Blood to Love | 4th year

By snapeproperty

23.3K 589 180

☆ second story in the sequel ☆ • go read "Blood to Love | 3rd year" if you haven't! ✰☽♡𑁍✯☼ He cursed under h... More

Background Info
2- Mad-Eye Moody
3- A Cliché-Filled Day
4- Jealousy, Jealousy
5- Avoidance
6- Continuously Shattered
7- The Familiar Snogging Cupboard
8- Second Choice
9- The Boy Who Never Cared
10- The Camping Trip
11- Discovering Dragons
12- Task One
13- The Afterparty
14- Hagrid's Big Day
15- POTTER-y
16- Waltzing and Waists
17- Sealed With a Kiss
18- The Yule Ball
19- An Unexpected Turn of Events
20- 1995
21- Finn's First Day
22- The Cycle of Hate
23- Shots with Snape
24- Task Preparation
25- Task Two
26- Celebrating Ron
27- Partying, Puking, and Perfection
28- The Pensieve
29- Daddy Issues
30- Cupcakes and Chaos
31- Task Three
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑻𝒘𝒐
Abouts: 5th year
5th year update!

1- A Triwizard Tournament

1.4K 22 8
By snapeproperty

I hauled my luggage into a compartment on the familiar scarlet express along with Blaise and Pansy, who I had met up with outside of platform.

We took a seat and waited for Draco to join us. Blaise seemed to remember my fear of frogs and acted upon it by throwing an unwrapped chocolate frog my way.

I flinched, grabbed the chocolate frog off of my lap, and insincerely chucked it out of the express window, watching it gracefully fly into the unknown while grinning mischievously.

Blaise gasped at me and Pansy smirked slightly until a sudden click was heard next to us.

We glanced over and Draco Malfoy was opening our glass compartment door and shoving his belonging above the seat and on the rack. He then slid in the seat next to me and leaned in instantly.

I sunk into his kiss and made it count, as we hadn't felt each other's touch since the light snog session at the quidditch cup.

I fell into my usual electrical shock as his hands traveled down me. Even after the numerous times we've snogged, my heart still pounded and my stomach fluttered every time he repositioned his lips on mine.

"Should we leave or do you guys have business hours that you could schedule us for?" Blaise joked. "If so, we'd book an appointment to catch up whenever you two are finished with each other."

I involuntarily pulled away from Draco after hearing Blaise's snide comment.

"Would you like to join?" I asked insultingly while turning back to Draco and giving him one last desperate kiss.

"Absolutely!" Blaise shouted to which earned him a eyebrow raise from me and another questionable comment from Draco.

"Come on in mate. My two favorite people."

Pansy huffed and I shook my head at the odd conversation occurring.

"Anything from the trolley?" the familiar elderly lady asked while pulling up outside of our sliding door with a cart full of snacks.

"Another chocolate frog and a pack of Berties Bott's Every Flavor Beans," Blaise said, wanting to share his snacks with Pansy.

She handed him the snacks while Blaise handed her some coins and then turned to Draco and I.

"Two pumpkin pasties," I requested as Draco shook his head, implying he didn't want anything.

She handed me the two snacks and I handed one to Draco out of the kindness of my heart. He thanked me, saying I didn't have to get him anything.

"I'm going to the restroom. I'll be back," I informed them while shuffling around Draco and exiting the compartment.

I walked down the hall and headed toward the restrooms. Before I walked in, I noticed Ron and Harry standing outside of their compartment and grabbing their own fill of snacks.

I waved at them and they waved back. Harry smiled brightly at me and turned to Cho Chang who was right behind him getting a treat as well. He lightly smiled at her but turned back to me and gestured for me to walk over.

I decided against going to the restroom and walked over to his compartment in which he shared with Ron and Hermione as he did each year.

"Hey," I said. "You and Cho?"

Harry hesitated for a moment and shook his head no. I smirked at him and he looked down embarrassingly, his feelings very hard to read.

"I've got to get back to Malfoy, but I'll see you guys at school?"

"See you," Ron mumbled as he chowed down his packet of droobles.

Hermione scoffed at him and then said goodbye to me as I got up and left.

I went back to my compartment and sat down in my spot at the window while Draco placed his hand in mine.

"Can we catch up now?" Pansy asked.

"Sure," I began while going on to explain the important events that partook at The Burrow.

My three friends nodded, laughed, and made arrogant comments at the right moments and once I finished, they explained some of the events they did with one another.

After they went through the vast activities that they involved themselves in, the train stopped abruptly and we grabbed our belongings, elated for the annual beginning of the year feast.

I grasped Draco's hand tightly in mine while dragging my luggage in the other and pulled him out of the train, eager to eat and mingle with the people I hadn't seen in months.

