Magic | Steve Rogers

بواسطة standwithcap

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1 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 7 𝖎𝖓 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 When we think magic, we think fantasy. We never expect it to be re... المزيد



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بواسطة standwithcap

Agent Coulson hasn't been able to stop fanning over the Captain since they met... properly. He has trading cards in his locker. Agent Stone is in the medbay for her daily checkup while Agent Romanoff accompanies the mad doctor.

"I mean, if it's not too much trouble, " Coulson says.Coulson tells Rogers, meaning if it's not too much trouble to sign his trading cards as Agent Sitwell is doing a face recognition for Loki.

"No, no. It's fine ,"Steve says.

"It's a vintage set. It took me a couple of years to collect them all. Near mint. Slight foxing around the edges, but--"

"We got a hit. A 67% match. Wait. Cross match. 79," Agent Sitwell says.

"Location?" Coulson asks.

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Königstrasse. He's not exactly hiding."

"Captain... you're up."

Steve walks out of the bridge and goes to the armory. He can't step into a fight without the proper armor, of course. On the way there, he catches a glimpse of Lauren hooked up to a machine in medical. She creates a fireball in her hand, then passes it to the doctor examining her. The doctor freaks out and tries to put out the fire. Lauren tries to calm the doctor down, and show her how she has control over it. She won't let the fire burn the doctor.

The doctor looks at her with amazement, then instantly rights it down. She wasn't able to do that before.

Soon, everybody gets suited up. Natasha is co-pilot while Lauren and Steve sit in the back of the jet. They arrive in Germany where Loki attends a local gallery.

The gallery soon becomes empty after Loki's arrival. People run out onto the streets. Screaming.

The police cars drive towards Loki, but he fires his scepter at the cars, stopping them enough for hi to cross the street as they flip over. He teleports so the people are trapped and says;

"Kneel before me."

He then creates illusions of himself surrounding the crowd.

"I said, kneel!"

Immediately, they all kneel.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

An old man in the crowd stands up, taking and stand and says, "Not to men like you".

"There are no men like me."

"There are always men like you."

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example," Loki says as he aims his scepter towards the man.

Steve then drops down from the quinjet, lands in front of the old man, and blocks the attack with his shield. The energy then ricochets back to Loki, knocking him to the ground.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany, and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing," Steve says as he walks towards the god.

"The soldier. The man out of time,"Loki says as he gets up.

"I'm not the one's who's out of time", Steve says as the qinjet flies towards them.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down".

Loki fires at the qinjet and then Cap throws his shield at him. Steve catches his shield and punches Loki in the face, but it doesn't effect him. Loki tries stabbing him with his scepter but Steve blocks it with his shield. Steve punches him in the side then Loki knocks him down with his scepter, knocking Cap a few feet back . He throws his shield at Loki again, but he dodges it by wacking it with his scepter. Steve throws a punch, misses, Loki swings his scepter and misses. Loki, trying to stab Steve, now has the tip of his scepter in the ground and then Steve punches Loki's back. But, Loki hits Steve with his scepter, knocking him a few feet away from him. Loki puts the back of his scepter on Setev's back and says;


"Not today."

Steve round-house kicks the god in the face.

"The guy's all over the place," Natasha says over the earpiece.

"Agent Romanoff. You miss me?"

A familiar voice comes through the comms as AC/DC plays through the PA.

Iron Man then comes flying down, shooting Loki back and lands on the ground in a kneeld position. He then aims his weapons from the suit, and says;

"Make your move, Reindeer Games".

Loki then puts his hands up and magically removing his armor. Iron Man retracts his weapons and says, "Good move".

"Mr. Stark," Steve says.

"Captain," Tony says.

Lauren then teleports down to them, which makes Tony jump.

" Gah, I was just reading about you, I should have expected that," Tony says as he retracts his helmet, " But I wasn't expecting you to be so... gorgeous... WOW... You really are gorgeous."

" Thank you, Mr.Stark," Lauren says as she places Loki in handcuffs.

" How come you didn't come down here and give this poor old man a break?" Tony asks.

" I'm under orders to not intervene unless absolutely necessary," She responds.

" Sounds like Fury just wants to keep you all to himself, " He says, " Not that I blame him."

" Tony, stop flirting and get your ass on the jet," Natasha says over the PA. 

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