Are You With Me? ~ Elizabeth...

By grw255nyc

1M 28.9K 20.7K

Y/N is no longer a normal twenty something year old working her way through life in New York City. Well she i... More

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Mackie &

12.9K 426 281
By grw255nyc

It's now the second week back home and I'm preparing to watch Lizzies interview with Anthony Mackie. She's going to FaceTime me and watch it with me since its prerecorded. I get to the right channel to watch Kimmel and just as I get there my phone buzzes.

Me: Hello, sweetheart.

E: Hi, love bug.

Me: We counted wrong

E: What are you talking about?

Me: Thanksgiving was 6 weeks away not 5.

E: I really didn't need that.

Me: Sorry, anyway am I going to like this interview?

E: I think so, we talk about Wandavision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier kinda.

Me: Then I'll love it. Oh it's starting. Damn you look hot.

E: Shhhh just watch.

The interview:

Kimmel: Hey you two!

E: Hi Jimmy!

Anthony: Hello hello!

Kimmel: So you two are all that everyone is talking about. How does it feel having some kick butt shows?

E; It feels really great actually, I expect everything I do to fail so when it works out it's nice.

A: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie, when are you going to learn how amazing you are? Isn't she the best? He directs to the audience and they cheer loudly. I smile at the blush on her cheeks.

K: She is isn't she? What about you Mackie? How does it feel being Cap?

A: It's an honor. I'm really proud with how we told the story and I'm excited to see where it goes.

K: So are your shows getting more seasons? With all this success I'm sure Marvel wants more?

They both shrug and give teasing smiles.

K: Oh come on! Whatever. Lizzie, you recently did a photo shoot with your girlfriend Y/N right?

E: I did, it was really fun. She's never done anything like that before but she was a natural.

K: You brought some pictures right?

She nods and they look to the screen showing a few of the pictures from the shoot. They chose the one with the hand on the back of my neck and the one where I'm smirking before she kisses my cheek.

A: Dammnnnnnn Okay Y/N!

E: Uh yeah, anyway she was really great. Before we started we were having a little moment and Helen the photographer snapped a shot without us knowing. The flash scared Y/N and her reaction was priceless.

The pictures continue to cycle through and Mackie is still looking at them

A: Look at those abs Lizzie. You know how to pick em. I bet Y/N doesn't skip leg day. Are squats her passion? When do I get to meet her?

I see Lizzie kind of get annoyed and she blushes rolling her eyes.

K: Mackie what are you even saying? We never know what this guy says.

E: He just needs to hear himself speak.

I laugh at the sass.

A: Didn't Y/N mention me in an interview? I feel honored.

E: She mentioned the dick-pic puzzle. I'm glad you never sent that.


K: Oh no, here we go. You two together wasn't a good idea.

A: What do you mean? We love each other. See?

He pulls Lizzie into a side hug and she playfully rolls her eyes but returns the hug. I smile knowing she really does enjoy Mackie's company.

K: Aw, how sweet. So you aren't going to tell me anything about your shows?

E: Not a thing.

A: Well, I think something is coming. But who knows what it is. We don't know anything ever.

K: Right, I totally believe that. Thank you for stopping by, it's always good to see both of you. Lizzie Olsen and Anthony Mackie everyone!

I mute the tv as I watch them playfully tease each other as they leave the stage.

Me: That was adorable babe.

E: Mackie got his ass handed to him after.

Me: What? Why?

E: He was hitting on you on television!

Me: Oh, right. I mean it's Mackie, you know he says stupid shit.

E: But you're mine.

Me: Cute pout babe.

E: Shut up. I love having you do little things to get you into this world but I forget that means I have to share you.

Me: I can see that. You know I'm gay right?

E: Yes. Obviously.

Me: And isn't he married?

E: I think?

Me: Then you have nothing to worry about.

E: I know, I still don't like how he was talking about you though.

Me: That's okay babe. But I'm yours.

E: That's correct, glad you agree. Alright, you need to get to bed.

Me: You're right. Thanks for watching it with me, my love.

E: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Me: I love you

E: I love you too, Night night

Me: Sweet dreams

I end the call and smile remembering the interview. She was so excited to talk about me and it makes my heart really happy. Mackie's reaction to the photos is interesting and I'm kind of realizing that people are actually seeing me with Lizzie in some interesting photos. But whatever, I like them and others seem to as well.


Today we are bringing the seniors to Central Park for a field day of some sort. I'm organizing the flag football game and I'm also a captain of one of the teams. Another teacher is the other captain and we have an ongoing fantasy football beef so this will be interesting. My little posse is my team of course and we are ready to dominate. I'm playing quarterback and one of my students from last year is playing wide receiver so this should be fun.