I simply stared out of the window as we rode the carriages to Hogwarts, the thestrals pulling us slowly. Much staring out of the window, anxiousness, and dullness occurred. That was, until we finally arrived.

"First years over here!" Hagrid bellowed while the small eleven year olds exited their boats and stumbled up the to castle grounds, their faces in awe at the building before their eyes.

"You know what this calls for," I said while pulling out my wand and hexing a few "kick me" signs on the back of the first years. I had to, it was tradition.

"That wasn't very nice," Draco whispered, although grinning at my evilness towards the first years and hexing a few of his own signs on the children's backs.

I gave him a sarcastic smile and we walked into the usual castle that I hadn't been in for a whole two months. This place was a second home to most of us and sometimes it was difficult to be without it.

The ceilings seemed taller than before and the stairs were just as intimidating to us as the new students. The floor was spotless (thanks, Filch) and the walls were still filled with portraits of dead alumni. We continued walking along the halls until we reached the Great Hall.

Our house flags were draped over each long table and the professors were proudly sitting in their chairs at the end of the enormous room, evidently happy to be back. It was their job after all.

I followed my fellow housemates to the Slytherin table, sitting across from Blaise and Pansy and next to Draco; it was like we never left.

"It's more beautiful than I remembered," I whispered to Draco.

He rolled his eyes playfully at me and I noticed that his hair wasn't flopped near his face, but more neat and parted to the side.

He caught me staring like he usually did.

"Care to share what's roaming around that pretty little mind of yours as you stare at my hair?"

"It looks nice. Different, but nice."

"As it always does."

"You're extremely arrogant."

"You are as well."

"Shut up you two!" Pansy whispered while pointing at Dumbledore who was strutting up to his podium to announce something after the students were sorted, though Draco and I bickered and missed the whole thing.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen —"

Dumbledore was interrupted by Filch sprinting high-knee style and whispering something seemingly important in his ear.

Dumbledore nodded quickly and continued with his speech while Filch walked back to the entrance with Mrs. Norris at his side.

"Hogwarts has been choosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. Now for those of you who do not know, The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say that these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."

With those final words, a monstrous lady with a large fur coat clomped through the Great Hall and stood near Dumbledore while watching the entrance as if more people were going to walk in.

As expected, a group of girls waltzed into the room in blue dresses along with matching hats with a pointed tip. I glanced over at Draco and caught him glancing at the blonde girl in the front and I narrowed my eyes at him. He quickly turned to face me and sent an apologetic smile.

I huffed and went back to watching the girls let out breaths and sway through the Great Hall. They were gorgeous; I didn't blame anyone for staring.

Once the school of girls were all standing at the front of the room, receiving all the attention from the Hogwarts students, Dumbledore made a second announcement.

"And now our friends from the north, please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang
and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."

I eagerly whipped my head in the direction of the door to see who was arriving next. A group of guys stomped in while doing backflips and tricks through the narrow openings between the four house tables. I also, similar to Draco, caught myself staring at one guy in particular and turned to face Draco, who I must say was more handsome than any of the boys who just walked in.

He caught me as well and I simply shrugged at him.

"You're much better looking," I whispered.

"You as well," he said while a smirk formed across his face and he glanced daringly at my lips.

"We're at dinner," I scolded lightly, not acting on the urge to lean in and cause any sort of scene around my fellow housemates, who would, in all honesty, not care one bit.

I turned my gaze to the table of professors and noticed Hagrid sticking a fork into Flitwick's hand. I let out a sharp breath as Hagrid panicked while pulling out the piece of silverware and patting his fellow coworker lightly in an attempt to apologize.

"You idiot," Fltiwick growled at Hagrid.

Dumbledore went on to explain how The Triwizard Tournament would earn you eternal glory and that it is, again, not to be taken lightly because the three tasks in place were very dangerous.

Fred and George mumbled a few words that suggested they were intrigued in the contest.

Suddenly, the sky began to boom with thunder and Draco glanced up in fear. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly as a man with a wooden-like leg hobbled over and whipped his wand out to stop the storm from breaking out.

Rumors spread quickly and apparently the man who was standing there proudly, drinking from a flask, was named Mad-Eye Moody.

Whispers went around and the Minister of Magic — who had been standing near the professors — began speaking.

"After much deliberation, the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for The Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final."

Groans and shouts echoed throughout the great hall. Even the twins seemed upset.

"That's rubbish!" Fred and George angrily shouted. "You don't know what you're doing!"

I honestly didn't plan on putting my name in myself so I didn't mind the age rule, however, the younger students seemed to have an issue with it, as they continued yelling.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled. "Those willing and able to submit their names into the goblet will simply need to write their names on a piece of parchment. If chosen, there's no turning back."

With those final words, dinner commenced and talk of the tournament was the only thing spilling out of everyone's mouths.

