled by his own sword.

"Dante!"Patty said.

She ran towards to where he is but then the ground beneath her shook. Patty almost fell but she manages to hold on, to prevent herself from falling even further. As she climbed up, a few Geists tried to grab her but the light on her pendant beamed causing them to back away.

Patty climbed up and rushed to Dante."Dante, wake up!"

No reply.

"I'll take that out for you!"Patty said as she climbed on Dante and removes Rebellion off him, slowly.

"There's no way for you to die of a little wound like this, right Dante? Please wake up! And then take down the Grimm like you and Yang always do!"Patty said before giving up in removing his sword off his chest and she then hugs him tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's my fault, isn't it? I'm sorry, Dante. Are you mad? But I don't want this! I can't stand this to have this as our last goodbye! Neither can Yang! I...I haven't even said thank you yet! It was so much fun getting to be with you and Yang, but I haven't...Dante...Dante...please open your eyes!"Patty cried."I won't get mad at you and Yang for messing up your office anymore! And I won't eat your strawberry sundaes without asking, either! Please!"

Suddenly, an arm grabbed her by the leg and Patty looked down to see the ugly-looking man who smiles and drags her down, causing her to fall.

"DANTE!"Patty said.

Later, Patty woke up and sat up weakly. She looks around to see that she was back in the hotel room but Morrison and Nina weren't around.

"Dante..."Patty said.

Then, she hears a low laugh from behind. Patty turned around to see the ugly-looking man, in the form of Abigail outside the window.

"There's no need to be afraid, little girl. I just wanted to say, thank you. After all, thanks to you, I was able to get enough power to rule the world."The man said.

"Hmph. You're no match for Dante. When he comes back, he'll take you down for sure!"Patty said and a few Geists appear behind her.

"Dante's dead, girl."The man said.

"There's no way Dante would die at the hands of someone like you."Patty said.

She hears something drop from behind and sees that Morrison and Nina are taken hostage by one of the Geists.

""Morrison said

The Geists began floating towards Patty. She tries to run away but the Grimm Creatures surrounded her. Patty tried to find a way but the Geists got closer and closer.

"DANTE!"Patty called out.

Suddenly, gunshots were heard and the Geists were killed in an instant.

"What?!"The man said.

Patty looks up and sees a familiar figure standing in front of her. To her joy, it was Dante. She smiled in joy and smiles at him. The Half-Grimm looks at her and returns the smile.

"Is...Is it really you, Dante?"Patty asked.

"Is there another man this attractive out there?"Dante said.

Patty shook her head before noticing that Rebellion is still impaled through his chest."Dante, that's..."

"Oh this? It looks like a certain someone has played a trick on me while I was having a nice little nap."Dante said as blood started coming out of his chest, causing Patty to shake in fear and pass out at the sight."Perfect timing. The rest of the show is adults-only."

Dante then pulls out Rebellion off his chest and walks towards Abigail."Patty, this time, I might owe you a "thank you". You wait there. As a reward, I'll give him a good lashing from you after I delivered mine. Anybody who pulls pranks like this needs to be taught a lesson. Morrison, I'll leave the rest to you."

"Man, you make me wait forever and then you go making selfish requests."Morrison said.

"Sorry."Dante said as he crashes through the roof of the hotel where comes face to face with Abigail.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) and Adam were slaying a few Grimms until they looked up to see Dante and Abigail on the top of the hotel.

"He sure took his time."Adam said.

Dante smiled as he then comes face to face with Abigail."Heh, you've grown since I last saw you. I'll pay you back for what you did, make no mistake."

"Can you? After all, I have enough power to rule the human world, let alone the Land of Darkness."The man said.

"I've just had about enough of your arrogant attitude."Dante said.

Abigail roared and sent a few attacks at Dante before impaling him with a few spikes. Dante laughed, much to Abigail's surprise.

"In the end, child's play like this is the most you can do. You continue to disappoint me, Sid."Dante said as he breaks free from the spikes.

"This...This can't be!"Sid/Abigail said.

"You can grow big as you want. You can grow uglier as you want and you can get yourself word-dominating power but I gotta tell you's pointless!"Dante said as he charges the Grimm.

Sid/Abigail raises its arm and clashes with Dante. The two of them struggled with all of their might until Dante briefly transforms into his Grimm Trigger to send a powerful blast at him, weakening the Grimm and sending him back. Below the hotel, all of the Grimms around the are were killed and RWBY, JNPR, Sun, (Y/N) and Adam looked up to the top of the building.

"Why...Why can't I win?! I got power that was top notch in the Land of Darkness! I don't care how strong you are, something is wrong with this picture! This is totally unfair! Is it decided from the moment we were born, then?! That Grimms born without special powers are fated to be stomped by you?! I can't believe that! If this is how things are, no matter what I do, it's meaningless!"Sid said.

"It's not about that. It's about souls."Dante said.

"Huh?"Sid said.

"Basically, someone like you who lets his soul rot can't measure up to someone with a real soul just by getting some power."Dante said,

Sid chuckled."Well then, wise, strong, Dante, you'll let me live even now, won't you? Just like you have before."

"No can do. You went too far. But you know, I kinda liked you."Dante said.

"Y-You..brat!"Sid said charging up to him.

Dante takes out Ebony and aims it at Sid's head."And Jackpot."he said before pulling the trigger.

The sun rose up and Dante later walks down and is surprised to see his friends and his brothers.

"(Y/N), Adam."Dante smiled.

"Brother."(Y/N) said and all three of them hugged each other.

"What the hell are you guys doing around here?"Dante said after they pulled away.

"Yang contacted all of us about the attack. Fortunately, we've arrived just in time."Adam said.

"And where were you?"(Y/N) asked,

"Oh, I just got teleported back to the Land of Darkness, took a little nap and woke up."Dante said."Going back there wasn't really much of a memory lane, to be honest."

"I'd hate to go back there."(Y/N) said.

"Dante!"Yang and Patty said, running up to him and tackled him to the ground.

Dante grunted a bit."Hey, you two, take it easy. I'm still injured."

The two of them pulled away.

"Sorry!"Yang said and Dante got up.

"Patty."Dante said.

"Yes?"Patty asked.

"You'll always be with your mother from now on. Have a happy life."Dante said.

Patty glances at her mother and nods at him.

"And here I thought you and Yang got busy."(Y/N) said.

"You two have been babysitting lately?"Adam asked.

"Well, yeah. We are but..seems like the job's done now."Dante said.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure I'll take the time visiting you and Yang. And please, don't make a mess on the office again."Patty said,

"Of course."Dante said.

"We promise!"Yang said.

Then, a Beowolf shows up along with a bunch of other Grimms. They all roared at them and the three Half-Grimms readied their weapons. RWBY and JNPR did the same

(play Devil May Cry 3 OST- Devil's Never Cry)

"Better close your eyes, Patty. This show's not for kids."Dante said.

"Despite being her babysitter, you sure act like a father."(Y/N) said.

"Well, I know that at some point, me and Yang are gonna start a family soon like you."Dante said."Which remind me...what's been going on with you, Adam? Have you..?"

"Nope. Nothing. Let's talk about that later after this."Adam said.

"Fine, fine. Sorry for asking. Now then...shall we begin the event?"Dante asked.

"Thought you never asked."(Y/N) said.

"Let's do this."Adam said.

Dante smiled as all of them charged and fought the Grimms. Dante slashes at every Grimm with the assist from his brothers and they kept killing a few more.

"Dante, I swear if you say it one more time, I'll-"(Y/N) was interrupted.

"Jackpot!"Dante said firing his guns at two Grimms


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