My school takes competition very seriously so there will be prizes. I'm currently passing the ball around with a few students having them run routes to warm up. One of my students is a track star so I have him run as fast and as far as he can before turning to catch the ball, it goes pretty far and I smirk over at the other teacher when he catches it doing a little dance.

I notice there's a camera pointed in my direction and sigh. Fuck. Now these kids are getting pictured just because of me. One of my more outspoken student comes up to me. "Miss, is that a paparazzi?" She playfully poses next to me and I laugh.

"It is, which is kind of annoying." I state and place my hands on my hips trying to figure out what I should do.

"No this is cool!" I sigh and decide to try and ignore it. If the students notice whatever, it seems like they are going to ham it up. A whistle blows and we do a coin toss. We win and I choose to receive of course. So now I have my track star student deep to receive the punt. He gets pretty far before a flag is thrown up in the air and we set up. I call a running play and continue to use the fast student to my advantage but the other team is getting used to the routes. Time for some passing. I tell a couple students to go long but plan to short pass to confuse the other team.

I yell hut and complete the pass and cheer at how far the student got, giving her a high five back in the huddle. We set up another play, this time I tell them its going to be a long pass. I yell hut again and drop back seeing students running at me from all sides before launching a ball to to end zone. The student catches it and my team proceeds to do a celebration dance in the end zone. I laugh at their antics and we continue playing. Our team ends up winning and overall it was a very fun day. I buy ice cream for all the kids on my team as a prize which makes some jealous but we won fair and square. We make sure the kids all get on the bus safely at the end of the day and I stay for my Friday ritual.

I walk to my bench and settle down on it, sighing deeply at how active I was today. I wipe the sweat off my forehead before my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my bag and smile answering it quickly.

Me: Hello, my love

E: Someone had an eventful day!

Me: I did, we had a day at the park. My team won of course.

E: There's an article praising your abilities already.

Me: Really? Do I look badass?

E: Oh, totally babe. A football star. If I was there I would be a good rusher.

Me: Amazing and I bet, those long legs are very powerful. How was your day?

E: Horrible. I miss you.

Me: I miss you too my love.

E: I'm pissed that I counted wrong. I plan to be back the Monday before Thanksgiving though.

Me: That's good. What are we planning on doing for Thanksgiving? I think my mom wants to come visit.

E: What if we hosted dinner? Your mom can stay with us.

Me: My brothers might come too.

E: We can get a couple air mattresses and the couch has a bed in it as well.

Me: Okay, cool. But we should invite your sisters and parents too.

E: What about your dad babe? You never talk about him.

Me: Uh, we just have a complicated relationship. He's not a big city guy so I don't know if he would even come.

E: Your parents are divorced too? Her soft tone is sweet, telling me she's not sure she should bring it up.

Me: They are yeah. Since I was in like 5th grade. I've always been closer to my mom.

E: Well if you don't want to you don't have to invite him. I'm not very close with my dad but I want to invite him. We don't have issues or anything so that's good. I really want him to meet you though

Me: I'd like to meet him too. Your mom is lovely.

E: She loves you. She saw the advocate article and loved the pictures. She asked how your were doing.

Me: That's really sweet. Kind of weird that she's seen the pictures but I'm really happy she likes me.

E: Me too.

Me: Were there any pictures of the kids in the articles today?

E: Not that I've seen no.

Me: Okay good, I don't want to cause any issues with that.

E: See? You care about them and leaving the school would kill you.

Me: About that

E: What did you do?

Me: Nothing, but I talked to my coach about taking on a different role in the department.

E: What would that be?

Me: A curriculum developer for the school, specifically for math. I'd still work with kids and get to design the math curriculum at the school, which we need. I would work with her since she's the head of the department. We are going to pitch the position to admin soon.

E: What does that mean?

Me: It would be a role where I wouldn't have to be in New York and in the building so much. I can work from home. They would probably have me teach through the end of the year because of my contract but for next year I could go with you wherever you are.

E: Oh, wow. And it's really something you want to do?

Me: It is. I've wanted to do this for a while since I realized how messed up the math track is at the school. Students deserve a good math curriculum and I want to design it. Your sisters reminded me about it during our dinner.

E: Then I support it fully. Update me when you know more?

Me: Of course my love, I gotta head home its getting dark.

E: Okay, text me when you get home safe. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I end the call and sigh in relief. She didn't fight against it at all. I think about how different my life could be in the next year and get slightly anxious but I'm mostly excited. I realize my first trial as a model for The Row is this weekend. The twins wanted to get me in ASAP because they have a new line coming out. The butterflies in my stomach are confusing because they are both anxious and excited. As I get home I send the text and get ready for bed. My life is changing so quick, but I'm so ready.
A/N 4 chapters in 1 day? I'm having too much fun. Let me know what you think!

Sorry if there are mistakes I'm falling asleep

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