"You weren't going to participate anyways, we're you?" I asked Blaise, Pansy, and Draco.

They all said a variant of the word no and I nodded contently while finishing my plate off.

Once dinner ended, the halls became packed with students guessing the series of tasks and how many deaths were going to occur. They began saying that there had been multiple deaths in the past, but I couldn't decipher which statements were true or just attention-seeking comments.

Draco dragged me dramatically to the Slytherin common room and Blaise was also being eagerly hauled by Pansy.

Blaise and I made direct eye contact with one another and both had a confused expressions etched acrossed our faces.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?" I questioned.

"Patience, L/n."

I sighed in defeat until we made our way to the Slytherin common room. Draco stated the password aloud and the door swung open in full suspense.

A banner was draped across the room reading "Happy Birthday Blaise and Y/n!"

I smiled at it and noticed Daphne and Astoria also sitting and awaiting our arrival. I turned around and hugged Pansy while giving Draco a quick kiss.

"Happy birthday!" Pansy excitedly said.

I gave Daphne a light appreciation pat on the shoulder and Astoria a firm hug. Cupcakes were placed on the common room table and Draco grabbed me one with a lit candle.

"We don't have to do the whole singing thing if you don't want to," he whispered while using his wand to light the small candle on the cupcake.

"No, we don't have to," I whispered back while making direct eye contact with him.

He glanced down at the cupcake candle, suggesting for me to blow it out.

I closed my eyes and made a wish by blowing out the candle softly. Draco took the candle out of the cupcake and set it to the side.

He then stepped closer to me and held up the candle for me to grab out of his hands. As I reached for it, he smirked and shoved it on my lips.

"Malfoy!" I shouted, about the wipe the icing off of my face.

Before I could, he leaned in and sucked the icing off me using his lips and tongue.

I gasped at him, although he continued, causing me to let out a breath that I was unaware of holding.

"How was that?" he asked while looking around the room to make sure none of our friends were watching.

"I might have to make a mess more often," I said while staring into his icy eyes.

"I'll always be there to clean it up," he replied while walking away to sit next to Blaise, leaving me completely astonished.

Pansy walked up to me and lightly shook my shoulder while reaching over and grabbing her own cupcake. I gave her a small smile and followed her over to sit next to Astoria on the common room couch where various memories were made just last year.

"We've got to go but I'll catch you guys later," Daphne said while grabbing Astoria's hand and hauling her to the girls dormitory.

"Thanks for all of this," I called out as they disappeared from behind the stairs.

Draco stood up from the one person chair that he was sharing with Blaise and he plopped down next to me while wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I leaned onto his shoulder and he kissed my forehead before placing his own egoistic head on mine.

We sat there while Blaise and Pansy were intertwined on the other small couch.

The firelight warmed the room quite a bit and with the heat radiating onto me and Draco on me, I was becoming extremely heated in the face.

"What's got you blushing so much?" Blaise pointed out.

"Me," Draco muttered while adjusting his head on mine.

I shoved his body off of mine and scooted as far away as I could from him on the couch. He looked at me with confusion and I turned my head to hide my forming smirk.

"Something wrong?" he asked while scooting closer to me.

"You're so determined to embarrass me aren't you?" I questioned I said with a sigh while glancing at him but turning back teasingly.

"Embarrass me then."

"Draco wears plaid pajamas," I announced to the stragglers in the common room.

They all snickered at him and I turned back to face him.

He narrowed his eyes and I grinned at him. He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me up from the couch. I furrowed my eyebrows while he lead me to his dorm.

The door was kicked open and I hesitantly walked in as he motioned for me to. After entering right after me, he slammed the door and quickly locked it.

He suddenly lunged towards me and connected our lips.

I shoved him away quickly.

"What are you doing, Malfoy?"

"If you want to be an imbecile girlfriend then you're going to pay."

"Gladly," I said.

He grabbed me by my wrists and forced me into the wall behind me. I breathed heavily as he belligerently aroused me with his lips. I snogged him back aggressively and his hands slid down my back, freeing me from his grasp against the wall as my own arms lightly hung around the back of his neck.

His nose grazed mine as he turned his head and I let out a warm laugh, as it tickled me.

My back was slightly arched as Draco's hands gripped me tighter while pulling me forward. I stood on the tips of my toes to reach Draco's lips and he slightly bent down as well. As he continued pulling me closer, our hips effortlessly bumped into one another.

"It's getting late," I whispered during a desperate breath.

"You'd rather sleep than do this?" he questioned while slipping his hand under my shirt and tracing shapes on my bare back.

"Not necessarily but I have to get my stuff together and wake up early."

He groaned, not stopping.


He finally pulled away. We stood, forehead on forehead, staring, him electrifying me just by plainly standing in my presence.

"Off we go," he whispered while kissing me quickly and twirling me around the room before we exited.

I smiled playfully. "Dancing Malfoy."

"Dancing Malfoy has swept Y/n off her feet."

"Yes he has," I whispered while rushing out of the room and closing the door after me with him left behind.

He opened it rapidly and immediately found me hiding behind the now ajar door.

He grabbed me by my wrists and spun me once more while I landed right in his chest when he jerked me in. He hugged me tightly and we walked like that all the way into my dorm.

"How's it feel being fourteen?" he asked while sitting on my bed and mimicking my question from his birthday.

I raced around the room and got my belongings packed up for classes tomorrow. I opened up my trunk and began unloading all of my belongings.

"It's fine. Not as good a hanging out with this one guy, though."

"Who is this mystery man?" he questioned.

"Somebody who eats the icing off of my face."

Draco grinned and suddenly grabbed my diary from the trunk and began reading aloud as I complained while unpacking.

June 31 1993

Dear Diary,
Second year has come to an end! I've made a promise to myself to stick up to Malfoy next school year. Please go through with it. I have to go back to my parents over the summer. They won't talk to me. I'll be in my room all summer and hopefully visiting Blaise frequently. I hate it at home.

Much love, Y/n

"That aged well," Draco jested.

"Are you going to stare at me and wait for a response or read another?"

He said no more and flipped to the next entry.

August 16 1993

Dear Diary,
Third year is coming up soon and I'm agitated. I've come to the conclusion that my Slytherin reputation starts soon and I'm done putting up with Malfoy. It seems like he's the only conversation topic when I write but it's only because he's a git and my life isn't all that interesting. Anyways, have fun and help Blaise become less awkward around Pansy, even if you don't like her.

Much love, Y/n

"I'm special," Draco said while grinning.

"You were a loser."

He gasped at my words and flipped the page to the last entry I wrote in.

May 1 1994

Dear Diary,
I forgot about you until Malfoy found you in my dresser. It's awkward sitting here and listening to him read about my past. He will probably be reading this entry too. If so, hi Malfoy! I'm better at quidditch than you :) Anyways, a short catch-up since the summer: still besties with Blaise and good friends with Pansy. I dated Ron and George this year — epic fail! I also kissed both of them plus Adrian Pucey. Although he kissed me unwillingly — not actually me kissing him... Can't forget dearest Malfoy, even though he pushed away. Ironic now because he's obsessed with me. I might be just a teeny bit obsessed with him too. The abs are a big contributor. Also Harry during a game of charades — oops. Until next time!

Much love, Y/n

"First of all, you are not better at quidditch than me. Secondly, I am not obsessed with you. And finally, I have proof that you like my abs," Draco listed while grabbing a quill from my nightstand.

He began scribbling on the next page and once he finished, he tossed me the diary and I read his entry.

September 1 1994

Dear y/n's diary,
Happy birthday Y/n.
You seem to be the type to usually be independent but with me you show your vulnerability and I attempt to do the same to you. I love your stupid laugh and your gorgeous smile, but what I love most is that you don't care what anyone thinks and you don't judge my childish fears.

I used to think I was the sun and everyone revolved around me, but what I realized quickly is that you're the center of my world and my life from now on shall revolve around you because you're the best thing I've ever had. You've taught me to be less self-centered and more caring, mostly to you only though, however, I'm forever grateful. Thank you for showing me true feelings and welcoming me into your pathetic excuse of a life.


"Malfoy? That was so sweet."

He turned his eyes from his shoes to me and I could sense the passion and raw emotions within him.

I stood up from the ground where I was unpacking and walked over to him, hugging him and hoping to show my appreciation. He smiled and lifted me and I slid my legs around him to where I sat on his lap.

"Malfoy, can I tell you something?"

"Anything you want."

"I remember one thing my sister told me before she... well, you know. She used to say 'be true to me and I'll be true to you even if our parents stand in the way' and I'll never forget that quote."

Draco smiled curiously at me. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Promise me you'll always be true to me even if someone stands in the way."

"Always," he whispered while pulling my chin closer to him.

I finished the perfect kiss and hopped up to continue unpacking, regardless of Draco's pleading face.

After awhile of scurrying around my dorm and placing all of my things back in their original place, I rushed to the bathroom and prepared for nightfall.

Once I finished touching up, I waltzed back into my dorm. Draco was lying asleep on my bed and I smiled at his adorable messy hair while climbing in next to him.

"Night, Malfoy," I whispered while flicking off the lights with my wand and crawling in right next to him.

He groaned sleepily and I smiled, breathing in and taking in his green apple scent and the smell of Hogwarts. Pansy slipped into the dorm and said goodnight. I replied and then fell into a deep sleep, hoping fifth year would be the best of them all.

Word Count: 4007

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